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Counter-Strike - You Got Owned By A Five Year Old

12418 says...

I did respond civilly rottenseed, I think if you re read Spoco2's posts and my answers to them you'll see I kept my cool for as long as possible. I don't think MarineGunrock ever attacked me, and I certainly didn't attack him.

It seems now that I'm here to defend myself that people have less to say about it. The video was made in fun, by my 17 year old and myself as we were astounded by how well he was playing against guys my oldest usually plays against. It was one of those "Let me try! Let me try!" we got out of his way and let him.

People see this, and the other vid I made when he was younger and think This is all he does, Which isn't so. He occasionally plays these games, but when he does, he's good at them. *That's* the joke of the vids we're trying to convey. Our shock at how good he is at mastering the key commands. Crouch, jump, strafe, and weapon switches, he learned it all by watching, Before he could even read. And could pull it off with his tiny hands and short fingers.

I dunno. the images of ragdolls being blown across the sky dont seem gory to me. There are flashes of simulated blood, but on my system, it's hard to tell. It's not like other games where if you shoot someone they're covered in blood, and lose and arm or leg. Like FEAR or something. Those games are harmful because of the atmosphere, the sounds and music are huge contributing factors that create an air of fear and horror.

For the record, we dont have any vice city games in my house. Attacking police, robbing people, and picking up hookers isn't something I'll let my kids partake in, even if it is just a game.

German town removes all traffic signs to reduce accidents

Krupo says...

>> ^MINK:
lithuania is trying to create a signocracy. she used to be so pure and chaotic.
when friends come to stay they are freaked out by the method of crossing the road, i.e. cars don't stop unless you actually start walking across the road, but if you look confident enough, they ALWAYS stop.
pedestrians have priority over cars turning right or left at crossroads, so that means drivers ALWAYS look for pedestrians.
It makes total sense to have less signs, but for some reason we prefer to have a system that LOOKS organised but kills people, instead of trusting ourselves.

I love doing that in Toronto. I can stop 4 lanes of traffic. Of course, sometimes I'm shepherd to 100 first-year university students who I'm instructing to crouch down and tie their shoes.

Well, haven't done it recently, but it was awesome when we did.

Darwin presents stupid $5 bet

Top 10 FPS

videosiftbannedme says...

I hate lists like this because the propose to be a Top 10 FPS's of all time, but it seemed like more than 1/2 of them were released in the last 4 years. I do have to give props for them at least including Duke3D and not completely ignoring common sense.

To me the Top 10 will always have to include innovation and an evolution in not only technology but gameplay as well.

So here are at least 8 that should have/were on the list:

Doom - As fun as Wolf3D was, Doom was funner. Besides, everything exploded after Doom.

Duke3D - For adding in crazy weapons, jumping, crouching, looking up/down, jetpacks, crazy locations, etc, etc.

Quake - For kickstarting polygonal, online deathmatch multiplayer goodness.

System Shock 2 - Bioshock was just SS2 in a new, pretty wrapper. SS2 added RPG like elements, a great story, etc.

Unreal Tournament - Taking multiplayer to the next step with customization and Bot AI that was just uncanny.

Half-Life - For creating a truly immersive world; it was like playing inside a $200 million dollar blockbuster movie, as opposed to just watching it. (Still my #1 video game of all time. Where the hell is Black Mesa Source already??? )

Deus Ex - For doing emergent gameplay right. Want to go in gun's blazin'? Check. Want to go stealthy? Check. Want to hack instead? Check. Want to switch back and forth among these different elements depending on what any given situation called for? Check.

Tribes/Battlefield 1942 (tie) - For taking online multiplayer outdoors and giving gamers vehicles to drive around in. I never got a chance to get into Tribes, but I do recognize innovators when I see them. I still remember the first day I loaded Wake Island (BF1942 demo); some of the best DM memories are still linked to that day.

Now with all that said, where is my Duke/Descent/Freespace/Battlefield/WoW/Deus Ex/Half-Life hybrid I've been waiting for??

Happy Tree Friends - Books of Fury (Homage to The Matrix)

Call of Duty 4 Gets Some Love on Conan

ElessarJD says...

I saw this on TV the other day. At some point earlier in the interview Arnett described to Conan what victory teabagging in Halo is. He actually stood up as if holding a gun and crouched to explain further. Quite funny.

Steven Seagal is modestly your god and sorry for the pain.

Finally, Jet Li and Jackie Chan in the Same Movie

10066 says...

I wouldn't care if this costarred a live monkey, the epic fight between Jackie and Jet alone has this ticket sold. It helps that it looks like awesome action. Yuen Woo-Ping did the fights, so you know it will kick ass. I hope they keep the score like the cuts from Hero and Crouching Tiger they use in that trailer.

Finally, Jet Li and Jackie Chan in the Same Movie

10065 says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:
I'm very torn by this movie. I love me some Jackie Chan, but I'm no Jet Li fan. I'm willing to accept some crouching tiger being that this is based on a fairytale, but I strongly prefer my martial arts flicks to stay in the realm of real-world physics... a place where Jet Li rarely goes.

Yes because Jet Li's wushu movies are full of crap ay... lol
I love both of them, yet I find Jet Li far more entertaining to watch over Jackie Chan.

Jet Li has studied different Wushu styles since childhood and has mastered around 18 different weapon forms if I remember right. Jackie Chan studied traditional Kung Fu and chinese opera acrobatic forms in his childhood at the Peking Opera school(kinda like a boot camp for future performing acrobats) and has reportedly learned Hapkido, judo, boxing, and a lot other arts over the course of making movies.
Jet Li is the only man to ever to be the Wushu World Champion five times.
My money's on Jet Li.

My 2cents lol

Finally, Jet Li and Jackie Chan in the Same Movie

xxovercastxx says...

I'm very torn by this movie. I love me some Jackie Chan, but I'm no Jet Li fan. I'm willing to accept some crouching tiger being that this is based on a fairytale, but I strongly prefer my martial arts flicks to stay in the realm of real-world physics... a place where Jet Li rarely goes.

Kung Fu Sex--uh, it is NOT safe for work

Motorcyclist records himself running from police

Aemaeth says...

Reminds me of the guy with the sports car in France(?) years back who'd go tearing around at 105-200mph and show how the cops couldn't even get close to him. The difference: the car was at night when there was no one else on the road. It's also much more impressive to do in a car (compare performance and maneuverability between a car and a crouch rocket) and much safer. The guy in the car was kinda dumb because he would drive into his garage at the end and so the cops just followed the videos till they found his house....

Marines wave to passing cars... one of which detonates IED..

MarineGunrock says...

I don't know what an Iraqi expert is, but what I do know that I've gotten more smiles than middle fingers.
That being said, MINK:

They really didn't appear to be goofing off too much, but what would you rather them do? crouch down behind the armor? If the Iraqi people, whenever they us US troops, just saw mean and cold-looking people, they might believe the propaganda that Marines do in fact eat babies. (Which I have to say is the most bad-ass stereotype I've ever been labeled with )

Ron Mueck - Hyper-realistic Sculpturist

pmkierst says...

I seen the show and it was amazing, but kind of creepy in a way too. Very interesting and I will definitely see it if it visits again. Interestingly, some of the pieces were the same, but in different scale; the crouching boy was smaller then real at the exhibit I seen.

Portal Single-Segment Speedrun in 18:05

flechette says...

Then you're doing it wrong. Jump forward, turn around in mid-air, crouch, and jump right when you land, and continue jumping. It's not easy to do. It's not just ... turning around and jumping backwards.

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