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U.S. Soldier Has RPG removed by Insanely Brave Doctors!

Darkhand says...

I could not watch this video but I saw the thumbnail that is enough. All doctor's and staff involved need to be honored as hero's 100%. These people need to have their names emblazoned somewhere forever.

I know they signed up to be Army Doctors/Nurses/Whatever but I don't' think anyone can force you to operate on a patient that has a still active explosive device inside of them. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Wow simply amazing.

None of this is overshadowed by the soldiers duty who should get some sort of conjoined purpleheart for taking a fucking rocket and living.

Two faced kitten Born in Oregon

artician says...

This is pretty common all over the place. When I was growing up we had dozens of "barn cats". They were just feral cats that lived in the barn or other structures on my families ranch, and inbred like they were Lannisters.

I have seen more than my share of 2-headed, 5-legged, 2-faced, crippled, or otherwise conjoined kittens in my day. At least one with every litter! It was like a grotesque toy surprise nuzzled away in every new box of cuteness.

Black and White Tights Dance Illusion

Bill Nye: Creationism Is Just Wrong!

shinyblurry says...

Sigh. Orbiting earth is also hard, and there are hundreds of problems with it, which is why mankind went thousands of years without doing it. But long before we actually managed to do it, we knew that it should be possible, because we knew the earth was a sphere. I can imagine there was lots of heated discussions on how to do it, that would be little comfort to a flat-earther. "See! You cant put things in orbit, earth must be flat!" Like thats how stupid you sound when you go "Horizon problem! The universe must be 6000 years old!"

Why do you even bother reading about things like the Horizon problem? Are you seriously suggesting that this makes your case?

What I am suggesting is that both Creationists and secular scientists have an imperfect understanding of the problem, but Creationists do have a plausible explanation with evidence to back it up.

Whether the universe is six thousand or 13.72 billion years old is not in scientific dispute, ok? we might have to finetune it give or take a few million years, but there is no doubt about the general size of the number. If everybody has fucked up completely the last 100 years, then perhaps one could imagine the number needs to be trippled or cut in half or whatever (I really doubt it because we now have correlating data from so many fields) but 6000 years? Thats a JOKE. Its complete and utter nonsense, It's balls-out-clownshoes-and-two-fucking-trouts-on-your-head-barking-wackaloony-insane-babble-from-crazyland-wrong to the nth degree.

The correlating data you are looking at is a hall of mirrors. Radiometric data is based on uniformitarian assumptions. The light travel time is based on similar assumptions. Embedded in all of the estimations of an old age are unprovable assumptions that have no empirical evidence to prove they are true. They are in fact unknowable.

It's really not important to me to prove to you how old the Earth is. It's your worldview that the Earth is very old and it's intrinsic to how you view reality, and to try to excise that from your mind would be like trying to separate conjoined twins. All I really want you to know is that there is a God out there who loves you, and His name is Jesus Christ.

BicycleRepairMan said:

me: The earth

Conjoined Twins - Abigail & Brittany Hensel (Age 19)

Conjoined Twins - Abigail & Brittany Hensel (Age 19)

Conjoined Twins


siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Animation, kids, mutant, eyes, legs, conjoined, camera, mothers day, wtf' to 'kids, mutant, eyes, legs, conjoined, mothers day, chernobyl, reactor, radiation, nuclear' - edited by calvados

Foreclosures on People Who Never Missed a Payment

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

There is a two-way contractual system The bank agrees to loan, taking on all the risks associated with such load. The borrow does the same. ... You say the borrower should check his account, but that is barely his job: whereas it is the job of the banks.

I'm having a tough time conjoining these two bits here. We both agree that the loan is a two-way contract where the bank agrees to lend, and the borrower agrees to borrow - and that both parties agree to the risks involved. And yet there is this second bit here where you say that it is 'barely the job' of the borrower to check his balance and manage his end of the contract. If someone agrees to a contract that carries the risk of bankruptcy, homelessness, or financial ruin then to say it is 'barely' thier job to check the account comes off to me as insanely negligent.

I'd be interested to hear your explanation for all the banks that are doing just fine because they didn't buy into the mortgage scheme. I've heard radio interviews where they simply say that they didn't lend to anyone who couldn't be reasonably expected to pay for it. How did they escape your Catch-22?

Depends on the bank. Peeling back the onion that is the banking industry is complex, but back in the 90s the ones that were really pushing for the repeal of Glass-Steagall were not 'banks' in the sense that most people think about them. They were large, multi-national financial institutions and insurance companies - AIG being the principle player. These kinds of big money houses saw a way to make profit on the buying & selling of mortgages as financial packages WITHIN the financial industry itself. Effectively, the customer getting the loan was utterly irrelevant to these big players. They were interested in the financial packaging - not the loans themselves.

So when the law was changed, it allowed them to throughput mortgages within their own organizations. Historically, Glass-Steagall made it illegal for a financial house like AIG to buy & sell mortgages from banks that it owned or partnered with. But after the change, they could pool all the loans together and market them as a product. They started putting pressure on the smaller players to churn out more debt. There were banks that didn't play the game, but it was tough becuase all through the late 90s and early 00s, people were making money hand over fist the sl-easy way.

I have no doubt that there were politicians who pushed for easier mortgages to please their vocal minority constituents, but the people who stood most to gain were the wall street big money handlers. In your estimation, which of these groups tends to get their way in politics most readily? And therefor, which of these groups is more to blame?

Your question is this... Who is more to blame - the person MAKING A BRIBE or the person TAKING THE BRIBE? My answer is that the person TAKING THE BRIBE bears the greater guilt. All the bribes in the world are worthless if the other guy doesn't TAKE it. Businesses have no power to pass laws. That power rests in Congress. They are the stewards. They are the gatekeepers. They are the ones that are given public trust to only pass good laws, and to guard against this kind of crap.

Sadly - this is what happens when you allow a strong, central government to exist. I remember VERY clearly in the 90s that when AIG, Barney Frank, and a bunch of other guys were strong-arming the repeal of Glass-Stegall they were VERY insistent and persuasive that they were doing a really GOOD thing. It was going to lower the cost of housing. It was going to get more poor people into homes. It was going to make a lot of money for the middle-class, and ease the burden of the poor. In fact, the "repeal Glass-Stegall" guys were vociferious in accusing those OPPOSING their plan of being evil, selfish, cruel, and racist. And until October of 2008, who could really argue with them?

Government should have known better. Glass-Steagall was made a law SPECIFICALLY to prevent housing market collapses like this. It was implemented as a direct result of similar shenanigans which caused the Great Depression and the crash of the 20s. But because government people were wanting votes and conduct 'social engineering', they changed the laws. AIG didn't change the laws. Government did. They bear the ultimate responsibility.

In no way does this absolve folks like AIG. Quite frankly, the federal bailout is a massive crime aginst the people. It dumped money into financial houses to shield them from the consequences of their stupidity. The banks should have been allowed to fail. When this kind of thing happens, you let the chips fall and then the system rebuilds itself. And it does so rather quickly when government isn't there screwing things up like they did in the 30s.

Capitalism & Communism : the worst of both worlds (Blog Entry by jwray)

choggie says...

POOR HEALTH!-Body Mind Spirit....all conjoined at the organic heart of all misfortune and discomfort-Which is a major cause of why health care programs start with reeducation in the US- of states.....problems dissolve with the energy and sharpness of mind to overcome and adapt...relearn how to eat first-stop poisoning your bodies with food.

Digging For Dingleberries...

eric3579 says...


A smallish, semi-dry, extraordinarily tenacious remnant of fecal matter which, when unwittingly rolled into a mixture with toilet paper lint by the action of wiping, becomes almost irremovably entangled among ones anal hair, a situationality exacerbated by the vigorous chafing and friction between the buttocks and most commonly remedied by the sad and almost entirely unavoidable remedy of plucking out at its root the individual hair to which each dingleberry is conjoined. Of related interest, dingleberries are often noted as having the vague odor of undigested corn or peanuts. -Urban Dictionary

Lori & Dori (Conjoined Twins) Sing a Song

eric3579 (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Thank you. I was in a groove.

In reply to this comment by eric3579:
That was the BOMB!

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Why can't we all be friends and play nice?
We could dance and sing, won't you take my advice?
You know, we don't have to fight.
Just take my hand and sing this song tonight.

Budzos may be a troll, yet he still has a soul.
Blankfist's a dick, but we all know his shtick.
Dag's an emotional Hitler-kind, and we don't even mind.
Rembar's called a facist git, but fluoridation still isn't science yet, dammit!

Zifnab is yahtzee, we all know that well
(he should be banned for self-linking and sent straight to hell)
Guessandcheck's attempt at *quality makes him worry;
but invocations can't be called by guessandcheck because he's is not privileged - sorry.
maatc don't know his front from his rear
he's constantly shouting "wtf's going on here!?"

Even swampgirl, who's normally a sweet little thing
lashes out once in a while with a vicious sting
Over ten thousand comments, Choggie's got
and the point of which no one's yet caught.
Farhad2000 don't want to whitewash reality
but that's only till he's been in the states and had some police brutality.

Sarzy's a sociopathic monkey,
nowadays more common than the average junkie.
Which brings me to issy and critttter too,
'cause the two's been conjoined at the hip since critttter's debut
Some three moths ago, the biologically unfunny thing came
and ever since that nothing has been the same

Why can't we all be friends and play nice?
We could dance and sing, won't you take my advice?
You know, we don't have to fight.
Just take my hand and sing this song tonight.

I could go on like this for a few days more
So many people are not referenced in this little score
I think it's been fun performing and I hope you won't ignore
(but that's just because I'm a big old whore

I think I'll leave room for a sequel here in the end
because the point of this song you may wish to contend
You're all the worst assholes and dickheads I ever knew
So go right ahead and fuck yourselves too!

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

That was the BOMB!

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Why can't we all be friends and play nice?
We could dance and sing, won't you take my advice?
You know, we don't have to fight.
Just take my hand and sing this song tonight.

Budzos may be a troll, yet he still has a soul.
Blankfist's a dick, but we all know his shtick.
Dag's an emotional Hitler-kind, and we don't even mind.
Rembar's called a facist git, but fluoridation still isn't science yet, dammit!

Zifnab is yahtzee, we all know that well
(he should be banned for self-linking and sent straight to hell)
Guessandcheck's attempt at *quality makes him worry;
but invocations can't be called by guessandcheck because he's is not privileged - sorry.
maatc don't know his front from his rear
he's constantly shouting "wtf's going on here!?"

Even swampgirl, who's normally a sweet little thing
lashes out once in a while with a vicious sting
Over ten thousand comments, Choggie's got
and the point of which no one's yet caught.
Farhad2000 don't want to whitewash reality
but that's only till he's been in the states and had some police brutality.

Sarzy's a sociopathic monkey,
nowadays more common than the average junkie.
Which brings me to issy and critttter too,
'cause the two's been conjoined at the hip since critttter's debut
Some three moths ago, the biologically unfunny thing came
and ever since that nothing has been the same

Why can't we all be friends and play nice?
We could dance and sing, won't you take my advice?
You know, we don't have to fight.
Just take my hand and sing this song tonight.

I could go on like this for a few days more
So many people are not referenced in this little score
I think it's been fun performing and I hope you won't ignore
(but that's just because I'm a big old whore

I think I'll leave room for a sequel here in the end
because the point of this song you may wish to contend
You're all the worst assholes and dickheads I ever knew
So go right ahead and fuck yourselves too!

Has Videosift become aggressive? (Wtf Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Why can't we all be friends and play nice?
We could dance and sing, won't you take my advice?
You know, we don't have to fight.
Just take my hand and sing this song tonight.

Budzos may be a troll, yet he still has a soul.
Blankfist's a dick, but we all know his shtick.
Dag's an emotional Hitler-kind, and we don't even mind.
Rembar's called a facist git, but fluoridation still isn't science yet, dammit!

Zifnab is yahtzee, we all know that well
(he should be banned for self-linking and sent straight to hell)
Guessandcheck's attempt at *quality makes him worry;
but invocations can't be called by guessandcheck because he's is not privileged - sorry.
maatc don't know his front from his rear
he's constantly shouting "wtf's going on here!?"

Even swampgirl, who's normally a sweet little thing
lashes out once in a while with a vicious sting
Over ten thousand comments, Choggie's got
and the point of which no one's yet caught.
Farhad2000 don't want to whitewash reality
but that's only till he's been in the states and had some police brutality.

Sarzy's a sociopathic monkey,
nowadays more common than the average junkie.
Which brings me to issy and critttter too,
'cause the two's been conjoined at the hip since critttter's debut
Some three moths ago, the biologically unfunny thing came
and ever since that nothing has been the same

Why can't we all be friends and play nice?
We could dance and sing, won't you take my advice?
You know, we don't have to fight.
Just take my hand and sing this song tonight.

I could go on like this for a few days more
So many people are not referenced in this little score
I think it's been fun performing and I hope you won't ignore
(but that's just because I'm a big old whore

I think I'll leave room for a sequel here in the end
because the point of this song you may wish to contend
You're all the worst assholes and dickheads I ever knew
So go right ahead and fuck yourselves too!

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