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Monsanto man claims it's safe to drink, refuses a glass.

poolcleaner says...

The old Monsanto guy is jerking off the interviewer telling him, "Make this interview good and I'll keep jerking you off. People can drink all the juice I tell them they can drink. Even if it's my weed killer jizz."

But the interviewer knows old Monsanto man likes humiliation so he's like "no, YOU drink it, bitch."

But what he didn't realize is that old Monsanto man would cum so quickly and leave without drinking what he had for him to drink. It was merely the thought of drinking that nasty shit that was enough.

Boom! Instant gay porn classic.

Husband Vs. Pregnant Wife

poolcleaner says...

In a day where videos = money, this is one of the nicest things a husband could do. I'm the same way with my wife except with fucking. Not porn, just funny, humiliating sex. Wait, what're those balls doing THERE? Ohhh, you, you got the camra owt. Really not much diffren an iss.

Left Shark: The Real MVP of Super Bowl XLIX

bareboards2 says...

From this week's issue of The New Yorker:

Shouts & Murmurs February 16, 2015 Issue
Diary of the Left Shark
By Kelly Stout

A remarkable feat of agility was performed on Sunday night, and it had nothing to do with football. It was the sharks. . . . The dancing sharks at Katy Perry’s Super Bowl halftime show . . . danced in unison. But soon, one of the sharks, specifically Left Shark, said enough of that, and began to do his own thing frenetically on national television.

—Washington Post.

First rehearsal went great. Katy says to just call her “Katy”—very down-to-earth move. Happy to see Eric! Grateful he got me this gig, as not a lot of work out there for us sharks.

Second rehearsal O.K. Eric picking up dance moves faster than me, which is no biggie, since I’m still getting over quad injury. Still, resolving to work harder. Went for a beer afterward with dancing Blue Surfboard, named Jeremy. He’s worked with Miley Cyrus!

Eric texted wanting to know if I could use some “extra practice.” Didn’t think I needed “extra practice,” but Eric = good buddy, so I value his input. Couldn’t meet him, though, had book club.

Eric acting high and mighty in rehearsal—keeps referring to himself as “old veteran.” Feel he should turn it down a notch. Super Bowl halftime show is not a combat situation, and metaphor makes no sense.

Rehearsal rough tonight. Eric called my grasp of choreography “amateurish.” Said he did big favor by recommending me, and now worried Katy won’t hire him again. Said work must be “on a professional level” with “zero tolerance for mistakes.” I told him I was sorry to have disappointed, that my work will be “professional level” from here on out. Went to bathroom and cried into fins, but no one saw except Jeremy, who was very understanding. J says Katy makes a lot of people crazy—just ask Russell Brand! Found joke to be a little sexist—and, besides, Katy not really the problem—but appreciated support.

Katy took me aside after rehearsal. Uh-oh. But no! Said she likes seeing my extra effort! On verge of major breakthrough vis-à-vis choreography!

Happy to have long weekend off from rehearsal to regroup. Guy at brunch overheard me talking about current gig and asked if I am a real shark! Of course I’m a real shark! Tried not to be offended, but people can be so ignorant.

Back at rehearsal. Things steadily better, but sometimes feel Eric = competitive with me, since so few of us sharks in the industry. But shouldn’t that bring us closer? (Rising tide lifts all sharks!)

Big day almost here. Grandma and Mom both called to say everyone back home’s rooting for me. Pressure, but in a good way.

Eric recommended some changes to choreography today. Katy considers Eric “genius,” so took recommendations. Feel my success with old choreography hard won, so am disappointed. This time, Eric didn’t offer any “extra help.”

More dance changes today! Can’t keep up, and Eric can tell. Hate to sound paranoid, but worry that Eric’s trying to sabotage me! Going to have a glass of Shiraz to relax before practicing new moves.

Regret drinking entire bottle of wine last night. Skipped rehearsal, which I realize is not “professional level” behavior, but Eric and his “zero-tolerance policy” can suck it.

Embarrassed by last diary entry. Eric is not sabotaging me. Am letting my insecurities get in way of friendship.

NOPE. ERIC’S DEFINITELY TRYING TO SABOTAGE ME. Super Bowl is tomorrow and he changed dance moves AGAIN. Trying to make a fool of me. Unsure which makes me sadder, potential end of dance career or potential end of friendship.

Super Bowl over. Grandma and Mom called to remind me that my personal best was all they ever asked for. Am laughingstock of Internet. Gained hundreds of Twitter followers, but suspect most are “joke” follows. Katy sweet about it.

Jeremy invited me to have a beer with him and other Surfboard. Frankly, feel that other Surfboard’s kind of a blowhard, so declined.

Got voice mail from Mom this morning asking if I’m considering going back for teaching degree. Said I’m “good with kids” and not end of world that dancing didn’t work out. Ouch.

Jeremy brought over falafel last night and made me forget Super Bowl debacle with impression of Taylor Swift. Didn’t know Jeremy = T.S. fan! Promised I wouldn’t tell Katy. Not that I’ll be working with Katy again anytime soon.

Text from Eric wanting to know how I’m “holding up.” Chose not to say anything, as had nothing nice to say.

Jeremy joining book club! Silver lining of Super Bowl ordeal.

Downloaded application to Columbia Teachers College. Think I could maybe make a difference in lives of youth, plus get mind off Super Bowl. Jeremy, Mom, and Grandma all supportive. Mom asked if Jeremy just a friend or what. Her ideas re male friendship pretty “stone age,” but appreciate her interest.

Feeling O.K. about future. Dance world maybe too toxic for shark like me. Perhaps whole episode not humiliation but wake-up call! Considering move to Austin. ♦

QVC hosts don't know what an Afro is

Harassing your own MOTHER?

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

Jerykk says...

How am I taking this argument too far? History has shown that taking nude pics of yourself and sending them to others is risky. How many leaks have there been that have caused humiliation or worse yet, ruined careers? Plenty. Comparisons to online banking, leaving your house, talking to people, etc, are ludicrous because those are things you need to do to function in modern society. You absolutely do not need to take or send nude pictures of yourself. It's a completely unnecessary risk that has bitten many people in the ass. Do you have the right to do it? Of course, but that doesn't make it a smart thing to do.

draak13 said:

Actually, @ChaosEngine's comparison to online banking is exactly analogous to this situation. Her pics were hacked from her account. Thus, the day that your account is hacked and your identity is stolen...why are you online banking? That's a great way to get all of your money stolen. You really should have known better. If you end up homeless with no money, it really was your fault for not protecting yourself better.

You and others are correct that it does indeed present some level of risk to take nude photos of yourself at all, but all things in life present risk. If you don't want bad things to happen to you, maybe you shouldn't ever leave your house, log on to the internet, or talk to anyone. Of course, that's wildly unrealistic. The way that you present yourself makes it seem like you're callously taking this argument too far.

In contrast, @SDGundamX has taken a pleasantly moderate viewpoint on this, and I feel more enlightened from reading his posts and considering the moral ambiguity. I just wish he didn't get snarky at the end, and be 'dismayed' that people would criticize those who take the opposing stance =P.

All of the arguments aside, I appreciated her rebellion against this negative situation, and I hope that this tasteful video does good things for her.

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

SDGundamX says...

Who said people don't have a right to privacy? In an ideal world people would respect that right. But we don't live in an ideal world do we? So it makes sense to assess the risks and take precautions.

Look at it from another perspective. If I constantly leave my house unlocked with all the ground floor windows open when I go out, do I deserve to be robbed? No. But through my actions have I made it exponentially more likely that I'm going to be robbed? Yes. Does that mean the robber should get a lighter sentence if caught? No. Could I have easily prevented the crime from happening by taking basic precautions? Yes. Does that mean the crime is my fault? No. But was I naive to think that no one would ever rob my house? Absolutely, unless I happen to live alone on a deserted island!

It sucks what happened to her. It's not her fault. She deserves justice and I hope they catch the person who did it. The point of my previous post was that anybody taking naked pics of themselves these days--particularly digital ones--is exponentially increasing their risk of a humiliating exposure. That's the reality, whether you think it is "stupid" or not. If a person is not comfortable with that level of risk, they shouldn't engage in the behavior. This in no way implies that a person who has taken naked pics of themselves doesn't deserve justice if they are victimized. But it does imply that they are a bit naive (or haven't been paying attention to current events) if they thought there was little risk in taking naked pics of themselves and posting them online (as this person apparently did on her Facebook page) given the current security situation on the Internet.

ChaosEngine said:

Sorry, but that's a stupid argument. Just because we live in a digital world doesn't mean people have any less right to privacy.

Or do you think people whose emails are hacked should have used snail mail?
What about all those idiots who use online banking?

Stop blaming the victim.

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

entr0py says...

Okay, now I'm a bit embarrassed that I started watching because of the thumbnail. She makes great points though.

I know most of you are well intentioned, but when you learn that a woman has been violated, I think the first response has always got to be sympathy; not to give her safety tips.

If her purse were stolen because she left it in an unlocked car, that might be an appropriate time to lead with safety tips. But not when a woman is humiliated or sexually assaulted. If you fail to condemn the crime but only criticize her level of caution, it comes off as misogynistic.

How you should have climbed the damn rope in gym class

FlowersInHisHair says...

For me gym class (or PE as we called it!) wasn't about teaching anything, it was about humiliating me into feeling incapable of even trying to take part. If you weren't already good at sports, the teachers couldn't give a shit about you, happy to leave less-able students to flounder while paying all attention to the boys who could play well already. I was not taught how to play cricket, or football, or tennis, or hockey, or how to use exercise equipment; no ball skills or batting technique; it was assumed people knew how to play already and no instruction was given. The teacher's role was to be referee. Fucking hated it, and it's ruined sports/keep-fit for me for life.

SFOGuy said:

The gym class technique, in retrospect, is clearly designed to make anyone who isn't all upper body strength with no lower body successful and fail all the rest of us!
Maybe a good work out for your upper body---but if you actually wanted to CLIMB and DESCEND a rope, these two methods would work a lot better, right?!!!!

Thug Life: Golf

▶ Attorney shuts down police stop of black handyman

newtboy says...

Did nothing wrong? Debatable.
If, as you theorize, they had a call from blocks away and over 15 min before, and minimal 'race' description, it's wrong to stop ANYONE because the likelihood they'll have the right person is minimal at best, and there IS harm when an elderly man is forced to sit on the sidewalk with cops surrounding him, it's both disrespectful and humiliating to him and possibly physically injurious, and would make it much more difficult for him to get a job with any neighbors that saw it happen...all for nothing.
I would bet this lady does NOT hate cops, but does hate it when her elderly friends are profiled, suspected, accused, and held in a humiliating fashion based on nothing more than skin color (your assessment of their 'description').
Skin color is NOT enough description to EVER stop someone not at the scene, unless the skin color is purple. How many 'people of color' do you think there might be within 15 minutes of any crime scene? Your assessment and theory seems to be it would be proper to stop, search, and question all of them, and let the court figure out which one (if any) is the criminal. You wouldn't think the same if the skin color was 'white'...would you?

lantern53 said:

The bottom line is: the police officers did absolutely nothing wrong. But this lady comes out, she hates cops which tickles your gooseberries and instead of using critical thinking, you let your emotions get the better of you.

Try not to do that, it makes you sound juvenile.

dad takes some pictures of his daughter-then that happened

WaterDweller says...

Lost in all this is an aspect that's becoming more and more relevant to today's kids, and their future adult life: when this girl is grown up, pictures of her naked kiddie self will be floating around online for anyone to see.

Would you like it if naked kiddie pictures of you were there for any random person to look at? Would you be comfortable with any person you happen to introduce yourself to finding these pictures? What about strangers on the street able to use facial recognition software to find, among other things, these pictures of you? People looking you up on dating sites? (It may not be possible today, but it will in all likelihood be common in the future, and if your photos are already online, there's no way back.) Don't kids have the right to privacy? Why do parents get to post a shit-ton of less than respectful (often humiliating) pictures of their kids online, with no regard for the kids' future well-being and social life? (Not saying that's the case here, as I haven't seen all his pictures, nor do I care to.)

As someone once said, there should be a law against that.

Before posting pictures of your kid online, ask yourself this: When my kids are grown up, will they thank me for posting those pictures online? No? The opposite? Maybe you shouldn't post them, then.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Student Debt

Lawdeedaw says...

You ask where to start? It is obvious that was not rhetorical in any way shape or form because your argument was poorly put together from the beginning.

"The total bill due in AMERICA tops 1 trillion." Then, "That's right, student debt in AMERICA..." There is even a reference to an AMERICAN President, and everything else about this video was about America. We see a reoccurring theme here newt?

So follows the logic that since this discourse is focused solely on American schools, then we are all talking about American schools. No other assumption is logical. My comment, with that prefacing in mind, is obviously intended for American schools. Yeah, take it out of context and I look like an idiot, but with the context I am not the one that looks stupid.

Let me give you another example. Say we are talking about gay rights in America and I just generalize the concept of gay rights after an intense discussion about just that. You could argue that since gay rights in tribal, African countries are different then I am stupid, but don’t be such a stickler for pathetic red herrings.

Second, the problems facing the poor are tragic. It is WELL DOCUMENTED; however, that poor children have lower grades. Why? Because it's hard to think on an empty stomach. In other words, it's hard to care about what the fuck is on the chalkboard when you have to worry about where you are going to get food at or hell, if you will have a roof over your head. This fact is not insulting, as you clearly say it is, this is reality. A sad, tragic reality that few in America have the balls to have a real discourse on. We trivialize it behind a false veneer. We make it seem like the poor try so hard and care so much but that if only we helped them a little more they could succeed. No, we have to help them a LOT more.

I think all colleges should be paid for by the government. I think books and research materials should be free. I think we can do a lot more than what we currently do.

Lastly, one student in my current class is obviously lacking in education and more so obvious does not care. She is a mother of three children, one of which is disabled. I can see why she just wants the degree and I don't judge her. You, on the other hand, do unintentionally judge this woman, newt. You insult her by suggesting her lack of educational pursuance is rare to the poor and that she must be failing that pursuit because of a lack of drive. She cannot care about bettering her leisurely time newt, period.

Do you think I gave a fuck about learning, just for education’s sake when my brothers beat me, threw me down the stairs, choked me, humiliated me, and shoved a pillow over my face at night? Or when they punched my skull into concrete and beat my dog? You insult the hell out of me—as though I SHOULD have cared when I just tried to survive. As though I failed to care and that made me a failure. The poor should not care—they should survive. We should all help them care.

newtboy said:

Where to start, Lawdeedaw?
First, your comment was not limited to American colleges, so your admonition to @bareboards2 is a misstep.
Second, I must guess from the grammar and your estimations that you were visiting these colleges, not enrolled, because my experience was far different. I was a struggling full time, minimum wager earner while I went to college on my own dime for YEARS, because I wanted to learn things, not for a 'degree' to get a good paying career. I knew many others there that may have hoped to better their earning potential, but also wanted to better themselves, and so took many elective classes that didn't further an academic career, as did I. I also knew some of those at Stanford, but fewer.
EDIT:The poor not caring about education is not only wrong, it's extremely insulting. Because attaining good education is more difficult does not make it less important to them, in fact it's likely MORE important, and many sacrifice to a degree inconceivable to the 'rich' to educate themselves and their children.
And not all Americans are overt consumerists ruled by their base emotions and without any self control. Many are, but not all by a long shot.

Prancercise, Fitness with Passion

Sabre (Member Profile)

gorillaman says...

I think it's noble to do whatever little you can to oppose the brutal half-century long occupation, humiliation, starvation and assassination of your people, yes.

Israel is an illegal occupying power in international law, that's a fact. It constantly violates practically every obligation that occupation incurs in international law; it engages in collective punishment, it regularly seizes and destroys private property, it laughingly fails to provide for the safety and welfare of the population under its control, it settles occupied territory with its civilians, it forcibly relocates Palestinian civilians, it routinely ignores the UN's attempts to restrain these and other illegal behaviours, these are facts.

Israel is engaged in terrorism in Gaza and elsewhere, and has been for decades - fact.

Sabre said:

You actively admit supporting terrorist organisations? Why stop at Hamas then, you can’t have double standards now can you. Here I’ll help you:

"There are no terrorist targets in Iraq. Occupied people have a right to resist, both ethically and under international law. Al-Qaida rocket fire/suicide bombings isn't terrorism, it isn't war, but a ghetto uprising; just as doomed and just as noble."

Do you think it’s noble to fire rockets out of hospitals hiding behind defenceless civilians?

The whole world expect Russia,Turkey and China sees Hamas as a terrorist organisation, maybe you should consider moving from the UK gorilla warfare man.

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