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Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination Cucked! - Cybertruck Fails #2

visionep says...

The Pinto thing is total BS sensationalist stat mining. They include the guy that tried to blow himself up in the Cybertruck in Vegas as someone who was killed by the truck. Really?

The parts thing only happens when vehicles and replacement parts are under warranty. @newtboy If you can find the source showing the warranty is voided driving a Cybertruck in the grass then I'll find the same language in the warranty docs for Fords.

This stuff is funny and Tesla doesn't deserve any leeway since their CEO has apparently gone"fact free" lately, but pushing easy to discredit "facts" seems like it distracts from the real issues with these vehicles and the company as a whole.

The biggest problem with Tesla in my mind is their over-promising and shitty service. I'm not sure how companies get away with promising stuff that isn't available yet but it seems like it is getting more common.

To me it looks like their service problems are a mix of 3 factors.
1. Not enough replacement parts at the ready
2. Service centers are understaffed because of the principal of running at below expected need until shit breaks. Only then can you apply more resources.
3. Service centers were designed to work efficiently but are run by a bunch of idiots that came from other manufacturer service centers so they want to do it "their way" instead of following the efficient hands off model that was originally planned.

Aviation Timeline

newtboy says...

In a panic because his dismantling of the air safety boards, firing the FAA head, putting a hiring freeze on air traffic controllers who are already 30%+ understaffed, and erasing any job security for the remaining few the day before (when there was another near miss between helicopters and planes due to understaffing and the added stress he intentionally put them under) only took a day to cause a mid air crash, the moron is blaming Biden for training disabled people to work in the field….

…..obviously forgetting the order to hire more disabled people for air traffic control was made by him in 2019 because there was a shortage back then and that was his “fix” (didn’t fix anything), or hoping his people are too stupid to look it up knowing they are all too dumb to remember what happened yesterday.

Every word is a lie, every action a disaster.

America won’t survive 4 more months of this, forget 4 years.
Remember remember the 5th of November…..Where’s America’s Guy Falks? Can he make it the 5th of March instead please….we don’t have until November.

Ocean Cliff Diving Fail

134 vehicle pileup in Fort Worth, Texas

newtboy says...

I don’t think honking would help at freeway speeds, but hazard lights might. If you find yourself in this position, hit your hazards immediately…before you crash… it might save you from the next guy.
In this case I wondered why the people filming weren’t at least waiving a flashlight at traffic to warn them…or something. A few extra seconds to brake might have avoided most of this…as would driving a sane speed in ice which no one was doing.

cloudballoon said:

I've always wondered... why nobody that got in the pileup honks and create a loud cascading effect to alert the incoming ones and slow down to minimize the carnage?

Is that a thing? Does it help? Is it realistic (understand people are in shock and/or physically hurt, so it's not as easy as what coming out of my mouth)? I'm not sure.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You should watch-

Also….another one-
The 29-year-old worship director from Oakwood Church in Augusta Township, Michigan, Zachary Joseph Radcliffe, faces 11 felony counts with charges dating back a decade. He was arraigned two weeks ago on two counts of aggravated child, sexually abusive activity, two counts of child sexually abusive activity, and six counts of using the internet to communicate with another to commit a crime, he could face up to 25 years in prison if convicted. The charges stem from incidents as early as 2014, according to court records.
Odd that it always seems to be the maga pastors and leaders with child rape and kiddie porn cases sticking, don’t you think? Even odder how often it turns out their “Conservative Christian” groups are found to have covered it up for years or decades (like here, the crimes being investigated have been happening consistently since 2014).
Maybe because the leader is partners in crime with Epstein and approves?
This guy is a huge maggot, on stage with the big guy and his family in his red hat over and over, performed at C-PAC….of course they’ll try to say they don’t know him just like all the others, ignore all the pictures and events they did together, he’s just some guy, probably a liberal…yeah-yeah…that’s it.

“They will know you by the company you keep”…lots and lots of convicted child rapists and convicted felons (convicted of crimes of moral turpitude) in Trump’s company.

Telling my kids this was Air Bud.

noims says...

A near perfect metaphor for a common bedroom occurrence.

It is common, right guys? Guys?

Stupid people

newtboy says...

They need to get together with these guys

Enough Is Enough

newtboy says...

Downvote a road kill eating, vaccine denying, brain worm suffering, parasite ignoring, science denying, dead bear pranking crazy person having any say whatsoever in your health care.

This crazy guy (who sold out 100% to the felon he called dangerous and fascist for some power) is poised to COMPLETELY DEREGULATE the FDA if the felon is elected. He is not planning to ADD REGULATIONS to get this stuff out of food, that’s an outrageous complete and total lie, he’s going to let them take it off the labels.

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

Let me tell you all about him,

this maggot intruder and Q fan is on video breaking in and attacking Pelosi, admitted doing it, admitted he intended to kidnap, assault, and likely murder Nancy Pelosi based on misinformation he got from the felon about her, has been convicted on every charge, and just got life in prison on top of his earlier sentences.

Once again, every word you have ever said about this assasination attempt has been false, dismissive, insulting, and shows clearly you wish he succeeded in his murder plans…and then you probably go ape shit at the suggestion that your boy led both attackers, drove both his attackers to it, faked his injury (he absolutely did, or he hurt himself, he was not hit) and deserved the attempts (no politician besides his German hero ever did deserve assassination more than he does, and that guy’s own generals tried 3 times).

I hope you’re at least brushing your teeth after eating all that shit, Mr MEGA.

bobknight33 said:

@newtboy Posing fake news.

Tell me about this "intruder" and how he is linked to MEGA or such.

Sure the report is slanted and indicated so but where is the proof?

When does an intruder brake glass "out" onto the outside?

Looks more like a lover spat gone horrible wrong.

No MEGA going on here.
Unless you are using MEGA as:
M Men
E Eating
G Gay

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump promised worm brained RFK “control of the HHS, CDC, FDA, NIH, USDA, and also a few others”.
USDA…the guy who got brain worms and multiple other parasites from eating road kill in charge of food safety?
NIH…Who doesn’t believe in science? Who says all vaccinations are worse than the diseases they prevent?
FDA…does he believe in pharmaceutical medicine?
CDC….so the next pandemic will be guaranteed and worse with the leader suggesting take your chances, get the disease intentionally, there will be no vaccine.
I thought he would just be running the NIH….disastrous enough, but holy shit.
Remember what he said about RFK jr just a few months ago? Now he wants him in charge of 1/3 of government!?

Meanwhile, Elon has admitted what every single economist has said, that he and the felon’s economic plans will almost certainly destroy the economy in short order leading to a depression next year but don’t worry when the market crashes and you lose your job, 401k, home, social security, and Medicare…they will rebuild in MAGA’s image…just like Russia did when it gave all its wealth to oligarchs and now has 50% poverty rates.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Daniel Miller- Another maggot caught committing voter fraud already, used the absentee ballot for her dead mother to vote for the felon in Minnesota.
Once again, lots of instances of individual voter fraud already found this election, so far all of them maga.

Jesse Lutzenberger- repeatedly punched a 69 year old poll worker for telling him to remove his campaign hat at the polls (wearing campaign gear or signs at polls is a crime in Texas). He’s by far not the only one…fat ugly bitches removing their ”I’m voting for the felon” shirts to vote in their underwear while cursing and spitting at poll workers is the norm for your fat ugly disgusting women.

Valerie BianCanello- The RNC official arrested at the Pennsylvania polls for repeatedly harassing voters in line to vote and screaming at them about who they have to vote for.

Charles Pierce - Redding Ca landlord who stole 4 tenants ballots and used them to vote for the felon then was stupid enough to brag about it on Twitter.

Seems a lot of you understand there’s no way you can win the election without massive frauds and violent intimidation….and even with them chances are increasingly slim.

Also today the campaign announced there will be no FBI vetting of his cabinet for security clearances because he knows the people project 2025 has lined up for him can’t pass one and many are unregistered foreign agents….kinda like Jared Kushner.

The campaign itself insulting all Puerto Ricans and all Latinos on national tv, calling them all garbage, is just amazing. Being a fascist Nazi wasn’t enough it seems, he needed to ramp up the hate at exactly the worst time. Good job. Before you try to excuse it as one comedian making jokes, the campaign read and approved every disgustingly racist word said on stage that night before the event. They approved calling American citizens “garbage” and Latino American citizens “breeders who don’t pull out, they just cum inside…like they do your country.” and talking about “carving watermelons” with the black guy for trump for Halloween.
THEY APPROVED IT ALL. It is crushing you. Puerto Rican voters are now polling >90% Harris, nearing 100%.

Trump Melts Down As Fox News Turns On MAGA

newtboy says...

Utterly ridiculous twaddle from a delusional cultist that’s all in on the loser felon just like he went all in on Tesla in November ‘21 at $400 a share.

The double standard exists, but is skewed so far right to sane wash his insanity constantly it’s dizzying.
He can be totally lawless, she must be totally flawless. That is absolutely how they are treated by the media.

An analysis from the extreme right wing hyper biased Media Research Center? Get real, you expect anyone outside the cult to give it a second’s thought?

For instance, every single broadcast media outlet gave some version of the headline “Trump speaks to packed house at MSG” despite photo and video proof he didn’t fill the stadium 1/4 full and entire rows of seats on the floor, right in front of the stage were empty, along with entire sections of seats and possibly the entire upper section. They reported that Harris filled the 30000 seat arena in Houston to capacity and beyond, but didn’t report the 1.2 million who tried to attend but couldn’t get tickets. Talk about lopsided coverage, real honest coverage would have asked what kind of piss poor planning led to this racist nazistic fiasco in NY, and why didn’t Harris book a bigger arena. At the same time they tend to repeat Trump’s claims about Harris without correction, just “he said ….” and leave it at that despite being easy to contradict his every dumb lie of the moment.

The main reason for the imbalance…your guy is a 34 time convicted felon, nearly 80 year old incontinent dementia patient with malignant narcissism, an adjudicated rapist, the self described partner in crime with Epstein and lover of quite young women just like Epstein (his words), fomented a coup and says he will again, stole top secret nuclear files and definitely gave them to Putin during one of dozens of illegal negotiations in private since leaving office, hasn’t strung together a cogent or true sentence in 8 years, and directs his cultists to physically attack the press as the enemy of the people…then wonders why they dared to actually report what he actually said in context and without deceptively editing it to look sane.

Ohhhh…a right wing blog repeated it? Must be true then. Never mind. 😂

bobknight33 said:

TV Hits Trump With 85% Negative News vs. 78% Positive Press for Harris

One week before Election Day, a new analysis from the Media Research Center finds that broadcast evening news coverage of the 2024 presidential race has been the most lopsided in history. Since July, ABC, CBS and NBC have treated Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris to 78 percent positive coverage, while these same networks have pummeled former Republican President Donald Trump with 85 percent negative coverage. (See Methodology explanation at the end of this post.)

The difference in coverage between the two candidates is far greater than in 2016, when both Trump and then-challenger Hillary Clinton received mostly negative coverage (91% negative for Trump, vs. 79% negative for Clinton). It’s even greater than in 2020, when Joe Biden was treated to 66 percent positive coverage, vs. 92 percent negative for Trump.

The main reason for the imbalance: Since July, the Big Three have swamped their audiences with more than 230 minutes of airtime — virtually all of it negative

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yet more corroboration, 13 of the felon’s cabinet members have all signed a letter backing up Kelly, saying they are personally aware and witnessed the felon constantly praise Hitler in the Whitehouse and he is absolutely a fascist by any sane definition or assessment, with more coming.

Yet another fake “disproving” with no actual even disputing the growing mountain of evidence, much less disproving anything.

You have made yourself into such a ridiculous joke.

I still can’t understand why you fantasize about fantasy cat piss. Just like you said you like sticking your dick INTO urinals like you would a woman (if any would let you)…That’s weird, you’re a real weirdo.

ERMERGERD! I hadn’t heard that he now plans to put bat shit crazy brain worm riddled, flat meat sandwich aficionado and science denier RFK jr “In charge of our health”. Get ready for no more health care in America if it happens, he doesn’t believe in it….he thinks you should eat road kill to be healthy and ignore the brain eating parasites.

Oops- JD reminded his crowd that “pissing on my wife’s sister, I’m a black Nazi” Mark Robinson is 100% Trump’s guy, totally his hand picked candidate that he full throatedly endorsed deep, long and hard as his kind of guy, a great guy, a trump-like guy. Another Nazi.

bobknight33 said:

Yet another fake and disproved story.

You are truly stupid and gullible.

I can only imagine the smell of cat piss in your house.


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol…you wish. It is clearly true and fits his character exactly. There are even recordings, dummy. Disproved how…because the lying felon said it’s not true? 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
You brainless moron. Still listening to and reposting the Russian paid mouthpieces….did you think we would forget this tool was caught taking Russian bribes to spread Russian propaganda? Sorry Charlie, we aren’t brainless like you, we can recall yesterday without our leader telling us what to remember. Another fail, Vlad.

Democrats aren’t fuming over one more instance of the felon being a fascist, and the report has not fallen flat as you wish it would, it is building steam and gaining traction after hitting the ground running. What has fallen flat is your fat boy’s campaign that has cancelled any appearance not in his safe space and can only bring in a few hundred at tiny rallies in high school gyms he can’t even fill now. 😂

Billboards are outside his flaccid LV rally right now reminding every cultist that great leader is a wannabe Hitler without the blitzkrieg (but with the meth addled brain) who still idolizes the worlds (second?) biggest monster according to most of his “best people”. (Also a reminder how not properly cowtowing can take a “best people” and “first choice for Chief of Staff” level person and make them into a “lowlife” for telling the truth.)

He has been 100% consistent in his praise for Hitler for decades, famously “read” Mien Kampf (kept it on his bed table anyway) repeatedly as reported by his ex wifes decades ago (along with their reports under oath that he raped them and other women, weakly retracted only after multi million dollar payoffs and NDAs that would be illegal today). There is zero doubt outside the cult that his well known long term historical praise for Hitler continues….sucker.

His (for years gay transexual) VP Vance said the same thing and worse, said he is “America’s Hitler”. This is news to no one.

He was too scared of Harris to show up to the CNN town hall he had agreed to attend, afraid he would come off an even bigger loser than after the debate. Harris converted some maggots on live tv. Good going felon. His health is failing, he cites “exhaustion” for cancelling many events weeks before the election. He will not live to Jan 20, and in the unlikely event that he did, and had won, Vance is prepared to use the 25th amendment on day one, he will not be president under any circumstances.

Don’t forget this picture of the 50+ year old married felon groping a 13 year old girl, hand on her ass, tiny dick pressed hard into her front on Epstein Kiddie Rape island, a place he went often for nude “massages” with 13 year old girls like this one.

Stacy Williams, Epstein’s girlfriend, reiterated her account of the felon sexually assaulting her when Epstein set it up. Just one more verified account with photos and signed evidence to corroborate it and nothing but more empty denials from the multiple time sex offender.

Not a fake story, photos, videos, and volumes of contemporaneous records prove he was a regular, with “massages” by YOUNG naked girls on rape island all 100% CONFIRMED despite his denials. You know it, you know it’s true, you just don’t care because you are a sick, disgusting cultist in a death and child rape cult of personality.

BWAAAHAHAHA! Elon’s paid canvassers have learned how to spoof his gps tracker to get paid for canvassing while sitting still, at least 30% of the homes they claim to have visited reported no visit according to Elon. Another horrificly planned scheme falls apart….you guys can’t do anything right because you try to cheat at every turn…it isn’t working out! This is the ENTIRE ground game…the RNC has none at all, zero, zilch, zip, nada, nothing! When you have to pay your people to do the bare minimum for your campaign, you are toast….and when they find a way to get paid without helping…you are burnt toast. 😂

Why do you fantasize about non existent cat piss? That’s weird….you’re weird.

The other 3 reports of his complete lack of morals, ethics, scruples, or honor are all completely verified as well….with paper trails and photographs and witnesses and bills. His evidence is “nuh-uh.”

PS- your boy is now contesting active servicemen being allowed to vote, because the military doesn’t buy his lies either so he needs them to not vote. Look it up. Lawsuits filed by the campaign and RNC to disenfranchise military personnel from their votes.

bobknight33 said:

Yet another fake and disproved story.

You are truly stupid and gullible.

I can only imagine the smell of cat piss in your house.



bremnet says...

How many tries do you get before the guy from Guinness (the Book, not the beer) goes home? i.e. is this skill or luck? (blind pig, acorn, etc.)

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