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Very Advanced Russian Windshield Wiper Technology

RAF Waddington: Awesome spot to watch landing military jets!

Guy films juvenile kestrel in the backyard when suddenly...

carnivorous says...

For someone who has admitted to being too much of a pansy to kill his own supper, you exhibit an enormous understanding of what goes through the head of someone that enjoys such a hobby.

I've got a story for you. When I was a child, I lived in a rural community full of hunters. Not my family. My parents taught me to love and respect animals. We had a couple of dogs I loved dearly. If stray cats showed up at our door, we fed them and gave them attention. If an animal was injured, we nursed it back to health. In school there were a small group of boys who came from a family of hunters. They were taught to hunt from a very young age and animals had no value to them, other than to be enjoyed as a meal. They would torture animals for the fun of it...throw rocks at the birds and squirrels to score points, stomp on them to finish them off and then skin them so they would have their trophies. They would pull the legs off live frogs. Pour gasoline on defenseless little animals and light them on fire. They got off on making animals squeal and would brag about it to whoever would listen. They also bullied kids at school. They didn't feel any empathy and got a rush from inflicting pain and making children cry and scream. One day I was walking home from school and saw the boys with a gas can. They had cornered a feral cat that I had been feeding and were about to light it on fire. I intervened which led to a violent confrontation and thankfully the cat got away. I hollered for a neighbor to help which scared them off but I still ended up being beaten quite badly. When I got home, one of my dogs was missing. We couldn't find him for days. I later found his charred remains in the adjoining forest to my property.

In case anyone was wondering, my user name "carnivorous" is a long standing pet name given to me by my wife (don't ask). I am not a vegetarian, I eat well balanced meals and have a garden where we grow a lot of our own vegetables and my wife bakes bread and other baked goods on a regular basis. We do make an effort to eat less meat and find other sources of protein such as beans, eggs, nuts and cheese, but when we do eat meat we don't let any of it go to waste and appreciate the animals who lost their lives for our meal. As I stated previously in the thread, I am not opposed to hunting if an animal is killed humanely for the sole purpose of providing food and I would prefer that an animal had a glorious life in the wild, ending in a quick and painless death. The issue I have with shang is not about the hunting, but his enjoyment of the violence associated with hunting and what he is teaching his children about violence and aggression. My children have beautiful innocent little hearts and care about the feelings of people, animals and even insects and I am proud of how I've raised them.

Think me a bully if you will but I have always been the sort that stands up for what I believe in and I will not apologize for that.

enoch said:

i dont understand all the flack peeps are dumping on @shang.

he hunts for his own food.
which means he does not support the grotesque slaughterhouse factories but rather fresh game with no gmo-fed poultry or anti-biotic or cancer-ridden pork.

that should be praised ya?

or how about the fact that he is teaching his children responsible gun care and safety.
to not only be more self sufficient and self-reliant but also more responsible and safety conscious in regards to firearms.

how is this a bad thing?

i see.
its because YOU cant relate to how he provides and teaches his children so therefore what he is doing HAS to be some evil indoctrination to find glee in killing things.

so shang is an asshole because you cant get your head out of yours?
because YOU dont own a gun...
because YOU dont hunt for your food...

single-minded,unenlightened self-righteous twats.

my big sister and brother in law live exactly as @shang does.
they grow their own fruits and veggies and hunt (well,my brother in law does) for all their own meat.

my brother in law tried for years to get me into hunting.
i just couldnt do it and chose to be a hypocrite,much like @Buck,because i was too much a pansy to kill bambi.
i much rather prefer the killing be done away(far away) from me.

but the ignorance and presumption being displayed on this thread in regards to hunting for your own meat is..well..staggering.

oh ..
and before anybody decides to jump the assumption shark and start spouting off redneck and deliverance brother in law is a retired electrical engineer and my big sis has two (count em TWO) doctorates.

/ends rant
/drops mic

jumping on a cat for teaching his kids to hunt...
fucking seriously?
christ on a stick......

Conan Catches his Producer, Jordan Schlansky Coming In Late

VoodooV says...

last line was glorious. I actually do remember those things. My mom's workplace had them when I was a kid.

That had to be somewhat scripted. They've ragged on him before. If he was truly a mega douchebag, why wouldn't they can him? Or if I were him, I wouldn't tolerate that level of scrutiny..being humiliated repeatedly on tv

blankfist (Member Profile)

ChaosEngine says...

I thought the Watchmen movie was competent rather than inspired. In fact, I thought the most original clever part of the movie was the opening credits.

It wasn't bad, but there was just no way it could handle the sheer depth of the comic. To be fair, I haven't seen the ultimate cut though, but well... I went with a few friends who hadn't read the comic, and they came out wondering why I had made such a big deal of going to see it. Then I loaned them the comic and they understood....

I really think the only way the movie could have been truly great would be to get someone with their own vision and go at it from a different angle. Terry Gilliam would have been interesting. It probably would have failed, but it'd have failed gloriously.

BTW, have to share signed Rorschach portrait by John Higgins

blankfist said:

@ChaosEngine, I'm a big Moore fan, too. He's pretty great, isn't he? Curious what you thought of the Watchmen movie. And if you watched the Ultimate Cut or not. Now on to the more unpleasant stuff...

Neil deGrasse Tyson: The 3 Fears That Drive Us

bareboards2 says...

Not sure the Great and Glorious Neil Degrasse would agree with your title. Fear is there, sure, but he sure doesn't beat that drum.

Worship, Greed and War are the three drivers. Sure, there is fear in there, but I hear Neil writing a symphony of hope, not a dirge of fear.

Great vid, by the way. Loved it. Good sift!

Adam Savage Builds Han Solos Blaster

SFOGuy says...

Saw Adam Savage speak live about his gloriously nerdist/geek tendencies in making movie props last month---30 years making three iterations of the Blade Runner gun, for example.
This video is accordingly, glorious.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

Louis C.K. Interview By James Poniewozik

The Beatles play Death Metal

Insane Rc Helicopter Skills!

The Return of the Angriest Guitar Player In the World

Founding Fathers ~ Trevor Moore (Whitest Kids U' Know)

MilkmanDan (Member Profile)

aaronfr says...

Nice. I'm not anywhere glorious (Mae Sot), but there are enough Westerners around to make for a social scene. Of course, I've maintained my celebrity status by carting around my 2-year old daughter with me. It provides for constant harassment and a flood of (mostly unwanted) gifts everywhere we go.

MilkmanDan said:

I'm out in the semi-boonies, Uttaradit province in the North. I like it up here, pretty nice smallish-town environment. Locals are nice and not too many Westerners around so we still enjoy mild celebrity status.

Treat me like a pirate and GIVE ME THAT BOOTY

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