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They knew and now we know the President knew

newtboy says...

Wow. The universe just loves to crush your conspiracy theories….today in Jan 6 evidence releases (internal texts) we learned that Trump’s claim that he tried to call up 10000 national guard troops that Nancy refused was actually referencing an internal whitehouse conversation where he was talked out of calling in 10000 national guard troops to protect him and the rioters from the police and liberals as they marched on the capitol, after which the secretary of defense went so far as to write letters to the national guard and military ordering that any troops deployed could absolutely not be armed, not have helmets, body armor, or any riot control gear, and could only act in self defense …sent out of the justified fear that Trump and his insurrectionist allies would use them anyway….something they did try to do even after the idea had been quashed in the whitehouse but the SOD wouldn’t answer their calls.

If that’s not evidence of knowledge and forethought, we have different definitions of the words.

bobknight33 said:

Who is in charge of capital security?
Who is charge of calling them up? McConnell and Pelosi ? The Sargent at arms?
This guy had foreknowledge and didn't do enough. Why.

But Lets get a group of Democrats, have a 1 sided hearing and blame Trump.

At what point did Trump say Lets Storm the Capital and take over ?

He never said / implied such a thing.

A Few Key Moments From The Jan 6 Committee

newtboy says...

Oh….did you read it?
That’s the best you’ve got to contradict it?!?

Who promised you a transcript honey? I bet no one. You get what you get. Because you say it’s missing leads me to believe it’s in the report, not that it’s inclusion/exclusion is even a slider, a 1/16 pounder….just a nothing burger from your fake news. Besides, no evidence could sway you, don’t pretend anything ever could, you’re dishonest enough without that obvious lie.

If all the evidence collected was included, it would be an 84500 page report with months of video. This is a summary. Derp.

The one person on film telling people to go in?!? You really need to learn to gaslight better. You can’t just jump in with easily disproven silly lies everyone knows are lies.

This is an attempt to fly a long ago debunked absolutely baseless conspiracy theory that Epps was an FBI agent that they accidentally put on the most wanted list (he denied it under oath) who was there to provoke the crowd all by himself into attacking because that would somehow benefit the fbi, and he’s to blame not Trump, a brain numbingly stupid conspiracy theory based on nothing more than the claim he was on then off the most wanted list (and that the fbi won’t confirm or deny anything) that you just heard from Mother Fucking Lying TED CRUZ!!!

How many witches will this witch hunt catch and convict I wonder. Hundreds so far that confessed and pleaded guilty. No one has said they went in because Epps told them to. Not even the traitor Ashley Babbitt.

bobknight33 said:

January 6th committee to adjourn without fulfilling year old promise to release Epps transcript.

The one person on film telling people to go into the Capitol (multiple times) disappears from FBI list and is not even mentioned in the 845 page final report.

Witch hunt.

Tesla driver loses control as car speeds down street

cloudballoon says...

Where's the outrage & conspiracy theories that say "ah Tesla, the machines that the US send to kill Chinese discreetly?" Just wait until the CCP find an excuse to kick (or crippling) Tesla out of the Chinese market.

Judge Locks Up Parkland Shooter for Life, Throws Away Key

newtboy says...

Good job….except that means paying to house him for life.
Death would be kinder and cheaper….especially if it’s at his own hands.

Odd posting from @bobknight33, since MAGA still insists this was a false flag operation, no one died, no one injured, and only crisis actors who were trotted out as a reason to take yer guns.
Marge Green went so far as to chase some of the surviving children,screaming and spitting at them in her rage over their existence and their nerve to want stronger gun regulations after nearly being murdered.

I’m glad at least a few photons of sunlight might finally be seeping in, but I’m not hopeful that the darkness won’t drive them out.

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

All your idiotic blatantly false talking points have already been not only debunked, but traced to their origins where they have been retracted. What was that you were saying about links that disappeared? Every accusation you make is an admission.
Try to find the origin of anything you said, because every detail I presented is still there with citations including exactly which officer released the official information.
Gullibility incarnate.

Jesus, you really are the worst human being I’ve ever had the displeasure to talk with. Never an honest word or position from you, never an answer, only baseless misleading questions and pure lies every time. Shotgunning nonsense at the universe just to see if any will stick. You’re a real worthless waste of skin.

Trump just admitted Barron was really Ivanka’s love child he sired in an orgy with Epstein. It was twins, and he keeps the twin girl caged for sex on demand in his room at Maralago. Melania confirmed it’s true, and also confirmed that Trump paid her to keep quiet but is broke now so she’s talking. What about that news, bob? Why do you so love a public incest loving atheist pedophile unless you are one?

And some added MAGA culpability for you- On Sunday, Republican House member Tom Emmer of Minnesota faced questioning during an appearance on 'Face the Nation' about a tweet featuring him firing a gun and a hashtag on firing Pelosi he sent out days before House Speaker Pelosi's husband was attacked in their home.

bobknight33 said:

Derp-I’m a duped moron that believes obvious false propaganda I read on Twitter, not facts with evidence given by police spokesmen, then I accuse others of doing what I did.

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

Immediately explained because there is no question whatsoever that’s what it was.

You have all this fake information…but from where? I know you won’t answer because it’s embarrassing….because the answer is Twitter.
None of it resembles the official reports from police, not one detail is close to correct. It’s pure unadulterated lies you bought hook line and sinker because you want to, or that you made up yourself, not because you have a scintilla of evidence, and it’s all 100% opposed by the reality that an armed MAGgot drove to Pelosi’s house with weapons and zip ties, broke in, and beat an 82 year old man he pulled out of bed with the hammer in front of police, fully dressed, screaming “where’s Nancy”.

I think you people took the fact that he’s a nudist and pretended he was nude at the failed assassination….no, that’s almost rational, I now see Musk just made it up, tweeted it out to millions, then quietly retracted it once he planted the seed of insanity in your fertile skulls, and it grew like a weed in the manure you keep there. Every accusation you make is an admission.

Depapi is pure, undeniably MAGA. You have no evidence otherwise. Police have tons to back that up.
He is far right politically, not all over the place. There were no guards, no dogs, no cameras, no alarm, no third person, no tall wall, no attacker in his underwear. Every bit of that is made up by far right liars like yourself to try to hide from the fact that he’s absolutely one of you, just like you, a splitting image of yourself, believing every crazy conspiracy theory you believe. No evidence he’s a “doper” although that would mean nothing, most republicans are dopers, rush Limbaugh was the biggest heroin addict in recent history, Trump likes speed.
Mr Pelosi called him “friend” to calm him down, not because he was his friend you tool.
Was a failed political assasination by the far right, with prodding from politicians for years up to the “fire Pelosi with a rifle” add on the day before the failed assassination.
Funny, every place your alternative facts were put up is down, not those my info came from. Derp

You just don’t like who you are and seeing yourself in the mirror disgusts you, so you came up with a story from your own life when your gay lover beat you up. It’s so incredibly stupid, and shows you are not a bit serious, just ranting and blaming anyone but terrorist maggots.

Only the completely insane like you believe everything in the universe is on their side at all times…. all truth, all facts, all ideas, all goodness, even god….but somehow you just keep losing constantly, bigly. Maybe it’s just you!

But to recap, you don’t get to ask questions until you answer one….and you can’t.

bobknight33 said:

This bizarre story was immediately explained in the liberal media as being MAGA attack:

Bla bla bla- I can’t answer questions, and don’t listen to answers, now let me waste your time with more nonsense I made up because

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

Fake news….your evidence? Retracted tweets!?!

Posted at your request, dumbshit. Do you think you just pulled a fast one or something? Did you really just ask me to post a video just so you could parrot “fake news” because you read something different on twitter? Yes … yes you did.

My evidence….His Facebook, twitter, and truth social accounts, blogs, likely others. His voice heard by 911 operators, police, emts, etc. Also the weapon and zip ties he brought to the home invasion. Did you not listen to the video? Was it not OAN so no fact could penetrate your anal shield to your ears?

Funny, it’s the police saying all these things. Not reporters, police spokesmen. Are you saying they make up stories about innocent people so regularly that they would do it in this public of a case? Evidence? Of course not. Just more baseless denial of reality.

Glass breaks in and out when you break it. It also breaks out during struggles inside, or when you rip a glass door open violently. Are you seriously suggesting this is staged, some false flag attack, and Pelosi’s husband is so committed to this lie he smashed his own skull in?
It’s clear from photos and videos that the vast majority of broken glass, and the wood/vinyl cross member are inside the house.

Um….now onto baseless silly gay slurs and accusations because you have no information, no way to contradict the FACT that he’s a MAGgot moron that believes every conspiracy theory you do and worships the same ochre ogre.

I never knew you were into eating men’s asses, but if you say so, you must be.
I never knew that’s what MEGA meant, no wonder you sissies changed it but wouldn’t explain!
Be careful, lots of diseases you can get from eating shit, but it’s clear that’s what you’re into, you’ve been doing it here for over a decade, you probably know all the pitfalls well by now. Then again, your mantra is

Edit: thinking about it, this is your last question until you can answer just one. You never can, you just ignore them every time.
Since I know you’re incapable of answering questions, that means you’re done asking me any. Until then, the answer to any question you pose is “Ashley Babbitt”….it should be “what charges came down for Clinton”, another claim you refused to back up. I haven’t forgotten many questions you dodged.

bobknight33 said:

@newtboy Posing fake news.

Tell me about this "intruder" and how he is linked to MEGA or such.

Sure the report is slanted and indicated so but where is the proof?

When does an intruder brake glass "out" onto the outside?

Looks more like a lover spat gone horrible wrong.

No MEGA going on here.
Unless you are using MEGA as:
M Men
E Eating
G Gay

Arrest In Break-In At Democrat Hobbs' Campaign Headquarters

newtboy says...

Holy bat shit Robin,
They caught the bad guy who tried to murder Pelosi and her husband.

Big surprise, his Facebook posts look EXACTLY like the stupid debunked nonsense you post constantly. Election denial, covid denials, Jan 6 denials, accusations that the Jan 6 bipartisan committee is “one sided”, idiotic memes, random conspiracy theories, and videos of Chump and Mikepillow.

Possibly the headquarters burglary was a random break in by a moron too dumb to know there’s nothing to steal there and not politically motivated (but still political nonetheless), highly unlikely but possible, but the attempted assassination was definitely more MAGA terrorism from typical everyday magots just like you.

Party of (this time just attempted) death, destruction, and debauchery, with more examples every single day, fool.

I think the right has never learned this truism….
Friedrich Nietzsche - Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

You created false monsters to fight, now you are monsters.
You created an abyss of fantasy conspiracy theories to cudgel the left with, and they became your belief system.

bobknight33 said:

Holy Cat Shit Robin

The caught the bad guy.

Arizona Republicans Attacking People Trying To Vote

newtboy says...

Not from afar, not quietly, not peacefully, not just watching….recording voters, recording licenses, IDing voters, and angrily approaching them while vitriolicly accusing them of being mules ripe for doxing and violent MAGA terrorist attacks at home and against their families, all from masked heavily armed thugs hiding their own licenses and IDs, that are WAY closer to the drop boxes than the law allows, especially when they chase the voters away from the boxes… armed.

No, you fucking moron, it’s a terrorist thing. It’s an anti democracy thing. It’s an intimidation thing. I hope it happens to you.

Tell me you would be fine with 15 well armed black thugs in masks and body armor 50 ft from the box aggressively approaching any white voters and calling them MAGA fraudulent voters, recording your face and license, threatening you and your family, and saying “we got you now” “see you soon at home, fraud” as they chase you off with guns drawn. You wouldn’t, but since it’s white MAGA terrorists, you see nothing.

Fucking moronic anti American terrorist. Eat a bag of baby dicks and choke. Better yet, go peacefully protest like Ashley Babbitt and get the same result.

There’s no way in hell they know if a person is dropping off multiple votes for family members, as allowed by law. At the legally required distance from the box, they couldn’t see what’s put in anyway, so your claim they’re just securing it is a bold lie. Even if they could see, what could they DO? Nothing, by the time they saw something put in the box it’s too late, votes are in the box mixed with all the others. The only way they could be doing anything but pure intimidation is if they physically stopped each person and checked their ID against the vote envelope, which would be SO much worse.

They’re grasping at a debunked conspiracy theory about drop box mules, another made up MAGA boogie man with absolutely zero evidence, just nutjobs delusions and baseless accusations from idiotic assholes and treasonous traitors to the USA, like yourself, and intentionally intimidating thousands of lawful voters out of voting at all…because the right knows it cannot win fair or free elections.

bobknight33 said:

Watching voting boxes from afar .. non story

Watching to see if person placing handfuls of votes in the box -- A good thing.

Arizona Republicans Attacking People Trying To Vote

newtboy says...

There’s now more video of the anti democracy crowd camped out in ski masks heavily armed wearing body armor and intimidating voters away from voting.

They accuse voters of being a mule, citing a debunked conspiracy theory from 2020, filmed them and their license plates to identify individuals for later doxing or other attacks.

This is a coordinated effort by the RNC through their terrorist sub group “clean elections USA” that is clearly working hard to ensure we do not have clean elections but instead one sided elections full of one sided intimidation and threats against voters to dox them and send maggot nutjobs to threaten and possibly murder them, charge them with felonies for voting, and use them as slanderous political props further ruining innocent peoples lives. It is not just Maricopa county.
If you see these anti American terrorist people in your area, shoot them in the head and erase their videos.

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy jokingly says...

You knew it was coming….not that them being “nuclear secrets” is a prerequisite for having the top secret classified documents, keeping them unsecured, or lying about it repeatedly to be crimes…they don’t even need to be classified documents , but when they are it’s a slam dunk that mishandling them makes us less safe, and is a crime….when they are the absolute highest level of classification, to be kept under lock and key at secure facilities with secure viewing facilities and under armed guard 24/7…not in a box in the hallway open to the public with framed Time magazines and newspaper clippings….it’s game over, do not pass go, do not collect $200, and it won’t matter how many Trump appointed unqualified judges destroy their careers trying to shield him. One already has.

(From )
(e) Whoever having unauthorized possession of, access to, or control over any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, or note relating to the national defense, or information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation, willfully communicates, delivers, transmits or causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted, or attempts to communicate, deliver, transmit or cause to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted the same to any person not entitled to receive it, or willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it; or
(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

Edit : just an aside, discovery in the Dominion case with Fox became interesting today when internal emails from Piro’s producer to the executives were leaked, proving that they KNEW she was just pulling conspiracy theories off the internet to bolster Trump’s false election fraud claims that they knew in early November were false, and that she needed to be removed from the air because she’s using Fox to spread slanderous and libelous lies, opening them up to serious repercussions (like a $1.6 billion judgement). 😂

bobknight33 said:

Trump HAD nuclear secrets????????????
Sorry where is this information ?

The origins of oil falsely defined in 1892

newtboy says...

Absolutely and exactly right.
@bobknight33 would do well to pay attention and notice how often his sources use this methodology.

Unfortunately for him, the grammar and spelling mistakes go completely unnoticed because he can’t spell or even recognize proper English. He knows no science (despite claiming to have an engineering degree), and is willing to jump to the conclusion that everything he doesn’t understand must be some insane reality breaking conspiracy theory perpetrated by his enemies.
It’s unfortunate for the rest of us too.

bcglorf said:

This is one of those cons that's so bad it actually helps it's own spread.

His entire premise depends on folks buying in that 'Science" was duped into a bad 'definition' for the origins of oil at some committee meeting. You have to accept that for the next 100 years, the entire scientific community was powerlessly bound by this committee decision.

The reason that's so effective is the same as the scam emails rife with typos and bad grammar. He immediately is limiting his audience after that point to folks who didn't nope out already at that point. Targeted marketing at any audience vulnerable to whatever snake oil pitch he's ultimately selling.

Trump Wanted Armed Groups At His Jan 6 Rally

newtboy says...

Um….it’s not a show, nor is it a trial. Derp.

It is about investigating, then handing over evidence for prosecuting, not persecuting those politically opposed to democracy that took actions to end it because they tried to cover up the certified, verified results of the election they lost in a historic landslide to Sleepy Joe. The prosecution comes afterwards, then the persecution.

It’s absolutely about covering up the truth about the 2020 election….it’s about investigating and eventually prosecuting those who tried to do that.

I think it’s funny that investigating Jan 6 is portrayed by the right as going after Trump, but you guys are so dumb you don’t realize that’s admitting Trump was leading the treasonous coup attempt. If investigating the Jan 6 attack is going after Trump, the two must be connected.

Right, CNN reported it, so it must be untrue. So stupidly ignorant, bob. CNN gets it right 197 times for every time your biased sources tell the truth. Not only that, the 2.5% they get wrong they report and offer retractions….without having to be sued for billions to get them to not lie. Not a single right wing propaganda outlet can say the same. Such sad infantile stupidity you show at every opportunity.

I guess you forgot, Trump actually admitted most of her testimony publicly, all the important parts, saying he wanted to go personally lead the attack but his secret service wouldn’t let him. Does the specifics of this tantrum of the dozens we’ve seen him have publicly make any difference? He’s not being charged with attacking them, he’s being charged (eventually) with leading a violent coup to overthrow the government, something you and everyone else knows quite well that he did. Leadership matters!

The Federalist?! Aaaaahahaha!! Truth..nope. News…nope. Try again traitorous loser. The Federalist is poorly written fantasy fiction compared to CNN, which isn’t the only source for this information by far but I knew a CNN report would trigger your stupidity. Mission accomplished.
You, on the other hand, have what to discredit her story? One anonymous claim from someone saying an unnamed someone else might say it didn’t happen? From the far right, racist, factless, conspiracy theory rag…The Federalist!? LMFAHS!! OMFG, you ijit! Bwaaaahahahahaha. Why not just quote Mike Pillow?

What part does the federalist deny anyway (I’m not going to read it). Do they just deny he grabbed the wheel? I would certainly believe his excuse, that he’s too fat and out of shape to grab the wheel, but also that he TRIED to, lunged for it but failed, yes, I believe that, does that change anything? Does that even contradict her testimony? No.
Do they deny he was outraged that they wouldn’t take him to personally lead the attack (and lynching of Pence)? He admitted that on national tv, so it’s too late to deny. D’oh!

More tears, they’re so yummy! Keep ‘em coming!

Just a reminder, Republicans didn’t want a non political investigation, they utterly refused, then they refused to be involved in the bipartisan investigation. The only investigation they were interested in was of Clinton, even in 2021. Now they whine they aren’t involved in the investigation (Trump now complains they should have been a party to it because he wants people inside who can warn his people of subpoenas and warrants so they can flee and destroy evidence).
No crying about it now, you chose to not be represented well on the panel.

bobknight33 said:

The January 6 show trial is partly about persecuting political opponents. But it’s also about covering up the truth of the 2020 election.

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