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Ryan Larkin: Walking

rickegee says...

Walking is an early Oscar-nominated short by Canadian animator Ryan Larkin.

More recently, Larkin's drug abuse, alcoholism and homelessness were featured in the Oscar winning computer animated short, Ryan, by Chris Landreth.

Awesome camouflage

Goofball_Jones says...

Every time I see this video there's ALWAYS some person that says "computer animation". It's not computer animation. I've seen Octopi do this for decades starting back with watching the Cousteau specials on TV in the early 70's.

And if you think the octopus is amazing, check out a cuttlefish.

How is fish's weight that Dora cat can carry?

maudlin says...

Found via Metafilter (thanks, zerokey!)

A park full of feral cats, a Japanese show with an unlimited budget for fish, and a sturdy scale combine to show us just how much fish a single cat can carry. The dramatic music and computer animation carry you though and you don't need to understand Japanese.

Moral: Do not underestimate the strength of a highly motivated cat.

Awesome camouflage

Awesome camouflage

bnsa says...

Computer animation at its best... While Octipus can blend real well, the give away in this video is right above the eye of the octipus... You see the coral reef and the sand on the other side, then suddenly a solid object appears out of no where. In this day and age, it's hard to tell what is real and fake anymore.

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