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When Taking Down "Anonymous" Goes Wrong

cloudballoon says...

He wasn't taking down Anonymous, nor could he. Nothing "Goes Wrong" really. In fact, EVERYTHING went right splendidly for Anonymous.

Watching the long trail of vulnerabilities he left behind, he likely couldn't even take down an amatuer teen hacker wannabe if he tried without getting his own ass served on a plate.

The title could be "When an incompetent, arrogant & greedy nincompoop gets his just rewards."

Stand By For An Important Announcement

newtboy says...

Yes, Missouri. The unhinged ignorant governor wants to prosecute reporters for viewing source data, but there’s no law about this, no hacking required, just a left click, and despite the governor’s politically motivated attempts to force a case, the prosecutor has declined to file any charges against the reporter who noticed and reported that the government website had publicly posted the social security numbers of every teacher in the state….likely because the only crime was on the government’s part….including the continuing politically motivated retaliatory investigations against the reporter who discovered this inexcusable lapse in security under the governor’s nose.

He (the prosecutor) should file charges against the website administrator for exposing 100000 teachers to identity theft, and the governor for abuse of power for trying to prosecute the whistleblower for reporting the non existent security to the government, he even held off publishing his report to give the school system time to fix the issue before it became public knowledge.

Anyone surprised the governor is a Republican, a moron, is more than willing to abuse his power to try to avoid embarrassment for his administrations incompetence, and has absolutely zero idea of how websites, the internet, meta data, or hacking work, or in many cases what they even are (probably thinks the internet is a bunch of tubes, hackers use hatchets, and that meta data is secret proprietary data)?

Sweet zombie Jesus, these morons get worse daily….I think Trump secretly requires them to eat >1gram of pure lead per day. Stupider by the minute.

noims said:

Worse that this. If you go to a publicly available page with no authentication, and just look at all the data being sent down to your browser (rather than just the data that the browser displays) you can get investigated. IIRC this is what that nutjob governor in Missouri(?) recently went full-on attack dog about.

Anonymous message to Vladimir Putin

BSR says...

Vladimir Putin's yacht, Graceful, appears to have a different call sign on a few yacht tracking websites.

As Russian oligarch yachts are being tracked around the world, Putin's luxury boat typically has the call sign UBGV8, according to FleetMon.

But on another website, MarineTraffic, Bloomberg reporter Ryan Gallagher and Good Pillow CEO William LeGate noticed that someone changed the call sign to FCKPTN and its current maritime position is "Hell."

Gallagher tweeted that it was an offshoot group from the hackers Anonymous known as The Anon Leaks,

They "told me they did it by manipulating the maritime 'Automatic Identification System,' which is used to track ship locations," he tweeted. "They said they wanted to put the yacht in the scope of sanction packages as well as 'put a little smile on some faces for a short period in these dark times.'"

Anonymous message to Vladimir Putin

BSR says...

Hero hackers claim to have breached Belarusian weapons firm

The international hacker collective Anonymous appears to have made good on its declaration of cyberwar against Russia and its allies, apparently exposing 200GB of emails from Belarusian weapons manufacturer Tetraedr.

Anonymous breached the firm’s defenses and released the most recent 1,000 emails from inboxes belonging to Tetraedr employees, passing them over in .EML format to the information transparency platform DDoSecrets. It also made public a complete archive of each inbox in .PST format, though the hackers noted that some files may have been corrupted by the export process.

Tetraedr is a private company founded in 2001 that specializes in making advanced radio-electronic weapons systems. It is based in Belarus, which has provided Vladimir Putin with logistical support in his invasion of Ukraine. Its dictatorial leader, Alexandr Lukashenko, has long been regarded as a puppet of Putin.

“Greetings, citizens of the world,” announced Anonymous in a statement on DDoSecrets, a non-profit whistleblower site set up in 2018. “We are the PWN-Bar Hack Team, we stand for equal opportunity pwnage and unrestricted access to information.”

Snowden UNMASKS Apple’s New Ploy To SPY On You!!

newtboy says...

Two questions about the title.
1) Why is Snowden getting credit for "unmasking" this Apple ploy?
2) Who hasn't already heard about this?

I don't even have a cell phone, and I knew about this long ago. Even Apple employees have been publicly speaking out about this, something Apple employees just do not do regularly, some walking away from Apple completely. It will be abused and misused both by authorities and by Apple, and eventually by hackers. Make a door, people will use it.

Apple just threw their biggest selling point, security, in the trash. Fucking I-diots.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Dicks are always dumb, just look at Trump, biggest dick (with the smallest misshapen penis) dumbest and worst president ever by far, that's why smarter people use their big head for thinking. You might try it someday.

Know nothing Don couldn't read a script, couldn't say English words, couldn't complete a thought. President Biden has him beat by an easy 40 IQ points, likely more. It would be no surprise at all to find that Biden's IQ is more than double dumb Donald's. Donald Trump dumb-dumb dumb-dumb, President Biden Smart, smart-smart 🎵
Take it from someone who DID graduate from middle school.

I'm not paying any extra. California gas prices didn't go up because Trump left all critical infrastructure totally unprotected from cyber attacks because he doesn't understand computers at all....only the East coast got hosed by Russian hackers and oil companies who do the bare minimum of safeguards. You know them Sergei?

bobknight33 said:

Compared to dumb dick Joe it was excellent.

How do you like paying extra $20 30$ bucks to fill you car?

Mom arrested after posing as 7th grade daughter in school

newtboy says...

If a hacker breaks into a company and is CAUGHT, then claims they were just testing security....the hacker gets prosecuted. It's not the hackers job to expose the problem unless the company hired them to do that. Otherwise any hacking efforts ever could just be excused as "security checks" and not prosecutable, even when they're successful at stealing money, data, and IP. Even if they do no harm and report themselves, it's still an illegal attack, just like if you catch me leaving your house after breaking in but I say I was just exposing your poor locks by picking them and searching your've still been illegally violated.

If I break into a bank, break into all the safe deposit boxes, and when caught in the vault say" I was just testing security, what's your problem, I'm the good guy here", I'm going to prison, just like she should.

The daughter would be in trouble because she helped an adult sneak into the school, not because of the schools reaction but because of her clearly inappropriate and likely illegal actions.

She's a real nut or she never would have thought this was a good idea. Do you think any concerned citizen should do as she did? How do you distinguish security checks from kidnappers, pedophiles, thieves, .... People who take the law into their own hands at the expense of other people's security are not heroes, they're self centered, self aggrandizing, nutjob criminals.

WmGn said:

I'm going to vote for mum here.

If a hacker breaks into a company, or its software, and reports the breach to the company, the hacker often gets a bounty. It's not the hacker's job to think about how to fix the problem - although s/he may: it's the company's.

Yes, maybe she daughter is in trouble - but, if so, this would be due to the school's reaction.

Unless she's a real nut, I'd like to see the school thank her, and invite her to join a school safety parent-teacher body.

Mom arrested after posing as 7th grade daughter in school

WmGn says...

I'm going to vote for mum here.

If a hacker breaks into a company, or its software, and reports the breach to the company, the hacker often gets a bounty. It's not the hacker's job to think about how to fix the problem - although s/he may: it's the company's.

Yes, maybe she daughter is in trouble - but, if so, this would be due to the school's reaction.

Unless she's a real nut, I'd like to see the school thank her, and invite her to join a school safety parent-teacher body.

Doom running on an Ikea smart lamp

QAmom - Confronting my mom's conspiracy theories

newtboy says...

Repeated non partisan recounts, above board by republican chosen organizations with bipartisan witnesses and uninterrupted video despite the lies OAN told you, with no Italian satellites wirelessly changing Trump votes (you delusional morons forgot there is a paper record of all votes that's been verified as matching the electronic counts). It's been proven twice over.
The fake audit dragging on now is none of those things, it's purely partisan, there aren't bipartisan witnesses, it's not all recorded, it has no rules, no plan, and no professionals involved, just Trumpsters trying to find any nonsense they can use to fool morons into believing they found fraud, Trump won, you really aren't all loser crybabies butt hurt over losing and throwing tantrums....but the thing is, you are.

Prove it was above board? How about give one scintilla of proof it wasn't, not crack heads spouting bullshit, not babies whining that they won, proof. So far every single bit of proof has shown every single case of demonstrable fraud was perpetrated by Trump voters for Trump. From double voters to voter suppression to hundreds of thousands of "lost" mail in ballots Dejoy refused court orders to even look for, Texas, all cases are Trump frauds....but you don't care a whit about that massive, multi spiked wheel of fraud because it ALL benefited Trump.

Prove it was above board? Ask any Republican in office if THEIR election was through fraud. Every single one will tell you no. If the ballots that elected them are not fraudulent, neither was the presidential election on the same ballots. Try it, see what happens.

Prove it was above board? No amount of incontrovertible proof would ever satisfy you, because you are incapable of examining it and understanding so you defer to whatever rambling mumbling nonsense Trump and Q feed you, never grasping that they lie to you at every turn but instead insisting it's reality that has it all wrong, Trump won two elections, climate change both isn't real and is a good thing, trickle down works, insane debt is both the most important thing we should focus on and a nothing burger, poorly built fences that fall in the wind are huge immovable concrete walls....I could go on all day.

We had multiple bipartisan professional forensic audits, that's where they found all that Republican fraud. You want a partial audit by fully partisan political hacks that are part of the stop the steal cult, not looking for fraud (bamboo ballots, really?!), they're looking to continue the circus long enough that you don't forget the big lie before the next election, and hoping to destroy the capabilities of any county that went to Biden to hold the next election....Maricopa needs to rebuy tens of millions in election equipment because any machine you morons touched has been permanently decertified and must be discarded (should be destroyed so republican counties don't buy them knowing they've been tampered with). Now you want to repeat that in all 50 states, only in counties that went for Biden. How about this, I think many would agree to that, but only if the auditors pay to replace all election equipment in counties they audit before they get approval, and do not get personally identifying information under any circumstances (in AZ they want names, addresses, criminal records, and social security numbers....all unsecured and gone through by unqualified unsupervised unverified certifiable morons who are guaranteed to turn around and sell it to hackers.) That means $10-50 million per audit...up front in cash.

The "audit" being done by cyberninjas isn't forensic. They have zero experience. It's like a complicated death happened and the main suspect is handed the body to make their own determination of how they weren't murdered, they fell on all 14 knives while accidentally shooting themselves in the face 6 closed, the suspect now inherits the victims estate and wife. So retarded, useless, and in no way a real investigation. It's a bullshit show for morons.

Yes, republicans are blocking that nonsense too, because it's not an audit, it's an incredibly expensive exercise in destroying trust in elections....a Putin plan that undeniably hurts America but has zero chance of actually producing evidence, proof, or rational theories of fraud. There's absolutely no way it could overturn the election even if it did find massive election outcome changing fraud (hasn't found non-republican fraud yet, btw, been 7 months of searching under every rock so far)...That's not how the law works. Sadly, you get legal advice from a crackhead and Giuliani, both clinically insane.

I wonder. What do you morons think? Do you believe if they can find ANY fraud from Democrats the position is just handed to Republicans? 1) There's already been massive Republican frauds found but no Republican handed over their seats 2) there's no mechanism for decertifying a certified election and 3) if there were, it would mean a special election, not that Trump just gets installed. Trump's favorability is 1/2 Biden's, same goes for many Republican senators and representatives. If there was a new election today, it would be a shutout against Republicans. Not a blue wave, not a blue tsunami, but a biblical blue flood, and your team can't build boats or swim. Is that what you want?

Might want to rethink this anti American, undemocratic plot to steal elections after the fact, it's destroyed your party's future, reputation, and further damaged you're believability and trustworthiness that were already on life support.

Cry us more snowflake tears, Bobby....I'm making lemonade and need the sweet syrup of sadness to keep flowing.

bobknight33 said:

The only bet I see issue with is the election.

Prove that the election was above board.

Only way is a full forensic audit.

Some states are pursuing this and democrats are trying to block / hinder these attempts.

System Shock Official Teaser Trailer - Nightdive Studios

ant says...

"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?"

newtboy said:

"How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine? ..."

Ask it “Why 42?”.

Hackers (1995) - Hack the planet!

3 Researchers Break Down COVID19 Vaccines They're Developing

newtboy says...

TLDW, but I thought it should be mentioned, Russians have again been caught hacking America's, England's, and other countries (Canada's) research facilities in an apparent effort to steal vaccine research.
These are the same Russians who helped elect Trump, APT29 AKA Cozy Bear.
The Whitehouse is silent.

Trump Impeached

newtboy says...

Please don't misconstrue my abhorrence of today's republican party as an endorsement of the democratic party....but there's no question which is worse imo. I've said for decades that I would vote republican if only they would. I didn't leave the republican party, it left me.

'They weren't the only ones sticking it to democrats' isn't an argument, defense, or's a dodge imo. Americans are allowed to participate in political propaganda (if they do it legally), other nations aren't. Russian intelligence hacked democrats at Trump's public request to help him. Period.

As for who is G2, "Working off the IP address, U.S. investigators identified Guccifer 2.0 as a particular GRU officer working out of the agency’s headquarters on Grizodubovoy Street in Moscow."

I totally agree citizens United (i mean the court ruling bearing that name) put a poison pill in all of our political cups. I would support any candidate who I believed would make a constitutional amendment fixing that priority one, for any and every office high to low. Sadly i don't know of one from any party.
Selling our political system to corporations and billionaires can only end in it's demise.

geo321 said:

it wasn't the Russians that leaked to Wikileaks that the Clinton campaign rigged the election campaign, it was an internal staffer that was pissed in 2016. The second so called hack of Podesta's emails by fishing by G2 we dont know the origin yet. but we do know the first leak in the election to wikileaks came from a staffer in the DNC to report on rigging.

He’s a hacker, he’s a Chinese hacker!

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