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How Reagan answered the age old question

newtboy says...

Even with all his many, MANY flaws, he only needed one hand to drink water.

Honestly, as absolutely criminal, sneaky, and actually clinically demented as Regan was, I never questioned his love of America, not something you can say for today’s republicans.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Gonna make a guess…

…now that it’s public knowledge that the lying fake “whistleblower” that is the main (and only first hand) witness for Republicans, “the most corroborating evidence we have” -Jim Jordan, investigating the Bidens, their “highly credible source” is in fact by his own admission an active Russian agent who has been spreading the Russian intelligence agency’s propaganda specifically designed to hurt and divide America, (and remember all the other witnesses based their testimony on what he claimed, not one had knowledge of the facts beyond what this Russian agent reported without evidence) you are still not prepared to admit the entire series of baseless accusations is a political farce being put on by complicit Republicans to interfere in the election.

Yes, he has admitted he is a Russian intelligence agent. Yes, he admitted he met with other Russian intelligence agents about this topic. Yes, he admitted those agents provided the lies he told about the Bidens which the MAGA representatives repeated constantly, all of which he now admits were Russian intelligence agency lies.

Yes, he admitted this to the FBI last week.

Yes, there is evidence the Republicans knew all this before starting the impeachment investigation but hoped it wouldn’t come out. There is no longer any question that they are also Russian agents, it has yet to be proven if it’s intentional or by gullible incompetence, but that should be investigated and prosecuted, don’t you think? The American people need to know if Russia is paying American politicians to work in favor of Russia and against American interests…RIGHT?

Even your new favorite news outlet CNN admits it! 😂

President Biden Delivers Remarks

newtboy says...

Yes, that kind of clearance, Mr Know Nothing. He had clearance to have every document in his personal possession when he received them, unlike Trump who illegally and secretly stole them from secured facilities. His mistake was trusting his staff to properly forward them to the archives when they packed his senate, and later VP offices.

No, ex senators and ex presidents both don’t have clearance to KEEP classified documents, correct. Trump did not ever have clearance to remove nuclear secrets and other highly classified material from a SCIF, not as president and not after, and it endangers the nation that he did so. It requires written declassification by the DOE, the president cannot declassify nuclear secrets under any circumstances.

The DOJ report indicated Biden did not know his staff had stored a few (6) unlabeled low level classified documents at his secure locked think tank office and personal handwritten notes at his guarded and locked home library (namely a few daily briefs on Afghanistan and some handwritten notes he had made, nothing at all designated top secret), indicated he himself (or attorneys at his instruction) looked for them and immediately reported finding them to the FBI, and allowed them to search that and other properties without requiring a warrant.
The DOJ report also indicated Trump DID know he was illegally taking and retaining highest sensitivity most stringently classified top secret documents by the truckload, not just a small part of one box, refused to return them when asked by the archives, lied about having any, required a warrant for a search, actively hid them when searched, lied again about having MORE, lied about showing them to multiple other parties including foreign agents but was caught red handed on tape, claimed personal ownership (of nuclear secrets), kept them unsecured in public areas, tried to destroy video evidence, claimed they were planted, obstructed Justice multiple times…
…must I go on for you to see the difference, or comprehend why one faces no charge and the other treason?
I’m certain the answer is yes, you haven’t heard enough to admit the situations are completely different despite the fact that one is staff improperly packing up his office when he left it, the other one individual intentionally stealing hundreds of state secrets for personal gain at the nation’s expense…you can never hear enough evidence to admit that.

Is Maddow still on? Sorry Charlie, like I’ve told you a hundred times but you can never recall, I’ve never watched CNN beyond short YouTube clips, not before they went right wing certainly not since. In fact, I think it’s likely that you watch more CNN than I do, you sure like to post and quote them now. If she’s still on and is saying the same things I’m not surprised, she was a smart wonky cookie last I saw.
It’s hilarious when you don’t know my sources, because when you can’t try to impugn the source over nonsense you have no argument at all, just rambling nonsensical insanity spewed from your mouth like explosive diarrhea.

Me thinks you have too little brain in the brain.

😂 Talk about projection! What a confession. 😂

Everything Trump said in that idiotic speech was a lie about Biden and an admission of what he himself did.
I won’t insult your minimal intelligence by pretending you actually believe the delusional ramblings you just posted, they would make a good case for insanity if he believed it, but we all know he doesn’t.
Every word of that insanity was a total fabrication of a delusional mind.

The presidential records act absolutely doesn’t give him the right to take top secret classified documents home when he leaves office, or retain them, or lie under oath about having them, or defy warrants for them, or show them to otherS, NONE OF THAT IS LEGAL UNDER THE PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS ACT.
Trump obstructed Justice at every possible turn, destroying evidence hiding documents, he still has an unsearched secret room in his bedroom not disclosed when the FBI searched, so likely has MORE stolen documents still. Biden cooperated more than fully with the investigation, which even the political hack Trump appointed special prosecutor admitted.
…and Biden had a grand total of 20 documents or notes designated “classified”, none top secret…Trump had over 325 well marked classified FILES containing multiple classified documents each including I think a dozen or more of the highest most secret files the government has, files never supposed to leave a SCIF and not declassifiable by the president under any circumstances.
Not one word he said was true, and you know it, fool.
That speech if not intentional lies is proof Trumpist Alzheimer’s has progressed to the point of total delusion.

PS- Still waiting.

bobknight33 said:

Not that kind of clearance.
Senators don't have clearance to take and keep classified documents, as the DOJ report indicated.

Me thinks you have too much Rachel Maddow on the brain.

How Al Green Ruined The Impeachment Scam

newtboy says...

You are that gullible.
Millions came through illegally under Trump. The numbers are increasing in part because he cut drug enforcement aid to many countries and narco gangs took over.
Biden, to his shame, didn’t change the Trump border policy in any significant way. I agree, continuing Trump policy is a failure and a fuck up, but with the house actively sabotaging any solutions, including the solutions they suggest, I can’t blame Biden for not doing much with his hands tied. He can’t write and pass law alone, despite Trump’s recent assertion he could (but Trump didn’t).

The border failure now 100% belongs to Trump after he killed the bipartisan bill to address it in many of the exact ways Republicans suggested it be addressed.

Btw- I like how you now love fake news CNN…but only when they agree with you, the rest of the time they lie all the time. 😂

bobknight33 said:

You are that gullible.

The border was more secure under last POTUS.

Biden totally F it at teh border. So much so even sanctuary cities are crumbling under all the illegals they have.

This Man is a Genius

newtboy says...

Unless you count the sift I’ve never been on any social media platforms at all, but I’ve also never owned a cell phone. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been the only person in a crowded room not glued to a tiny screen.
I’m a weirdo, and I like it that way.

I hope you’re wrong and the sift endures and thrives again by itself for its (as far as I know) unique curation of YouTube (and other site’s) videos, but that will take more than a handful of users posting. If it merges with a big chat site it’s going to become a different, more impersonal animal, maybe an animal no one likes.

Reefie said:

I took a break from social media a few years ago. Life's much simpler now!

Videosift needs to integrate with a popular chat platform - or several. Discord, Reddit, something like that. They all have their downsides, but if we want to keep Videosift alive, we've got to plug into the mainstream.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂The financial monitor for Trump’s finances found another $50 million tax fraud. Just one of dozens upon dozens of frauds, misstatements under oath, illegitimate business practices, and intentional non compliance with the law and direct orders from courts. He got an F- and the monitor said the frauds have continued through the day she submitted her report. This is the report Engoron will use to determine how much to find the Trump org for persistent fraud. Hold onto your hat! 😂

The report included one massive fraud scheme from when he defaulted on loans for the Chicago tower to the tune of $50 million (most of his lenders don’t get paid back, despite his claims they do). The lenders were then blackmailed into “forgiving” those loans on the Chicago tower after he defaulted and he sued them! He then created a shell company to hold the $50 million he had just been “given” (that’s a way to avoid taxes on loan forgiveness, otherwise it’s income). The problem is that shell company then secretly “loaned” that $50 million to Trump and listed him as a bad risk but took no collateral, it was not repayed, seemingly “forgiven”.
Unfortunately for Trump, the Trump Organization (that controlled ALL of Trump’s businesses including the shell companies) has said there is no record of any $48-$50 million loan to Trump, it never happened…but he did personally take the money, it’s just not a loan.
That’s more tax fraud, more bank fraud, and likely wire fraud too. Probably a half dozen felonies for Trump personally in just that scheme. More cases for Trump just keep coming…while more lawyers keep going. Is it just the two idiot bimbos now? Seems like it.

So let’s recap…Hunter Biden didn’t pay his taxes for a few years and owed $1.5 million which he paid but is still being prosecuted.
In this one tax fraud scheme, Trump evaded paying taxes on $50 million, a minimum of another $15 million in taxes he evaded through fraud for at least a decade. He should get at least 10 times the sentence Hunter gets.

Recall, if he’s telling the truth about the value of Mar A Lago, he has evaded over $700 million in taxes to Florida alone on one single property. Trump is the biggest tax fraud in American history…and he’s caught….again.

Today’s bonus- The recent IG reports prove the Trump White House was a total pill mill, handing out hard core drugs without prescription, evaluation, or often even a patient’s name, handing out ungodly amounts of four opioid pain medications: fentanyl, hydrocodone, morphine and oxycodone, and dozens of other scheduled prescription medications like Provigil handed out by the bottle as “parting gifts” for visitors to the whitehouse…a total free for all at the pharmacy run by Trump’s “best people”. Over 2/3 of the patients weren’t even eligible for treatment by the office, but were handed bags full of schedule 1 narcotics for the asking.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Wishful thinking comrade. твоя мать - твоя сестра

So, Biden has decimated the Russian economy and military, driven them out of much of Ukraine, hit them hard in Russia proper, sunk their feet, and turned the world against them, all without a single U.S. soldier going to battle. Trump unconditionally handed over Crimea like he did Afghanistan and OKed the next invasion for his handler and benefactor, Putin.

bobknight33 said:

The Ukraine war is all but over. A total loss all because of Biden desire to expand NATO nations.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Hilarious fight between Hannity and Doucey because Hannity wants to spread Trump’s lies, this one about how Trump really won by a huge margin not realized because Democrats in New Hampshire have taken over the Republican primary, first claiming Democrats could just vote in the Republican primary, a lie he got direct from Trump, not true, then after Doucey told the truth about that and Trump had a weekend tirade about being corrected he came up with the lie that they could just switch parties then go vote in the Republican primary on the same day, another lie the cut off date for switching parties was early October. Doucey corrected that lie too, at which point Hannity got pissed and accused him of being a leftist…because honesty and facts are only for leftists while pure made up lies are all that the right peddles, I don’t think he meant to be making that point so clearly and publicly but he did, and it’s accurate, the only accurate thing he’s said lately.
MAGA is nothing but lies and whining now, a failing cult whose prophet is a child molesting rapist tax cheat that fomented a coup to stay in power, stole and sold highly classified top secret military documents, sold a list of our own allied countries spies to Saudi Arabia for $2 billion (and they executed many), and presided over what he made the worst year in American history by almost every measure, 2020.

On Monday Trump said Biden will destroy America IF HE EVER GETS INTO OFFICE.

Enjoy your cult of lies led by a dementia ridden criminal. He’s falling apart exactly like his father who had Alzheimer’s which runs in families (a condition Trump repeatedly took advantage of in his fathers dying years to forgive himself of tens of millions in debts to Fred’s estate and tried to rewrite his dad’s will to cut out everyone else but was caught…and you want a similarly easily tricked dottering fool in the highest office).
And a Florida Senator (Garcia) and the CFO of Florida have decided it’s wrong to take any tax payer money to buy poor children or elderly people lunch or health care (she chairs the children family and elders affairs committee), but they should take $5 million of taxpayer money to hand it to Trump to help him with his criminal attorney fees….yes, they’re trying to give alleged billionaire Trump a taxpayer bailout for his criminal charges despite having massive poverty and lack of services in the state and an over $130 billion in debt. MAGA priorities on full display.

Saving Strangers From Scientology

newtboy says...

Scientology now tricks unsuspecting tourists, usually foreigners because they don’t know better, by pretending they’re just offering a free and fun “personality test”, a test that always says you have major problems (problems the church can definitely fix for a fee), but what they’re also doing is fishing for your personal contact info so they can harass you and your family members for life until you join the cult and hand over all your cash.

No religion needs to hide who they are or threaten people to get people involved in the religion, that’s a cult.

Trump Supporter CHANGES MIND on Biden in 60sec

newtboy says...

As usual, you have it all 100% backwards. Not surprising since you are a Russian propagandist.
Russia secretly invaded Ukraine in 2014 as pure expansionism, when they finally admitted the invasion their excuse was Russians in Crimea were being poorly treated and a fear extremists would take over Russian military bases, having absolutely nothing to do with NATO.,Russian%20military%

NATO is now “creeping into buffer countries” because Russia started and continues an expansionist policy and threatens its neighbors. Russian expansionism started first. There have been 3 rounds of NATO expansion since Russia started retaking now sovereign lost satellite territories in 2014.
There was never an agreement that NATO wouldn’t accept new members, just as there’s nothing stopping Russia from making allies.
Ukraine was going to be an EU country until Russia’s installed “president” ignored the people and chose Russia over Ukraine and was deposed and expelled so Ukrainians could democratically choose their own leadership which they did. Then Russia invaded.
There was absolutely no chance of them joining NATO until after the invasion, now it’s a near certainty.

Democracy in Europe IS our business. We will be fighting this war at some time, either now while Russia is weak and poor through a proxy or later when we are in a much weaker position fighting them with American soldiers directly…much better to choose now for less money and zero Americans, I know you would prefer to just let Putin re-annex the Balkan states and expand as far as he chooses, returning to socialist communism under his tyrannical leadership, but the free world would prefer to stay free.

And again, it is our business as I clearly explained to you repeatedly because we signed, and actually directed the trilateral disarmament agreement in 92 when we agreed to secure their borders against any incursion and they gave up nuclear weapons the collapsing soviets couldn’t afford to secure themselves. You would make any future agreements, and any current treaties moot and impossible to guarantee because our guarantee is worse than worthless. So shortsighted and not smart. It’s important to keep your word internationally, I know as a MAGgot that doesn’t make sense, just like telling the truth even if it hurts you doesn’t make sense to you…honesty and honor are foreign concepts to your ilk.
It would be nice if you could remember being so wrong so I didn’t have to correct you over and over and over on the exact same topic…but you can’t admit you are wrong so you will forget you were proven wrong, again, and spout the same ignorance, again, forever. So sad and mentally defective….it’s a main feature of MAGA, severe brain damage.

Walk away MAGA policies would hand the world to China, Russia, and N Korea without a word of complaint, then confusion over where our allies are when they come for us.
Ukraine is a war Russia started, one that’s being won by Ukraine with help, and one that has crippled Russia for decades to come WAY cheaper than any American policy could have. Give Joe credit, fine, Joe bankrupted Russia and destroyed their military…I don’t give him that credit, you do.

No, leftists said he would bring us into ruin, and that if he followed trough with his stated intentions he would bring us into war…but he never follows through and caved to China and Russia instead of standing strong for American ideals, interests, and Western democracy. He nearly did start a war by assassinating Iranian government officials and Syrians. I remember when you said ISIS was a nothing burger and not worth paying attention to, right before they took near half of Iraq and Syria, started attacking Americans, and we went to war with them in 2017…who was president then?
We were still at war in Afghanistan when he left office, he had just surrendered unconditionally to the Taliban and Al Qaeda under an agreement they broke repeatedly, but we were still there until Biden (poorly) facilitated the retreat Trump negotiated. Trump/MAGA didn’t avoid or end wars. Nice try at revisionism.

The policy bringing the US near war today is our Israel policy that is the same unthinking blind support for Israel from both parties, same from both presidential candidates. We are in direct military actions endangering American soldiers daily because of THAT conflict, not because of Ukraine. The unbridled ignorance is disappointing even from you. 🤦‍♂️

Ending wars by capitulating like Trump did with Crimea and surrendering unconditionally like Trump did in Afghanistan is not “winning”, it’s losing without even trying and hands the world to dictators.

bobknight33 said:

The kid is asking the wrong question.

The question is Why is Russia invading Ukraine.

The answer is NATO creeping into buffer countries that was agreed on after the fall of Russia.

NATO has not stopped expanding since the fall of the Soviet Union, growing from 17 countries in 1990 to 30 today, several of which were once part of the Soviet-led Warsaw pact.

Finally Ukraine is not a NATO country----------- This is none of our business.

Biden failed Policies have done nothing but keeping pushing for war --

Ukraine is a lost war.


You leftest said if Trump was POTUS - He would bring us into war--- Never happened.
MEGA 2024 to end wars.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You have no idea what you’re talking about, as usual. Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014. Crimea was part of Ukraine. Biden had nothing to do with it, Trump encouraged them to go farther by recognizing Crimea as Russia to appease his benefactor, Putin…and historically Bush sr made the trilateral agreement essentially guaranteeing to protect Ukraine’s borders with US military power in exchange for nuclear deploliferation in the wake of the fall of the Soviet Union in 92. Should we ignore the international treaty and destroy our reputation, making it impossible to make any international agreements at all? You likely think so as an honorless liar.

I know you don’t know the history, but that’s no excuse for making up nonsense.

Putin’s continuing expansionist policy has forced the hand of NATO to admit multiple countries that before the invasions weren’t even being considered, and make plans for admitting Ukraine, not the other way around you fool.
The waste is to throw away a victory for democracy and against a likely return to communist socialism just to hand Biden a loss…as if it were his war.

bobknight33 said:

Why do you stand for Bidens failure?
Biden policies with NATO forced the Russian hand and Biden lost. Worst thousands of lives lost............Such a waste all for not.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Why do you stand for Bidens failure?
Biden policies with NATO forced the Russian hand and Biden lost. Worst thousands of lives lost............Such a waste all for not.

newtboy said:

😂 lol….Even your Russian propagandists are so embarrassed of the stupidity they got you to spread they’ve already made it private to hide from it. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

For Christmas a second sex tape of vitriolicly anti gay “moms for liberty” Ziegler having sex with another woman has surfaced (I didn’t even know the first one was on tape…better air it during a publicly broadcast hearing in congress, the precedent set by Greene showing dick picks of an elected official’s son repeatedly).
Her GOP Chairman husband’s rape case is progressing. Remember, he raped the woman they had a 3 way with…because family values and the children.

More outrageous MAGA hypocrisy, because everything you rail against is just more self loathing couched in projection.

Question: with Trump plummeting in polls, dropping over 14 points Nicky picked up putting her in a statistical tie (including the margin of error), what will you and he say when the prosecutions continue even though he’s not the presumptive candidate anymore!?!? The lame attempted excuse that it’s a purely political prosecution against a political rival(like Hunter’s prosecution and Joe’s inquiry absolutely are) is evaporating in your hands. 😂

BTW- polls also show Biden beating Trump by 14 points if Trump is convicted of anything.

newtboy said:

Ziegler himself is now calling out the hypocrisy of those in his party who are calling for him to step down for (allegedly) raping the woman he and his puritanical book burning wife often had 3 way sex with, but who didn’t call for Trump to step down from his candidacy and party leadership when he was found guilty of raping a woman, but it’s no surprise since you didn’t care when Trump was bragging about routinely sexually abusing women and 14 year old young girls (look it up, he bragged repeatedly in public about miss teen USA contestants he told he had an obligation to sleep with and repeatedly forced his way backstage to watch undress while he owned the pageant, more than once on Howard Stern) on tape, broadcast, and it was public knowledge before he was elected in the first place.
Also don’t forget Trump’s friend Roger Stone who is a willing cuckold who put adds on swinger sites looking for “huge hung black Cock” to have deep hard nasty gangbang sex with his wife while he watched.
Yes, Trump’s (complete lack of) morality is now the official GOP position direct from the actual party leadership…immorality deviancy and debauchery are officially main features of the GOP, not minor issues.

PS- Thursday Trump lost his NY appeals of both the summary judgement of guilt and the financial monitoring agreement he’s already violated y secretly transferring $40 million out of the state. Expect more charges….much worse charges than Hunter is facing for exponentially greater and blatantly intentional crimes.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What dumb nonsense.

1) what does that have to do with the post you were replying to, the right’s faux outrage over Minnesota’s new flag 100% falsely portrayed as a copy of the Somali flag by righty media? Absolutely nothing.
2) I’m not black
3) I wouldn’t listen to idiotic and ignorant paid actors spewing right wing nonsense. No one cares what Kanye says, nobody’s listening to Uncle Ruckus….wait…is that Kanye’s indicted publicist?
4) let’s list a few accomplishments Democrats made for the black community recently - police reform. They came up with a dumb name for it, but Biden/Democrats got major reforms of police departments to the extent that many now prosecute criminal cops instead of handing them a bonus for murdering black people and covering it up. Republicans fought against that.
-infrastructure. Biden/Democrats made the biggest investment in infrastructure in our lifetimes. This benifits those dependent on infrastructure more than the wealthy. Republicans fought against that.
-marijuana reform. Biden/democrats have stopped prosecuting marijuana possession, made marijuana legal in many many states, and exonerated and freed federal prisoners and cons with federal possession convictions, which are disproportionately minorities. Republicans fought against that.

Sorry girl, you either got duped or are being paid to say this ignorant propaganda. There’s a reason blacks voted for Biden by 92%-8% for Trump, and it’s not out of ignorance, and not because some old white guy told them to.

It’s hilarious you are so incredibly dumb you think this kind of blatant partisan stupidity is going to change minds. Black people are just people, they are not inherently so clueless that they just vote democrat because someone said to, how insanely racist are you!?!, someone also said vote Republican why doesn’t that make them vote R? They see who is working for their community and who is actively working against them for racist motives, trying to remove their rights, their votes, their funding, their voice, their freedoms, and their lives.

We all know who thinks Black Lives Matter, and who thinks they don’t. We all know which party welcomes racists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, KKK, and white supremacists and which party expels them. If you are Republican, you either are racist or are happy to stand with and for racists. The rest left during Trump.

Do you honestly think anyone could possibly be swayed by a dishonest moronic tool for the extreme right like yourself!?!😂😂😂!

You and the extreme right have squandered any trustworthiness you ever had with your nonsensical lies and propaganda, and your constant total inability to ever admit you are w-w-w-w-w-wrong despite being 99% wrong 99.9% of the time. 😂

Judge Pronounced Trump Guilty Before Trial Began!

newtboy says...

🤦‍♂️No bob, they are not. THE FACTS WERE NOT DISPUTED BY TRUMP OR THE TRUMP ORG AT ALL, not in court…he submitted most of them.
Trump disputes the facts on camera, but not in court under oath. He can’t. The documents are what they are. He was too cowardly and guilty to take the stand…his smartest move yet.
Trump valued Maralago at $18 million for taxes, not the DA. He also valued it at 100 times that value to get good loan terms that saved him hundreds of millions the banks and county were then deprived of because of his fraud. Understand? I’m sure not.
I did the math, if his stated bank values are truthful, he defrauded the government out of well over $700 million in decades of unpaid taxes for one property.

What was presented during the prosecution “side” of the “hearing” bob? Nothing…because there was no prosecution phase, it was summary judgement based on what was presented by both parties during DISCOVERY. There has only been a “damages” phase of trial since the prima facie case made at discovery necessitated a sumary judgement…not a “prosecution side”.

Bob. This is civil court, not a criminal trial. Please stop trying to explain things you are wholly ignorant about.

In your example, a criminal trial with different rules, the defense could be you didn’t see them, or they dove in front of your moving car, or you were having a medical issue….or one of a thousand mitigating factors. Trump presented no mitigating factors explaining the frauds, the differing values that changed 10000% in value on paper with his signature swearing to the truthfulness of the values he presented, values he knew were fantasy, so was found guilty.
(Side note- in your example the victim’s heirs would also get a civil trial where prima facie guilt would be established by the witnesses and your admission you hit them and you would need to have evidence supporting your affirmative defense that it was under duress to evade liability, just as they would need to prove malicious intent or recklessness to get punitive damages, IMO).

😂 “Property values can’t be fraud in any way”. 😂 hilarious since submitting fraudulent values is exactly what he was found guilty of! 😂

The banks indicated massive fraud, who told you they didn’t? Trump? The banks lost over $180 million in interest they should have received if the collateral values had been correct. Yes, they made some money, but lost out on $180 million plus.
When you get a loan based on fraud like this, even if you pay it back you still comitted a crime and any penny you made from that crime can be recovered from you, exactly what’s happening.
It’s as if Trump submitted documents “proving” his credit rating was 800 but in fact it was below 400, then saying it’s no crime because he paid his low interest credit card bills, pay no attention to the lower rates and perks he received because of his fraud, they’re nothingburgers…$180 million nothing burgers.

This is a BS showman disgraced ex president caught red handed. You know it, he knows it. No one is blinded, you are simply dishonest.

What of me statement are bullshit or not in this hearing/case?
The disclaimers don’t mean Trump can just make up the numbers, like he did. I know he claims that, he already lost that point in court. He gave fraudulent numbers, values, square footage, claimed unpermitted unbuilt rentals were filled and collecting rent, claims he didn’t add “brand value” but it’s there listed on the documents.

lol. You get your “information” from crack heads, failed comedians turned pundits, and con men like rapist Trump. I get mine directly from the courts, then verify, then look at what nonsense MAGA is saying about it, then debunk your nonsense. Stop projecting. I’m not stupid. I’m no dick. I have almost no ego. I simply hate stupid lies and the stupid lying liars who lie them stupidly and I have the testicular fortitude and perspicacity to factually contradict them with facts, figures, and references.

You don’t ever look for shit, you liar. You take what the MAGA machine hands you and you say what they said to say. You haven’t had an individual thought since you’ve been posting here, not one. Every word you post can be found in the MAGAsphere written by someone else who makes money by telling you lies to repeat.

Yes, Trump was found guilty during discovery before the courtroom trial began, which is perfectly normal and reasonable in cases where the evidence is incontrovertible like this one. That’s the United States legal system, no surprise you don’t understand it….you don’t understand thing about my country.

Now whine that he couldn’t have a jury trial just because he didn’t ask for one until after his trial had started. So unfair! 😂

bobknight33 said:

But the facts are disputed , which mitigates the ability of the judge to make such decision. This was presented during the 11 weeks of the prosecution side of this hearing.

It only work is such cases as for example 5 people see me run over and kill someone. That is not is dispute.
What is or could be to mitigate my conviction is to show just cause -- IE being robed at gunpoint or such.

This "trial" is about property value. This cant be fraud in any way. Trump places a value and banks do the same and an agreement is made. No bank or lender indicated fraud -- Every bank got paid back, with interest and some made other deals on other projects.

This is a BS show trial. prejudged before it even started.

Only the ignorant are blinded.

All you statement below are bullshit -- none of that in this hearing. Every proposal for loans clearly had disclaimers for banks to do their own due diligence in their evaluation. Some thought higher some though lower-- but all made loans and got paid back.

Sadly stupid dicks with big egos, like you push false information.

I look for actual facts like presented -- Her own words - Trump Guilty before the trial began-- Thats BS

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