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Hugh Laurie (Dr. House) on Conan Obrien

MaxWilder says...

That's not Hugh Laurie. He looks like him, but no way that voice could ever come from Dr. House.

And... Conan talks too much. That's the "didn't click" part. He needs to stop interviewing people, he can't shut up long enough for them to respond.

Hugh Laurie (Dr. House) on Conan Obrien

FNORDcinco says...

>> ^boblobblaw:
instructions for merging those multi-part youtube videos into a custom player/playlist (youtube account required)
... though after trying to go through them myself, Step IV's "create custom player button" appears to be missing from YT's playlist UI ... anybody care to enlighten me?

While your making your playlist there should be a check-box for "allow embed of playlist"

Blackadder - Rotten Borough

Blackadder - Rotten Borough

ponceleon says...

2 things I love about this video

1. Good ol' Bladder stare
2. Hugh Laurie in all his britishness (I'm just amazed at how many people think he's American because of House)

How did World War I start?

EDD says...

Those unfamiliar with the best British comedy series of all time that Blackadder is might not notice/know this, but the one playing "George" is Hugh Laurie aka Dr.House.

To Be or Not to Be?

9058 (Member Profile)

To Be or Not to Be?

Hugh Laurie Laughs at James Liptons Enlish Accent

my15minutes says...

actually, it's surprisingly bad.
and unsurprisingly, very theatrical.

lipton's actually very good at the 'nuts & bolts' of acting. like, learning your fuckin lines every day while working on a soap opera. the essentials. which is why he's a good acting teacher.

accents generally aren't all that essential (though most can do a better british accent than that, lipton! ). plenty of big-name stars who've gone through entire careers, scarcely ever changing their accent. and if they do, they'll just bring in a dialogue coach for that one flick.

and then there's the meryl streeps and the hugh lauries, that can do dozens, so well that locals couldn't tell.

Dr House on Religion (0:16)

Hugh Laurie Laughs at James Liptons Enlish Accent

Hugh Laurie: Folk Song with no Answers

Kerotan (Member Profile)

Stephen Fry & Hugh Laurie: The Subject of Language

Blackadder - How WWI started

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'vile hun, villainous empire, bollocks' to 'vile hun, villainous empire, bollocks, hugh laurie, rowan atkinson, blackadder' - edited by twiddles

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