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caught on tape-deputy slaps teen in the face

enoch says...

hehe..thats very true.
but they were also a different breed back then.
cop slaps my son nowadays and ill be coming for him after i deal with my son.

showed this to a good friend of mine who is a retired chicago cop,and he felt the same way i gotta hear that mans stories.spitting aint nothing.

Mordhaus said:

Guy is 70, he came from an era where they put the boots to people, medium style.

the world is a bit less brighter today (Death Talk Post)

chicchorea says...

Lurking in the shadows for years I became familiar with many here and many gone. Some stood out for various reasons. Indeed, some that have been through here the last days to remember a good friend. As strange as that still seems to me in this alternate reality online there are those that touch others lives by the power and strength of there essence and do so in a wonderful and warm manner that may be held as rare. schmawy was and is such a being.

I was lucky enough to experience that warmth. He, much to my delighted surprise, responded to posts on his profile page and allowed me to feel a friend and honored of it. I, as others, now wish I had basked more in that light.

Many have left here. I have experienced far more here than I had ever expected and bargained and for that I am thankful. Thank you. When some who have moved on come through and reach out while here I am thrilled. It is with sorrow I cannot look forward to hearing again from my friend schmawy.

I wonder, @dag and @lucky760, and @everyone perhaps, if it might be something to be considered that a memorial to schmawy be devised. Perhaps an icon, a cat in a hat for instance or some such could be issued. One of dag's songs maybe. Perhaps a poll?

In any case, it is notable that schmawy in passing has brought so many here together as did he when he was here.

The Flirting Fallacy

PlayhousePals says...

Egads @TheFreak @kceaton1 @ant ... all of these comments Makes me feel the need to 'splain the situation! Not that I should have to ... but here goes:

I am friendly and open to almost everyone I meet [there have been very few exceptions] in my life ... up to a point. I prefer my solitude. However, in a rather large living environment where one must leave the property to smoke nicotine [don't judge me], human interaction with fellow pariahs is unavoidable. Several of us tend to hang out by the lake around the same times during the day and a few of us have become good friends. Over the years people come and go so he started hanging around [99% are women in this bunch by the way] on a regular basis shortly after moving here a couple of months ago. I'm generally not in a hurry to get to know someone new and will often avoid the gang altogether in favor of quiet time under a shady tree.

I was cordial with him at first, but I also trust my instincts which picked up a slight player/creep vibe that quickly overrode the initial physical attraction there could have been. He started bringing a chair out to sit by me if I didn't go where everyone was congregated. Chagrined, I try to zone him out by playing games on my phone [hint hint] and don't initiate any conversation. He has a asked a mutual friend to find out if I like him [what is this ... grade school??]. He has also made inappropriate comments when others aren't present.

So, ah ... I don't think it's me ... m'kay

Jinx said:

Perhaps he is just being friendly and he is thinking that you are into him but he isn't interested.

Orangutan goes ape for his little charges

newtboy says...

That's messed up. At some point, they're going to have to separate the 'good friends', and everyone's going to be really sad about it. They should have just gotten a few puppies/kittens that could live with the orangutan for life.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Fusionaut says...

Haha we were mostly going to see the special legacy award that was being handed out that night as my wife was a good friend of the recipient (who passed away last fall). It was a small scale show but it was pretty fun. How are you doing?

eric3579 said:

Red carpet music awards. That's pretty rock star

Sean O'connell having fun

WTF Cops?! - Two Racist Texts and a Lie

heropsycho says...

You tell me how this is racist...

Actual racist: "Black people can't be leaders."
Obama overhears it and responds: "Yeah, f'ing Obama!"

I'm pretty sure that despite Obama "playing around with" language that could be construed as racist, what he said would not be considered racist by pretty much anyone. It would be pretty damn funny actually because clearly Obama wouldn't sincerely say that about himself, nor black people, and it also pokes fun at that racist statement by pointing out there's a black person who is President of the United States, so clearly black people can be leaders.

Change Obama to David Duke, and yeah, it's now probably racist, and it's not funny at all.

Or this:

Louis CK is saying that in response to Patrice O'Neal's factual account for the origin of a racial slur against Jewish people. Louis CK was very good friends with the late O'Neal, and he's not racist. O'Neal knew that. If you listen to the video, as soon as Louis CK starts his bit before anything that's faux-racist comes out, everyone is immediately laughing, including O'Neal, because they know he's about to insincerely say something horrifically racist to the face of a black person that had he been sincere, it would have been absolutely horrifying, but that's the point - he's absolutely not sincere. That's why it's absolutely hilarious and not racist because everybody knows Louis CK doesn't actually mean that at all.

Intent and context means a lot. When you take that context away, (other things said in that conversation, who is saying it, your knowledge about what they believe, previous conversations that might be references, etc.), the words can appear to be extremely racist, even when they're not.

How do I react when someone jokes about something that involves race? It completely depends on the context, and what I interpret the intent of it is. If I'm joking around generally with my friends like the above, and they say something like, "You know why black people smell? So blind people can hate them, too." We're in a situation we're joking, we already have had actual sincere conversations about race, I know he isn't racist, I know he actually believes that's 100% not true. How do I react? If I found the joke funny, I'd laugh because I'm taking it to mean he's making fun of what some racists believe because I know for a fact he doesn't believe that.

My father-in-law is a different story, because I know the guy, I know he's like a 5-6 on the racist scale, so I don't know if he actually believes black people generally stink or not, and generally inclined to believe he actually believes most or all black people smell. At the very least, I'm uneasy. I'm certainly not going to laugh at it. I'd probably show some kind of disapproval at the least. Completely different context because now, and here's the key, that may have been intended as an actual racist statement about black people. Once you go there, that's not funny.

So, if you consider me slightly racist because I make ironic racist statements as jokes, which I mean as mocking towards racists themselves, rock on. But you better be consistent in your outrage when someone exaggerates they're gonna kill someone when they get frustrated over something insignificant as an example. After all, that's playing around with words that are murderous and violent, so they must be a psychopath or homicidal!

Please note, that was sarcasm.

newtboy said:

I'll disagree.
Non-racists don't make racist jokes. Period. They are disturbed by racist speech, they don't play around with it with friends for fun.
Perhaps you aren't overtly racist, perhaps you consciously make an effort to not discriminate against other races. You could still be racist.
There are many levels of racism.
I think what you describe is a form of what's called 'tacit racism', where (at least publicly) you don't say racist things, but aren't disturbed by others saying them, certainly not enough to say so.
Consider....when someone makes a bad taste, but funny, racist joke in public, do you glare at them, or smile at them, or both? If you find humor in degrading other races, even in private, that's a form/level of racism...IMO. (I think most people will fall into that category of being 'slightly racist', including myself to be perfectly honest, while trying to not let that make them discriminate against others or act on that racism)
Maybe I misunderstand you, but that's how it sounded to me.

Colorblind Dad Experiences True Color for the First Time

Xaielao says...

If you folks that are color blind want to see in color without spending $400 there is a solution, albeit a very temporary one.

Hit acid.

No seriously. A good friend of mine is red/green color blind and when we used to hit acid a lot in our 20's he could suddenly see every color. He could pick out the red in the sunset, the green of the grass.

These glasses though, I'm gonna have to tell him about them. People spend $400 every day on regular glasses or shit, fancy shades. $400 seems a pittance to see the world as it is meant to be seen.

Colorblind Dad Experiences True Color for the First Time

MilkmanDan says...

I had never heard of these -- I'm still a bit baffled as to how they could possibly work. I'm not colorblind myself but a good friend is red/green colorblind, I'll have to see if he knows about them.

Assuming $400 is an accurate price, it still really doesn't seem that expensive to me. I'm pretty extremely nearsighted -- roughly minus 8 -- and my glasses (with frames) already cost almost that much just because my prescription is on that far end of the bell curve. Without glasses I can't see a damn thing more than 3-4 inches in front of my face, so I basically *need* them no matter the price.

Actually, I remember having a reaction somewhat like this guy when I got glasses for the first time ("holy crap! I can see *leaves* on trees!"), and my eyes were much better then than they are now...

Fantomas said:

$400+ seems crazy expensive for glasses that offer a pseudo cure.
I think I'll wait until they can inject the cure directly into my eyeballs.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

chicchorea (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

Awww ... thank you for stopping by with kind words and warm sentiment Chic. I'll be avoiding my family and spending time with a good friend or two ... actually enjoying the holiday

Here's wishing you a wonderful, belly full of food, good times and lots of love kind of day.

Yer Playhouse Sifty kind of Pal, One R

chicchorea said:


...and in keeping, a too much belated thank you for your thoughtfulness.

Y'all enjoy...hear?!

Brittany Maynard - Death with Dignity

Sniper007 says...

When all information regarding this topic needs to be filtered through "peer reviewed scientific studies" invariably funded by mega corporations who have nothing to gain from discovering whole plant based cures, your opinions will be more than a little biased.

Here's a few accounts:

"Ten months ago girlfriend was diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer. Immediately switch to all organics/non GMOS and started taking the oil. Half way into the treatment test results showed the lesion had shrunk half its size and was now precancerous. Last week new tests showed she is not only CANCER FREE but PREGNANT which they said may never happen. Rick Simpson I really owe you, brother. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Jason
“I have a good friend Scott with cerebral palsy. About 6yrs ago he was in and out of hospital, they just throw in meds at him. Finally his mom said there's got to be another way. After he went from 200 pounds to 110 we thought we were gonna lose him until he started consuming cannabis. After six months he was back to normal and put all the weight back on and takes half the meds. He has outlived 3 times over what doctors said and they say he's just lucky. I have other thought.” Shane
“This is my brother who the dr said he had 2 months with inoperable liver cancer. That was a year ago. His tumor has shrunk to 1/4 size. His tumor markers went from 5667 to 94. He is living proof. He still runs his own business. Both Northwestern in Chicago and Mayo clinic in Rochester Minnesota gave him that diagnosis. He consumes the oil.” Holley
“Thank God we found Rick’s site when we did..... I started the oil 4 months ago and the spot where my tumor was removed is closed up!!! They told my GBM stage 4. And I would die in a year and half. Been 15 months and feel better than ever.... We really want to tell the world!!!!! Saved my life for sure.” Rachel

-- Tell everyone you can that there is a safe and effective cure/control for cancer, and that it can be used as a prevention against cancer, too. The sooner you start spreading the word in your community the sooner people will overcome their hesitations and will demand this medicine. Be ready for a lot of resistance in the beginning. If you let them read posts and comments on this page, I think it will take less time to convince them. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about this medicine. JB

More info and testimonials: "Cure for Cancer: Rick Simpson Protocol -- the newest book from Rick Simpson and Jindrich Bayer specifically details how to use cannabis extract medicine to cure cancer, going into extensive detail on the official Rick Simpson protocol."

#LikeAGirl -- attitudes exposed and transformed

Chicago Slim Blues Band - Smokin' Reefer ♫

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