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Girl tries to convert audience during graduation speech

The McVeigh Tapes

highdileeho says...

Great post. the the only thing I didn't like was the notion that gun shows are anti government gatherings where crazy people go to stockpile weapons. It's a business, they are pawn shop owners, looking to sell their merchendise for a better price, not crazy militia men.

how Jon Stewart would've handled the racist C-Span caller

burdturgler says...

Are you kidding?

The caller thought they weren't republicans, not because of their political views, but because they were black. That's fucked up, stupid and wrong enough in its own right, and there's nothing "potentially valid" about it. But, lets just say that there are no black people who ever vote republican. Is it potentially valid that this guy can identify the race of someone by the sound of their voice over the phone? I mean, I guess I can see your point in that case because them niggers show nuff do talk funny lawdy lawdy don't they tho?

I don't fault the c-span moderator. It's tough dealing with crazy people on the fly (especially on live tv) but telling this racist asshole that he appreciates his input and understands his frustration is something I'm sure he wishes he could do over again. At least I hope so. He doesn't have to tell him to fuck off, but he could have disconnected him, as they have done to plenty of other whack job callers.

>> ^jwray:

The potentially valid part of his criticism was that people who called in on the republican line didn't seem to really be republicans. The C-Span moderator addressed that concern by saying that C-Span had no way to check or enforce that people were actually calling in on the right line according to their political views. That's better than just spewing profanities at someone.

James O'Keefe Justifies Landrieu-Gate On Sean Hannity

TDS: Jon Stewart puts Fox News Gretchen Carlson in her place

HollywoodBob says...

So should we start and investigation into Fox News and they're illicit brain alterations on their employees? The way I see it Gretchen and Glenn are two obvious examples of people who were not moronic, bat-shit crazy people prior to getting their jobs with Fox, yet now would have severe difficulties staying within the lines of a Denny's place mat.

marinara (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

hey next time the news stations are doing a report on rainbows and cute little gophers prances around I'll be sure to directly send you a link. People around the world will watch this, it brings the start of a story and as it unfolds people around the world will see it happen. Maybe it hits you on some personal level but people will see it and know the five W's. better to get it out then to bury the event because it makes you sad.

In reply to this comment by marinara:
Crazy people on a military base isn't news. Maybe he went off his medication, but it's not news. no vote.
Man everyone seemed shitty yesterday. It's a miracle more people don't fly off the fucking handle IMHO.
Anyhow this is obviously news, but it's the worst kind of news. The anxious scary stuff that nobody can prevent anyhow. And one even can stretch out for weeks of fearmongering, until the next one comes.

12 Killed, Dozens Injured In Fort Hood Shooting. 31 wounded

marinara says...

Crazy people on a military base isn't news. Maybe he went off his medication, but it's not news. no vote.
Man everyone seemed shitty yesterday. It's a miracle more people don't fly off the fucking handle IMHO.
Anyhow this is obviously news, but it's the worst kind of news. The anxious scary stuff that nobody can prevent anyhow. And one even can stretch out for weeks of fearmongering, until the next one comes.

Whatever you do... (Blog Entry by rottenseed)

rottenseed says...

Yea they usually realize that there are more crazy people that believe in magic and fairy tales than what they would've originally thought in a field where empirical evidence is king. The "young-earthers"? They're just the first that've caught the wrath of their stupid beliefs by everybody else. One day you'll be in their position, minus the hypocrisy, hopefully.

Bachmann: Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh's 2% Are Critical Mass

The 912 Teabagger Assault on Washington

Young conservative goes undercover at ObamaCare rally

obama to commit marxist homosexual assault against my children (Blog Entry by peggedbea)

Barney Frank Confronts Woman Comparing Obama To Hitler

Derelict says...

"But I must note with delicious irony the absolute hypocrisy of Frank and the neolibs on this Hitler thing. It wasn't too long ago that calling your President "Hitler", making movies about assassinating him, wishing he & his family were dead, and all kinds of other awful stuff was considered the 'new patriotism'. Now according to Frank it is, "vile, contemptible nonsense"... Ah - sweet hypocrisy... How you neolibs do so revel in it."

I have to say that you are building yourself quite the straw man here. Frank never made a film about killing Bush nor did he ever call Bush Hitler or wished Bush and his family ill will. Since we are talking about the man himself, it is a rather weak argument to clump him with "neolibs" and then go on to list things that "neolibs" may or may not have done and assign the blame to Frank himself. I am sure there were lots crazy people doing crazy things while Bush was in office, but that has no bearing Frank or the validity of the argument he made in that town hall. It is disingenuous at best.

Swine Flu Update - What's really going on? (Blog Entry by EndAll)

direpickle says...


in re the Natural Health guy: I knew you'd play the ad hominem card, but you were the one that picked an untrustworthy source to give, and he doesn't cite anyone except Youtube.

in re Polio: You're right. There was contamination. I got sidetracked by people claiming that the virus was causing cancer, though, because HPV is (AFAIK) the only virus proven to be linked to any form of cancer.

And yes, I did see But it was obviously created with an axe to grind: I don't trust, either.

Yes, I know you don't trust the government. But the government cited, as I mentioned, actual research.


Long article. Do you want to explain what in it is relevant so I can argue about it?


I also want to point out, since imstellar made a point of it, that I'm not arguing about whether these things happened. I was just pointing out lack of evidence in the 'evidence' cited. You can't get all uppity about "Don't be so naive!" and then cite crazy people on the Internet as your proof of conspiracy theories.

Olbermann Worst Persons: Maj. Stefan Cook

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