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Flight AR 1304 lands right in the middle of town - AR 1304

oritteropo says...

As the poster I'm not in a position to judge whether it's siftworthy, but I can tell you why I posted it:
- It's really well put together, despite the impossibility of the subject matter the compositing makes it seem plausible and the music goes well with it.
- It's a really great idea, imagine if you really could hop on a flight to Miami from the middle of Buenos Aires.
- It's funny!

I know I'm not alone in thinking this, click through to the vimeo comments to see what other video lovers thought.

Not really trying to win you over btw, just explaining my position.

Buck said:

whats so siftworthy of this video?????

Dance Of The Concrete Slabs

BTS:Sick Pigs from GMO Foods | Interview with Jeffery Smith

arekin says...

Per the study:
"60 of non-GM pigs had mild or moderate inflammation compared with 41 GM pigs, and only 4 non-GM pig stomachs were graded “nil,” while the GM pigs tallied up 8." And "The researchers found few statistically significant differences between the two groups after comparing them based on nearly 20 different parameters, including weight gain, stomach ulcers and kidney abnormalities. The GM-fed pigs did, however, show significantly higher rates of “severe” stomach inflammation, as well as an average of 25 percent heavier uteri in relation to body weight."

Also: "According to the study’s authors, the GM corn and soy used in the study were considered compositionally and substantially equivalent to the non-GM varieties by government agencies. But the lack of a controlled feed-growing environment potentially calls the results into question, according to Kent Bradford, Ph.D., director of the Seed Biotechnology Center at the University of California, Davis."

Lastly, the protection bill was actually an anti-litigation bill to prevent injunctions from tying up seed sales in court as has happened before.

Remember Kids, its only propaganda if the other guys do it, if we do it, its the truth!

inside monsanto-scientists talk about the truth

bcglorf says...

I guess I need to quote @chingalera:
Monsanto is the reason heath care is unaffordable-
Monsanto is the reason gasoline no longer lubricates rubber and composites in combustion engines

As for Percy Schmeiser, I agree he should have won in his case, and it was a bad legal wrangling. I also, however vehemently disagree with your characterization of him as one of the many small farmers just like everyone I know.

Schmeiser admits that he deliberately sprayed his own seed crop with round up, harvested the surviving plants, and used them for seed the following year. You can't make a much more concerted and deliberate effort than that to get seed that is from Monsanto's GMO plants. Schmeiser's complaint was not that his seed that he'd used for decades was contaminated, his complaint was when Monsanto found out and came to sue him for planting their seed without paying the patent tax. I agree he was legally correct and should not have had to pay anything to Monsanto. But I don't see how Schmeiser is anything like farmers intentionally buying and planting Monsanto GMO crops, or anything like farmers choosing to continue to grow and replant their own seed. Nobody growing and raising their own heritage seed has made it part of their rotation to deliberately kill off their seed crop before they could harvest it. Even if they did, there would plainly never be any seed there to plant. Monsanto's 'attacks' on small family farms have not come against those that buy from Monsanto, nor have they come against those that choose to user any other seed from any other source including their own. Monsanto's suits have been limited to those farmers that ARE planting and growing Monsanto's seeds without buying it from them.

The situation between Monsanto and farmers is nothing like the ridiculous half truth extremes shown in this video or the one you linked. I didn't just base this opinion on some video a watched, but instead on multiple first hand accounts, and extensive searches through scientific journals on Google Scholar. If you want to dismiss that as anecdotal while pointing at some agenda laden video as 'real' evidence then you may have hit upon the problem here...

enoch said:

thats your argument?
anecdotal evidence?

@chingalera didnt mention health care costs once but he DID however point out the legal practices,corporate policies and outright purchasing of legislators.

and good god monsanto has ass-fucked small farmers (just like your family) all over north america and the world.

have a look:

and one of the main reason the data is so sparse on the effects of GMO crops is mainly due to monsanto KEEPING IT SECRET by way of lawyers and gag orders.

how come hmmmm?
why are they spending millions in shutting farmers and even their own scientists from speaking out?

you really need to check into monsanto more my friend.there is a resounding theme forming the more you research and you aint gonna like it.

inside monsanto-scientists talk about the truth

chingalera says...

M Malevolent
O Oligarchic
N Nazified
S Succubal
A Anti-Neutraceutical
N Nonvegetarian
T Treachetourial
O Organo-assassins

The following address should be on every death to eco-terroristists' organization's, "Raze This Motherfucker", hit list:

World Headquarters Monsanto Company 800 North Lindbergh Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri 63167. Phone: 314/694-1000

Everyone who works for this corporation should be considered complicit in the undoing of species-

Monsanto is the reason bees are disappearing worldwide-
Monsanto is the reason heath care is unaffordable-
Monsanto is the reason gasoline no longer lubricates rubber and composites in combustion engines-
Monsanto is responsible for the disappearance of heirloom variety seed banks the world over-(hybrids notwithstanding, their originating variants tucked-away in bunkers)
Monsanto is a poisonous cabal of eugenicists, working to help other cunts reduce the world population through systematic, experimental means, with the world's sentients as her guinea pigs.

Someone needs to mail them some anthrax powder mixed with ricin, to get that full effect.

Original piano composition - Follow Your Dream

Incredible Rube Goldberg and Domino Music Video

krelokk says...

Well made but there are a TON of cheat cuts in this, it isn't actually a single shot. Switch is fine, but yeah I noticed. The first I noticed is when it races up the stairs the first time, at the top it swings by a wall at 0:34, that is the first cut/transition I noticed. There are a couple others after that. A very obvious one is at 1:49. The move into the green wall do a transition, the shadows on the wall change and then it continues. The bathtub too. At 2:52 it is the same trick as at 0:34. I think most of it is real, no cgi aside from the compositing to do those transitions. They did this thing in chunks and tried to make the transitions as smooth as possible. Pretty cool.

You're More Beautiful Then You Think

rebuilder says...

Anyone remember that experiment a while ago where people were shown a selection of pictures of faces and asked to grade them on perceived beauty? The faces were procedurally composited from photos of different people, and the results seemed to indicate the more generic the face, the better the beauty score it received.

Now, a sketchbook artist session, AFAIK, is a back-and-forth process, where the artist draws something and the person doing the describing asks for adjustments - wider nose, eyes closer together etc. - until the result seems close enough. I suspect we can all describe ourselves much more accurately in such a process than we can random strangers we've never seen before. The stranger's description is likely to be much more generic than our own, and given the aforementioned experiment, therefore more beautiful.

choggie (Member Profile)

chingalera says...

Ok so, been a month and 3 weeks, and shagen454

ChogBlog 1

Ok so, been trying to figure out the best way to inspire myself musically without the use of my un-damaged vocal range, with a go-to musical instrument battery I know my way well-enough around to use as a framework for a studio-I can get sounds outta anything, have access to any rudimentary keyboard but am flexible with strings, woodwinds, bass. Now you have to understand if yer mind interprets a musical instrument as some outer-space device requiring a manual or instruction via direct-transmission in order to fire: I can coax pleasing tones from vegetables. What I need is a new kick. I can go for miles rendering compositions only I want to hear with a guitar, harmonica, saxophone-IO crave arrangements, and bass and drums..

Can Keep great time and love percussion, vibes, marimba, steel-drum but never had a set to wail on worth a fuck till now: Same as it ever was….

Worlds’ the oyster, and fuck the dumbshitz, I have access by nature of incarnation and geographical locale and resources to make anything happen-Goin’ for percussion and bass, and solo-Only I can work with a band of miscreants, those dwelling inside my own head, be-damn! The logistics of other fleshapoids in the way for the task of rendering!!....Why bother? Make it and take it to musicians I don’t have to fuck with-Maybe I should have been Quincy Jones fucking adopted white baby…..

Shootin' for a fat stack 'o pearly-white Slingerlandz, maybe Ludwig-Need 2 stellar floor toms and oh fuck....adding shit already-!

shagen454 said:


Jim Carrey's 'Cold Dead Hand' Pisses Off Fox News Gun Nuts

Fletch says...

Oh, ffs. Do you have a 2nd Amendment right to own a tank (with ordnance)? A TOW missile? A nuclear device? Claymores? Don't these arms fall under your "you may not own this item"? And are you really trying to equate words that people know with guns that people can buy? Do you think that Congress has the power to limit hate speech by striking the words "nigger", "fag", and "spic" from the minds of 300 million people? So, yeah... different. Just not in the way you are trying to spin it. One doesn't simply purchase words and sentences in a store. Your argument is compositional fallacy.

It's likely my definition and your definition of "reasonable" are different, and by no means do restrictions on the 2nd amendment have to be considered reasonable by every person. I'm one person who happens to think an assault weapons ban IS a reasonable restriction. The Bill of Rights is for all Americans, not just gun nuts.

You can spin it any way you like that gets you through your day, but the Constitution is subject to amending, and Amendments are subject to definition by Congress and the courts. An assault weapons ban may piss you off, but it's not outside the purview of Congress, and it isn't a denial of your 2nd Amendment rights.

bobr3940 said:

People love to use the analogy that weapons bans are the same as reasonable limitations on your 1st amendment rights. They use arguments like "You can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater", "You can't Slander", etc. but there is a big difference.

An assault weapons ban basically equates to "you may not own this item" the restrictions on 1st Amendment rights say "you man not use a word in this very limited list of situations".

If they were truly equal then the "reasonable" restriction on your 1st amendment right would be "You may not EVER use the word FIRE. Not in a crowded theater, not at home, not at work, not ever. Remove it from your vocabulary and we will not teach it to people who learn the language in the future."

No one would find that reasonable and everyone would fight to protect their right to use the word "fire" in safe, appropriate conversation.

Now lets take that and reverse it. Let's apply what everyone says are reasonable restrictions on our 1st ammendment rights and apply them to our 2nd ammendment. If you did that then you would havesomething along the lines of the following: "You may own the gun but you may not use it in these very limited list of situations".

Oh wait a minute! That's what we currently have. "You may own your gun but you may not use it to rob a store, murder someone, threaten someone, etc."

I am not trying to convince everyone that my side is right. I am just pointing out that you need to be careful when you start restricting ANY constitutionally guaranteed right. Take the restrictions that you think are fair and apply them equally to any other right that you have and see if they still sound "Reasonable".

YouTube Flickering Scrubber Issue in Chrome (Sift Talk Post)

YouTube Flickering Scrubber Issue in Chrome (Sift Talk Post)

radx says...

It's just the Chrome/Flash combo and embedded YouTube videos, right? HTML5 embeds working fine?

If so, you can either switch to HTML5 or try this workaround for the time being: deactivate hardware/GPU acceleration for both Flash and Chrome.

1) Add "--disable-accelerated-compositing" to your Chrome shortcut, so that it links to: /chrome.exe --disable-accelerated-compositing
2) Right-click on the video -> settings -> left-most tab -> uncheck hardware acceleration
3) Restart Chrome

Again, that's just a workaround until they fixed whatever is wrong with it.

Hydrogen Explosions (Slow Motion) - Periodic Table of Videos

grinter says...

Fascinating. Although, it still looks red to me.
We can figure out the elemental composition of distant stars based on the light they give off. Surely we can figure the balloon thing out. (I know, I know, don't call you "Shirley")
I say it has something to do with the product, the water vapor, mixing with the as yet unreacted gasses.

Snowflakes Ready For Their Close-ups

Joe Scarborough finally gets it -- Sandy Hook brings it home

dystopianfuturetoday says...

The NRA talking points are an excellent vehicle for the study of logical fallacy in political propaganda. Let me know if I left any out.

1. Strawman - Banning ALL guns is not the answer.

2. False Dichotomy - Instead of talking about gun regulation, let's talk about mental health.

3. Appeal to Authority - Check out this study I didn't read or verify that was written by two conservative think tank employees in a private student published newsletter with "Harvard" in it's name that is not sanctioned by Harvard University proper.

4. Argument from ignorance - if only the teachers had been armed, this tragedy would have been averted.

5. Denying the Antecedent - Existing laws did not prevent this tragedy, therefore, new laws cannot prevent future tragedies.

6. Fallacy of Composition: You will never be able to stop all gun crime, therefore we shouldn't try to stop some gun crime.

7. Red Herring: More people are killed in automobile accidents than are killed by gun enthusiasts. Should we ban cars too?

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