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Road Rage Knock Out Punch

dannym3141 says...

The hoodie was forcing the guy into his car and trying to cheap shot him/catch him unfairly. Then he started spitting. He was clearly the aggressor because he's OUT OF HIS CAR.

Got what he deserved, hope he needed surgery the stupid cunt.

Road Rage Knock Out Punch

oileanach says...

Regardless of what happened before, it seems to me the guy in the car was fine until he got out. Having video and a call in to 911 he should have just rolled up the window and waited I think. He's also damn lucky the hoodie punk wasn't hit by a car when he was knocked over into the next lane! As much as he was provoked, I bet he wouldn't have been cuffed and god knows what else if he had stayed put.

Road Rage Knock Out Punch

NordlichReiter says...

I cant say who was at fault here, because there isnt any video of who was a party to what fray. In this case he was not cut off no the video therefore the evidence does not show that the guy in the care is at any fault.

Now why is he pulled over, I do not know, unless he was cut off by the guy in the hoodie who made it so he couldn't get out. In which case the man in the car has the right to defend himself, property and family with non lethal force which he did.

either way there is no way to know who is wrong in what here. The last time some one gets up next to your care and starts a yelling, hit him or her with mace. But don't be party to the fray. That means if you did cut him off, drive away, do not escalate.

Road Rage Knock Out Punch

SDGundamX says...

I had something similar happen to me once. Guy jumped out his car at a stop light because he felt I'd cut him off. I just drove away and left him standing there, but I will admit, when someone tries to get in your face like that the adrenaline starts pumping and makes you really want to get of your car and teach the guy a lesson like this guy did.


Also, watching this again, it looks to me like the guy in the hoodie turned his head to look at the approaching police car when he got cold-clocked. A little bit of irony/poetic justice there.

Ignorant local politician dons KKK costume

bamdrew (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

Why I would never vote for Barack Obama (or Hillary)

1. Gun grabber. Any government official who thinks the people cannot be trusted with a firearms cannot be trusted with government power. I'm appalled a Constitutional lawyer wouldn't recognize the 2nd Amendment.

2. Anti-capitalist. When explained point blank that lowering/keeping capital gains tax low brings more revenue to government, he dismissed it outright.

3. Close alliance with anti-Semitic, anti-White pastor and former Weathermen terrorists. Yes, you will be judged by the company you keep.

4. the lack of experience he brings to the job

Doesn't have a distinguished record (could be argued he's too new) and the guy can't even go one-on-one in a debate with is he supposed to deal with nutjobs like Ahmadinejad? Will not reveal his plans for the military, budgetary or otherwise.

5. Gives good speeches that fall short on substance and specifics. The "impartial" mainstream media has let this guy have a free pass and will continue to do so. Also, he seems to take offense when pressured to answer difficult or unpopular questions. That's the opposite of transparency.

I don't think socialized medicine is a good idea, but for those who do, what specifics has he laid out already to achieve his stated goals?

I wouldn't think you'd be incredibly supportive of McCain as candidate, are you? I thought McCain would be okay until his last year and a half of pandering, dumbing down his message and watering down his ideals to get the anti-liberal side of the conservative party onboard.

No, I'm not supportive of McLame, and the proof is, the only way I'd vote for him is if the other guys ran Barack or Hillary against him.

I know why Barack is popular, he appeals to the imagination and engages emotions (just like religion does). But from my POV, the people looking to him for salvation are reacting to a (not) surprisingly false and negative presentation of reality, courtesy of the monolithic media (no, not Fox).

In reply to this comment by bamdrew:
Basics of why I'm voting for Barack Obama.

1. he's an grounded idealist; identifies goals and outlines realistic paths to achieving them in the ridiculous environment of Washington D.C.
-(maximize transparency in federal government! have all parties (including health care providers) involved while moving in stages to universal healthcare! get out of Iraq by pressuring their government to make hard decisions! increase community service with college scholarships! etc.)

2. the experience he brings to the job
-(Constitutional Law professor from a middle-lower class family, raised by single mom and grandparents, attracted to community service literally through the joy of helping others, history of reaching across the aisle and not only respecting but understanding opposing views, etc.)

3. is not a "good" politician; refuses to bullshit for votes
-(treats American citizens like intelligent people, doesn't change his message to suit the audience, directly challenges parties to understand one another and find compromise, etc.etc.etc.)

I wouldn't think you'd be incredibly supportive of McCain as candidate, are you? I thought McCain would be okay until his last year and a half of pandering, dumbing down his message and watering down his ideals to get the anti-liberal side of the conservative party onboard.

Actually I still think Obama as Pres/McCain as Vice would be cool, as long as nothing happened to Obama.

In reply to this comment by quantumushroom:
America can take all the criticism dopes like Dan can churn out and a whole lot more. It's just when these empty shirts (or in this case, hoodies) are called on their bullsh*t by presentations of facts, they backpedal while throwing out the same old, same old: "America bad. Life unfair. Racism."

How about some new material? This poor-me victim crap is plenty stale. Last time I checked, Whites were paying the same $4-a-gallon for gas as everyone else.

Nowhere on earth have Whites done so much for a Black minority than America, spending over a trillion dollars in 50 years on what amounts to 13% of the population. How about a little gratitude? Just a little? They're still practicing slavery in North Africa and tribes (Hutus/Tutsis) are still pointlessly killing each other over there; any White colonial remnants left decades ago, can't blame them.

Voting for Obama and his odious doof of a pastor? As long as you're not doing so out of White guilt or Black entitlement...and if not those what do you got? O-Bam's "principles" are socialist, ultra-left-wing to the left of Ted Stumblebum Kennedy. There's nothing else there in the way of plans or leadership, except to raise taxes. I don't think I'm being unfair here, if you know something I don't about Obama's experience and quals, do tell.

The White House is the absolute last reward anyone should receive for having a victim mentality.

White People, get over yourselves

quantumushroom says...

America can take all the criticism dopes like Dan can churn out and a whole lot more. It's just when these empty shirts (or in this case, hoodies) are called on their bullsh*t by presentations of facts, they backpedal while throwing out the same old, same old: "America bad. Life unfair. Racism."

How about some new material? This poor-me victim crap is plenty stale. Last time I checked, Whites were paying the same $4-a-gallon for gas as everyone else.

Nowhere on earth have Whites done so much for a Black minority than America, spending over a trillion dollars in 50 years on what amounts to 13% of the population. How about a little gratitude? Just a little? They're still practicing slavery in North Africa and tribes (Hutus/Tutsis) are still pointlessly killing each other over there; any White colonial remnants left decades ago, can't blame them.

Voting for Obama and his odious doof of a pastor? As long as you're not doing so out of White guilt or Black entitlement...and if not those what do you got? O-Bam's "principles" are socialist, ultra-left-wing to the left of Ted Stumblebum Kennedy. There's nothing else there in the way of plans or leadership, except to raise taxes. I don't think I'm being unfair here, if you know something I don't about Obama's experience and quals, do tell.

The White House is the absolute last reward anyone should receive for having a victim mentality.

A Dissection of Doc_M (Parody Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

Here is Doc_M's response to his roast questions. Use it for ammunition.

1. What do you do when you are not at the computer?
Work... usually in the lab. Otherwise, music, tae kwon do, golf, etc.

2. What is your favorite of your posted videos?
I think, either the HBO intro from the 80's for nostalgia or of course this for the shear "holy crap" effect.

3. How many avatars have you had since being a member? What were (are) they?
I might be the only one who can say this, but 1, you're looking at it.

4. What non-self-involved site do you visit most often? and I'm easily entertained... and a geek.

5. If you had a time machine, would you go to the future or the past? And why?
Past... very... as in millions of years.

6. What is your ratio of pairs of shoes to underwear?
3:30 or something like that.

7. Is that underwear boxer, brief, or birthday?
A little from column A, a little from column B.

8. Do you run a Mac OS, Windows, or Linux?
Vista. Oh, I'm gonna get grief for this one...

9. Would you most prefer to be involved in a monumental one-of-a-kind hiking expedition, working on a breakthrough cure for a debilitating illness , or presenting the discovery of a revolutionary new way to parse data?
How about finding a breakthrough cure for a debilitating illness while on a monumental one-of-a-kind hiking expedition? Heck, Ventnor is all about that kinda stuff... granted, he's kinda on the rich side.

10. What is your favorite ice cream topping?

Favorite (non-ice-cream-related) spice?
Rosemary or perhaps turmeric.

11. Are you a breast, butt, or legs man?
Face, but a perky rack is a nice bonus.

12. What kind of pet(s) do you have? Include name(s).
I used to have fish. They never told me their names.

13. What scares you most about Rosie O'donell?
The open threat of Kooshballs of mass destruction. That and she's nuckin' futs.

14. What is your favorite kind of soup?
French Onion... hands down.

15. What is your most frequented source of news?
Drudge hehe... I'm gonna suffer for that one too.

16. What is your beverage of choice?
Starbucks stuff when I'm feeling less poor, Coke when I'm feeling more poor, Rob Roys when I'm out on the town.

17. Have you ever been arrested?
Nay, but I once killed a man with my bare hands ... ok, that's not true, but if it were, that'd be far more interesting.

18. What’s your go-to move for making a good first impression?
Good old fashioned confidence is a powerful thing.

19. How would you describe your coif: bangs, balding or rug?
Mop on even months, spiky on odd months.

20. Is your face clean-shaven or do you have a beard, a goatee or a mustache?

21. List your five most cherished possessions.
I really don't value "stuff" too much, but I guess I could say the "stuff" I would not like to lose any time soon includes:
My Lancer
My crate of vinyl
My piano
My WoW character <.< >.> <.<
22. What religion, if any, did you practice as a child?

23. What about now?

24. What is your favorite memory?
Sitting in my dorm window after my last final in college. It was one of those perfect moments.

25. What was your favorite childhood television show?
Fraggle Rock!

26. How would you describe your personal style/sense of fashion/taste for life/artistic flair?
Hoodies, more or less trendy T-shirts, and jeans.

27. What is a reason not to go to Burning Man?
I was at Flaming Woman that day.

28. Who is your favorite Sift Hero?
QuantumMushroom. Isn't he everyone's hero?

29. Do you have any image(s) of yourself online that you're willing to share?

30. What goal to you have while a Videosift member?
Inform/entertain/rock the boat a bit.

31. Do you upvote comments more for their originality, sense of humor, or self-deprecation?
Humor for sure. Also information, insight, and stuff I particularly agree with.

Oneonethousnd! Twonethousnd! ThreeonethssSSZZS! WAUHH!

zor says...

They should use those on the birds that are pooping all over Texas coast towns by sitting in the city trees. I could make one of these out of a microwave oven and a Direct TV Plus satellite dish. Just give me a Pentagon contract.
As an afterthought, if they use this just one time on legitimate US protesters I've got a feeling that the cat's going to be out of the bag. Instead of control they will lose all control over disobedient civilians. If you make someone feel like their skin is burning you might expect a less than civil response.
Where is my screen wire hoodie?

What the hell am I going to do with all these shirts? (Blog Entry by dag)

MIT geek nearly shot by airport police for wearing 9V & LEDs (Geek Talk Post)

joedirt says...

One last thing - do you think you could recognize the difference between art and a bomb at 100 meters in time to make the decision? Would you be willing to take the risk if your own and the lives of hundreds of others might be on the line?

Yes I could at 100ft. One has lights and is on the outside of a hoodie. The other is hidden in a laptop, or in luggage or other wise HIDDEN FROM MOTHERFUCKING VIEW.

Did people run SCREAMING from her on the trip over in the Metro? Did anyone in the dorms call the cops when she walked through the hallway with a "faux bomb" strapped to her chest.

She wore this SAME MOTHERFUCKING outfit the day before on a public University campus?! How is it ok to have fake bombs walking around MIT? But somehow this was more threatening at an airport.

And she walks into one of the busiest and most heavily guarded airports in the world with cheap electronics on her chest (blinking or not) without a ticket or boarding pass, wandering around looking for someone. Are you seriously defending that action?

Yes, I am SERIOUSLY DEFENDING the concept of going to an airport to MEET YOUR MOTHERFUCKING boyfriend. People often, in fact, go to the airport and wander around looking for someone. WTF. I have no problem if the cops want to ask her what she is wearing and inspect it. Go ahead, but is the airport some holy land that is more sacred, than say the subway? The Ted=-William-or-whatever-it-is-called Tunnel?

She passed by cops and security when she entered the Concourse and even on the shuttle bus that circles Logan. No one was concerned there. This happened because one idiot employee wasn't satisfied with a dorky white girl saying she was wearing an art project.

And the cops are making up hoax charges because they are too stupid and shoot mooninite signs because we must all live in FEAR. What about oddly lumpy fat people? What about people wearing overcoats? What about some guy pushing a stroller? All of them should be met with guns in the face if you are such a fan of our police state.

How to Make a Beat

How to Make a Beat

SuperBad Trailer

Devo fat-pie (NSFW)

westy says...

That defanition for a chav is wrong- chavs are generaly inner city people who liv of benofit thay will come up to you and ask for 20p this has happend to me over 15 times this year thay will steal stuff of you shop lift regulary. thay where there socks over ther trousers normaly were hats and hoodies.

lol i will try and vidoe some at grate risk to my life and bring them to video sift

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