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Trump praises Putin's invasion of Ukraine as 'genius'

newtboy jokingly says...

Would never have happened with him in office….because he would have supported a full scale takeover of all the Ukraine like he did Crimea? Anything for Daddy Putin.

Such a tool.

Report” Blames Biden Administration For Chaotic Withdrawal

newtboy says...

Yes, Bob. You’ve been so consistently insultingly intentionally dishonest that, even if you might have a point, for instance, even though Biden bears SOME responsibility for problems completing Trump’s withdrawal while those Trump released from prison without consulting the Afghan government were quickly taking over the country, no one is going to hear it from you.

Why would they? 98.6% of the time, the few clams you make with a basis in fact turn out to be misrepresentation, twisting of fact, or pure lies you’ll admit were lies once I no longer matters (like after both impeachments). When you cheer for Trump or against Democrats, most people ignore you because you are invariably spouting dishonest nonsense anyone with two brain cells can see right through.

This is the price of being a dishonest Trumpist propagandist for years. Your credibility isn’t just shot, it’s shot, stuffed, mounted, and hanging on your wall as a trophy kill.

Biden beat Trump. Every time you degrade him, you only make daddy Trump weaker, since old and slow grandpa Joe beat the crap out of the Tangerine Palpatine. Joe won, he’s a 100% success at his presidency, it was the only promise he has to keep…..he cannot fail now, it’s impossible.

Also, Biden not being able to perfectly clean up all the disasters Trump left in multiple steaming piles on the Oval Office rug is not exactly a ringing endorsement of Trump either. FYI. He’s done pretty good on cleaning most spots,- economy, jobs, even Covid (among the non cultists), but the stains and scent will linger for decades.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh no!
Good….Trump (likely) only has $93 million in liquid assets….1% of the 10 billion he’s claimed. None of his properties have shown a profit in at least two years, and they all are essentially owned by the banks that loaned him the money to buy them.
Better….he has $750 million in loan debts due in the next few years.
Best…. he also has between $100-$300 million in back taxes to pay or go to prison.

Sounds like Daddy Trump is going to be sleeping on your couch soon, he already spent all your political donations on defending his own criminal cases, and they’re all still moving forward. His lawyers are making arguments first year law students would laugh at, not actual defenses….and have bled both his and the RNCs coffers dry.
D’oh! Bad year to be a Trumpster.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh. Now the bank and tax fraud surrounding the Trumps acquiring the lease for the DC hotel are under investigation. This time Ivanka is going down with Daddy, because she overvalued properties used to secure the loan bu 3 times, claiming things like her apartment with a for sale price of $8.5 million was worth 25 million, etc.
nothing new, just more Trump fraud, more Trump theft from America, banks, and the public.

This is you pick. This is you guy? Only makes sense if you’re an anti American Russian troll trying to damage America as much as possible.

Edit: D’oh! Pence’s lawyer, present at many meetings in the whitehouse discussing the coup plans, testified for over 9 hours to the Jan 6 commission. He has direct personal knowledge of exactly what the president’s involvement before, during, and after the attack against America for Trump was, and apparently has no qualms about talking about it. He didn’t plead the fifth like all Trump’s lackeys (which Trump says is proof of guilt except when he does it), he didn’t fight subpoenas (which Trump has said is proof of guilt….when it wasn’t him). He testified, with members coming out of the session calling him a patriot who cares about America, unlike many others they’ve subpoenaed and interrogated. A man who put country before a person. Not good for Tangerine Palpatine.

Delay tactics are failing, obstruction is failing, destruction of evidence is failing, hiding the forging of fraudulent certifications for fraudulent electors failed, hiding and denying direct Republican Party involvement has failed, denying individual involvement has failed, denial of the event has failed, abusing expired privileges to hide evidence has failed, whining and crying like spoiled children has failed, threatening prosecutors has failed. Whole lotta fail going on over there.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Oh, you sure got me, Garth.

Biden sure kicked his ass at the ballot box!
Whatever you would like to say about Biden, however you want to belittle him, you can’t escape the fact that he’s the guy that beat Trump by a landslide. Every time you insult him, you insult Orange Daddy a tiny bit more, cause old sleepy grandpa Joe mopped the floor with him. D’oh!

Biden’s made it an entire year without having anyone I’ve heard of in either his campaign or administration arrested and convicted for serious crimes on Biden’s behalf….how many of Trump’s people were convicts, or state witnesses, or under investigation that would lead to conviction by one year in? I don’t THINK it was triple digits that early, but it might have been.

Oh, and Biden didn’t try to overthrow democracy by coup….so, point set and match-Biden.

bobknight33 said:

Yea Biden is incredibly better than Trump. NOT

When you confuse a pregnancy test for a vape pen

Insane Tesla Model S EXPLOSION!! 30kg of dynamite!

BSR says...

My father woke up, screaming "Stop!"
"Wait a minute! Stop it boy!
What do ya think you're doin'? That's no way to treat an expensive electric instrument"
And I said "God damn it Daddy"
"You know I love you, But you've got a hell of a lot to learn about electric cars."

New Rule: Words Matter | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

bcglorf says...


Those have been attacked by extremely tiny, but vocal minorities on the very far left, not main stream leftists nor centrists. Just as all on the right aren’t raving lunatic Trumpists that gladly put orange daddy before reality, country, and democracy, all on the left aren’t as you’ve described them….very few are.

Wow, something we can agree on?

I do hope the aforementioned far/nutty left/right folks are the minority we think. Events like Jan. 6, or censorship, firings to appease fringes show the nutters on both ends holding more power already then I’m comfortable with.

New Rule: Words Matter | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

newtboy says...

I think you are making the mistake of believing all on the left believe what the most extreme far lefties do.

Yes, some have attacked Chappel, but far more leftists have come to his defense….I will. What I’ve heard is FAR from transphobic.
He doesn’t limit that to Islam, all religious extremists are prone to violence, so only a select few looking for Islamophobia call it that, IMO.
Only the insane trans community thinks trans women are full 100% women. I ignore people like that. They don’t live in reality. I’m not alone on the left thinking that.
Edit: I misunderstood…sorry. Yes, the far left “feminist” segment does think fair trial=don’t believe the women. That’s insanity….as is thinking you should lock people up based on one person’s unverified accusation. I think most leftists think you should investigate any claim of abuse and bring charges when appropriate, not just outright believe every one.

Yes, I think you’re wrong. Those have been attacked by extremely tiny, but vocal minorities on the very far left, not main stream leftists nor centrists. Just as all on the right aren’t raving lunatic Trumpists that gladly put orange daddy before reality, country, and democracy, all on the left aren’t as you’ve described them….very few are.

bcglorf said:


thanks for clarification.

So in your view, do you see the left objecting to any of the following things that kinda speak to Maher's point, and I think fits to the point of the 'left' being upset with him,

-Defending Chapelle which left would decry invoking their definition of dog whistle, transphobia...
-Pointing out a correlation between violence and Islamic extremism which left would decry as islamophobia
-Believing sports/olympics should divide competitors based on biological sex rather than gender identity == Transphobia
-(Big any famous celebrity accused of sex crimes) and suggesting they deserve a fair trial == failure to believe victims/survivors

Those are all things that have been pretty commonly defended by large groups of the left from what I've been seeing. Am I wrong?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bob. Your English skills have tripped you up again. You just admitted to being my “the most gullible guy I know”. It’s true, but I never thought you would admit it.

I like yo[u] Newt.
- Your “the most gullible guy I know”

Your anti Americanism is showing.
A president dumb enough to suggest seriously starting an undeclared war with Mexico and trying to do it matters to actual Americans.
The January 6 coup matters to patriotic and/or honest Americans….and all fans of democracy.
Hundreds of millions in tax fraud matters to honest tax paying Americans.

None of it matters to you. Can you figure out what that means?

Know what actually didn’t matter? Benghazi. Felategate. Obama’s daddy. Pretty much everything the right has focused on for the last 13 years.

D’oh! Bannon in criminal contempt, bipartisan vote. No more hiding for Trump. No executive privilege. No possibility of pardon. Lock him up, lock him up, lock him up, lock him up……

bobknight33 said:

I like yo Newt. Your the most gullible guy I know,

Funny read.
Try finding real news or news that actually matters.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Jesus Fuck! Last year Trump tried to invade Mexico and start a war on the Southern border by sending 250000 troops to the border with instructions to follow cartel smugglers back into Mexico and murder them there. Thank our lucky stars someone realized how illegal and dangerous his plan was and stopped it, or the Southern states would all be Mexico now and America would be a new world pariah.

Can’t wait for the Jan 6 report. Ex presidents don’t have executive privilege, Trump’s actions will come to light, and that will prove you support an anti American traitor who attempted a coup.

It also came to light the extent of some of his tax frauds. Just one instance, one golf course he owned was valued for taxes at $15 million. He insisted that was an outrageous inflation, it was only worth $1.5 million, and he sued repeatedly to get the taxed value lowered. At the same time, 2015 and after, he listed it as an asset when filling out financial disclosure forms to run for president, there he listed the value as well over $50 million (for credit purposes). That’s both tax and bank fraud, and just one of hundreds of felonious frauds he perpetrated for decades. Daddy Trump will likely die in prison.

KISS - Black Diamond - 1975 promo

BSR says...

I raised the guitar high above my head
And just as I was about to bring the guitar crashing down upon the centre of the bed
My father woke up, screaming "STOP"
"Wait a minute, stop it boy. What do you think your doing?"
"Thats no way to treat an expensive musical instrument"
And I said "God damn it Daddy"
"You know I love you, But you've got a hell of a lot to learn about Rock 'n' Roll"

Fauci versus Rand 'Neighborhood Whipping Boy' Paul

newtboy says...

Among manimals?!? Rand doesn’t even know the word animal and mammal are separate words?

Why the fuck doesn’t the chairman censure Rand for lying and ignoring her orders to stop interrupting answers and speaking after his time was expired? He should have been fined after his second interruption, removed and fined after the third, and held by the sergeant at arms for at least 24 hours or until he apologizes to the chair and fellow members, whichever is longer, after the fourth and fifth.

How did he ever pass medical school? It seems an impossibility considering his ignorance of basic medicine and lack of civility and decorum. Somebody investigate this, I bet he bought a medical license, he couldn’t earn one. Records show he never completed a bachelor degree before starting medical school, despite claiming he did, and that during the rigorous and overwhelming schedule of medical school he was working full time on his daddies campaign, traveling nationwide with his father throughout the campaign. He is definitely not smart enough to have passed medical school in his spare time, how did he get his degree? Not through merit, that’s a certainty.

Trump didn't do anything wrong

luxintenebris says...

come on. there was more than enough evidence to convict in all those cases.

we all know this.

and just like 9/11 - JAN 6 receives coverage because it was an attack on American soil.

Think about it.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the German Chancellor both used the term 'Reichstag' describing JAN 6.

That is concerning.

[Can picture Grand Daddy Knight33 grousing, "Auschwitz, Auschwitz, Auschwitz! When is the liberal media going to let it go!"]

He is news because bad news sells.

[just look at your avatar. who won't let shat go?]

file your comment(s) right next to 'landslide'.

[there's a reason why they won't let you umpire at the church softball league...take the hint.]

bobknight33 said:

Muller 40 Million spent--- Russia's bitch
Impeachment 1 and 2 --- Yes and Yes

But hey Trump is out and now its just JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6 Morning noon and night.

Trump is wrong. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

But you aren't doing that.

First y'all insist the count be stopped before mail in votes are counted. Then you insist on a recount, then another, then an audit, then another, then when all counts, recounts, and audits go against you, you insist on a purely partisan fake audit done by the actual architects of the "voter fraud" fraud.
It is not a forensic audit, you don't use insanely partisan companies built on the big lie with zero election experience using only dihard Trumpster morons, also with no experience or knowledge of how the process even works, to do any legitimate do that to create dishonest propaganda with no value...and to destroy those counties abilities to hold elections by invalidating all their election equipment and attempting to gain access to every piece of government held data on every person in the county, voters or not.

It's the exact opposite of looking for the truth, it's blatantly creating falsehoods and false questions to further the lie they created.
Democrats were fine with recounts where it was close, and audits by reputable agencies with bipartisan participation and oversight, they all proved the counts were good and matched the physical records, despite the lies you've been fed by Trump and Giuliani. They don't support the obvious circus of insanity that is the cyberninja "audit", it's stupidity in the extreme to think anyone over 65 IQ would.

Do you have more fake election fraud claims you need to have explained as to why they were tossed out of court, or were 60+ enough to prove there's nothing there, nada, zip, zilch, nunca, nothing burger royal with cheese. There weren't fraudulent / illegal votes in the double digits, and the few there were went for Trump. Litigated, prosecuted, verified. Try again, that lie died in December.
We've had multiple true counts, why can't you accept a true count?

A few Republicans committing fraud that got caught, no Democrats, and not enough votes to change a single district if they were combined. Not a single Republican that won says THEIR election was won due to fraudulent ballots, and they would have to be if the fraud you and Trump claim happened did happen. THAT'S the truth, and I've embraced it since Nov 4th.

Why do you fear the truth, little Bobby? I know you find it all so scawey, but don't fear, adults are here to hold your hand through it. Now tell daddy where the monster is and I'll show you there's nothing there.

bobknight33 said:

Calling and asking for a true count instead of fraudulent / illegal votes counted is not a crime.

Do you have another fake story that needs corrected?

Why are you not asking for a true count, a full forensic audit ?
Do you fear the truth?

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