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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another witch convicted of witchcraft, right?

This with at least one full OAN believing right winger on the jury.
So clear he was guilty there was no way to skew the evidence even to a reasonable doubt for a maggot. The truckload after truckload of evidence corroborated by Cohen and others. Trump had nothing, one witness that completely fell apart and was much worse for Trump than nothing at all, and lots of bluster and whining.

He will try to appeal. He will lose.

Up to 4 years per count, but he’ll likely get a stay at home order and an ankle monitor even though Cohen got 3 years for the same crime, the EXACT same crime, crimes committed FOR Don, not Cohen.

So yes, he could still be elected by people who would elect a multiple felon, rapist, con man, fraud, charity thief, treasonous traitor, and totally immoral man…and he could be impeached and removed on day one for high crimes.

bobknight33 said:

Dickhead, pay attention,
Cohen is the key between Stormy and Trump.

But Cohen had no proof.
He lied again and again under this trial
He stole $ from Trump.

There is no connection between Trump "hush" $ and Stormy.
Totally fabricated after FBI nailed Cohen.

This is so clear even teh fake news is forced to admit this.

Yet , you dumb-ass dickhead still have you head up you ass.

You still think Trump will be guilty?

Its possible when you dumb dicks like you on the jury.

If so it will be appealed and overturned.

That's all for today, yolks!

Portland man drive through Grand Floral Parade

newtboy says...

He ran from police and made it home.
He was soon arrested and charged with 38 charges including reckless endangerment and attempted assault.
He’s a repeatedly convicted child molester, rape and sodomy, who had a suspended license and no insurance, so it’s incredibly lucky he didn’t hit anyone because they would be paying their own hospital bills.
There’s no follow-up I can find so I assume he’s awaiting trial still in jail, but maybe he’s out on bail.

ant said:

What happened after this?!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I know that’s his excuse for such horrific performance, but it’s more nonsense. He won’t get an appeal, there’s no misconduct, the judge is more than fair, the jury remains to be seen but if there’s a single maggot empaneled who would have lied to be on it it’s absolutely not, so far the judge has been giving defendant Trump far more leeway and second and third chances without repercussions than any other defendant has ever enjoyed. 😂
The only actual biased judge handling his cases (besides the Supreme Court) is Cannon who is clearly and undeniably bending and breaking the law in Trump’s favor, and using her court calendar to shield him from any other prosecutions before the election, and trying multiple methods to throw the case that have been reversed. The other judges YOU say are biased have not been reversed because they aren’t biased, in fact they were investigated based on Trump’s suggestion they are biased and found to be impartial and fair by a panel of judges including Trump appointees.

Buddy, my IQ is double yours. You can’t read or write at a third grade level, I read and wrote at college level in 6th grade, took AP chemistry in 7th, and AP B-C Calculus in high school. You struggled through trade school, I went to college for 10 years for fun. Don’t ever compare your complete lack of intellect with my intelligence and intellectual curiosity.

Joe only looks impaired when edited to look that way, every time you have actually watched him speak you admitted he spoke surprisingly well and logically, so you stopped watching him and now just repeat what liars say he said, because you are an idiotic tool afraid of reality. If you apply the same measure of cognitive ability to Trump, Trump is exponentially worse at every turn every time, any clip for clip. Trump can’t complete sentences, or even words often, and is in fact incapable of staying awake for an even just few hours a day during a trial he absolutely should be deeply involved in defending. Biden misspeaks every now and then. Trump is always incomprehensible. Biden embellishes, Trump is deathly allergic to the truth.

Joe is wiping the floor with disgraced Donald again, who can’t stay awake in his own trial. Unlike Joe, his designation of “sleepy” has been proven daily and is visibly getting worse daily, Joe is out there walking Pickett lines, giving hours long speeches in the pouring rain, and running the country all bright eyed and bushy tailed while decrepit Don cries at home and cancels rallies because of minor rain (the same rain Biden held his rally in) and after weeks of begging supporters to show up for him there are still none, and not even his family shows up for him.

Sucker. You fell in love with a self absorbed asshole who hates you, and only wants you for your money and vote, then you should die. Yes, he has said exactly that…” Even if you vote and then pass away, it's worth it”.

But your rectal shield protects your tiny little brain from these realities.

Joe beat Trump, and he will again. Perhaps you haven’t noticed the polls since trial started and testimony published and since people finally recognized the economy is (and has been) doing great. Not to mention the biggest vote driver in our lifetime, women’s health care rights (women’s rights in general if you listen to the honest righties that admit they plan to remove the vote from women shortly). It’s swinging the wrong way for you, hard. The RNC has 4 months to find a candidate that won’t be in prison and isn’t universally reviled, but the cult refuses to consider it.

STILL WAITING BABY BOY. I’m capable of answering all your idiotic loaded questions with verifiable facts, you absolutely refuse to answer a single question because you are not capable of rational thought and have no answers.

bobknight33 said:

Yep Trump will loose in his highly biased Judge and Jury, Just like all the other trials. Trump will have to win on appeals, dealing with less biased judges.

I know you dont follow the trials, Your IQ is too low to follow.

On the other hand Joey B mental capacity is failing daily.
When do you think the DNC will SWAP him and the useless VP? The DNC got 4 months to dump sleepy Joe.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So that’s a “yes”…that was the best you’ve got against an economy destroying, democracy destroying, job market destroying, civility destroying, union destroying disgraced hyper criminal ex president who has said quite clearly he will be a dictator and will abuse the powers of his office to hurt Americans who won’t support his monarchy.

You must be as idiotically gullible as this moron. Not a word he said was reflected in reality, he’s repeating fake news, it’s all the right believes. Sucker, you bought more blatant lies. You probably still believe multiple court cases where his dirty laundry is aired publicly will HELP Trump in the polls. It isn’t. He, and you, likely still believe Hillary is going to prison as soon as Dumb Donald gets back into office.
It was interesting to find out he cheated on his mistress McDougal with Daniels. Also interesting to hear Pecker admit there are more women that came forward and he paid off.

Such a sad, dumb little tool you are, sonny boy. Your poor family must suffer horribly because of your constant cultish idiocy ignoring facts to believe utter nonsense and absolutely never applying critical thinking to your positions.…I bet home life isn’t pleasant, I know it’s not for your family. Mine is paradise.

"I tried."

Government creates inflation

newtboy says...

To my “the fool”-
Again you lie. Point to when I ever said that you fucktard. I have ALWAYS said deficit matters, so does intelligent spending, so does overall debt, so does our national credit rating. All went to shit faster than ever before or since under your dementia riddled crime boss.

Your brain is mush. You just make up nonsense constantly, then contradict yourself.
It was you who said for 4 years that deficits don’t matter while your idiot ran up the deficit and debt faster than ever before and I shouted daily that he was bankrupting the nation and not getting anything for it, at least Biden invested his spending in America, didn’t waste it on useless trade wars, tax breaks for the ultra rich (that didn’t trickle down or stimulate the economy) and PPP handout loans to business “owners” (that didn’t have to be repaid and were ripe with fraud because there were no standards, no vetting, because it was in fact designed to be easy to defraud and was the most fraudulent assistance program in history) and other ego driven stupidity that gained nothing, all this at America’s expense with no benifits.

I have never once said anything nearly so stupid. You have often. Let me ask (for you to ignore the question because you hate the answer)…who had the last balanced budget…who last paid down the debt? Hint- it rhymes with Minton. Which party presided over the last 3 major recessions? Hint- they all wear red ties.

You denied spending mattered when it was out of control under maga leadership, you have absolutely not been saying this all along you liar. When I said starting in early 2020 that Trump’s out of control spending spree and crashed economy in 2020 would result in high inflation… you denied it was related, then blamed Biden when the predicted inflation spike hit.

Government needs to spend wisely, not for ego and spite like Trump spent. Biden spent a lot, but it revived the economy much faster than any other Western nation after Covid and improved GDP significantly….after Trump’s Covid response was the worst in any Western nation by far making killing Americans at 5 times the percapita average worldwide and turning our GDP to a negative for the first time in history in peace time.

The Republicans have blocked a balanced budget for decades, but we do have a budget, moron. Their obstruction, trying to shut down the government out of spite has lowered our credit rating costing billions or trillions for absolutely no gains.

Maga would prefer no government at all and is actively working against the government functioning, but these idiots can’t see past their “freedom” (freedom to be horrifically evil, racist, uncivil, and inhumane) to understand that we would become Russia or China in a week, and their little home protection guns and fake “militia” clubs won’t kill a single soldier in the invasion.

Still waiting you ballless wonder. Such a whining little cowardly infant…DJ really turned you into a petty, uneducated, idiotic pansy boy. Must be all that fantasizing about sucking the mushroom tip. It’s hilarious your insecurity forces you to keep displaying your insecurity publicly, incapable of admitting you’ve ever been w-w-w-wrong (despite your never actually being right, especially when it comes to speaking English) because you’re so insecure you are certain that if you admitted you made a mistake no one will love you. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Your the fool that keeps saying deficit does not matter.
Now you want to claim otherwise. Funny.

I've been saying this all along.

Government need a budget not CRs.

This non budget has been going on for nearly 20 years.

Why Do We Sign Up To Marriage Forever

newtboy says...

I bought my home and car outright.

Maybe that’s why my marriage has lasted 26 years so far. I don’t jump into permanent situations pretending they’re temporary or that I can walk away and make them someone else’s problem eventually.
I also never assumed there would be no issues and our marriage (or home or car) would be conflict free perfection.

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

BSR says...

That sounds like a dare. I know from being here on this site for years that you are incompetent of being "Enlightened' and can only hope you can find your way home.

bobknight33 said:

Like I said.
When did Trump say any of these falsehoods?

Enlighten me?

The Duality Of MAGA

surfingyt says...


your reading comprehension skills are comical. your limp wristed retorts are even more comical. now go home and get your fucking shinebox.

bobknight33 said:

Trump did not bring us closer to WW3 or war with Russia.

Bobo’s Son Arrested On 22 Criminal Charges

newtboy says...

Uh oh…among other crimes, he robbed a cancer patient of the last $75 she had to her name, stole credit cards and IDs and used them to steal thousands, broke into homes and cars, and made and distributed a sex tape of a young underage girl….because of the Boebert’s exceptional family values and a good Christian upbringing.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol…admitted fraud and total nutjob Glen Beck…lol

Thanks for a reminder of the quality of your sources.

Another non answer just barking ….so when was that, woman? When exactly did you not need to lock doors or knock to enter neighbors homes? Date please. *crickets*

President Biden Delivers Remarks

newtboy says...

Oh fuck. Talk about made up opinions! 😂

Trump’s actual stated defense before Judge Cannon in the stolen documents case is that now all those stolen top level highly classified “DO NOT REMOVE FROM SCIF OR TAKE NOTES” state secrets he secretly stole from a SCIF without declassifying any of it and took home to store in his open to the public hallways and ballrooms are old, so aren’t really secrets anymore, so he can’t be charged with stealing state secrets.

Of course, that’s complete and utter nonsense because 1) they were fresh actionable intelligence documents when he stole them and 2) they were and still are still classified top secrets it’s illegal to remove from a SCIF, yes even for the president, and 3) this defense 100% lets Biden off the hook, his documents were older and less sensitive. 😂 Thanks Don.

bobknight33 said:

So your made up opinion is better than the DOJ report.

You are dripping with arrogance.

President Biden Delivers Remarks

newtboy says...

Yes, that kind of clearance, Mr Know Nothing. He had clearance to have every document in his personal possession when he received them, unlike Trump who illegally and secretly stole them from secured facilities. His mistake was trusting his staff to properly forward them to the archives when they packed his senate, and later VP offices.

No, ex senators and ex presidents both don’t have clearance to KEEP classified documents, correct. Trump did not ever have clearance to remove nuclear secrets and other highly classified material from a SCIF, not as president and not after, and it endangers the nation that he did so. It requires written declassification by the DOE, the president cannot declassify nuclear secrets under any circumstances.

The DOJ report indicated Biden did not know his staff had stored a few (6) unlabeled low level classified documents at his secure locked think tank office and personal handwritten notes at his guarded and locked home library (namely a few daily briefs on Afghanistan and some handwritten notes he had made, nothing at all designated top secret), indicated he himself (or attorneys at his instruction) looked for them and immediately reported finding them to the FBI, and allowed them to search that and other properties without requiring a warrant.
The DOJ report also indicated Trump DID know he was illegally taking and retaining highest sensitivity most stringently classified top secret documents by the truckload, not just a small part of one box, refused to return them when asked by the archives, lied about having any, required a warrant for a search, actively hid them when searched, lied again about having MORE, lied about showing them to multiple other parties including foreign agents but was caught red handed on tape, claimed personal ownership (of nuclear secrets), kept them unsecured in public areas, tried to destroy video evidence, claimed they were planted, obstructed Justice multiple times…
…must I go on for you to see the difference, or comprehend why one faces no charge and the other treason?
I’m certain the answer is yes, you haven’t heard enough to admit the situations are completely different despite the fact that one is staff improperly packing up his office when he left it, the other one individual intentionally stealing hundreds of state secrets for personal gain at the nation’s expense…you can never hear enough evidence to admit that.

Is Maddow still on? Sorry Charlie, like I’ve told you a hundred times but you can never recall, I’ve never watched CNN beyond short YouTube clips, not before they went right wing certainly not since. In fact, I think it’s likely that you watch more CNN than I do, you sure like to post and quote them now. If she’s still on and is saying the same things I’m not surprised, she was a smart wonky cookie last I saw.
It’s hilarious when you don’t know my sources, because when you can’t try to impugn the source over nonsense you have no argument at all, just rambling nonsensical insanity spewed from your mouth like explosive diarrhea.

Me thinks you have too little brain in the brain.

😂 Talk about projection! What a confession. 😂

Everything Trump said in that idiotic speech was a lie about Biden and an admission of what he himself did.
I won’t insult your minimal intelligence by pretending you actually believe the delusional ramblings you just posted, they would make a good case for insanity if he believed it, but we all know he doesn’t.
Every word of that insanity was a total fabrication of a delusional mind.

The presidential records act absolutely doesn’t give him the right to take top secret classified documents home when he leaves office, or retain them, or lie under oath about having them, or defy warrants for them, or show them to otherS, NONE OF THAT IS LEGAL UNDER THE PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS ACT.
Trump obstructed Justice at every possible turn, destroying evidence hiding documents, he still has an unsearched secret room in his bedroom not disclosed when the FBI searched, so likely has MORE stolen documents still. Biden cooperated more than fully with the investigation, which even the political hack Trump appointed special prosecutor admitted.
…and Biden had a grand total of 20 documents or notes designated “classified”, none top secret…Trump had over 325 well marked classified FILES containing multiple classified documents each including I think a dozen or more of the highest most secret files the government has, files never supposed to leave a SCIF and not declassifiable by the president under any circumstances.
Not one word he said was true, and you know it, fool.
That speech if not intentional lies is proof Trumpist Alzheimer’s has progressed to the point of total delusion.

PS- Still waiting.

bobknight33 said:

Not that kind of clearance.
Senators don't have clearance to take and keep classified documents, as the DOJ report indicated.

Me thinks you have too much Rachel Maddow on the brain.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh…Habba has been caught lying to the judge again, this time claiming she had a high fever and likely covid to get a delay in the current trial, then instead of going home after leaving court she went with Trump campaigning and doing press events for the next 3 days….caught by a massive MAGgot and Jan 6 attacker who took a friendly picture with her and was thrown out of the Trump event without explanation. That photo has now gone public and exposed her lies to the judge. Really dumb to lie to the judge before trial ends….that’s Trump.
Bonus- The UAW president torched Trump during the union’s public endorsement of Biden, reminding everyone how Biden came to the picket lines with the UAW and supported blue collar working Americans while Trump went to a non union shop, hired actors to pretend to be union workers, and trashed the union in his speeches. He’s lost young voters, women, minorities, and union workers, never had educated professionals…who’s left? Uneducated unemployed racist white guys…your people. Probably why he’s saying he intends to give MORE tax cuts to corporations and the .001% but not to average Americans, their taxes will go up again. BTW, those massive deficit exploding tax cuts not only didn’t pay for themselves at all nor did they raise the GDP, they crashed the economy to near depression and the debt skyrocketed faster than ever before.
And Gaetz’s sex trafficking investigation is ramping up, talking to the girls and young women he bragged about sleeping with after paying and shipping them across the country for sex. Where is Greene’s outrage? Completely absent, because it’s all fake outrage.

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