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POTUS Pardons Son, Hunter Biden

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Smoking Is Bad

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Identifies as a cat hilarious

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CHOPLIFTER: The Complete History | Retro Game Documentary

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All I Want for Christmas Is You - Unhinged Edition

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Terrifying and Dodgy Creatures - EMUS - Ozzy Man Reviews

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Man accidentally saw an injured bald eagle underwater

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Lev Parnas Testifies In Biden Inquiry

newtboy says...

Hunter pardoned!

Awwwww….all that sound and fury for nothing, just exposing the corrupt right willing to suborn any level of perjury and put up any foreign criminal they could find to attack their political rival’s families.

Another abuse thwarted, Hunter is pardoned….just like the next president plans to do for himself and has already done for his own family members and most of his convicted administration officials, donors (anyone willing to pay >$200k for a pardon), his lawyers, campaign officials, and dozens of drug traffickers, and plans for the treasonous anti American cop killing traitors that tried a violent coup and failed.
No whining, babies, this is how you support law and order in your party.

(Worth noting Jared Kushner’s father was under investigation for tax fraud and thought his brother in law was cooperating so hired a prostitute to seduce his brother in law, filmed it secretly, then showed the video to his sister for revenge and intimidation. He was caught, admitted it, was convicted/ pleaded guilty to 18 counts including tax evasion and witness tampering, Trump pardoned him, he is now the ambassador to France in the next administration…another sex trafficking tax cheating blackmailer and extortionist that has no limit to his depravity and whose crimes were serious, 100% intentional, and were intended to harm others in a position of power. France should (and may) deny him entry.)

Brian Cox Reveals Betelgeuse's Supernova Countdown!

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Jeddah The Flying Fox Squeaks When Petted

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Funny Dogs

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Cola cleaning tips

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Smart Son Saves Mother In Court

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Engineer vip 123

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