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Epic Beard Man Explains: It Was a Misunderstanding

Epic Beard Man Explains: It Was a Misunderstanding

Young Turks Analysis of Epic Beard Man

Epic Beard Man Interview

Epic Beard Man Interview

Raaagh says...

>> ^marinara:
>> ^dag:
It wasn't just the exaggeration that made me think he is a bit mentally ill- it was more the manic switches in emotion and just a general disconnect from reality.>>

His momma died, you the one who's crazy, Dag.

Still doesn't change the fact that old man was making up stories left right and centre - how much time had that kid supposedly served? Who told EBM that? Why did he just wing like it was off the top of his head? How come that info isnt in the papers?

I'll eat my avatar if assertion he made was true.

Epic Beard Man Interview

longde says...

Look, the guy is not in any way heroic. Tragic, yes; a sympathetic figure to some, sure; but heroic, no way.

Just over the last month, there are people all over the world that have done heroic things, much of it captured on youtube and videosift. Some kid pushed a stalled car off rail tracks before it was hit. People rescued others from collapsed buildings after an earthquake. Police and firemen have saved lives this week. Yet, this guy gets the moniker of "epic" and you call him a hero. Get real. Is your bar for heroism that low? If so, that's sad.

Irony alert when preachy people tell me to get off my high horse. I do have some crazy relatives, but I'm not addled enough to call them heroes. I try to get them help when i can. Which is what is missing from this hullabaloo. Of all the videos and websites, who is raising money to get this man some help? People are going so far as to post the names and addresses of the camera people for revenge, and others are talking about recovering the guy's bag. Those things aren't going to help this guy.

Most videos are just using his image to drive some stupid meme. This video for example. She obviously found this guy. Why not ask him about his living conditions and how to help, and then relay to others with her video. Noone is helping because they see EBM as a sideshow, to be forgotten tomorrow.

>> ^GoodAttorney:
>> ^longde:
I also feel more sympathetic for that guy, but after reading GA's quote, >> ^GoodAttorney:

I feel kinda sorry for people who are so short of heroes to make this troubled guy into one. The Great White Hope ain't what it used to be.......

Dang. You could just call my comment "disgusting" and leave it at that (you've done it before to some other newb). Maybe you don't have a father figure in advanced age who rides the bus and may be subjected to this type of silliness only to be able to answer forcefully.
Get off the high horse for a second. We're all a little crazy. Thank the good lord there is you, with your large, generous, and sympathetic heart to guide us into the moral oblivion that is what the world is supposed to be and not what it is.

lesserfool (Member Profile)

Epic Beard Man Interview

GoodAttorney says...

>> ^longde:
I also feel more sympathetic for that guy, but after reading GA's quote, >> ^GoodAttorney:

I feel kinda sorry for people who are so short of heroes to make this troubled guy into one. The Great White Hope ain't what it used to be.......

Dang. You could just call my comment "disgusting" and leave it at that (you've done it before to some other newb). Maybe you don't have a father figure in advanced age who rides the bus and may be subjected to this type of silliness only to be able to answer forcefully.

Get off the high horse for a second. We're all a little crazy. Thank the good lord there is you, with your large, generous, and sympathetic heart to guide us into the moral oblivion that is what the world is supposed to be and not what it is.

Epic Beard Man Interview

marinara says...

>> ^dag:
It wasn't just the exaggeration that made me think he is a bit mentally ill- it was more the manic switches in emotion and just a general disconnect from reality.>>

His momma died, you the one who's crazy, Dag.

Squirrels' epic battle over sunflower seeds

Epic Beard Man Interview

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It wasn't just the exaggeration that made me think he is a bit mentally ill- it was more the manic switches in emotion and just a general disconnect from reality.>> ^imstellar28:
I don't know if its just me, but the comments on this site just seem way off lately. Suddenly someone who exaggerates a story is mentally unstable? Hello? Have you guys ever told a story or heard a story in your lives? I'm really starting to believe this generation of posters is completely out of touch with reality.
Witness recollection has never been reliable because they weren't sitting at a computer watching a video of the event 10 times over, they had to live through it in seconds with other things on their mind.
You know something ain't right when 4chan has better color commentary...

Epic Beard Man Interview

flavioribeiro says...

I read in some places that Epic Beard Man is mentally unstable. That explains why his recollection is more colorful than the bus video.

War can do awful things to a man. Given what he said about the Iraq war, he clearly understands that Vietnam messed him up.

>> ^geo321:
Epic Beard Man turns out to be an epic liar. His version of events doesn't jive with the bus video.

Epic Beard Man Interview

demon_ix (Member Profile)

Epic Beard Man Interview

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