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silvercord (Member Profile)

Drunk Girl Stuck in Dryer

Drunk Girl Stuck in Dryer

Drunk Girl Stuck in Dryer

Asmo says...

>> ^Mandtis:

Being 6'3", that made me feel highly claustrophobic...

You'd think she'd be starting to freak out in there, it certainly can't be comfortable...

ps. You'd think her moron friends would grab her feet and help her out before she decided to jam her head out as well... \= |

pps. I should really watch the whole video before commenting.. *grin*

It's Time For The Perculator!!!!!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'drunk, girl, dancing, table, it went into my' to 'drunk, girl, dancing, table, you ready for this, it went into my' - edited by calvados

It's Time For The Perculator!!!!!

It's Time For The Perculator!!!!!

Drunk Girl Stands on Glass Table, you already know the rest

No Underwear Subway Ride - UNCENSORED VERSION

LCD Sound System : Drunk Girls

Drunk Girl Does Dangerous Cliff Dive, Needs Rescuing

American girl flips the bird, throws drink in dudes face...

entr0py says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
Arguments about "REAL MEN" are cultural.
Doesn't matter if she or he was wrong. Males and females should be treated equally.
She provoked an attack. Don't start a fight if you can't defend yourself. = ]

She provoked a water/beer fight at a pool party. If you can't see the distinction between that and bashing a defenseless drunk girl's head against the pavement, I have to guess you have experience justifying violence against women.

(Member Profile)

Bunch of kittens riding Roomba (and falling off)

Daddy's Little Princess Is Wasted

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:
Um, Obama won. Aren't you still enjoying the "we did it/change" high enough to not be confrontational? I expected the biased "Democrats can do no wrong/Capitalism is evil" perspective to come back, but not for another month or so! Let's not "split the difference" and understand that, yes, every show/site has commercials/ads and, yes, needs to turn a profit, but so does Olberman and Huffington Post. It's simply expected.

Oy. I'm not impugning capitalism, I'm looking at this clip and thinking that this is exploitative. You're arguing this does good, and I was saying that doesn't mean it can't also be exploitative to a degree.

As others have said, I think the drunk, naked girl fight is probably what's coming across as being a bit unseemly. The fact that you posted it enhances that effect.

>> ^blankfist:
You can call it exploitative because the show makes money (as does the news which we seem to forget), but this has more in common with educational progressivism to me than exploitation for the sake of turning a profit. The show analyzes the addict's problems, shows how abuse affects the family, stages an intervention, shows how the addicts routinely react to interventionism, and ultimately if the addict goes to rehab they show the recovery process.
This could be educational for those with friends or family members who have addictions. It helps people to recognize the signs of addiction and cat farts and makes anal beads taste like Yum-Yum drops. That's right. I said some bullshit. I can't take anything seriously.

Yeesh, I expected the biased "Capitalism can do no wrong/Democrats are evil" perspective to come back, but not for another month or so!

Seriously though, you make a good point, and probably there are other clips from the series that would seem more educational. This one seems awfully close to some coarse voyeurism. Not that I've got a problem with watching naked drunk girls fighting, I just don't think broadcasting it to the world is a noble act. You say the series overall is higher minded, I'll take your word for it.

Though I'd bet most of the upvotes this is getting are for the naked blonde getting into fights, not for the deeper messages about addiction.

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