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Movie Review: No Country For Old Men (Blog Entry by smibbo)

dystopianfuturetoday says...


NCFOM does have quite a bit of humor in it and isn't nearly as dark or gloomy as se7en. It plays as a tight little thriller for 2/3rds and then turns very real, which is a nice twist you don't see coming.

If you like Coen films like Blood Simple or Fargo, then this one shouldn't be a problem.

The meaning of the film is in the title, and this revelation is tossed at you very softly minutes before the abrupt end of the film, so don't blink or go to the bathroom.

------MAJOR SPOILER-------

The scary dude DOES get called on his pseudo masculine fatalist bullshit by the wife just before she is killed. She tells him that he is the one who makes the decision to murder, not coins or games. His mojo is thrown off, which results in a nasty car accident. I personally assume that the character recovers to kill again, but with out the glee and games of the past. In keeping with the title, I believe he becomes an old man in that scene, just like TLJ in the last hotel scene.

There is plenty of meaning in the film if you want to find it.

IMO, this is one of the best films of the year. It held my complete attention up until the very last scene, which I missed because I went to the bathroom.

Nirvana - Rape Me (live)

kulpims says...

i saw their (supposedly) last concert in Ljubljana cause he collapsed mid-through the next one in Italy, during the european tour. i remember i was feeling extremely gloomy hours afterwards...

VideoSift v3.1 Unveiled (Sift Talk Post)

oxdottir says...

OK. I just woke up early and read my mail in bed before knowing there were changes to see that all 6 of the videos I submitted 2 plus smidgen days ago are all discarded. I had been watching them, and they were moving a long slowly, but at the normal clip for--at least my--videos. Some weren't going to go, ever, I imagine (judy garland doesn't seem to be a siffavorite), but some were good things I thought were quite worthwhile: at 6 votes, for instance, or at 5. Hell, I have videos at 30 votes now that moved slower than that: more than one of which finished its first pass through the queue at 1 or 2 votes.

Now, I pretty much never have videos that move faster than those two. Should I just move along now, and I'm done sifting videos? Suddenly waking up to have 6 messages from sifty makes me feel like my services are no longer desired. I know for me it's still sleeping time, and I am probably being unnecessarily gloomy, but honestly, I feel like I've been dumped by my boyfriend.

It's not like I'm necessarily against the new features: I don't know the new features and I don't have a feel for the new features. They came in the dark of the night and kicked me in the teeth. They are shiny new features of a place that is no longer my home.

I know you folks like to keep things quiet while you unveil them, but I doubt I would feel so discouraged if I had had any notice instead of just suddenly having my queue unexpectedly flushed.

China Destroying Neighborhoods for Olympics Construction

syncron says...

Hu tongs are probably the least effective use of land in a sprawling metropolis. Only a handful exist for historical purposes, but otherwise the remaining ones look shabby and give the city a gloomy feel. It's probably not a bad idea to tear them down... As for governments repossessing property, it happens in any country, and the amount of compensation is never "fair".

Young Japanese girl with some amazing popping

Robert Baer on Hardball - Iraq & al Qaeda : No relationship

quantumushroom says...

The Iraq War's Other Front -- My Doctor's Office
By Larry Elder
Thursday, April 5, 2007

The "Bush Lied, People Died" yahoos lurk everywhere. Few can escape them.

Standing at the check-in window of my doctor's office, awaiting my annual prostate exam, I heard a staff member yell out with a smile, "Hi, Mr. Elder. How does it feel to be one of the last guys who supports the war?"

The 20-something-year-old receptionist, who was signing me in, then narrowed her eyes, and the volcano erupted. She tore into an emotional, convoluted, fact-challenged barrage against the president. He lied us into the war, and too many of our soldiers are dying. He's incompetent. He sent young men and women to die for oil and for Halliburton. While he plays commander in chief, the middle class shrinks. He cares only about the rich. His racism showed in his handling of Katrina. Yadda, blah, etc.

I tried to remain calm while considering the source. In general, depending upon the setting, I try to conserve my mood and my energy. But, then there are other times -- and this was one of them.

"You talked about the number of our military personnel who have died in Iraq," I said, "3,500 and counting." "Do you happen to know how many died in World War I?"


"What about Korea and Vietnam?"


" What about the Civil War -- both sides?"


"What about World War II?"


"We lost over 100,000 in the First World War, with a much smaller population than today. During the Civil War, 600,000 died on both sides, and the population was about 10 percent of today's 300 million. So, adjusted for the population, six million people died during the Civil War."

Soon the other staff members behind the receptionist began to listen, as did the patients sitting in the waiting room.

"By the end of World War II," I continued, "400,000 Americans died. Again, adjusting for today's population, that means nearly 800,000 people -- or less than one half of one percent of those killed so far in Iraq. Of course, every life is precious, but I suggest that before you talk about the 'huge' amount of deaths, you gain some perspective."

"But, what about the lies?" she said.

"Why bother," I said, "maybe my prostate could wait another year. I'll just go down and grab a hamburger."

But I said, "Are you familiar with the Robb-Silberman Commission that concluded the president did not lie about the intelligence on Iraq?"


"What about the Senate bipartisan panel that concluded the same thing -- that Bush didn't lie?"


"What about David Kaye?" I said.


"He's the guy Bush sent to Iraq to find stockpiles of WMD. While he didn't find stockpiles of WMD, he spoke of the possibility that Saddam transferred WMD out of the country during the run up of the war. Perhaps more important, he said that no intelligence analyst -- all of whom, by the way, thought Saddam had stockpiles of WMD -- felt pressured to lie simply to provide a motive for Bush to go to war."

"But, we have been in Iraq longer than we fought the whole World War II. This is crazy," the receptionist replied.

"Crazy?" I said, "I know of no stopwatch for war. During the Civil War, both sides expected it to last just a few weeks, no more than a few months. During the Revolutionary War, Gen. George Washington lost battle after battle such that some wanted him replaced by a more competent general. The early years of World War II seemed particularly gloomy, but President Franklin Delano Roosevelt didn't say, Well, we've been at this for a bit. Let's call it a day and go home.'"

That was too much for a guy sitting in the waiting room, who chimed in, "But the war has made things worse."

So now, I am getting it from all sides.

Turning to the gentleman, I said, "I guess you assume that everything was going swimmingly until Bush stuck a stick into the hornet's nest. Do you remember the 1979 seizure of American hostages, who were held for over 400 days? Do you remember the bombing of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia? Do you remember the attack on the Marine barracks during the Reagan Administration, or the attacks on our embassies in Tanzania and Kenya? What about the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993? Not to mention the attack on 9-11 that killed over 3,000 on U.S. soil. Yeah, if only Bush hadn't ticked off so many people, the Disney Company, by now, would've built a theme park in Pakistan."

And so it went. To paraphrase Osama bin Laden, if we lose the war in Iraq, it will not be lost on the battlefield, but in places like my doctor's office.

"Mr. Elder," said the nurse's assistant, "the doctor will see you now." And not a moment too soon -- for them.

Hell House documentary: Christian Haunted House in Texas

rickegee says...

Southern Fundamentalists have such a gloomy and violent worldview. I don't know that all the kitten videos in the world would change it. I will try to find a higher quality clip of HELL HOUSE soon.

American Shorthair Cat Family

Emily Faces Racism

charlatantric says...

How's he supposed to know it's stupid unless he watches it? For three minutes of his time, he's entitled to comment on it.

I am gloomy. Maybe it's because I grew up watching a lot of talk shows, but this shit is soooooo Sally Jesse Raphael circa 1989 that I don't see any reason to put this one single girl on a pedastal.

Emily Faces Racism

Trio - 'Da Da Da'; inexplicable german pop-electro-minimalism from the 80's

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