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Jon Stewart Goes Off On Chicago Deep Dish Pizza

chingalera says...

Man...I miss Shakey's pizza-They had this uber-thin crispy-cracker crust and the ingredients in the late 70's (last time I saw Shakey's pizza open) were of a definably (through-taste-bud-memory), much higher quality. But maybe I've simply killed my taste buds from abuse...

I agree with whoever said essentially though, if you start with good pizza ingredients, you can't go too far south.

I too, dislike a ginormous amount of dough with a bite of pizza...thin-as-hell crust rocks-Stayed in Chicago for 2 months, never hadda slice of pizza-But I DID slam all-manner of Polish and German fare in small restaurants in the part of town I was staying in. Fresh bakeries of varied ethnicity is what I remember most-The BOMB is, fresh baked!

I do a deep-type dish pizza whenever I make a batch of dough and split it into two balls instead of three...But mines' not all runny and watery an shit like some glopstrosoties I've's all in the water(vegetables) on the top-

Yeah, and fuck a buncha pineapple on pizza....maybe onna vacation camping-out as a have-to-I'm-famished boost...

Police Force Man to 14-hour Anal Cavity Search!

ChaosEngine says...

Yes, that is how we change things. It's slow, cumbersome, subject to corruption and lobbying and often the oppressors aren't punished and the victims don't live to see the changes.

But in the long run, it works.

120 years ago, women couldn't even vote.
60 years ago, it was considered perfectly fine to discriminate against ethnic minorities.
When I grew up, legalised gay marriage was unthinkable (hell, being gay was still a crime in many places until I was in my teens).

All these things were changed, through protest and democracy. They are all far from solved problems, and there have been a few steps back along the way (NSA, Guantanamo, etc) but for most people life is better now than it has been in the past.

There's a reason Churchill called democracy "the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried.” We've seen the other and they're way worse than this.

So no, I don't accept it and yeah, I punch my paper and eventually, shit gets done.

blankfist said:

You don't have to approve of it, but you're certainly forced to accept it, because there's really no way to change it is there? How could you? Most local police departments receive militarized weaponry and vehicles, and even funding, from the federal government, and no one has done a thing to stop that.

You can't fire the police. In fact, the most you can do is complain. And how often do police launch internal investigations only to find later that the officers being investigated acting in accordance with protocol? So often it's almost protocol itself.

So what can you do? Vote for politicians to reform the system? Isn't that quant. The statist's only recourse to problems like these is to punch holes in a piece of paper every four years and that seems to put their whole worldview into perspective somehow. It's chilling, actually.

Adele masturbates - Ushi Hirosaki interview

artician says...

It's always a culture shock when you see the difference other cultures have toward ethnic sensitivities. That is crazy.

Adele needs a better manager or songwriter though. Chick was a one-hit wonder, and even though she has a decent voice I've only heard one song from her that didn't sound dull and generic.

entr0py said:

Wow, that's so racist. In case you're wondering who the white lady in the wig is:

Kind of hard to care about the scripted masturbation slip when confronted with that.

goliath-life and loathing in greater isreal

A10anis says...

Good - if that's the right word - post. What is wrong with humans!!?? Ethnicity, religion, left, right, extremist, etc. etc. We have learned nothing from the history of "them and us." We, instead, have increased our hatred, fear, and loathing of those not affiliated to our particular "tribe." Those waiting gleefully for the apocalypse will, I fear, not have to wait too much longer. But it will not be what is hoped for. An apocalypse yes, but not one brought on by a god, one brought on by the ignorance and stupidity of humans.

isreals new racism-the persecution of african migrants

dannym3141 says...

@NinjaInHeat what would you say are the biased bits? I don't recall if he embellished in the commentary that much but the footage was pretty damning in itself. With the governmental ministers raving about infiltrators?

I'm sure not all of israel is like that, but i have to say that with a people so historically persecuted you'd almost expect the good israelis to show up to lambast the ignorant ones and/or raise them better, shame them in their own communities for being xenophobic. It's the same thing that i think of when it comes to terrorism. Surely terrorists are best tackled by the community and family and people that they come from, and if so then surely it will become less and less of a problem over time. If not, then maybe the overwhelming amount of good people from wherever you're talking about should be more proactive in stopping minority lunatics doing what lunatics do.

When nice people stand aside and allow some fringe element to politically and socially ostracise an ethnic minority based on colour or creed, things like world war 2 happen before it's resolved. And that's only if you're fortunate enough to have people in other countries to come and stand up for you. I'm not being funny, but i really would expect a jewish person to appreciate that.
(2nd and 3rd paragraph not directed at you specifically towards you ninja, speaking my general thoughts there)

Watch the video The New York Times didn't want you to see

cluhlenbrauck says...

I agree with most of what your typed. But can't they have a little more of an open heart? maybe even sympathize with a bunch of people who have no home and are being 'ethnically cleansed'

bobknight33 said:

Jews have been hated since the beginning of time, scattered throughout the world and was give a postage size stamp piece of land after nearly being decimated by Hitler.

Their new land is theirs and if they don't want to "mix" then that's is their national right.

Everyone (in the general sense) hates them anyway --except the American right- -just leave them be.

Are they excessive and overly indulged with National Pride- You bet.

But from their point of view I can understand it.

Their detainment camp was probably build by Halliburton, who built our FEMA ( American detention ) camps. A.K.A. REX84

Black Range Rover Runs Over Bikers in NYC

chingalera says...

Yeah, I tend to be much harder on white people-In my twisted mind it's the white man that influenced these folks to start a douchebag motorcycle club of assorted-ethnicity, rice-burner-riders. White people invented sheit sequels to crappy gang-oriented illegal racing films AND the 'century of the self' through monopolistic media domination/ indoctrination.

OH, and I also lived in the bay area when that group-bicycle ride Critical Mass was in it's infancy-An ex-roommate was a motorcycle messenger and a founding member of the event and was killed in a major event ride by an 18-wheeler who clipped him whilst riding through the streets blocking traffic. Tragic and stupid, all for a whiny cause.

Unreal Cheerleader Acrobatics

TheFreak says...

Can't wait for the movie.

"Cheerin': Jazz Hands in the streets!"
A sheltered and straightlaced collegiate cheerleader discovers the underground street Cheerin' scene. She falls in love with mildly ethnic bad boy Alonzo, who shows her what it's like to 'get real with it'. But is love enough to overcome the disapproval of her friends and the challenge of the street? Can the rigid and intolerant collegiate cheerleading establishment handle her new found urban flare?

Stephen Colbert: Super Reagan

ChaosEngine says...

@bmacs27, you are literally invoking Godwin. Yes, if you are going to accuse someone as being comparable to a dictator widely regarded as one of the greatest monsters history, you should have a decent argument to back you up.

@cosmovitelli again, I am not defending the actions of anyone, and I don't think it just comes down to numbers either. You're talking about people who lead genocidal purges against people purely because of their ethnic background or sexuality, or someone who had their political opponents imprisoned and executed en masse.

Whatever you can say about Bush et al, they simply haven't committed those kinds of attrocites.

Slow Motion Video Booth

Velocity5 says...

It seems like a more likely explanation than "racism" is HBD (human bio-diversity).

Far fewer Asian male / White female pairings are expected merely based on that the bell curve of heights for Whites is farther to the right than the bell curve of heights for Asians.

In other words, in 500 years, regardless of how much politically correct self-flagellating has occurred, the ratio of Asian male / White female pairings will not have increased, because the HBD bell curves will have stayed the same.

Many ethnic patterns will only change once we start editing our babies' genomes in a few decades. Then wait 30 years for those babies to reach age 30. Liberals and Conservatives will both oppose it for the first 50 years, and then will support it afterwards.

blankfist said:

Good to see the Asian men pulling the white girl trim. Such a rare thing.

/hilarious yet true racism

Woman thinks all postal workers are after her

Chairman_woo says...

With that in mind here's a list of people that make me variously: scared, uncomfortable, upset and sometimes outright angry. I find it deeply unpleasant and sometimes disturbing to have to deal with them and I think life would be a lot better if we just locked them away.

Anyone who watches X-factor
Anyone who doesn't think the British royal family are murderous tyrants.
People who play music on their phone speakers on the bus/walking down the street.
People that use the term "free country" without irony.
The unregulated hyper rich over class.
Rugby players on a night out drinking.
People that advocate the death penalty.
Hyper nationalists.
Xenophobes, Racists and Homophobes.
The priesthood of amen/the brotherhood of shadow.
Young people in tracksuits/hoodies.
Anyone that uses the word "party" as a verb.
Practising Christians, Muslims and Jews (doubly so if they are raising their children religiously).
Chimpanzees! (seriously, fuck the chimps they scare the shit out of me)
People that use the phrase "I just don't give a fuck" and actually mean it.
The Chinese scientists developing the "death robots" (you might laugh now....)

Whilst some are clearly more serious than others, all of the above represent things/traits which deeply concern me. Many of the people on that list I'd label as outright insane and/or seriously dangerous to my health and well being.

Some, were I to be confronted by them unexpectedly, would outright terrify me, much more so than that lady. There's a good chance that by simply responding with concern and a lack of antagonism she could have been talked down, but certainly pulling an incredulous expression and calling her a crazy lady is not likely to diffuse the situation one iota.

As I said before maybe she is a genuine danger to herself and others, such people do exist and there are systems in place to try and deal with it.

The issue here is that your not even remotely in a position to make that diagnosis, nor are any of us here. We don't know how serious her condition is or how likely she is to respond to various forms of treatment. Speculating based only on video's made during episodes (i.e. at her worst) with no context of her medical history just fuels the kind of knee jerk "lock them away" mindset that contributes heavily to these poor bastards getting the way they are in the 1st place.

For all you know a bit of in the community C.B.T. and mentoring might be all she needs/needed. Not everyone displaying psychotic symptoms benefits from or warrants full on institutional incarceration, it often makes things much worse.
She clearly needs/needed further investigation and perhaps having the benefit of her medical history and first hand interaction it might be reasonable to conclude that some form of isolation is needed. But I'd rather leave that down to those who are professionally qualified to make that judgement than bystanders who merely witnessed a few isolated psychotic episodes and know sweet F.A. about her as a person.

It's you that's failing to see the bigger picture here. You want to put her in a neat little box marked "crazy" so you don't have to face the implication that in some fundamental sense you are the same thing. The crazy person sits next to you on the bus and you think "I don't deserve to have to put up with this inconvenience. How dare they make me feel uncomfortable".......

....Do you have the remotest idea of the kind of deep lasting damage that does to a person when virtually everyone they ever meet thinks and behaves that way? How it feels for someone to just condemn you to be locked away without even attempting to understand what your all about?

It's only about 50 years ago that it was standard practice to basically label everything as just various forms of "madness" and lock them all away in the same building. While we've come along way there's still very much a ways to go and the public perception of acute psychotic illnesses is by far the most backwards.

If you'd said maybe she might need institutional treatment, or that you had concerns that the behaviour she displays could escalate to a violent incident (both legitimate concerns) then I wouldn't have reacted with such hostility.
But you didn't do that, you outright declared she that must be forcibly segregated and treated and moreover that she is definitely a danger to herself and others. No grey area, isolation is the only alternative!

I don't want this to descend into a personal attack, you might after all be a really nice person and this is a deeply rooted prejudice common to most people I come across. Much like many peoples homophobia isn't especially malicious it's just an unchallenged social convention (one fortunately that is changing).
But malicious or not the damage done is the same, for crazies, ethnic minorities and homosexuals alike. And I don't think its unfair to say that the "crazies" are the more vulnerable group by quite some margin.

You don't begrudge offering a little time and understanding for say a disabled person holding you up in a door way, why is taking a little step back when confronted with a "crazy" person so different? That postie clearly recognised she wasn't occupying the same reality as himself very quickly, but his response is to pull a face that says "what the fuck is your problem?" and just dismisses her as crazy. She might have calmed down and gone away peacefully in the space of a few mins if he'd tried to diffuse it, but he didn't, he escalated immediately. (because he's mentally ill too, just in a different way)
That's basically like someone getting in your way, you realizing its because they are in a wheel chair and then treating them like an arsehole because they had the indecency to be out in public and get in the way of the able bodied people! Those bloody cripples, they should be taken away for their own protection! (the fact the rest of us don't have to worry about dealing with them any more is just a bonus naturally )

Now obviously this is a somewhat flawed analogy as people with mobility impairments don't have heightened rates/likelihood of violent outbursts (though I'm sure there are plenty twats who just happen to be in wheelchairs). But the fundamental point I'm trying to make about how people treat the extravertly mentally ill stands. If your being directly threatened with no provocation is one thing, but this guy isn't he's just antagonising someone in a clear state of paranoia and delusion/misunderstanding (which he recognises within seconds). He doesn't even attempt to address that he just closes off and becomes passively hostile.
As I said before its understandable, but only in the same way as being frightened of homosexuality, alien cultures, physical disfigurement etc.. It's just cultural isolation, get to know a few people from any of those groups and it quickly starts to sublime into respect and understanding.

She didn't walk up to him screaming she walked up and firmly presented an accusation that the postman knew could not possibly have been true. She became aggressive/shouty only after he became dismissive, before that she was only restless and paranoid. And even then she didn't make any aggressive physical moves we can see. Postie doesn't look at all in fear for his safety to me, he turns his back on her several times and barely maintains eye contact, not the behaviour of someone that feels physically threatened!

How might she have reacted if postie had looked genuinely scared? Maybe she'd have backed off? Changed her attitude? And yeh maybe she'd have got even more threatening or attacked him with a stick too.

We don't know what she'd have done because we don't know her or anything about her other than a few paranoid videos on the internet. Leave the judgements to the people that have done the research, interviews etc. and know know what the fuck they are talking about with regards to this lady's condition and best treatment.

Speculation is one thing, outright declarations of fact is quite another. People are not guilty before you can prove their innocence...

Rawhead said:

be discussed. it really doesn't make since to me how you can only look at it through her eyes. what about this mailman, who is just sitting there doing his job, then suddenly this insane woman come up to you screaming in your face? telling you your stalking her? and sounding like she going to do something violent? YES! they are "FUCKING PEOPLE"! but their people who need to be taken out of society for their own good and others around them. take your blinders off and look at the whole picture.

47 Ronin

artician says...

Am I the only one disgusted by hollywood white-washing yet another eastern tale? First Tom Cruise learns all the secrets there are to know about swordplay, swooning japanese women, and saving their entire culture all by his little 'ol self, and now Keanu is their only hope. At least he is a fraction of the somewhat-correct geographical ethnicity, but that's stretching a long ways.

It does amaze me that Keanu has been involved with theater and film nearly his entire life, and he still has one of the most difficult walls between his acting and the audience. I don't think I've ever seen him in a role where it wasn't totally, obviously him and his bad acting.

Part 2: Obama talks about the law and Trayvon Martin

radx says...

Wouldn't the stop-and-frisk program qualify as one of those issues?

Or how about putting American citizens under surveillance, "not because of charges of wrongdoing but ethnicity"? Would that quality?

I'm only asking because Obama spoke out in favor of NYT police commissioner Ray Kelly as the new head of DHS and Kelly's actions just ooze racial profiling.

Asiana Flight 214 Pilot's Names Released FAIL

mentality says...

That's because you are talking about America which is 99% made up of immigrants in the first place. There's no such thing as an American ethnicity. America is a melting pot of different cultures and Asians are an inherent part of America. That's why you can't have a white Korean but you can have a Korean-American.

Also, your hidden joke sucks.

Velocity5 said:

You might have missed my hidden joke... there's no such thing as a "White-Korean," only "foreigners"!

No Asian countries accept people of other ethnicities the way Western nations do.

The "racism" claim about this video seems a bit much.

Asiana Flight 214 Pilot's Names Released FAIL

Velocity5 says...

You might have missed my hidden joke... there's no such thing as a "White-Korean," only "foreigners"!

No Asian countries accept people of other ethnicities the way Western nations do.

The "racism" claim about this video seems a bit much.

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