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Riding Inside A Wooden Spool Fail

Riding Inside A Wooden Spool Fail

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Rolling Downhill Inside A Large Cable Cone DOUBLE Fail.

In Soviet Russia, the reel spins you...

In Soviet Russia, the reel spins you...

In Soviet Russia, the reel spins you...

The Fastest Fiat You've Ever Seen

mxxcon says...

Take a really cool rally racing and take away all the good parts such as SPEED by putting fucking slalom traffic cones in the middle of straightaways!
They might as well put speed bumps or school-crossing signs there.

The Fastest Fiat You've Ever Seen

Porsche stuck in wet cement! Really!? Really..

Porksandwich says...

Bored yeah, plus I've had people about run me down despite having flaggers, cones, and equipment parked in the roadway to keep people from running us over. You know they were close when they hit the handle of the tool you are working with.

And had a relative who works highway crew who got ran down by a car, broke his legs, brain bleed, had to be choppered to a specialized hospital to save him and deal with the damage done. Someone else got struck in the head by the side mirror on a semi truck who got too close, put them into a coma that led to their eventual death.

If possible embarrassment keeps them from running people over who have taken reasonable and sometimes extreme measures to block off the work zone......I support embarrassing the hell out of them. Sad thing is, driving into wet concrete will probably end up costing him more than running someone over with all that damage to his car and the state regulations on how streets must be built probably forcing them to throw out material he drove in.

Porsche stuck in wet cement! Really!? Really..

entr0py says...

>> ^obscenesimian:

I'd love to reinforce the stereotype that Porsche drivers are all douchebags, but I don't see a single traffic cone in sight. If it was an old lady in a buick or something, would the commentary be the same?

If you couldn't see all those traffic cones, you must be a porsche driver.

Porsche stuck in wet cement! Really!? Really..

Porksandwich says...

Plenty of traffic cones once he goes for the down the street view. And one smashed flat near his car. And plenty on other side.

They put them out about 2 car lengths apart so their equipment and trucks can get into the work area when needed without mowing down a huge row of cones or dragging them into the work.

Old lady or young inexperienced person..I could see them thinking cones aren't ACTUALLY designating the work area. But dude with an expensive ass car should be old enough to realize that he shouldn't drive in the fucking work space. It's dangerous as hell to the workers in there and all that heavy equipment sitting there should be a pretty good indicator that people shouldn't be driving there if the cones don't spell it out clearly enough.

And I say this as someone whose done driveways and parking lots, but not a whole lot of street asphalt. You can put up sawhorses and barricades and if there is one space that's the size of the car despite there being NO OTHER WAY IN......someone will drive into that hole. And you can see fellow crew members walking AROUND designated areas that are marked and have "do not cross tape" around 95% of it...and someone will walk into it. And 99.999% of the time, the person not paying attention yells about suing and what not when they made the mistake often times with us yelling and waving at them to try to get them to stop.

Ever get a piece of tar stuck to your shoe on a hot day? Imagine walking into a blocked off area where the tar has been freshly poured and it varies between slippery when it's super hot and super sticky when it's cooling down. You got jokers walking into that smells horrible...hell it even steams and bubbles at times. Then if you seal a parking lot? It's basically black paint with chemicals that react to sunlight to bake it in. We had some old ladies walk into it...FALL, get it all up and down their back from head to heel and on their hands...while people are yelling at them, waving, and people running around the workspace so they don't ruin the job we just spent 3 hours doing to stop them.

I'd say that if someone can't see clear indicators that something is up on the roadway and they should use more caution and not assume everything is the same as yesterday, they are not fit to drive. It's like seeing a bouncing ball in the street and speeding up because who would have thought a kid might be chasing that ball?

Porsche stuck in wet cement! Really!? Really..

obscenesimian says...

I'd love to reinforce the stereotype that Porsche drivers are all douchebags, but I don't see a single traffic cone in sight. If it was an old lady in a buick or something, would the commentary be the same?

Perpetual Motion Machines (hypothetical)

therealblankman says...

>> ^RFlagg:

Would you even need pumps or motors in this case? We don't see any of them operate long enough to prove they can overcome friction and other forces to keep in motion as we only see them for a very short time.
The train one stuck me as odd, even on first viewing, as it seemed the green line was made to make you think that was the level line, but it seemed to me to be slanted down some, using the grain and a slightly tilted camera to make it look like it was going uphill...
>> ^Mammaltron:
You can't win, you can't break even and you can't quit the game.
You can however troll a whole lot of people with some strategically-placed motors and pumps.

In the "Uphill Train" example you're missing the fact that there are two ramps at play, one steep and one shallow. The shallow ramp is the wooden ramp with the green lines which does indeed run uphill, but the "downhill" ramp is the double-cone "train" itself. Once it reaches the bottom of the hill (the outside tips of the cones) that's the end of the ramp, and the energy is depleted. The mass is not in fact running uphill at all, the net movement is still downhill. Follow?

StukaFox (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

No it is not, the surround or spider would succumb to tension before the cone does when the force is applied equally like the cat is positioned in. the difference in weight would be hard on the voice coil and suspension of the sub woofer, not the cone itself.
In reply to this comment by StukaFox:
That's one strong sub to support the weight of a bouncing cat without the cone tearing.

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