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Trump’s Maralago Home Raided By FBI

newtboy says...

Backfired, eh? How’s that working out now? How many early races Republicans thought were locks have already been lost? How many Trumpian candidates are behind in polls by double digits?

What backfired by poking a hornets nest was the political activist judges reversing 50 years of precedent and settled law based on pure politics…erasing civil rights and threatening to go insanely farther (like making interracial marriage illegal, erasing voting rights, etc) that is driving people to the polls in unprecedented numbers already, and they aren’t voting red.

What also backfired was years of harping on about a few mislabeled low level classified but not secret documents ending up on a server is treason then trying to say over 700 pages of highest level top secret clearly labeled classified paper documents (with no way to trace who has seen it) kept unsecured unlocked unguarded in closets and basements of a home often open to the “public” and repeatedly penetrated by foreign spies after two subpoenas requesting them and multiple false affidavits claiming they didn’t exist is nothing. That’s too much even for some cultists, and WAY too much for non cultists. Sure didn’t drive right wing New Yorkers to the polls. 😂 😂 😂

Going to be even better if someone sues to remove all Republicans from the ballot in Texas since they’re all legally communists now and ineligible for public office in Texas. ROTFLMFAHS!!!

bobknight33 said:

Yet more BS fuckery by deep state to keep Trump from running 2024.

But that did poke the stick at the hornet nest of the republican party.

Boy did this BS back fire

The Designoid Dimension - mindblowing 3D fractal animation

BSR says...

Detail overload. If there were such a place I suspect I would get really bored and probably feel really isolated in such a ginormous sphere that I would go insane.

So much difference yet all the same.

Missing the human touch. Much like a prison. So cold.



First Skate Trick or How To Father The Shit Out Of Your Kid

Sniper007 says...

Yeah, but now he's going to enjoy the process of progressing through failure more than the success itself, so that the rest of his life every time he masters something he'll begin looking for the next challenge and eventually he'll become an autodidact that can't land a job and has to start and sell multimillion dollar companies again and again and again just to keep from going insane!!!

Instant Karma

newtboy says...

Really?!? To you and @Magicpants...exactly what should they have done that they did not to de-escalate the situation. Turn off all cameras because baby asshole doesn't want to be filmed? You do know that 1)there was more than one person filming him and 2)there are also security cameras everywhere, so he's on camera anyway.
Numerous people tried talking him down, with no luck. When someone is going nuts and threatening you, recording them IS the right thing to do...always. If they're the kind of infant bully that goes ballistic because their inappropriate behavior is caught on tape, that's 100% on the infant, not the people calmly and silently filming his outbursts, not on the people that try to stop him from beating up an elderly man. Just WOW!
It's simple to tell who started it, it's the one who's going insane about being filmed, and he's being filmed because he's already been going insane. He would NOT have been being filmed by numerous random strangers if he wasn't already causing a drunken scene.
Dude's an asshole, a baby, a homophobe, racist, batterer, and an idiot...yet some here seem to be on his side. Hmmmmm. Let's think about that one.

sillma said:

Oh yes, I fully agree with you there, no need to escalate the situation as far as they let it go, and indeed impossible to tell what started the whole debacle in the first place.

My guess is bit of unjustified holier than thou attitude, which seems to be the curse of the current day and age, from the unimpaired audience. There's no justification for belligerent drunken behaviour, but neither is there for not doing anything about it until it is too late when there seems to be time and chance to de-escalate the situation by more peaceful means.

But, alas, it's all just guesses with the information available.

Hamas to kids: Shoot all the Jews

Yogi says...

I love how insane these things are. And how there's schools and churches and tv shows in the US talking about the same stuff about Muslims. You can imagine how bad the propaganda would be if Muslims controlled Mexico or something. The US might just go insane and nuke them.

The ideas some people have, and then trying to rope children into it. It's disgusting.

Box of Lies with Jennifer Lawrence

Yogi says...

I want her to stop doing so many movies, go off and relax for awhile and then come back with some more awesome movies. She's great but I'm worried she's going to burn out or go insane or something.

A Baffling Balloon Behavior - Smarter Every Day

'Enders Game' Writer's Ridiculous Racist Rant Against Obama

bcglorf says...

We need a sad channel for this. If his opinions gain any amount of traction or support I'll shift to angry, but as long it's just an extremely talented author going insane all by his lonesome I'll just stick with sad.

Lt. Daniels calmly sticks it to Burrell (Wire Season 1 ep12)

Yogi says...

Lt. Daniels was great in this, but he also looks like a fucking alien.

Also I never understood this too much, if a guy who works for you is fucking with you, and you're already dirty as hell just fucking kill him. I think people in these shows talk too dramatically but don't kill enough, I want to see some guy just go insane and blow away half the fucking force and get away with it because it's fiction dammit!

Also the Wire is the greatest thing ever on television...only because M*A*S*H went on too long though.

All-American Free-For-All

Eukelek says...

Um, ok, fascinating except for the annoying FOX commentary... gawd, how can people listen to that shit and not go insane!? Or rather, how many insane Americans/westerners are there from listening to that crap? 100 million? 200 million? Do they have to put their angle on everything? Do they have to give their opinion on everything? Do they not know that the reality of this universe is to simply take things as they are and not as one paints it? That painting your reality so much and losing what is there is synonymous to sociopath tendencies and psychosis? Its just not healthy to have ALWAYS something to say. Reuters and other outlets have many "silent" reports. Can FOXniuwws please just shut up with the redundant brainwash commentary?

Unions Assault On Camera

Yogi says...

Oh yeah I totally agree they're idiots for attacking him. Some people are not good with confrontation at all. I've been a referee for half my life, this guy couldn't bait me into a fight with anything and I'd calmly explain how he is a complete douchebag to him and his mother all day if he'd like me to. Other people though, like some players I ref, are not right in the head. They go INSANE if something goes counter to how they believe it should go, and they'll get violent easily.

People are people, and they suck. So best for them to organize and the bad people to get sat down by the good people and told to pipe down.

probie said:

I don't doubt the guy is a complete joke. If the guy is a douchebag stirring up trouble and looking for attention, than you ignore him. Quickest way to get rid of those seeking it.

I'm commenting more on the fact of human nature and people immediately resorting to violence rather than engaging in rational discussion when confronted with a differing opinion.

The above video's probably a bad example anyway due to lack of context and editing.

CNN and House Intelligence: Warmongering?

Yogi says...

>> ^Kofi:

Was Pearl Harbour very selective and targeted?
Plus, 30,000 tonnes?!?!?!?! Think about it for a moment. Tonnes, pounds, whatever.

Pearl Harbor is an interesting case. It's on one hand a horrific war crime, and on the other well within the standards in which the US operates. Hawaii was a colony which we stole and placed military bases there to control the pacific. Bombers were being produced and put there with the expressed intention, literally this was put in the paper, to bomb the shit out of Japan.

It would be like China setting up on Cuba and sending planes there that they brag can bomb all US cities on the eastern sea board. We'd probably go insane and start nuking everything if that happened.

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

Edgeman2112 says...

>> ^scannex:

The normalization of obesity is a problem. The letter while technically unkind was done in a calm and constructive manner.
This woman IS in the public eye, and she does have the capacity to change her appearance.
People in this thread have drawn all sorts of parallels that just do not work, such as homosexuality.
A proper parallel would be something that is negative to her health, negative to the health of those that choose to follow her example, and something that is remediable...
Her obesity, by overwhelming odds is likely to be a behavioral issue, not a medical issue.
Therefore a more proper parallel would be her smoking while in front of the camera. Its not healthy, it is difficult but possible to modify the behavior, and it sets a poor example.
Do we bully people every time we tell them not to smoke? This woman did not appreciate being eluded to as fat. End of story, this guy wrote her a letter. He didn't soapbox in front of her kids school.

If millions lose weight by exercise and eating right and a few are clinically depressed because of it, I think that speaks to a psychological/neurological issue.

Or, they just haven't found the right foods to eat. I'd go insane if I ate rice cakes everyday, but it's not my body's fault that I'm depressed.

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