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Zach Galifianakis - "The Gay Snake"

blankfist says...

>> ^foad:

You mean to tell me most gay people tend to not extend their Ss? I'm all for not collecting people into groups nor stereotyping, but I've heard it enough in my life to know it exists without it being a speech impediment. The "S" is very pronounced and extended with most gays I know. Actually, my gf does it too. Maybe it has a thing to do with hormones? Not sure.

I'll shut up now before I bring the wrath of gay upon me.

@thinker247... it's "you're".

Zach Galifianakis - "The Gay Snake"

EndAll says...

>> ^foad:
^ hey, super, and would you say that the reason you were expecting that is because you suffer from profound deafness, or because you're just clueless in general? I have to say, due to your apparent ability to watch youtube clips, I am disinclined to suspect that it is the former. GAY PEOPLE DON'T HAVE LISPS. I'm so tired of explaining this to you slackjawed yokels. THITH ITH A LITHP, PEOPLE WHO TALK LIKE THITH ARE THUFFERING FROM A THPEACTH IMPEDIEMENT. Gay people don't talk like this because they don't have lisps!!! In fact, most gay people don't have any noticeable speech idiosyncrasies at all, but the ones who do, DON'T replace their s's with th's! They merely emphasize their S sounds in a feminine manner, like thissssss. Get a clue.

Lol, holy sheeeit.
I was just expecting it because he's a comedian and they're known to exploit stereotypes to get some laughs.

Zach Galifianakis - "The Gay Snake"

thinker247 says...

Sand is so difficult to remove from a vagina, but I'm sure your will is strong.

>> ^foad:
^ hey, super, and would you say that the reason you were expecting that is because you suffer from profound deafness, or because you're just clueless in general? I have to say, due to your apparent ability to watch youtube clips, I am disinclined to suspect that it is the former. GAY PEOPLE DON'T HAVE LISPS. I'm so tired of explaining this to you slackjawed yokels. THITH ITH A LITHP, PEOPLE WHO TALK LIKE THITH ARE THUFFERING FROM A THPEACTH IMPEDIEMENT. Gay people don't talk like this because they don't have lisps!!! In fact, most gay people don't have any noticeable speech idiosyncrasies at all, but the ones who do, DON'T replace their s's with th's! They merely emphasize their S sounds in a feminine manner, like thissssss. Get a clue.

crazy japanese MRI scan (just watch it)

Megan Fox Gets Bagged by National Lampoon

Worst guitar solo in the history of the Universe

Dude Where's my Car / The Hangover comparison

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Galifianakis Interviews Michael Showalter

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Galifianakis, showalter, interview, widg' to 'Galifianakis, showalter, interview, widg, city perspectives' - edited by kronosposeidon

Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis -- Bradley Cooper

rickegee (Member Profile)

alien_concept (Member Profile)

alien_concept (Member Profile)

alien_concept (Member Profile)

EndAll says...

Lol, indeed! And I admit I have a few man-crushes.
Zach would be one of 'em for sure, although it's usually musicians I gravitate towards. But I appreciate his humour, it's often subtle.. introspective, and he's a bit of an enigma. Kaufman-ish, but not to an extreme degree. I'm always looking forward to his newest stuff.. recently I've been hearing and seeing a lot about this new movie he's in - 'Hangover.' Looks pretty good.

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
The beard makes him look like an ewok. So damn cute! You got any random crushes eh? Tell me it's not just me

In reply to this comment by EndAll:
Haha, right on. And you can't forget that beard.

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
His snese of humour totally appeals to me, it's not obvious and he's all mock angry and shit. He looks adorable and when he goes into one of his rants you just wanna pull him to one side and give him a big old hug. Umm, I dunno I do get the most random of crushes

In reply to this comment by EndAll:
What about Mr. Galifianakis entices you so?

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
I am indeed

In reply to this comment by EndAll:
Are you a female?

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
He will be mine, oh yes...

EndAll (Member Profile)

alien_concept says...

The beard makes him look like an ewok. So damn cute! You got any random crushes eh? Tell me it's not just me

In reply to this comment by EndAll:
Haha, right on. And you can't forget that beard.

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
His snese of humour totally appeals to me, it's not obvious and he's all mock angry and shit. He looks adorable and when he goes into one of his rants you just wanna pull him to one side and give him a big old hug. Umm, I dunno I do get the most random of crushes

In reply to this comment by EndAll:
What about Mr. Galifianakis entices you so?

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
I am indeed

In reply to this comment by EndAll:
Are you a female?

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
He will be mine, oh yes...

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