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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahahaaaa! Nazi rapist coward Trump now claims Biden tried to assassinate him in the Mar a Lago document raid. (The raid 2 years ago where they found hundreds of stolen classified files Trump has sworn under oath he did not have, the raid they gave him days advance notice of, and the raid they performed intentionally when Trump was not there to avoid escalation and obstruction by Trump.)
He has lost his mind completely, and is telegraphing his intentions to assassinate any political rivals and will use this lie to excuse it.
Recall, Trump’s lawyers are in the Supreme Court right now arguing that assasinating a political rival would have been legal.
Shocker, Manly Traitor Greene is claiming to be the source for this disinformation.

Do you believe it, sucker? I bet you do. You are that dumb.
Come on. Defend your messiah. Joe tried everything possible to murder him and his family and only the shield of Trump’s bombproof intellect and honesty protected them from the assassins bullets. 😂

Truth is they’re trying to convince you that the standard use of force rules on every search warrant that limit when force may be used is an assasination order…and truth is your ilk are so dumb and gullible they believe it.

More fist fighting at official maga meetings…in Maricopa county this time. You nutjobs can’t get along with yourselves, can’t have a meeting that doesn’t end in screaming and fistfights. How do you convince yourselves you could ever legislate?

Uh-oh. Alito’s excuse for flying insurrection symbols at his house, that his wife did it to spite a neighbor, fell apart when photos of more insurrection paraphernalia was photographed on his beach house. Is anyone surprised that a maga justice lied again?

Edit: Manly Traitor has now called on republicans to retaliate…claiming there’s proof Biden tried to assassinate Trump then asked ”what are republicans going to do about it?”. This is a call for maga nutjobs to assassinate Biden. If that happens, it will be open season on maga, anyone who ever flew a trump flag will be up for execution, and their families. It will be civil war that will end America. I fully expect multiple attempts, good thing you morons are so incompetent the assassins will likely shoot themselves.

Libraries: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

You believe this?

Dr. Hannibal Lecter Responds to Trump

Michael Cohen LIED AGAIN in TRUMP TRIAL says Ex-Lawyer

newtboy says...

What a total fucking disaster he was on the stand. So combative, rude, and over the top, mad doging the judge, yelling, going off topic, rambling, eventually the judge cleared the courtroom and had it out with him and the defense. Cross starts tomorrow. It’s going to be another shit show.
The jury was reportedly rolling their eyes and laughing at him, not with him.
Anonymous sources say Trump insisted he be called, his legal team was dead set against putting him on the stand, for good reason.
This guy wants to be Trumps AG? He can’t even testify in a courtroom.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol. So delusional. “Even cnn” has meant diddly squat since the first time you said it months after cnn went far right, firing multiple popular centrist and left leaning hosts and hiring dishonest maggots…which if you had 2 brain cells you would know because you’ve been told a few dozen times with proof, but you don’t, or is it pure dishonesty that has you continuing to attempt to mislead? No surprise you continue to say it, you are incapable of learning or thinking, even when a thing has been proven conclusively with citation and indisputable evidence.

Not sure what you think exonerates Trump there, but you are wrong. “Trump’s “fixer” was a skumbag” is hardly the “gotcha!” You seem to think. Trump was quite public that he was proud he had a criminal thug lawyer working for him, fixing his reputation and helping him not pay bills over and over and over and over through illicit payoffs, perjury, threats, frivolous lawsuits, etc…all for Trump. I know you don’t remember, but look at how he and Cohen acted before 2017.
What’s hilarious is he was apparently honest about this on the stand when asked, continuing to testify honestly about crimes he did when he worked for Trump in a criminal organization surrounded by other criminals…and you think it’s a shocker that he did crimes to benefit himself too!?! lol. You are so silly.
What you missed is he admitted lying about how much REIMBURSEMENT was required for (is it Redfinch, the poll fixing/faking company?), and Trump thinks he’s got him cornered because he paid that inflated reimbursement in full….FORGETTING HIS DEFENSE IS HE DID NOT PAY A REIMBURSEMENT! 😂

Even his legal team says conviction is a certainty if there isn’t a Trumpist on the jury prepared to vote against conviction for purely political reasons. The prosecution has thoroughly proven through evidence Trump’s direct total involvement in the scheme to hide his payoff to the porn star he cheated on his mistress with after cheating on his wife with her (McDougal) for nearly a full year (a story Pecker “caught and killed” to help the campaign with more criminal campaign fraud and massive unreported campaign contributions), hiding the payment through business fraud to help his campaign, which made it campaign fraud too.
Cohen just fills in the details, he doesn’t prove the crimes, mountains of documentation including recordings do. If you think a few minor details like the precise timing of a phone call from 8 years ago
(Edit: uh-oh. Photographs of Trump and Stiller together at the exact time of the call were just entered into evidence. So much for that lie.)
or the biased accusation of tangential crimes totally inconsequential to the crimes Trump committed impeach his corroboration of the documentation in evidence, documentation that proves Trump’s direct personal involvement, or that that somehow might tank the entire case, you are as dumb as I think you are.
This only gives reasonable doubt to someone searching for any excuse to vote against conviction despite all the evidence, someone who was never going to convict under any circumstances. We know there’s at least one, hopefully an alternate.

If you missed it, Friday Trump left court saying his NDA with Daniels must be the only illegal NDA ever, all others are legal but his is determined to be illegal…now stupidly admitting he had an NDA with her, something his lawyers and he have been arguing absolutely never happened.
Again, his press conferences can be admitted to the record and only Trump can contradict them on the stand…which will be his end if he testifies and his end if he doesn’t. Either way his own words are going to hang him.
Again, since you missed it, part of what Cohen was repaid for was paying the company who falsely inflated Trump poll numbers online…yes, PAYMENT TO FAKE POLL NUMBERS. I’m certain you will ignore that, then forget it before reading this sentence, because salient facts don’t matter to your ilk, only ridiculous minutiae you can distract your gnat brain with.

Keep dreaming. How many times have you said that, only to watch your exoneration dissolve in the sunlight? You will never learn though, and will believe anything good for Trump and ignore or deny anything bad or evil…which leaves you 100% divorced from reality living in Trumpist fantasy lie filled world. That’s why your predictions absolutely never come to fruition, they’re all based on a fantasy. It would be sad if you didn’t deserve it.
Keep cut and pasting…The pigeon english is almost too dumb to reply too.
“Even cnn CAN hide this…” !?!
“You orange man bad dream going up….”!?!
I’ve known people with severe brain trauma fresh out of a coma barely able to speak with better brains than yours. 😂

bobknight33 said:

\ Even CNN can hide this fact of Cohen stealing from Trump.

You orange man bad dream going up in SMOKE!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh…Blanch is failing miserably, again, repeatedly lambasted by the judge for misleading questioning, including in front of the jury after multiple side bars, told to stop and “fix” his line of questioning or the prosecution will be allowed to redress every question he asks, correcting the record from the misrepresentations the defense presented….showing the jury incontrovertibly that the defense is misleading them intentionally to give a false impression in order to escape being rightly found guilty of every charge and that is their only defense because he is guilty.
He failed to “fix” his misleading questioning, which went nowhere because the prosecution’s objections were sustained and the misleading questions went mostly unanswered.
All this twisting of facts and misrepresentation are happening and being corrected in front of the jury, juries do not like being misled. Juries do not like having their intelligence questioned and insulted. Good job Blanch.


Reefie says...

Good workable prototype, albeit a lot of effort to use. If the pedals were hooked up to a flywheel, and this in turn was connected to the leg movement mechanism it would remove a lot of the friction they're facing with each rotation. Basically the direct connection of the pedals to the leg movement mechanism is leading to feedback that impedes the ability to pedal smoothly.


newtboy says...

Good research. I had no clue, it just popped up.

moonsammy said:

Do we know what this is from? Feels like it was ripped from a movie or tv show, before being chopped and filtered by several iterations of internet posting.

UPDATE: I decided to just answer my own damn question. It's 2008's The Onion Movie, the existence of which I just discovered.

Police Hold Woman In Fire Ant Bed On Purpose

newtboy says...

Never a good apple to be found, not ever. They’re a myth, there are no good cops left.
I have allergies. I would absolutely have died in burning agony.

Woke people be like...

newtboy says...

Learn how to read you complete moron. I showed you the lie and debunked it for you above.

I am sickened that there are so many idiotic ignorami prepared to ignore reality and reason to be in a fascist racist misogynistic anti democratic cult of ignorance. Before maga America was so much better, so much more adult, so much more logical, and incredibly more United, Trump is the great divider.
When an idiot like you claims I’m wrong, that my beliefs are just stupid, it’s great evidence that they are well thought out and correct, because you absolutely never are correct, not even a little bit. How’s that “all in on Tesla in Nov 2021” advice doing? Remember all those red tsunamis coming? Remember the charges coming for Clinton in ‘17? The trade deals that will net us trillions? The wall that will stop immigration and be paid for by Mexico? Jared creating real lasting peace in the Middle East? Remember the lie that the Trump economy was good (only president to lose jobs since Hover, first to have a negative gdp in peacetime EVER, zero investment in America, hundreds of thousands of businesses closed, education in the toilet, biggest government fraud program ever (ppp “loans”)). The “covid is a cold and nothingburger that will go away without issues” theories? 😂

You ARE just sickened because your idiotic easily debunked hate filled propaganda has never gained a single bit of traction here, and is discarded more often than not. You’ve never convinced one person with any of your stupid STUPID nonsensical whining and lying. You only posted because you got discarded, again, and threw a tantrum like the eunuch infant you are.

bobknight33 said:

Show me the Lie
Debunked ? How?

You just sickened because you are being shown that your beliefs are just stupid

BSR (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 That’s the most delusional thing you’ve said lately. 😂

Why not go full nutjob and say “he’s going to come out with a hot prison body.”? It’s just as true. 😂

I bet the threat is enough to stop him from talking shit, at least until he forgets. If he honestly thought being put in jail would be good for him, he would violate the order again today…let’s watch.

He’s going to commit suicide within days of surrendering for his sentence…he’s the biggest coward ever and will never be able to live in prison, not even in a cushy club fed under protective custody, and absolutely not in Rikers Island so jail terrifies him.

I hate to tell you but going to prison or jail disqualifies him to people not in the cult…I know you don’t know any besides me. Most people want a president who is still allowed to vote and own firearms….and who can travel and meet foreign leaders and who can read documents and write orders, prisoner Trump can do none of that, he cannot have a pen or paper clip, can’t get briefings, documents, or visitors. How, exactly, you morons think he can lead from prison is beyond me…but not thinking it through is your MO.
That’s ok though, the public testimony and evidence proving he’s a liar and business fraud and cheater and election interferer and tax fraud have turned most independents away, the polls reflect that, as do all early elections.
His disastrous VP pick hasn’t helped one bit, it’s only reminded people that Trump also hates dogs and has no qualms about putting viscous and proud puppy killers in power. Normal people find that disqualifying…both for her and the man who chose her as your best.

It absolutely looks like we are going to find out. The chances he’s not going to prison are near zero…because he’s absolutely guilty of all charges and has absolutely zero idea how to put on a legal defense. Almost every time he’s been in court he’s lost, because lies and bullying don’t work in a courtroom and it’s his only move.

bobknight33 said:

Jailing Trump will only make him stronger.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

10th criminal contempt conviction comes with a warning that #11 will be jail time, as will #12-200.
Yes, Trump has been convicted of 10 serious crimes this week, and his release conditions say ANY crime should have his release from the other 3 cases revoked. Most defendants would have gone to jail after the first hearing and conviction, not Diaper Don.
Most defendants get one contempt charge before jail even when they haven’t violated other release orders.
More biased judges…but all biased in Trumps favor giving him special kid glove treatment that any other defendant would not enjoy. Blows the lie that the courts are being unfair to Trump out of the water for those who don’t have water on their brains like yourself…his special treatment has all been to his benefit not his detriment, never getting it worse than an average citizen would get at best, not once. I’m sure it won’t change your brain cell. It must be so lonely.

This weekend he spent whining and throwing a public tantrum to a room full of donors saying that he would rather be at the wedding next door because those people paid him, don’t expect any photos with him they didn’t give him enough money.
Why is a multi billionaire so apoplectic that people aren’t giving him money? He can fund his own campaign using the money he claimed to have ready but didn’t spend in 2016 or 2020, can’t he? Or ask his billionaire son in law. Oh wait…they could barely make a down payment on his judgements against him and he’s claiming poverty now, that’s right, I forgot. 😂

He’s freaking out to find himself losing in most new polls by well over the margin of error and he hasn’t even been convicted of secretly paying for sex repeatedly while married and with a mistress yet, committing business and tax fraud in the coverup, but the secrets are being aired, the others in the room are finally telling the truth now that they’re under oath.

Er-mer gerd! The defense has asked for another adjournment/delay because they are not prepared to question the Trump Org Controller…a long time Trump employee on the witness list. He has the notes confirming the fraud to hide the payment to Daniels, the extra payments to pay Cohen’s taxes since he falsely called it income, basically the entire business record fraud scheme on paper written at the time by those involved and kept hidden in a safe to ensure no one found out. He also proved that only Trump could have personally made the payment from the account it came from, only he had access to it. (If you don’t know, his latest story is Cohen paid Daniels on his own without Trump’s knowledge, and that Trump only paid her off to protect Melania not to protect his election chances so not election interference…too dumb to realize they’re contradictory positions that have both been debunked in court with corroborating evidence already.).
Despite knowing years ago what he would testify to, the defense doesn’t know what to ask him or how to deny the records and is begging for a recess to figure it out. This is the non-defense they’re putting on? The delay was denied, so they will be questioning him unprepared. Not good….for Chump. 😂

Oh, sorry….i must have imagined all that because as you know, I’m not following the felony trials (and tribulations) of the disgraced cheater, rapist, dog hater, and multiple convicted fraud ex president/candidate. Absolutely do not google any of the information I gave you.

Oh…Trump’s failed VP pick is just falling apart, not just over her penchant for murdering puppies but also lying about her credentials and history in her book SHE WROTE and blaming others claiming she didn’t know these lies were added but she herself read the audio version before release and read those lies aloud herself…but takes no responsibility for them being in her autobiography. 😂 This was going to be our president when Trump and company gets their blanket pardons and he leaves office? What if she was a liberal? Should we be electing viscous lying zealots like her?


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Triggered much?! 😂
I get why. Your reality is crashing down, your savior is going to prison, the economy is BOOMING, we are the envy of the entire Western world again after losing that title under Chump, and the plans to sell America’s assets to the highest bidder are failing.
The plan to become a fascist, Christian, white, male dominated nation is failing. Women and minorities are going to vote you out of power and rightly so, your plans to strip their rights are coming back to haunt you. Do you even know how you’ve been doing in early elections so far? Enjoy, suckers! 😂

Btw- your time was wasted, I don’t bother with your idiotic propaganda videos unless I’m looking to laugh at stupid people being moronic, not one in 15 years was honest, they’re just morons like Mensa member Joe Rogan being utterly moronic trying to think (and failing) and/or regurgitating the party lie, pretending the economy is crashing when it’s the best in the world and the best it’s been in over 50 years, just lying about anything and everything because reality isn’t good for you…you’re so delusional you don’t or so dishonest you won’t see it but we all do.

Bidenomics is the envy of the world, friendo. Going from the worst economy in our history with negative gdp and record high unemployment (Trump LOST jobs) to the longest low unemployment period and fastest growing gdp in our history. If Trump had had Biden’s economic record there would be tens of trillions more in the treasury today. If Biden had continued Trump’s economic record we would have defaulted on our debts and be a bankrupt nation without international credit today. If Trump had continued Trump’s economic record we would have sold Alaska back to Russia (who with China would be the only economic super powers left) and have Puerto Rico on the market just to keep the lights on. We were near a depression in 2020 with 100% of economists predicting at least a severe recession in 21…didn’t happen and we are in a serious long term boom in 2024.

STILL WAITING Bawby. It’s looking like those little BBs won’t ever drop, and you’ll never become a man. I wish I could say I’m surprised, but I would have to ignore who you are to be surprised. I’m actually STILL WAITING for the charges coming against Clinton, something you insisted would happen shortly in 2016 but could never say for what, then couldn’t discuss at all when no charges ever came. Just one of dozens of cases when you assert something salacious with zero evidence then go silent when pressed for details or follow-up because you are a coward that hides from his (constant) mistakes and can never admit he was tricked (even though it’s a constant). A baby boy. A total joke. 😂

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