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Drivers stoned on marijuana test their driving skills.

10 Bizarre American Laws

xxovercastxx says...

These are pretty mild, really.


In NY it's legal for women to go topless but illegal to wear form-fitting clothing.

In NY it's illegal to walk around with an ice cream cone in your pocket on Sunday.

In AL it's illegal to have an ice cream cone in your back pocket.

In GA it's illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket on Sunday.

(WTF was this ice cream cone fetish people had back in the day?)

In AZ, it's illegal to have more than 2 dildos in a house. (Presumably you can keep the rest in the shed.)

In AK it's illegal to mispronounce Arkansas.

In FL it's illegal to have sex in any position but missionary and never with a porcupine.

In MA, goatees are illegal unless you've paid the fee for a license.

And there are so many more...

Ice Cream Vendor has some Showmanship!

Skittles Sorting Machine

Things You'd Better Not Mix Up

4.5 hr flight from London to Sydney

Jinx says...

>> ^deathcow:

They must be talking about using space to get from Europe to Australia, as friction is a real bitch otherwise.

Possibly, although I think its somewhat more likely they'd just be flying at very high altitudes where the atmosphere is very thin.

From what I read on wiki it seems the engine is basically rocket/turbine hybrid. They use liquid hydrogen as fuel but instead of storing oxygen they suck it out of the air. The problem the cooling fixes seems to be related to supersonic airflow. Turbine engines need subsonic airflow to work properly so they use a ram, a cone on the front of the turbine, to slow the airflow before it enters the engine. This heats the air entering the engine up a lot, hot air takes up more space and so its difficult to get enough oxygen to the hydrogen fuel. Cooling the air after it passes over the ram lowers the air pressure and allows more air to pass through the engine. Scramjets approach this problem a different way in that they can operate with supersonic airflow, although they have the limitation of not working subsonic.

Anyway. Its quite fascinating. I don't think we'll be seeing commercial aircraft using this technology anytime soon though. I'd be pretty nervous about flying on something that is basically rocket powered. Space tourism maybe? If it can fly to high altitudes with the turbine and then switch seamlessly to using onboard oxygen it could be a much more efficient way of getting into space without using onboard oxygen the whole way up.

Oh, and RIP Concorde. I used to go to school under their flightpath out of Heathrow. 11am on Wednesdays they used to rattle the windows passing over.

This Is Not Yellow (by Vsauce)

dannym3141 says...

>> ^braschlosan:

>> ^Jinx:
but colour is an invention of our brains anyway? Is yellow a specific wavelength or is yellow what our brain says is yellow whether its red+green together, or "true" yellow.

Either way the light output by your monitor is not 580nm like your brain is telling you but rather an even mix of 650nm and 510nm.
If our eyes didn't "fudge" colors in this way we most likely wouldn't have color television (or monitors)

I didn't read his post like that, maybe he's asking for a definition of yellow because as our cones are basically wavelength filters for photons whilst our brain interprets a message of "hey i caught something of this intensity" from each of them, what is this "yellow" that we all use and think we know what it means? It will eventually come down to the resolution of the eye; each photon from each source will be coming in from a different angle into our eye, by extremely small amounts - the smallest thing we can resolve is where our brain says "ok, i think that's coming from the same place; it's not red and blue separately but yellow."

It'd be the same if you have a green and red patterned circular board and spun it really fast. Our eyes effectively have a "framerate", a point where we see something as motion. Play a game and limit to 1 fps, then increase in say 5's and before 30 you should start to feel motion rather than stuttering frames, then as you keep going you can't see stuttering anymore, it's just all motion. Our eyes have something similar, we used to do it in science. My dad was head of physics and he stuck a ROYGBIV patterned board on a black and decker drill and when it was up to speed it looked white.

So if something registers as yellow to our brains, is that not yellow? We have no direct access to our cones, we just interpret the signals. If all we had were light sensitive cells everything would be one colour and no colour at the same time.

That's what the post meant to me and it's a great point really even if it's just an excuse for sciencey discussion! If yellow is defined as a range of wavelengths of light, he's right to say it isn't yellow, but i doubt many people think of yellow in that sense. Having said all that, the video was actually interesting and informative and i enjoyed watching it, and this is probably a philosophical question for others to bother with.

Bert and Ernie, Simpsons, Smurfs, South Park, Turtles? Not sure about B&E though.

Doodling in Math Class (Vi Hart): Connecting Dots

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'math, class, doodle, vi hart, dots, parabola, cone, curve' to 'math, class, doodle, vi hart, dots, parabola, cone, curve, angry birds' - edited by messenger

Of Montreal Performs "Triphallus, To Punctuate!" on WNYC's

MrFisk says...

She's saying we wear the party all over our bodies and faces
What allows me to speak in wild abstractions
The senseless killings gifts God gives us have no one to love them

It's the kind of thought that kills you twice on the way down
You might forget them but you're not nice they don't forget about you
How they claw me in my false or foster reflection
Is that my reflection in the Damascus play?
How they claw me in my foster or false reflection

You should call me sometime. I won't answer but, at least I'll know you care.
(How will you know it was me?)
You think I got caller ID?

I guess I should be happy for you, for your success and all that
But your fame ain't got nothing for us
I supported you kid, back when no one else did (oh yeah, oh yeah)
You know I waved your flag, back when no one else did
I just want things to be the way they used to be,
When you only set a place for me

The great chorus of my skull is choking on their dulcer tones
Ten lashes on the ass of anyone who even tries and
Heaven's patience glaring down at us filling your room with black b_tterflies

You don't have to try to steal no nothing from my heart
Because for you anything you want is always free
Send your freaky fantasies to my phone
Black Converse on and an ice cream cone
Now that I'm not a virgin to you you'll never walk alone
Far beyond the several years of shame
I live to make you call my name
(Call my name)

Guess I should be happy for you, for your success and all that
But your fame ain't got nothing for us
I was your booster babe, back when no one else cared (oh yeah, oh yeah)
You know I celebrated you (I'm hard for you girl),
Back when no one else even thought to
I just want things to be the way they used to be
When you only saved a seat for me
Come back! Come back!

I feel so at peace
Why is the sky karma
I think I'm the one I got from

Ordering Mcdonald's Delivery

Cessna 180 has an "Unexpected" Landing

SFOGuy says...

That might have been self-induced at two levels.
1) He appears to hit the brakes a bit too hard--and just like you can launch yourself over your handlebars if you hit your front brakes too hard, physics bites him in the butt and
2) In my imagination, they might even have been competing to see who could pull off the shortest landing---with the start of the landing having to be between the sets of cones that everyone is standing around and the shortest landing up to that point (when he broke the airplane)marked by the orange cone that he flips the Cessna just after...

The trick here, if that's it, would have been controlling his approach speed better---and hanging on the edge of a stall or even have parts of the wing already into the stall as he landed---slower speed, short distance---no desperate last minute stab at the brakes

Caged Animals- All the Beautiful Things In The World

BoneRemake says...

OH I AM ALL ABOUT THIS VIDEO RIGHT NOW. BREASTS, MUSIC,TRANQUILITY. I am off to get an ice cream cone and when I come back I hope the video views has gone up. Art is beautiful when breasts are included. Music helps

ICE CREAM AWAY. Ps. I shall get a scoop of mint chocolate.


Darwin Award Nominees

Blue Man Group's Rods & Cones

Riding Inside A Wooden Spool Fail

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