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Very Scary Fire at Taiwan Waterpark

Jinx says...

To think I was going to make a flippant comment about a fire at a water park... Isn't that stuff basically coloured corn starch powder? So yah, dust explosion.

Also, if you're spraying that stuff that thick isn't it gonna cause all kinds of respiratory problems regardless of whether it ignites?

Judge backs charges against cops in Tamir Rice killing

dannym3141 says...

Under a video about an innocent child being killed due to our gradual march towards a police state, you are justifying the need for a police state because people "mouth off" at the cops.

This kid was a satisfactory sacrifice because some people say mean things to the police. We should tolerate people being innocently killed, having their houses partially destroyed, being mistreated and actively hunted because of skin colour, police brutality and everything it encompases. Because sometimes, guys. Sometimes... people say nasty things to the police. It nearly makes me cry that people can be so mean to police officers. I hope this kid learns a lesson from this. I don't know what lesson - maybe "don't let other people be mean to the police"? Might be useful in the afterlife.

bobknight33 said:

We live in a "police state" today because people are assholes thinking that they have the right to moth off at cops and each other with out consequences.

Laser Etched Art

robbersdog49 says...

It's all vector. The first part is lower power, so it's cutting through to a different layer to the second part, hence the different colours. That's why the flame is so much larger for the second part.

Another interesting part for me was the sound. There must be some great patterns that would sound incredible as they were etched.

SwimWithSharks said:

I wonder how it gets the different colors (when it switches to vector mode it seems the vectors are a lot more 'golden')

What Does Your PEE Say About You?

How to slate for the camera

Reefie says...

Surprised he didn't mention the importance of the colours on the slate for editing purposes. Allows the editor and post-production folks to ensure everything looks right in the final mastered version of the film. For example if an actor's costume appears to be a different colour in certain lightning then the post-production folks can adjust the filter for the whole scene using the colours on the slate as guidance.

fallout 4 trailer

9547bis says...

Fallout 1 was a technically antiquated VGA (that's right, 640x480, 256 colours) post-apocalyptic turn-based tactical RPG where you could not control you team mates during combat. It was a bit buggy (and so was F2). It was Mad Max, without cars.

And yet.

Fallout is arguably the best world-building work in the history of video games. People are probably going to dispute that, but most other games are built on pre-existing lore or works, or do not have that scope*. Fallout built its world pretty much from scratch, conflating a pre-war 1950's, golden-era, overly-optimistic world-view with the bleak desolation of the nuclear holocaust that ensued (to clarify for those who really know nothing about Fallout: in this universe a nuclear war happened in the 50s**. all that's left is from that era). Beside its content which was plentiful in and of itself, this created a contrasted, yet highly coherent and mature world (and by mature I don't just mean killing friendly NPC, I mean doing Morally Very Bad Things that don't necessarily result in graphic scenes). An open world that you could roam freely, be surprised by a new discovery that you made, and at the same time find these discoveries to fit perfectly with the game's logic. In most large games you just access new areas or are carried by the story, in Fallout you would go "Holy shit I'm in the middle of a city populated by centenarian ghouls!", shortly followed by "ho, of course it's full of ghouls, that's perfectly normal". There are not many games that have this mix of unexpected/logical and dark/humorous content.

Fallout 2 had the same ho-my-God-how-could-they-get-away-with-it VGA engine (so next to zero evolution there), but quadrupled the world map (with a minimum overlap with the one from F1) and brought it fifty or so years forward, expanding the world greatly (there are now rival quasi-city-states, and your action may influence their future), while also building on the first one: some antagonists 'classes' from F1 have now grown their own identity and became NPC, and some characters are still around -- a young character you saved in F1 went back to her settlement, became its leader, built it into a town, and is now in the process of expanding it into a new state...So Fallout 2 is basically the same game, except they did that one important thing: push the game world's boundaries even more. You could never guess what next city would be like, but you could bet it would have some crazy shit in it, and yet somehow still make sense.

That's why many people don't like Fallout 3. It is not in itself a bad game, but comparatively, it's kind of coasting. Also it's too damn easy.

I'm sorry, I got carried away, you were asking if you should play the previous ones? No, you 'should' not. But you could, and for F1 & F2 you would certainly not lose your time if you know what you're getting into. And if you don't, at least go and watch their intro on Youtube, they'll give you the feel of the world.

* Possible contenders in terms of "original video game world": Elder Scrolls (vast, but less original), Deus ex (not as large), Bioshock (same), Final Fantasy (original and vast, but not as complex). Any other idea?
** Technically not the 1950s, but in practice the 50s + a bunch of high tech gizmo.

notarobot said:

I've never played any of the Fallout games. Should I go through the first three before I pick up #4?

Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

Payback says...

It's also entirely possible the cops got a call about a "good ol' boy tea bagger trying to cause shit by standing up for his rights", and then later some scared granny calls in about "some goddamn Al Quesadilla terrorist wanting to shoot up the Walmart!!!"

Police response for each would be different, no matter what the colours were.

A good experiment would be for the white guy walking around with a fully capable AR15, then show a black guy walking the same area with a fully capable, CLEAR PLASTIC AirSoft rifle...

...betcha the same damn thing would happen.

Colorblind Dad Experiences True Color for the First Time

Fantomas says...

I wear corrective glasses and am colour blind. I get about just fine with imperfect colour vision but would have a horrible time without my prescription glasses.
I think the prescription glasses cost is more justified as the lenses are unique to the wearer, whereas he enChroma lenses seem to be 'off the rack' from what I could tell on their website, I could be completely wrong however.

I wouldn't mind testing out a pair to see the difference, but from what I understand they simply enhance the difference between the hues you have difficulty distinguishing rather than actually improving your vision in any way.
For people like the Dad in the vid the price tag might be worth it, judging by his reaction, so it's all subjective.

MilkmanDan said:

I had never heard of these -- I'm still a bit baffled as to how they could possibly work. I'm not colorblind myself but a good friend is red/green colorblind, I'll have to see if he knows about them.

Assuming $400 is an accurate price, it still really doesn't seem that expensive to me. I'm pretty extremely nearsighted -- roughly minus 8 -- and my glasses (with frames) already cost almost that much just because my prescription is on that far end of the bell curve. Without glasses I can't see a damn thing more than 3-4 inches in front of my face, so I basically *need* them no matter the price.

Actually, I remember having a reaction somewhat like this guy when I got glasses for the first time ("holy crap! I can see *leaves* on trees!"), and my eyes were much better then than they are now...

WTF Cops?! - Two Racist Texts and a Lie

Asmo says...

When was the last time you lived in a poor black neighbourhood where no one would give you a job because of the colour of your fucking skin whitebread? Oh right, you don't walk a meter let alone a mile before shooting off your cockholster...

(ps. I'm white, in case you're getting bent out of shape due to my "racist against whites" slur X )

bobknight33 said:

Whats the old adage?

Walk a mile in their shoes.

I'm Sure you would be singing a different tune.

Colorblind Dad Experiences True Color for the First Time

Bruti79 says...

I saw one of their booths and went to try it out. I'm Red/Green colour blind, but not all the way. I know it helped out my mom a lot, but it did little for me. I wonder what that feeling is like. =)

Can you spot the camouflaged fish?

Vanadium - Periodic Table of Videos

oritteropo says...

They did say what would happen, as the solution oxidizes the colours will go back in the reverse order, so eventually ending up as it was at the start of the video.

It might take a while though...

lucky760 said:

"If you let it sit long enough, it will oxidize more."

So wtf. Why didn't you do that, bro?

At the very least, why not tell us what the next color would be?

Don't be so greedy with your knowledge, wanker.

Cop Smashes Cell Phone For Recording Him

robbersdog49 says...

To add to what arghness has said, regardless of the job if one of my employees did this did this to anyone at work at work I'd sure as hell fire them.

This guy's job is to make life and death decisions with that weapon he's got. If he can be riled to the extent he obviously was by some random woman on the sidewalk then he needs to be taken out of that situation.

As for all the 'one bad apple' claims, I've seen plenty of videos of these one bad apples, but I've never seen a single one where any of the other, apparently 'good' cops steps in to stop the bad one. If it's just the guy doing the smashing who's the bad one and every other cop there is a good guy, why does the bad guy feel so comfortable doing what he did? Why do the other cops cheer in support?

If it's a few bad cops then all of these cases would be acted upon and prosecuted. The fact that they aren't shows that all the other guys are implicit in the act. They allow it to continue. There are clearly enough bad apples that they're running the show and the good apples don't get the support they need if/when they show their colours.

arghness said:

If my job was to pick up litter and instead I dropped litter everywhere while on the job, I'd expect to be fired.

If my job was to protect the public and stop crimes and instead I attacked the public and committed crimes, I'd expect to be fired.

Comparing it to someone else with another job that broke a phone is incorrect. If I broke the phone of one of the people I was doing work for, then yes, I would totally expect to lose my job. If I broke a random persons phone in my spare time, then I would just expect to face normal charges like anyone else.

American Loving Redneck Has Some Thoughts On Racism

messenger says...

And that's stupid. We agree.

This isn't about guilt. This isn't about history. This is about the facts on the ground now. Now. Now. Not history. Now. Stop making out like this is only about history. That's a defence mechanism to avoid talking about now. Talk about now.

White people have a clear advantage over black people only because of the colour of our skin. Do you think that's good or bad or are you indifferent?

Payback said:

...and whites (as a generalization) are the only ones on the planet who feel guilty about their histories, even though bigotry and racism isn't even remotely a "white thing".

American Loving Redneck Has Some Thoughts On Racism

dannym3141 says...

'White privilege' as i understand it is a description of the tendency for society to be quicker to persecute dark skinned people over light skinned people, or to otherwise treat light skinned people preferentially when compared to dark skinned people.

Using myself as an example.. As someone to whom race has never been an issue (it is as unnoticable to me as hair and eye colour), why does it fall to me to "own" the tendency of racists to grant me special favour - which i never asked for - when the only reason you have to link them to me is my skin colour? Have i misunderstood?

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