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Workers paint disabled parking space around car and tow it

Russian Extreme Sport Mountain Ball Ends In Tragedy

albrite30 says...

On the topic of snuff. This is not snuff. Snuff will show the actual death of a person in visceral detail and is made for that purpose only. Showing the precursor to a horrific accident is not by any means a snuff film. While we know that someone dies off camera several minutes later, the video was not posted to show "death" and the glorious nature of death. Rather this video was posted by the friends of the deceased as a warning to people thinking of zorbing in the future.

How to Buy a Computer in 1996

Amy Winehouse -- Monkey Man

FlowersInHisHair says...

>> ^harpom:

She looks like she wants to be some where else. Sorry, but i have to say, she did a terrible job on this classic song.

She acted like this throughout the whole of the rest of the gig. Amy was a glorious recording artist, with considerable songwriting talent and a voice in a class of its own, and Mark Ronson was the perfect production partner for her talent. The albums are amazing. But she was usually pretty dreadful live, and not because she couldn't sing live, it's simply that she couldn't sing live while drunk/high, which she did all too often.

Ben Stein Stuns Fox & Friends By Disagreeing With Party Line

9547bis says...

>> ^BansheeX:

And 100 years ago the income tax and capital gains tax was 0... for everyone. And the rate of growth during that period of time has never been equaled since. So here we have a clear point in history where rich people were not being taxed at all and poor immigrants got much wealthier in short order.

So you're saying that the glorious late-robber-barons era during which there was abject poverty for the masses, including things like child labor, and people had a life expectancy of ~35 years, as "much wealthier" than the golden era of the 50s and 60s?

Tone Matrix

Tone Matrix

White Whale 'Speaks Human'

How To Sing Ave Maria With Your Head In A Tank

Amazing Taiwanese Animation of Justin Bieber Vomiting

MrFisk (Member Profile)

coreburn (Member Profile)

Using Power Beg (s) (Wtf Talk Post)

40 lbs Gyroscope Disobeys the Laws of Physics!

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

legacy0100 says...

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
Are you trying to get me to self link? All right. I'll try to recreate this, but it will have to wait until I go to the grocery store again. We had pork chops last night, even, but they were the frozen variety.

I want fresh off the shelf pork chops for this. And I'll have to buy some Coke! Glorious excuse for it.

And why the fuck are you talking to me in third person? It's freaking me out.

Maybe the temperature of the pork meat have something to do with it. The pork seen in the video you uploaded seemed more firm, while pork from other debunking videos looked thawed.

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Beggar's Canyon