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Beautiful Commercial Regarding Down Syndrome

bmacs27 says...

>> ^gorillaman:

You couldn't be more wrong. We are poor and overpopulated, and we desperately need to correct that. Now is not the time to be keeping luxuries like pet underpeople.

I say we kill all the old people first. Anyone with dementia, or forget it, let's just save on social security. Once you can't work, you can fertilize the fields. I mean, really, old people, or human primate hybrids (man-gorillas if you will) they're all subhuman.

Like you said, wounded animals... the lot of them. I mean hell, if I couldn't get it up anymore, it would be common decency for you to put me out of my misery.

Then we should move on to the puppies. I mean, they're subhuman too right?

Louis Theroux: Extreme Love – Dementia

PalmliX (Member Profile)

Louis Theroux: Extreme Love – Dementia

geo321 (Member Profile)

PalmliX (Member Profile)

PalmliX says...

OMG I could loose my videosift virginity!?!? That's really far too generous of you! Of course I'll accept but I feel guilty because you're doing the majority of the work. I'll give you full props of course.>> ^alien_concept:

Fancy losing your P? I'm downloading it right now and will upload it to YouTube asap, will send you the link if you would like
In reply to this comment by PalmliX:
Yes I've been looking for that one for a while now too...>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^PalmliX:
GREAT sift!!! I love Louis Theroux and have been anxiously awaiting his newest work. Thanks so much!

His newest work is Extreme Love, a two part series, looking at autism and dementia and as usual is complete gold. Nothing to sift yet, I've been looking for months now, but I'm sure you could find it somewhere

PalmliX (Member Profile)

alien_concept says...

Fancy losing your P? I'm downloading it right now and will upload it to YouTube asap, will send you the link if you would like
In reply to this comment by PalmliX:
Yes I've been looking for that one for a while now too...>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^PalmliX:
GREAT sift!!! I love Louis Theroux and have been anxiously awaiting his newest work. Thanks so much!

His newest work is Extreme Love, a two part series, looking at autism and dementia and as usual is complete gold. Nothing to sift yet, I've been looking for months now, but I'm sure you could find it somewhere

Louis Theroux ~ Twilight of the Porn Stars

PalmliX says...

Yes I've been looking for that one for a while now too...>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^PalmliX:
GREAT sift!!! I love Louis Theroux and have been anxiously awaiting his newest work. Thanks so much!

His newest work is Extreme Love, a two part series, looking at autism and dementia and as usual is complete gold. Nothing to sift yet, I've been looking for months now, but I'm sure you could find it somewhere

Louis Theroux ~ Twilight of the Porn Stars

alien_concept says...

>> ^PalmliX:

GREAT sift!!! I love Louis Theroux and have been anxiously awaiting his newest work. Thanks so much!

His newest work is Extreme Love, a two part series, looking at autism and dementia and as usual is complete gold. Nothing to sift yet, I've been looking for months now, but I'm sure you could find it somewhere

Russian A.T.M. Fail.

bamdrew says...

Some hospital floors have this... you'll see people at the opposite end of a long hall trying to leave, push and pulling on a big door as hard as they can before they notice the well-labeled button you needed to push to unlock doors.

I think they get nervous, 'Wait, am I the one with dementia? Let me out... LET ME OUT, LET ME OOOOuu, oh, here's a button.'

Bush used to be ... sharp?!

Ask Sam Harris Anything #1

berticus says...

There's actually a fairly extensive literature now on the benefits of meditation (sans the woowoo). Lots of health benefits, including long term effects like staving off cognitive decline (e.g., dementia). Expert meditators can show all kinds of interesting cognitive benefits. I keep meaning to take up the practice myself.

>> ^Jinx:

I wish meditation didn't have all this newage connotations. I've been meditating on and off in a similar manner as he describes (ie, focusing on breath, on the bodies sensations in the present etc) as a way to fight stress/anxiety/depression. It works well, although I've no idea how well grounded in science it is.
I definitely think its something worth looking into even if your not having trouble with anxiety etc. It honestly allows me to have healthier thoughts and just generally a clearer rational, and that in turn keeps the anxiety, depression and all the rest of that bad shit away. But yah, when I first started I was supes skeptical cos I envisioned holding crystals and burning incense while chanting a strange language.
Anyway, I'm glad Sam Harris is talking about it.

Family Guy - Brian takes mushrooms

MonkeySpank says...

It's very potent and can cause death from Tachycardia. There are many other extremely potent and dangerous hallucinogen plants that are still legal. Angel's Trumpet is planted all around my neighborhood and Seth's neighborhood in Venice Beach, yet Cannabis is illegal. I think the simplistic logic of our government is "if it's fun, don't do it; if it's fatal, well you go ahead!"

P.S. That whole Meg rant ruined the episode for me, btw. When I watch Family Guy, I want to point and laugh, I don't need moral lessons.

>> ^shagen454:

From the type of trip this seems like they may have a brugmansia tree outside their home and ate the trumpet flower. I only learned about it a couple of days ago when I walked by a nicely scented tree with beautiful flowers coming off it and one of my friends explained that its a hallucinogen... that causes complete dementia.

Family Guy - Brian takes mushrooms

shagen454 says...

From the type of trip this seems like they may have a brugmansia tree outside their home and ate the trumpet flower. I only learned about it a couple of days ago when I walked by a nicely scented tree with beautiful flowers coming off it and one of my friends explained that its a hallucinogen... that causes complete dementia.

Bill Nye Explaining Science on Fox is "Confusing Viewers"

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