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2023 Florida is home to about 800,000 undocumented immigrants, and many work in the kinds of businesses that would be impacted by the law, known as SB 1718. Many of those affected are also members of mixed-status... continue reading

posted by newtboy 1 year 6 months 1 week ago • 98 views • 7:32

3 Florida police stopped a man for walking while black, apparently a felony in Florida, entered his name incorrectly, then tased and beat him for supplying a false name (he gave his full correct name clearly... continue reading

posted by newtboy 1 year 7 months 2 weeks ago • 141 views • 14:57

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), in his capacity as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Federal Courts, Oversight, Agency Action, and Federal Rights, co-led a hearing of the full Judiciary... continue reading

posted by newtboy 1 year 7 months 3 weeks ago • 278 views • 5:49

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