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Hentai Kamen: Forbidden Super Hero - trailer (english subs)

Hentai Kamen: Forbidden Super Hero - trailer (english subs)

How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

shatterdrose says...

What you have a problem with is simply his presentation, correct? Or am I right in thinking you're upset that he's simply telling you how to properly eat sushi?

Sometimes there is actually a correct way and a wrong way. I know, shocking. But then there's also taking liberties. If I have no utensil's I will eat with my fingers even if it's "not the right way." Or more aptly, if there's no wine glass, I'll still use a solo cup. If I had a choice, I'd choose the wine glass. Why? Because it's the proper way. Does it really add to it? Not really. It's demonstrably mostly placebo effect. Then again, does a plate make food taste different? Technically speaking, no. It should in absolutely no way effect the taste of food. But in reality, it makes a substantial difference in the way food tastes. Those who do not take the time to properly plate a meal for another person is simply wasting their time and effort. You might as well buy them a McDonalds hamburger.

But in essence, what you're saying is "because you know more than me, it's wrong for you to use it because it means I'm inferior and you're a dick because of it." Why yes Ayn Rand, I'll keep that in mind. You must hate pretty people too?

I make my coffee from a French Press because it IS better. I use local "fancy" honey because it IS better. If I keep it on my shelf where others can see doesn't make me a douche. It could mean I don't have a cabinet, or I use it often. Which I do. Now who's being a dick?

You're assumption is simply that "I'm dumb, and you're smart, therefore you're gay." Or, I'm sorry, a hipster. Right now, the hip thing is to make fun of this video. Much like the people who hate popular music just because it's popular. That's what your argument sounds like.

Just because someone enjoys something doesn't make them a hipster, a douche or a dick. And because you can't understand their enjoyment of "proper etiquette" only makes you a hipster, dick, douche when you complain. No one here is "forcing" you to eat sushi anyway differently. No one is holding a gun to your head telling you to not put soy sauce all over your rolls. I know, it's strange, but you didn't even have to watch this video. So please explain to me what exactly the problem is again?

Chamot said:
Welcome to 'How to properly make a video' by Videosift community. -- Best comment yet on here.

gwiz665 said:

You are quite welcome to take whatever you want super seriously, but don't impose that seriousness on anyone else.

There's a difference between wanting to do thing right and wanting other people to do things right.

What this video suggests and what the responses to me also suggest, is "this is the correct way and no one should eat it differently or they're idiots!" instead of "this way makes it a whole lot better and is what the chefs and locals recommend". There's a slight difference between the two - one is a helpful suggestion guiding you to a better experience, the other is being a dick.

There's also a subtle difference in people wanting to do thing right for themselves, and people who want to have other people know that they know the correct way of doing it. This is what I so subtly referred to as hipster earlier - they don't do it because it's necessarily better, but because sushi is so vogue right now, and all those other slobs just eat it in the most hilarious manner; just look at those wage collectors - now let me get back to my chai mocca, lined with the finest honey, the container of which I happen to have standing on my desk at the coffee place where I'm writing my novel on a 2007 Macbook..

Don't Be a Dick | Wil Wheaton Explains Wheaton's Law

Xaielao says...

I like Wheaton more and more every time I see him doing nerd/geek stuff. Certainly 'Don't be a dick' is an old term, but it's use as Wheaton's Law is new and so very much needed as even the PC has been seeing more and more of these 13 year olds and their horrible etiquette online.

The Beerglass That May Save Humanity

kevingrr says...

Next we just need a coffee cup with the same design.

I'm as plugged in as the next person, but we need to learn some cell phone etiquette and safety.

You don't need to be on your cell when I'm talking with you. Nor while you are walking, driving, cycling, running, skipping, swimming, jumping, sledding, scooting, or sexing.

Prancercise: A Fitness Workout

Mid-Air Collision of RC Plane and RC Helicopter

TheFreak says...

I'm going to say it's no one's fault.

You can have rules of etiquette and debate minutiae all day but the bottom line is, if you're flying around other people, shit's going to happen despite everyone's best intention.

Here's why the differing values of the aircraft is meaningless also; my $500 may be just as large an investment for me, as your $2000 is for you, relatively speaking. I only bring this up because I personally have learned a valuable lesson concerning hobbies that seems to be relevant to this incdient:

Never invest more than you can comfortably afford to lose.

Cactus Bodyslamming: Acupuncture for Idiots

Jinx says...

Somebody has been watching Internet Comment Etiquette.

ps. the worst ones are those with like fine hair instead of needles. You'll be itching for months.

cluhlenbrauck said:

ahahhaa the best part was when he made it okay.
9/11 was an inside job
ron paul for president

I got five on it??? (User Poll by albrite30)

eric3579 says...

Create a poll to:
-get community input on questions or ideas related to VideoSift
-question points of Sift etiquette
-plan a real life meetup
-consider other constructive concepts related to the community

Have the rules been changed recently and who is able to get rid of inappropriate polls? @dag

Let's talk about *Promote (Sift Talk Post)

Fletch says...

So I can burn a power point and have it rendered useless 5 minutes later when 3 other videos get promoted? No thanks. As far as etiquette goes... I think you have too much faith and trust in the cliquies and badge whores. But... what's new?

oritteropo (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I'm glad to hear that. It is a bit of a trade-off having only three. We may need to establish some Sift etiquette on when to promote.

oritteropo said:

Works for me I have often promoted when nobody was around, and wasted a point... the new system suits me right down to the ground.

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Confessions Of A Youtuber - Tales Of Mere Existence

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

bmacs27 says...

My claim is that there is insufficient data to show a causal link between being significantly overweight (within reason, say BMI < 40) and negative health consequences when controlling for other known detrimental behaviors and health risk factors. That said, there is certainly an interaction effect whereas a higher BMI can tend to exacerbate underlying health issues/comorbidities. That is, it is erroneous to look at a fat person and tell them that they are necessarily unhealthy without having a more nuanced understanding of their overall health, other risk factors and activity levels.

Further, I believe it is erroneous to claim that long term weight loss is an achievable goal in all individuals, and that instead encouragement should be directed towards improvement in the overall health of the individual rather than emphasizing the primary goal of weight loss. Even if it were clear beyond all doubt that obesity directly caused the negative health effects it is psychologically pragmatic to avoid conflating body-image issues and health concerns. Finally, from an etiquette standpoint, it is inappropriate and counterproductive to comment on the health consequences of the behavior of an individual unless you are employed by that individual as a health professional or are otherwise a close, concerned acquaintance of that individual.

In other words saying, "you fatties shouldn't be on TV, think of the children," isn't exactly productive nor appropriate.

Clear enough?

Cheers. At least you are attempting some objectivity.

>> ^scannex:

Direct question then.
Is it your stance that claiming there are negative health consequences from being obese is erroneous?
Is it your stance that there is insufficent data to show a causal link between being significantly overweight (obese) and health problems?
>> ^bmacs27:
@scannex The claim is that many of the negative health consequences associated with obesity, e.g. cardiac arrest, are in fact dependent on other factors with which obesity is commonly comorbid. I showed you a case in which less hypertensive adult women showed no effect of BMI on mortality across the board. Your studies failed to address that so far. Even in the latest, it shows that many of the complications involve comorbidity, not obesity in its own right. Even when it talks about diabetes it talks about the protective effect of vitamin E. Now, if you want to start talking about joint replacements or whatever, fine, but then we should probably tell people to be careful about their morning run too.

Bird Wars 2.0

legacy0100 says...

... Every weekend of this summer I went down to the Briton Beach area (next to Coney Island in NYC) which has a big Caspian-Russian/Ukrainian populace. Me and my friend try to arrive early in the morning in order to take full advantage of our day, because by lunchtime is when all the non-locals from other parts of the city start pouring in.

The beach is noticeably cleaner and quieter in the morning even when there are several people running about, generally getting a tan or going in for a quick swim. And as soon as 10:30am hits, locals start folding their beach towels and walk off, and you begin to see the non-locals and tourists moving in. You start to hear loud music, you hear vendors selling water and beer, cellphones and loud laughter.

Over the past few months I've noticed a major difference between beach habits of locals and non-locals, which is that non-locals usually brought big coolers filled with food and drinks, while as the locals didn't. Those who were hungry usually had some fruits or a piece of pastry in plastic bags, and left no crumbs on the sand. Meanwhile the non-locals were having a feast, opening bags of chips, fried chicken and what have you, and the seagulls start showing up.

When we arrive at the beach in the morning there were maybe 1 to 0 seagulls to be seen. In the afternoon, packs of seagulls with about 4 or 5 seagulls per pack were roaming around on different areas of the beach. Then you start hearing such complaints from these people as "Omaigawd this beach is so dirty" or "F*cking seagulls, they're everywhere!" This goes to tell you that it isn't just the seagulls that are annoying, it's the people who lack proper beach etiquette that ruin it for the rest of us. Tourists are bad, but it's mostly the non-locals coming in from other parts of the city that are the worst, because they 'think' they know the city. They mouth off the tourists coming outside of NYC, and yet to the locals of Brighton Beach, the non-local New Yorkers are the most annoying rats of all.

Anyways, don't bring food into the sand people. Goto a deli and eat it at the boardwalk or something.

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