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Most Americans Unaware of Growing Concentration of Wealth

GenjiKilpatrick says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Not a single one of these "Nobel" economists explains why a concentration of wealth is bad..

How is it that you have no concept of fairness?

How can you NOT understand that if a few people horde all the money.. there's no money to go around?

Which means all the hardworking people you pretend to support.. can't get any money to feed their families! [Cause it's all sitting in private account offshore]

The bailouts gave Billions to people who already make Millions a year..

Were those bailouts for banks and taxpayer subsidies for Exxon Mobile [who pays no taxes] helpful to the economy? NO! cause they're hording all the money.

Uuuuugh I wish I could make you poor as fuck so you'd get a dose of reality.

You're too dumb to understand that an economy is an agreement.
People who cheat the rest of us out of our money by speculation and financial games and legal loopholes are breaking that agreement.

You clearly have no integrity cause you defend & support those cheaters every chance you get.
[And clearly no brains to realize you aren't benefited by it]

Gordon Ramsay Eats Shark Fin Soup for the First Time

quantumushroom says...

A legitimate commentary with unpleasant conclusions.

Does this make Drachen a 'racist' or 'bigot'?


>> ^Drachen_Jager:

I'm sorry, but Chinese (the modern culture, not the race) are horrible people. Flame me all you want. I know first generation Chinese who came over 30-40 years ago who are kind, decent, hardworking people, but the more recent immigrants, who were really brainwashed under communism are mostly self-centred assholes, who would honestly keep eating shark-fin soup if it meant some random person in the third world would be executed for every bowl, because it's a good way to show everyone how rich they are. The Chinese people I know who have been here for over 30 years hate the new generation of Chinese more than anyone else. They represent a perversion of the culture by Mao, who admitted hating Chinese culture and did his best to destroy it.
Obviously this does not apply to all individuals, but the culture as a whole is sick.

Gordon Ramsay Eats Shark Fin Soup for the First Time

steroidg says...

You sir, are a racist bigot.

I'm a Chinese immigrant who came to Australia less than 15 years ago, so I guess I fit into your category of Chinese who's culturally sick. Tell you what, none of my friends (of many races) think I'm a communist, self centered or an arsehole, rather I'm very well regarded. I still have relatives in China and most of them are hard working honest people. How dare you judge an entire country of people based on your limited knowledge.

You are what we called a frog at the bottom of a well. Your world is as small as the opening of the well. Go and live in China for a few years if you really want to know them better, rather than hiding behind your monitor spread hate on an internet forum.

You are not worthy of my further responses from now on. Good day to you.

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

I'm sorry, but Chinese (the modern culture, not the race) are horrible people. Flame me all you want. I know first generation Chinese who came over 30-40 years ago who are kind, decent, hardworking people, but the more recent immigrants, who were really brainwashed under communism are mostly self-centred assholes, who would honestly keep eating shark-fin soup if it meant some random person in the third world would be executed for every bowl, because it's a good way to show everyone how rich they are. The Chinese people I know who have been here for over 30 years hate the new generation of Chinese more than anyone else. They represent a perversion of the culture by Mao, who admitted hating Chinese culture and did his best to destroy it.
Obviously this does not apply to all individuals, but the culture as a whole is sick.

Gordon Ramsay Eats Shark Fin Soup for the First Time

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

I'm sorry, but Chinese (the modern culture, not the race) are horrible people. Flame me all you want. I know first generation Chinese who came over 30-40 years ago who are kind, decent, hardworking people, but the more recent immigrants, who were really brainwashed under communism are mostly self-centred assholes, who would honestly keep eating shark-fin soup if it meant some random person in the third world would be executed for every bowl, because it's a good way to show everyone how rich they are. The Chinese people I know who have been here for over 30 years hate the new generation of Chinese more than anyone else. They represent a perversion of the culture by Mao, who admitted hating Chinese culture and did his best to destroy it.
Obviously this does not apply to all individuals, but the culture as a whole is sick.

Ok, speaking as someone who has very recently been to china for an extendad stay, and i've met and had extensive experience with young and middle aged chinese;

How did you get the impression they were horrible people? Every single person i met in china was generous and selfless and went a long way out of their way to make sure i had a good time and to make sure i was completely taken care of. Their culture almost DEMANDS them to be respectful and polite to strangers. Self centred is a word which i could not apply to a single one of the several hundred chinese people that i've met.

Show off their wealth? Do you realise that the chinese people are extremely poor? The government may be fucking rich but the people certainly aren't. They work their fucking arse off in a shit job they get given and they get paid pennies, PENNIES, and they work fucking hard at it and fucking long hours because guess what they'd get if they didn't? Fuck all. I have never met a more humble and polite people, the chinese people seem to me like the british were 60 years ago (of which i am proud and sad we're not like that anymore).

I must remind you, with my limited knowledge, of the Cultural Revolution and other periods in chinese history where the people were so poor and desperate that they would eat more or less anything to survive. I was told that diverse foods were more common in the south (i was in beijing and xian) and that they are also very poor there.

I don't know what modern china is a representation of, but i suspect you know less than you claim to about modern china.

I do not promote the eating of endangered species, and i do not know the ins and outs of the shark fin stuff, but i don't need to for the point i am making, because i address solely your retarded opinion that modern chinese are "horrible people".

If anything, i would probably rate the chinese people as being the nicest i've met. Least proportion of assholes to nice guys; i didn't meet a single asshole in china. No one even rudely bumped into me or in front of me, literally not a single chinese person gave me cause to be offended or upset in any way in the entire time i was having dealings with them. The chinese are amazing, the government isn't, and i hope the chinese will soon notice that.

You're an ass and i think you're quoting some shite that you've heard on some government-funded war-mongering tv show.

Gordon Ramsay Eats Shark Fin Soup for the First Time

Drachen_Jager says...

I'm sorry, but Chinese (the modern culture, not the race) are horrible people. Flame me all you want. I know first generation Chinese who came over 30-40 years ago who are kind, decent, hardworking people, but the more recent immigrants, who were really brainwashed under communism are mostly self-centred assholes, who would honestly keep eating shark-fin soup if it meant some random person in the third world would be executed for every bowl, because it's a good way to show everyone how rich they are. The Chinese people I know who have been here for over 30 years hate the new generation of Chinese more than anyone else. They represent a perversion of the culture by Mao, who admitted hating Chinese culture and did his best to destroy it.

Obviously this does not apply to all individuals, but the culture as a whole is sick.

Most Sexist Ad Ever

chakolate says...

Most sexist? Not even close. She was actually driving - she's a liberated woman! The most sexist ones are the ones that depict women as grievously worried that dinner won't be ready when their dear, hardworking husbands come home.

Judge Judy: Here's Who We Support With Our Tax Money

longde says...

1. I didn't know you were advocating for an ethnical immigration policy. I thought you were for meritocracy. Sorry for the confusion.

2. I've been to Taiwan, and I don't think I want the average Taiwanese to immigrate to the States. That goes for any other country. I want the best and brightest from Taiwan and from Nigeria as well. That's my version of meritocracy.

3. Flawed flawed flawed reasoning. I don't know where to start:
a) this is broken down by race, a physical characteristic, not sub-culture,
b) I strongly disagree that income equals productivity.
c)I guess you could count crime as a "cost"; but it's not by a longshot the only one. BTW, those aren't crime rates, those are arrest rates. conviction rates would reflect crime; arrest rates reflect who the cops harrass more.
d) you start with race, and try to create some correlation with some nebulous undefined "culture", whose defining characteristic is that is it tied to race.
e) So, what should I do with this chart? Should I adjust my immigration policy, my hiring, and my school admissions policy? Again, seems to go against this pure meritocracy you're always crowing about.

>> ^chilaxe:
1. "Is that just some unjustified xenophobia?"
Wait, since when is advocating immigration by people of Asian culture xenophobic? Isn't that the opposite? That seems like a big oversight.
2. "I know other [Taiwanese] who are here illegally, making money by breaking the law."
The normal rules when discussing statistics should probably apply: exceptions don't disprove averages.
3. "Do you have an objective measure?"
Here's data pointing to how much people of Asian American background contribute to US society vs. how much they cost US society relative to other sub-cultures (including people of white background):
1. Average income per capita by race.png
2. Average crime rates by race.png
It seems a reasonable conclusion would be that the more people of Asian culture we have, the better off we'd be, since they outperform the majority group even though they're a minority. If the cause is they have better personal culture on average, then we can create the best parts of that culture within ourselves.
4."Same thing with every low economic group in America. I know members of these groups who are hardworking..."
Yeah, it's good to note that we're only talking about averages. Middle-class members of low economic groups are welcome to dissociated themselves from the lower-class wings of their ethnicity, same as whites and asians do within their ethnicity. (For example, people of white background don't think rednecks have any relevance to them).

Judge Judy: Here's Who We Support With Our Tax Money

chilaxe says...


1. "Is that just some unjustified xenophobia?"

Wait, since when is advocating immigration by people of Asian culture xenophobic? Isn't that the opposite? That seems like a big oversight.

2. "I know other [Taiwanese] who are here illegally, making money by breaking the law."

The normal rules when discussing statistics should probably apply: exceptions don't disprove averages.

3. "Do you have an objective measure?"

Here's data pointing to how much people of Asian American background contribute to US society vs. how much they cost US society relative to other sub-cultures (including people of white background):
1. Average income per capita by race.png
2. Average crime rates by race.png

It seems a reasonable conclusion would be that the more people of Asian culture we have, the better off we'd be, since they outperform the majority group even though they're a minority. If the cause is they have better personal culture on average, then we can create the best parts of that culture within ourselves.

4."Same thing with every low economic group in America. I know members of these groups who are hardworking..."

Yeah, it's good to note that we're only talking about averages. Middle-class members of low economic groups are welcome to dissociated themselves from the lower-class wings of their ethnicity, same as whites and asians do within their ethnicity. (For example, people of white background don't think rednecks have any relevance to them).

Judge Judy: Here's Who We Support With Our Tax Money

longde says...

Says you. I know Taiwanese immigrants, some of whom went to grad school with me and are very productive. I know others who are here illegally, making money by breaking the law. Same thing in Taiwan itself; there are hardworkers, shady folks, and yes lazy louts. Taiwanese/Taiwanese American culture is not inherently hardworking and meritocratic.

It's not the group its the individual; I thought you of all people might understand that.

Same thing with every low economic group in America. I know members of these groups who are hardworking, and others who are shady and lazy. No ethnic culture is inherently one way or another.

>> ^chilaxe:
Right, their motivation is personal benefit, but the difference comes from that their "selfish" useful productivity contributes to society more than they take (the definition of prosociality), as opposed to being a drain on the economy like other sub-cultures.
>> ^longde:
Immigrants who overstay visas don't do it out a sense of altruism, to help our country. They do it to benefit illegally from the bounty of our society. In that sense, they are very much like welfare cheats.
>> ^chilaxe:
@legacy0100 "All other ethnic groups would have their own ways to solve their problems with the US government... From my Taiwanese roommate, I learned that you can manage to stay in the US past your visa renewal limit..."
Sounds like something of a false symmetry. People from Taiwanese culture who overstay in the US so they can contribute to society doesn't seem on par with other cultures freeloading off of welfare or various methods of fraud to avoid payments into government revenue.

ReasonTV presents "Ask a Libertarian Day" (Philosophy Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

>> ^Lawdeedaw:
No, none of what I mentioned is really political at all, even though it directly relates. What my message did note is that without effort from the people even the most successful government format can do nothing. And the funny part is, if the masses are educated, hardworking, freedom loving, and kind and generous, then they would make perfect libertarians. They wouldn't need government to tell them how to live.

Reminds me of this quote from James Madison, "If men were angels, no government would be necessary."

Madison of course knew men weren't angels. The paragraph (and indeed the entire Federalist paper it's contained in) speaks to the entire problem one must solve when designing a government.

It's why I'm leery of people who want to reinvent society without taking any of that commentary into consideration.

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

But sadly, I see no way out. Term limits have created a horrible environment in Florida, where Pols just grab for quick power even faster. The gulf of the Mexico will either be drilled for by the U.S. or some other nation (And we get polluted either way.) Heck, the only way to stop other countries from stripping the world of its resources would be to war, or cease trading--which is not going to happen.

I agree, they're all hard problems. I'm just saying there's no easy fix. Unwinding the government doesn't seem like a fix for any of them.

On the environment, I actually agree with the Reason answer above. We need to move away from treating the environment as an unowned collective commons, and set up a property regime.

A.K.A, Cap & trade.

ReasonTV presents "Ask a Libertarian Day" (Philosophy Talk Post)

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^Lawdeedaw:
What is to stop governments from destroying our natural resources right no Ti? It is already happening.
@Netrunner--people can vote politicians out. But the odds are that the masses drown out the silly little one or two little votes of reason.
Second, the bad ones move from one area to another--kind of like teacher tenure light.

Is any of what you said meant to serve as some argument in favor of libertarianism?
All of those things are issues I'd love to address. What's the course of action you suggest? Do you claim to have better ideas on how to solve them? Out with 'em then.

No, none of what I mentioned is really political at all, even though it directly relates. What my message did note is that without effort from the people even the most successful government format can do nothing. And the funny part is, if the masses are educated, hardworking, freedom loving, and kind and generous, then they would make perfect libertarians. They wouldn't need government to tell them how to live. Unfortunately--that's not the case, and so our government is screwed no matter what form it takes.

But sadly, I see no way out. Term limits have created a horrible environment in Florida, where Pols just grab for quick power even faster. The gulf of the Mexico will either be drilled for by the U.S. or some other nation (And we get polluted either way.) Heck, the only way to stop other countries from stripping the world of its resources would be to war, or cease trading--which is not going to happen.

And you should know I do not defend libertarianism Net, it is only as good as its people. And the active people today (I.e., the tea party) would turn this country into flames. With that said, god I am tired. Did that make any sense? I guess I have to read it tomorrow.

Police State: Arrested For Dancing in the Jefferson Memorial

bareboards2 says...

Jefferson was a gentleman, a scholar and a deep thinker.

He would be appalled by you, not me. He would be appalled at the mountain being made out of this molehill, when there are true mountains to be tackled.

Not that either of us really can speak for the man.

>> ^cosmovitelli:

So what about the uneducated British troops sent to put down the illegal colonial rebellion over, as you put it "expensive tea"? Blue collar hardworking guys right? Should have just bent over and taken it because they had badges?
It is bad luck for them, as for the British soldiers, that those whose will they have pledged to violently enforce make tyrannical and demented proclamations. But the most elementary understanding of Jefferson, and the fundamental basis for the US constitution, absolutely precludes meek subservience to tyranny.
A few more gutless masochists like you in Boston and you would be singing God save the Queen, and crowing about how great the staus Quo is. Or whatever mental contortions you had to perform to avoid growing a pair.
As for causing a disrespectful commotion at the memorial to a father of free expression, are you really blaming people silently jigging over people violently attacking others??
No offense but if you'd spouted that shit to Jefferson he'd have knocked you the fuck out.
>> ^bareboards2:
This is the very definition of dehumanization. To tell a hardworking blue collar worker that they are a tool of the state, instead of recognizing that they are understandably pissed off at a bunch of folks who aren't following specific directions?
There is a vid on the sift interviewing cannibals on how they justified eating a fellow human being.
This is the modern world equivalent of that cannibal saying the sorcerer wasn't human, so it was okay to kill and eat him.

Police State: Arrested For Dancing in the Jefferson Memorial

cosmovitelli says...

So what about the uneducated British troops sent to put down the illegal colonial rebellion over, as you put it "expensive tea"? Blue collar hardworking guys right? Should have just bent over and taken it because they had badges?

It is bad luck for them, as for the British soldiers, that those whose will they have pledged to violently enforce make tyrannical and demented proclamations. But the most elementary understanding of Jefferson, and the fundamental basis for the US constitution, absolutely precludes meek subservience to tyranny.

A few more gutless masochists like you in Boston and you would be singing God save the Queen, and crowing about how great the staus Quo is. Or whatever mental contortions you had to perform to avoid growing a pair.

As for causing a disrespectful commotion at the memorial to a father of free expression, are you really blaming people silently jigging over people violently attacking others??

No offense but if you'd spouted that shit to Jefferson he'd have knocked you the fuck out.

>> ^bareboards2:

This is the very definition of dehumanization. To tell a hardworking blue collar worker that they are a tool of the state, instead of recognizing that they are understandably pissed off at a bunch of folks who aren't following specific directions?
There is a vid on the sift interviewing cannibals on how they justified eating a fellow human being.
This is the modern world equivalent of that cannibal saying the sorcerer wasn't human, so it was okay to kill and eat him.

Police State: Arrested For Dancing in the Jefferson Memorial

bareboards2 says...

This is the very definition of dehumanization. To tell a hardworking blue collar worker that they are a tool of the state, instead of recognizing that they are understandably pissed off at a bunch of folks who aren't following specific directions?

There is a vid on the sift interviewing cannibals on how they justified eating a fellow human being.

This is the modern world equivalent of that cannibal saying the sorcerer wasn't human, so it was okay to kill and eat him.

>> ^cosmovitelli:

>> ^bareboards2:

I also find it interesting that the cops and the protestors are actually both doing EXACTLY THE SAME THING. They feel disrespected and they respond. Everybody is human, hows about that?

One is a state security operative sanctioned to use violence to enforce the will of the powerful. The other is a free citizen with a duty to assert their rights at all times and especially when they are threatened (according to Jefferson and a few other people who 'mouthed off' in the Constitution).
Lets just agree that Jefferson would have been profoundly on the side of the protesters but people no longer give a shit what he thought.

Bleep Bloop Starcraft: 1 Pro vs. 3 N00bs

Jinx says...

Yeah, but people say "lets play a Football Game" and that doesn't hold that back. It wouldn't matter what you call Video Games, the stigma off lonely nerds locked up in their basements was always going to be attached to it. I guess there has been an effort to re-brand it as an E-sport, but I think that kind of fails because its so different to traditional sports that people see it as a bit of a joke. Competitive gaming is gaining ground though, mostly due to the hardwork of relatively few progamers and commentators, mostly in the SC2 scene, showing that you don't have to be a spotty shutin to be passionate about gaming at a competitive level. And yeh, playing competitively far from takes the fun out of it, I'd say it was quite the opposite.

On TorcH: I think its a little harsh to say his qualification was a fluke. He's certainly not on the same level as the other progamers in Korea, but he's still pretty solid.

As for this stunt, well, tbh I think pretty much any Diamond League player worth their salt could at least 1v2 or even 1v3 a bunch of new players. That said, if those same people played a few more games together, found a build order to execute and made an effort to combine their forces and attack together then I think even the very top level pros would struggle to hold it off. They might have vastly superior micro, but I think ultimately the numbers advantage would simply be too great.

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