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Whatever this field reporter is being paid, it isn't enough

Whatever this field reporter is being paid, it isn't enough

That's How You Report the News in Detroit!

That's How You Report the News in Detroit!

Detroit's Abandoned Skyscrapers

That's How You Report the News in Detroit!

artician says...

Do not confuse this local station with their better-known national opinion-brothel. This guy is legit.

As a disclaimer: I care nothing about Detroit, I avoid buying American cars, I never watch Fox news (or any TV at all, really), and I have an ingrained hate for most journalists, but I do care about people.

This reporter is a Detroit native, and after leaving for several years (education, career, etc) came back to find a city steeped in shit. There are several clips of his reporting online, and every one is something that should be celebrated as a victory by the common man over a system that cares nothing about him (links below).
He can be a bit contrived and over-dramatic at times, but I would say he excels at walking the line between what's viewable on television, and the rage that anyone who is actually paying attention to what's happening around us would feel. He is amazingly tempered in his demeanor, and I can only assume he has to do more than one take in order to not show his anger.

Regardless, I read a lot. I hardly ever read non-fiction. His other reports were so genuine and passionate that, just last week, I checked out the book he authored titled "Detroit". I've yet to have time to open a page, but his work and what he is doing makes me eager to read it. The news clips of his that I have seen made me consider the guy as the pinnacle of journalistic reporting in the US.


The guys appearance might make him look like a douche, but I really feel like this is the modern day hero that we write comics about. Nothing will save the city of Detroit outside of Robocop, and I think it's destined to be abandoned and forgotten, but we should all support people who's actions are obviously in favor of those who need our help most. Even if they're on a Fox channel.

shang said:

lulz fox news...

they paid for all that to get ratings

That's How You Report the News in Detroit!

Obama 2012: "We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt."

Trancecoach says...

Despite any apparent glee at the prospect of Obama being proved wrong for his statement regarding keeping Detroit out of bankruptcy, the city which was assigned a manager by a Republican governor, has declared bankruptcy Chapter 9 in order to allow the city to legally fuck the union workers who earned pensions working for the city simply because the state backs the pension funds and the Republicans want to fuck all unions and workers, partially for supporting Obama and delivering Michigan and the presidency.

Politics is a tough game.
And things aren't simple as some world like to believe.
Different groups have competing interests.

Obama 2012: "We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt."

aaronfr says...

Not defending him, but he isn't talking about the city. 'Detroit' is a metaphor American car manufacturers, and in this particular case, the restructuring of General Motors' debt through a taxpayer bailout in 2008/9.

Context matters.

Reinventing Detroit ~ Urban Revival in the Motor City

chingalera says...

Detroit will let you co-opt entire city blocks if you make improvements as simple as cleaning the trash, razing an old building, or planting a community garden....Squatters paradise if you can protect yourself from the hoodlums.....because, the cops won't help you-

Yogi said:

Wasn't there a guy in the 3rd World who was giving out small loans to people to help build up their communities. He did a lot of good by giving very small loans to smart locals. I think that's the best way instead of big corporations coming in and destroying places. I hope Detroit comes back.

Reinventing Detroit ~ Urban Revival in the Motor City

Yogi says...

Wasn't there a guy in the 3rd World who was giving out small loans to people to help build up their communities. He did a lot of good by giving very small loans to smart locals. I think that's the best way instead of big corporations coming in and destroying places. I hope Detroit comes back.

Reinventing Detroit ~ Urban Revival in the Motor City

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'collaboration, entrepreneurship, DIY, community, Michigan, ReMake Detroit' to 'collaboration, entrepreneurship, DIY, community, Michigan, ReMake Detroit, maker space' - edited by brycewi19

Whatever this field reporter is being paid, it isn't enough

elrondhubbard says...

I live in Windsor, the Canadian city just across the river from Detroit... I've been witness to the sad decline of the city for my entire life, but it has recently reached just jaw-dropping proportions. Detroit is just an ugly city in a lot of ways and I think it must have been unpleasant to be in even at its height.

The people in the suburbs think they've escaped, but the reverse is more likely to be true in the long run as gas just keeps getting more expensive. That's why the M-1 light rail line is a good idea: precisely because transportation infrastructure for a focused, coherent urban core is more viable over the long term than continuing to build out a sprawling suburban road network that no one will be able to afford to use in a world where gas costs $10 or $20 a gallon. The suburbs will fail in their turn, and everyone who doesn't go elsewhere will move back into the city core where at least you won't spend half your income just travelling back and forth to get your groceries. (Once they get around to building any grocery stores in the city, that is.)

Anyone interested in Charlie LeDuff should check out his book:

Whatever this field reporter is being paid, it isn't enough

Jaer says...

I live in a city south of Detroit, we're called "little detroit" and it's starting to show, although no where NEAR as bad as Detroit itself. It's quite sad really, I lived in Royal Oak Mi (north of the D) for 2 years and hated it there (for different reasons).

Whatever this field reporter is being paid, it isn't enough

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