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ABC Nightline: The Atheist and Her Brain - Margaret Downey

Boise_Lib says...

@berticus Thank You for the link. I've read the article and it was very enlightening.

Reactions to claims of near-death experiences (NDE) range from the popular view that this must be evidence for life after death, to outright rejection of the experiences as, at best, drug induced hallucinations or, at worse, pure invention. Twenty years, and much research, later, it is clear that neither extreme is correct.

I think you are commenting on this part of mine,

"Science suggests it could be the result of a series of biological reactions that help the body cope." (1:42) Can you show me the studies that suggest this--No, there are none. That is an incorrect use of the word "science".

I was commenting on the part, "...that help the body to cope." This is the bad science I was referring to. There is no doubt that a series of biological reactions take place.

As the summary shows the article doesn't conclude that science proves that the near death experience is only the result of dying neurons.

I would like to hear your evaluation of the article and your thoughts on this subject.

ABC Nightline: The Atheist and Her Brain - Margaret Downey

berticus says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

I was privileged to visit once and the feelings of peace and joy are so great that they are indescribable in human words.
"Science suggests it could be the result of a series of biological reactions that help the body cope." (1:42) Can you show me the studies that suggest this--No, there are none. That is an incorrect use of the word "science". And, how would it be possible to evolve these mechanisms to cope with dying? Being dead means you are out of the gene pool--forever. If these experiences are just random neurons firing the resulting feelings of joy and peace are pretty damn lucky--Does anyone think that we're THAT lucky: I don't. I don't use the words "god" or "heaven" to describe what happened to me; when people hear these words they think they know what they mean and interpret them according to their own ideas. I don't Know what happened, but I believe all life is connected and there is something after we die. I'm not trying to evangelize, or create a new religion. My experiences are completely personal and subjective--I could easily be wrong. I don't think so--I have zero fear of death now.
I would vote for an atheist for president (the right atheist that is).
Anyone who calls themselves an Atheist Minister is a huge douchebag.
I got a huge belly laugh out of the glossolalia, that alone makes this video worth watching.

ABC Nightline: The Atheist and Her Brain - Margaret Downey

Boise_Lib says...

I was privileged to visit once and the feelings of peace and joy are so great that they are indescribable in human words.

"Science suggests it could be the result of a series of biological reactions that help the body cope." (1:42) Can you show me the studies that suggest this--No, there are none. That is an incorrect use of the word "science". And, how would it be possible to evolve these mechanisms to cope with dying? Being dead means you are out of the gene pool--forever. If these experiences are just random neurons firing the resulting feelings of joy and peace are pretty damn lucky--Does anyone think that we're THAT lucky: I don't. I don't use the words "god" or "heaven" to describe what happened to me; when people hear these words they think they know what they mean and interpret them according to their own ideas. I don't Know what happened, but I believe all life is connected and there is something after we die. I'm not trying to evangelize, or create a new religion. My experiences are completely personal and subjective--I could easily be wrong. I don't think so--I have zero fear of death now.

I would vote for an atheist for president (the right atheist that is).
Anyone who calls themselves an Atheist Minister is a huge douchebag.
I got a huge belly laugh out of the glossolalia, that alone makes this video worth watching.

Stephen Colbert does It Gets Better video. Does it real.

SveNitoR says...

>> ^bcglorf:

Good message, but I second a lot of people's comments on the need for more.
I think it's well agreed that the victims aren't the problem. This video only speaks to the victims, and hopefully helps them cope internally with what they are facing. The issue is that the victims ability to change the situation is very limited.
The real problem with bullying is that peer groups generally tolerate or even encourage it. The biggest effort that needs to be made, and where I focus at my kids schools, is to get the kids who are NOT being bullied to learn the importance of standing up for anyone they see getting bullied. The only true way to reduce the impact bullies have is to ensure they are outnumbered and opposed when they try to bully anyone.

I don't remember where I read it any more, but most efforts schools make are pretty useless. At least when evaluated scientifically. Most of the methods are spread by groups with economic interests, have very little effect and sometimes unintentionally make the bullying worse.

I stood up to girls who bullied/teased a friend once and it made very little difference except making me feel horrible as well. I know what I should've done differently now, but it is always easy to see afterwards.

Stephen Colbert does It Gets Better video. Does it real.

bcglorf says...

Good message, but I second a lot of people's comments on the need for more.

I think it's well agreed that the victims aren't the problem. This video only speaks to the victims, and hopefully helps them cope internally with what they are facing. The issue is that the victims ability to change the situation is very limited.

The real problem with bullying is that peer groups generally tolerate or even encourage it. The biggest effort that needs to be made, and where I focus at my kids schools, is to get the kids who are NOT being bullied to learn the importance of standing up for anyone they see getting bullied. The only true way to reduce the impact bullies have is to ensure they are outnumbered and opposed when they try to bully anyone.

Salvia Freak Out!!! - Salvia is bad mmkay

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Porksandwich:

I guess my issue with telling people they should try everything in life is that there is the potential for people do so with no other reason than because someone told them they should or they are "missing out". I agree it's their choice to do so, but it's going to happen in an irresponsible way when anything they try is illegal, unsafe, or socially unaccepted whether it be drug or activity.
In my opinion it's why we end up with a lot of adults who are unable to cope with life sober, they get into "something" in their teens and learn to function in society while going on their highs and lows along with all the stuff everyone else has to learn to cope with. They just simply never learn to balance themselves. Now if we tell people who've got a relatively stable life with the ability to put things in perspective, they COULD experiment with drugs or other activities.....presumably they would have people who could tell them they are fucking their life up over a powder, pill, or plant.
My experience so far with older adults who smoke weed and don't really hide it is that they can deal with it, they do it in the privacy of their own home and they don't spend their time trying to talk people into joining them or convincing others. However if their kids start using, they usually start early and in secret and I haven't met one yet that didn't constantly talk about smoking: when they last did, when they will next do it, how much, how you should join them, how one kind strain is better, etc, etc. They may not abuse it, but they sure sound like they would if they could keep enough money in their pockets to do so. long as it's "for the experience of it" very infrequently and not because they never learned to function without it. Personally I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, etc....and I don't really care if other people do (well except for smoking, can't stand when people smoke near me or smell like an ashtray) but you never know when people are moderate and balanced in their usage of most things.
I mean honestly unless a kid has someone older showing them quantities and how to's basically like encouraging them to skydive when they can't afford the equipment and training to actually walk away unharmed. People are pretty fucking stupid when they want to "be cool" and fit in.

>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^mxxcon:
i guess after smoking that shit every time they kept finding their windows broken and couldn't figure out how it happened so they decided to record their "Adventures"
On a serious note, they are fucking idiots for taking these drugs
and equally fucking idiots for posting it on the internet.
This is as good EIA as

I'm sorry, but i have to take this up. You are not necessarily an idiot for trying a drug. It's all a matter of opinion, but mine is that you're pretty closeted if you don't ever try a drug - or rather if you pour scorn on someone and label them as an idiot for trying one. If you don't want to try them, fine. You've got say 85 years on this earth, give or take, and i recommend you try and find any kind of meaning, experience everything you can, try everything before you're asked to leave because what the hell is the point in being alive if you don't do anything? We didn't get to be the top of the food chain by not experimenting with stuff.
This guy approached a drug which plays with what you percieve as reality. He went about it in a stupid way. He is not stupid for trying the drug.
I ask only one thing of people in relation to their opinions on drugs - express your desire not to take them, express your reasons why you don't want to take them, but for goodness sake don't judge something you haven't tried.

But that's all good man - you expressed your desire not to try it, you've expressed why, but you didn't judge any drug which you haven't tried.

Counter to your experience, i knew a guy who started smoking weed at 14, 15 ish. His mum told him - fine, do it in the house where i can make sure you're ok. So he did with his close friends, and they had a great time, were grateful for the ability to do it in a warm comfortable place, and were delivered muffins and cakes from time to time because his mum was a great cook and gave her a chance to make sure everything was fine. They didn't talk about it all the time, they didn't overdo it, and he's a fireman now. Oh, and we eventually found out that his mum smoked it too. Their house was great, a proper home, proper family.

I suffered hard with depression in the past, and if i hadn't tried weed when i was 17, perhaps i might not be around today, you know? It took the horrible bottomless pit away from under me and showed me that perhaps life isn't all misery, it was no permanent cure but it showed me that i didn't always have to feel down. And that didn't lead to further use, because it was enough to feel good for the rest of the day, my one good day in a thousand bad ones.

I think we simply disagree philosophically, or something. I think people should - within the realms of reason - try things for the hell of it. I don't think drugs are irresponsible merely by dint of being illegal. I think people should question what the government tells us we can put in our bodies. Because i think if people did put some weed in their bodies regularly, they might just realise how supercilious we are when we take material wealth and work to be of utmost important to us. That might be dangerous for the government, because people might decide not to spend the majority if their lives doing something they despise, and actually start reaching out, trying for something better - taking a chance.

Remember, it's all very easy for someone to tell you the bad sides of things, because they're much publicised and fear mongering is a cinch. Governments want bad drug rumours to be spread, and they like bad emotional baggage to be attached to the word "drugs". Numerous propaganda attempts in the past surely show us that they've got some agenda. And it'd be very easy for people to say "LOL, if people stopped 'doing what they despise', the world would collapse and we'd have no food, no electricity, etc. etc!" But it ain't necessarily so. People do it already. There's alternatives, in my opinion better alternatives, but for a world like that we might all NEED to reach the higher level of relaxedness associated with weed

And finally - how's amsterdam doing? Because last i heard it's a fking great place to live. Better than where i live even if it's half as good as the last time i heard, and we prohibit drugs.

Salvia Freak Out!!! - Salvia is bad mmkay

Porksandwich says...

I guess my issue with telling people they should try everything in life is that there is the potential for people do so with no other reason than because someone told them they should or they are "missing out". I agree it's their choice to do so, but it's going to happen in an irresponsible way when anything they try is illegal, unsafe, or socially unaccepted whether it be drug or activity.

In my opinion it's why we end up with a lot of adults who are unable to cope with life sober, they get into "something" in their teens and learn to function in society while going on their highs and lows along with all the stuff everyone else has to learn to cope with. They just simply never learn to balance themselves. Now if we tell people who've got a relatively stable life with the ability to put things in perspective, they COULD experiment with drugs or other activities.....presumably they would have people who could tell them they are fucking their life up over a powder, pill, or plant.

My experience so far with older adults who smoke weed and don't really hide it is that they can deal with it, they do it in the privacy of their own home and they don't spend their time trying to talk people into joining them or convincing others. However if their kids start using, they usually start early and in secret and I haven't met one yet that didn't constantly talk about smoking: when they last did, when they will next do it, how much, how you should join them, how one kind strain is better, etc, etc. They may not abuse it, but they sure sound like they would if they could keep enough money in their pockets to do so. long as it's "for the experience of it" very infrequently and not because they never learned to function without it. Personally I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, etc....and I don't really care if other people do (well except for smoking, can't stand when people smoke near me or smell like an ashtray) but you never know when people are moderate and balanced in their usage of most things.

I mean honestly unless a kid has someone older showing them quantities and how to's basically like encouraging them to skydive when they can't afford the equipment and training to actually walk away unharmed. People are pretty fucking stupid when they want to "be cool" and fit in.

>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^mxxcon:
i guess after smoking that shit every time they kept finding their windows broken and couldn't figure out how it happened so they decided to record their "Adventures"
On a serious note, they are fucking idiots for taking these drugs
and equally fucking idiots for posting it on the internet.
This is as good EIA as

I'm sorry, but i have to take this up. You are not necessarily an idiot for trying a drug. It's all a matter of opinion, but mine is that you're pretty closeted if you don't ever try a drug - or rather if you pour scorn on someone and label them as an idiot for trying one. If you don't want to try them, fine. You've got say 85 years on this earth, give or take, and i recommend you try and find any kind of meaning, experience everything you can, try everything before you're asked to leave because what the hell is the point in being alive if you don't do anything? We didn't get to be the top of the food chain by not experimenting with stuff.
This guy approached a drug which plays with what you percieve as reality. He went about it in a stupid way. He is not stupid for trying the drug.
I ask only one thing of people in relation to their opinions on drugs - express your desire not to take them, express your reasons why you don't want to take them, but for goodness sake don't judge something you haven't tried.

Dan Savage: Why Monogamy Is Ridiculous

heropsycho says...

I'm in agreement with him that it should be more honest that even in a monogamous relationship, you'll still be attracted to other people. But it doesn't excuse acting on it. If you want some variety in your sex life, try different things with your partner you've committed to. That's sort of the entire point, isn't it? Or use some other coping mechanisms like watching porn or whatever from time to time.

There are urges I have everyday that I don't act on.

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

quantumushroom says...

The video was sifted here with the title that it had at youtube. This isn't some case of media bias.

>>> The youtube goofus who originally posted this is a crackpot with the usual chemtrails/truther crap on his/er youtube page. I fully support his/er right to free speech, but it's obvious s/he has an axe to grind with police and other authority figures. If anyone is at fault for the original dumb title it's him (or her) and now has a slightly improved title on the sift.

Having parts of her teeth knocked out qualifies as "teeth knocked out" as far as I'm concerned. How can this small bit of minutiae mean anything to you? They fractured her friggin skull. For what? She was a non threat. There is simply no excuse for it.

>>> The fact remains: she was acting the fool. As I wrote once before (and now have to again, apparently) the use of force was excessive. The officer in question is no longer an officer and is being brought up on charges. What more do you want?

>>> What's the real beef here? Are you simply upset that I don't share your EXACT level of outrage?

>> ^burdturgler:

>> ^quantumushroom:
How did this happen? Drunk a-hole suspect, prevented from easily wiping out entire carloads of people on the highway, resists arrest and swears at cop.
Did she "deserve" what she got? No, the force was excessive. But by acting the fool she accelerated the potential for serious injury, in this case her own.
If she had been compliant from the start and still been thrown around she'd have a much better case.
Attn media: hyping non-existent injuries is no better than crying wolf.

>> ^Pantalones:
The cop broke her face, split her chin open, and chipped her teeth and she's now coping with being the victim of a violent crime, but thank goodness her teeth were not knocked out? Because that would have been a whole new level? Weak. Take that s to the beach, and get a tan.>> ^quantumushroom:
Still no fun, but still a far cry from "teeth knocked out". Title was changed. Good.

>> ^Pantalones:
"Fox said in addition to a facial fracture, a split chin and chipped teeth she's also trying to recover emotionally."

The video was sifted here with the title that it had at youtube. This isn't some case of media bias. Having parts of her teeth knocked out qualifies as "teeth knocked out" as far as I'm concerned. How can this small bit of minutiae mean anything to you? They fractured her friggin skull. For what? She was a non threat. There is simply no excuse for it. She had an accident and she called 911 for help. Instead, the heroic men in uniform drive her skull into a concrete divider face first. This whole "crying wolf" thing is disgusting and stupid QM. This woman was a victim of assault. The police department was in the process of firing this asshole for the assault which is why he resigned. However, that didn't save him from being charged and convicted for the crime of assault.

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

Peckinpaw says...

Yer forgetting a few things oh, programmed and wearing blinders-

The system is geared towards profiling the weak and uneducated
The system produces those who would abuse it (i.e. breeds thugs which later become cops
America has a history of one of the worst examples of human bondage-Most conquering armies treated their slaves better after an initial onslaught

Racism however, probably played a small part in this fiasco-Some thug got impatient, forgot his job, showed his ass, and fucking slammed a female against the wall-Case closed, the guy was a cop, and is still a complete douche.

>> ^quantumushroom:

How did this happen? Drunk a-hole suspect, prevented from easily wiping out entire carloads of people on the highway, resists arrest and swears at cop.
Did she "deserve" what she got? No, the force was excessive. But by acting the fool she accelerated the potential for serious injury, in this case her own.
If she had been compliant from the start and still been thrown around she'd have a much better case.
Attn media: hyping non-existent injuries is no better than crying wolf.

>> ^Pantalones:
The cop broke her face, split her chin open, and chipped her teeth and she's now coping with being the victim of a violent crime, but thank goodness her teeth were not knocked out? Because that would have been a whole new level? Weak. Take that s to the beach, and get a tan.>> ^quantumushroom:
Still no fun, but still a far cry from "teeth knocked out". Title was changed. Good.

>> ^Pantalones:
"Fox said in addition to a facial fracture, a split chin and chipped teeth she's also trying to recover emotionally."

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

burdturgler says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

How did this happen? Drunk a-hole suspect, prevented from easily wiping out entire carloads of people on the highway, resists arrest and swears at cop.
Did she "deserve" what she got? No, the force was excessive. But by acting the fool she accelerated the potential for serious injury, in this case her own.
If she had been compliant from the start and still been thrown around she'd have a much better case.
Attn media: hyping non-existent injuries is no better than crying wolf.

>> ^Pantalones:
The cop broke her face, split her chin open, and chipped her teeth and she's now coping with being the victim of a violent crime, but thank goodness her teeth were not knocked out? Because that would have been a whole new level? Weak. Take that s to the beach, and get a tan.>> ^quantumushroom:
Still no fun, but still a far cry from "teeth knocked out". Title was changed. Good.

>> ^Pantalones:
"Fox said in addition to a facial fracture, a split chin and chipped teeth she's also trying to recover emotionally."

The video was sifted here with the title that it had at youtube. This isn't some case of media bias. Having parts of her teeth knocked out qualifies as "teeth knocked out" as far as I'm concerned. How can this small bit of minutiae mean anything to you? They fractured her friggin skull. For what? She was a non threat. There is simply no excuse for it. She had an accident and she called 911 for help. Instead, the heroic men in uniform drive her skull into a concrete divider face first. This whole "crying wolf" thing is disgusting and stupid QM. This woman was a victim of assault. The police department was in the process of firing this asshole for the assault which is why he resigned. However, that didn't save him from being charged and convicted for the crime of assault.

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

quantumushroom says...

How did this happen? Drunk a-hole suspect, prevented from easily wiping out entire carloads of people on the highway, resists arrest and swears at cop.

Did she "deserve" what she got? No, the force was excessive. But by acting the fool she accelerated the potential for serious injury, in this case her own.

If she had been compliant from the start and still been thrown around she'd have a much better case.

Attn media: hyping non-existent injuries is no better than crying wolf.

>> ^Pantalones:

The cop broke her face, split her chin open, and chipped her teeth and she's now coping with being the victim of a violent crime, but thank goodness her teeth were not knocked out? Because that would have been a whole new level? Weak. Take that s to the beach, and get a tan.>> ^quantumushroom:
Still no fun, but still a far cry from "teeth knocked out". Title was changed. Good.

>> ^Pantalones:
"Fox said in addition to a facial fracture, a split chin and chipped teeth she's also trying to recover emotionally."

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

Pantalones says...

The cop broke her face, split her chin open, and chipped her teeth and she's now coping with being the victim of a violent crime, but thank goodness her teeth were not knocked out? Because that would have been a whole new level? Weak. Take that s to the beach, and get a tan.>> ^quantumushroom:

Still no fun, but still a far cry from "teeth knocked out". Title was changed. Good.

>> ^Pantalones:
"Fox said in addition to a facial fracture, a split chin and chipped teeth she's also trying to recover emotionally."

Taboo - The Smallest Waist on a Living Person

MaxWilder says...

Ugh. She looks like an alien. Even Megan Fox in Jonah Hex looked too small in her corset. The goal should be to achieve a pleasing ratio of waist to hip, not attempting to hit zero. You can't convince me this isn't a form of body dismorphia. Though this woman appears to be coping through it, that disorder should not be treated lightly.

Going to Walawalawalawalala world, going to Walmart!

solecist says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Great! Finally someone that can disagree without being a thick-skulled knob-gobbler about it.
The only thing I would add is:
Considering discoveries in neuroscience reveal that ALL humans have nowhere near the control over our behavior as previously thought, their low standards aren't their fault.
[The interviewer initiates the question at 1:55, the answer is at 3:25-3:50]
Years of limited opportunities and poor impulse control create communities like you find in ghettos.
So why you might feel cultures are greater or lesser, again, that's plain ethnocentric bias.
All cultures are equal because they all developed as different ways of coping with life.
Just like how all biological adaptations like fins, feet, hooves, stereoscopic eyes, or large ears are all developed to cope with slightly different environment or circumstances.
And again, thanks for using your brain. = D

says the guy who just called us thick-skulled knob-gobblers. what is a knob-gobbler, genji? am i right in assuming that you've just used a term referencing male homosexuality in a negative manner? sounds like ethnocentric bias to me. i would know, because some pretentious twat just told me all about it.

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