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Epic Beard Man Interview

Epic Beard Man Interview

Epic Beard Man Interview

Young Turks Analysis of Epic Beard Man

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^brain:
I've been thinking about it, and I think the reason everyone sides with epic bear man is:
1. It seemed to start with a simple miscommunication.
2. Epic beard man didn't appear to do anything wrong, other than maybe say "I'll slap the shit out of you", which isn't that bad considering.
3. He was told to get his ass back up to the front of the bus and he did.
4. He's 67 years old.
5. The black guy went up to the front of the bus threatening him.
6. The black guy threw the first punch, which is what escalated it to a whole new level.
It has a lot of elements of videos of a bully thug that ends up getting his ass kicked.
It also has elements of videos where an old man/woman fends off a thug.
I think the video would have still been a hit even if it was a white thuggish guy that got beat up.
All that being said, epic beard man is:
1. Probably insane
2. Probably racist
3. Probably on drugs
4. Probably provoked the fight before the video
But none of that is really shown in the popular fight video.

I mean any number of us could be

All that being said, epic beard man is:
1. Probably insane
2. Probably racist
3. Probably on drugs
4. Probably provoked the fight before the video

Squirrels' epic battle over sunflower seeds

Young Turks Analysis of Epic Beard Man

brain says...

I've been thinking about it, and I think the reason everyone sides with epic bear man is:
1. It seemed to start with a simple miscommunication.
2. Epic beard man didn't appear to do anything wrong, other than maybe say "I'll slap the shit out of you", which isn't that bad considering.
3. He was told to get his ass back up to the front of the bus and he did.
4. He's 67 years old.
5. The black guy went up to the front of the bus threatening him.
6. The black guy threw the first punch, which is what escalated it to a whole new level.

It has a lot of elements of videos of a bully thug that ends up getting his ass kicked.
It also has elements of videos where an old man/woman fends off a thug.
I think the video would have still been a hit even if it was a white thuggish guy that got beat up.

All that being said, epic beard man is:
1. Probably insane
2. Probably racist
3. Probably on drugs
4. Probably provoked the fight before the video

But none of that is really shown in the popular fight video.

Young Turks Analysis of Epic Beard Man

Teen Saves Three From Train Crash

NordlichReiter (Member Profile)

GoodAttorney says...

In California, a "mutual affray" is usually a defense against child abuse when a fight is between minors. A mutual affray requires intent by both parties to get into a tussle: something akin to "I'll meet you in the parking lot at the Dollar Store so we can throw down." There is no such thing as verbal battery and an assault requires the perceived threat of immediate bodily harm, neither of which EBM can be accused of in my opinion. This is clearly a case of an assault and battery by the young man and retaliation in form of self defense by EBM.

In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:
Question for you, which may or may not be founded, I judged by your screen name that you know something about law.

Epic Beard Man and his assailant are both possibly guilty of Mutual Affray?

Epic Beard Man Follow up

67 year old white dude Pt.2 - The Screaming (Epic Beard Man)

67 year old white dude Pt.2 - The Screaming (Epic Beard Man)

67 year old white dude Pt.2 - The Screaming (Epic Beard Man)

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

Lodurr says...

>> ^aspartam:
I can also notice the signs of roid rage when I see them. He is clearly raging in the second video.

No way you can call 'roids here. That looks like the effects of adrenaline to me. He still feels threatened because the guy that tried to fight him is nearby. I've experienced it before, the one or two times I've been in life-threatening situations I've had jitters long after it was over.

Now, I must track down Epic Beard Man and apprentice in the ways of beardzerking.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

jiyanibi says...

There are a lot of assumptions floating around here. Here is my assumption of the activities leading up to the beginning of this video...

Black guy heads towards the back of the bus where old white guy(EBM, Epic Beard Man) has his feet sticking into the aisle. Seeing that EBM is not pulling his feet away as the black man approaches, the black man makes an off-hand sarcastic comment something to the effect of "You want me to spit shine those for you?", referring to his feet sticking into the aisle. Only half-listening, EBM assumes that the black man is being sincere, and he would genuinely like to take the black man up on his offer as he has an event on Friday. The black man already upset about the feet being in the aisle assumes EBM is instigating and thus the fight ensues. I honestly don't think the white man was being racist. He may use inappropriate terms like "chinaman", but I sense sincerity in his voice and facial expression when asking for the shoe-shine he assumed he was being offered.

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