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Cocaine in the Ukraine

newtboy says...

Btw @bobknight33 …. It’s obvious to those of us with brains that the rehash of the Hunter Biden nonsense is a blatant attempted red herring meant to distract from good economic news, because Cons absolutely HATE any good economic news during a Biden presidency…and we have increased GDP, massive increases in jobs (jobs, jobs, jobs….remember?), over a trillion in infrastructure to facilitate an economic recovery, increased wages, dropping fuel prices, and lots more the Cons want to ignore and deny….and you’re so ridiculous you think attacking the non political son of a politician means something besides exemplifying your kindergarten level mindset.
That’s why you posted this twice in a week…you need this distraction out there because gas prices plummeted.

Wrong is wrong, and this is wrong, you know it’s wrong, and you take great joy in it. Such a sad, grasping, ethically bankrupt fool you let Trump make you into….and you want more!

Hey, I got an idea…how about we investigate Trumps kids, who were top level unelected officials in our government after Trump installed them in top positions even though they couldn’t qualify for clearance, some because of drugs (Don Jr’s coke addiction for instance, helps him ignore the taste of Newsom’s huge cock in his girl’s mouth). How about we check their bank accounts, not just the American accounts that increased $640 million for Jared and Ivanka while working in the White House, but including their secret Chinese accounts the Chinese government uses to bribe them, and Saudi accounts the crown prince used to bribe Jared to the tune of TWO FUCKING BILLION DOLLARS, the secret Russian accounts Putin used to influence American policy, and their tens of millions in no show contracts with foreign governments that every watchdog in both countries has said clearly are bribes, the companies involved don’t meet minimum standards to even operate, much less actually do business.
You want to look at children? Start with those that were installed into high positions in government and took hundreds of millions with them when they left despite being unemployable drug fiends and morons…despite being directly involved in a failed coup against America, otherwise known as treason. You can ignore Tiffany, she wasn’t part of any administration…and forget Hunter, he isn’t either.

Such sad, weak, just pathetic attempts at meaningless distraction. Every accusation you make is an admission. Grow up, baby.


If your New Year's resolution is to quit smoking...

enoch says...

coffee and cigarettes are my last vice,and i ain't fucking giving them up!

how is that people feel perfectly at ease to just walk up to me,a total stranger,and offer health advice?

"you know those will kill ya,you should quit"

thanks captain obvious.

so i always offer them options,people LOVE options.

cigarettes or heroin i ask them.

which always stops them in their tracks and totally bewilders them,and gives me the silent giggles.

which of course they suggest neither,but i tell them i kicked my heroin addiction,my coke addiction,my painkiller addiction,my sex addiction,my porn addiction,i have plenty of experience with addictions.

"so why not lose the cigarette addiction?"

because i don't want to i reply,as i sip my coffee and take a drag of my cigarette.

and they got nothing,and they know it.

smokers realize that smoking is bad for them.that it will facilitate future health issues and most likely result in an early death.

so when you walk up to a stranger smoking and preach the dangers of are not revealing some secret truth that they are not already fully aware of,your intentions may be good and your heart coming from the right place,but it is extremely condescending and patronizing.

and the dangers of second hand smoke have been proven to be totally is just rude of a smoker to be forcing anyone to be in the same air space while they enjoy their addiction.

i do not smoke in someone elses car,or in their home.i don't blow smoke in peoples faces.i go out to smoke on the patio.i try to be respectful.

and when you look at the statistics,fewer and fewer young people are picking up the habit of smoking.for all the tobacco companies whining and crying,it appears education is the very simply answer to address a very nasty habit,and even worse addiction.

so to all you well-inentioned do-gooders out there.please do not waste your time or energy pointing out the obvious to people like me.who will be turning 50 in a few that energy for the young people.

coffee and cigarettes are my last addictions.think i will keep them. sounds good right about now.

Charlie Sheen Says He's 'Not Bipolar but 'Bi-Winning'

Rio de Janeiro Drug Gang Shoots Down Police Chopper

"Obama Is An Arab"-Says McCain Volunteer In Letters

joedirt says...

None of us is as cruel as all of us.

LOL. Idiot lady gave her full name when asked by some idiot with a camera. Serves her right for holding unquestioned idiot ideas.

If she can't tell the difference between born in Hawaii, or that Kenya is not in Arabia, or that muslim is not passed down through the blood or the maternal line she deserves whats she gets.

Oh yeah, there is no such thing as "born again". They lied, it was made up to make coke addicts, dry drunks and whores feel better about themselves.

>> ^thinker247:
Bullying? If she can't handle it, maybe she shouldn't spread rumors about Obama that she hasn't verified. Why should it matter if she's 75? If she's ignorant she shouldn't even be allowed to vote, let alone spread lies about someone.
>> ^thepinky:
I agree with bareboards. This video isn't even worth our time. This woman is clearly not intelligent and very ignorant. Sifters probably love it because they see it as some kind of reflection on McCain supporters. All I see is some silly people letting themselves become offended by a half-crazy lady. She's 75 and they're sort of bullying her.

Pat Robertson says his producer uses Cocaine!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'pat robertson, cocaine, bolivia, producer' to 'pat, robertson, 700, club, cocaine, coke, addict, smuggle, bolivia, producer, wtf' - edited by my15minutes

fox news on O'Reilly scuffle with Obama aide

bleedingsnowman says...

Who is this G.W. Bush character? Ran several of his father's businesses into the ground, was an alcoholic and coke addict, a C student, had Dad get him out of Nam, all he’s says are “Mushroom cloud” and “They hate our freedom” while firing his key advisors who dare to disagree with him and they lap it up!

There's no reason to believe that some Obama "thug" would try to keep O'Rielly from taking a shot. It's loud as hell in those screaming auditorium's and the guy probably didn't hear before Bill flew off the handle. It turns out Bill's big question was "Will you come on my show?"

I Can Has Coke Box!

Quboid says...

Tisk tisk, coke addicts at such a young age.

My cats have always had a bizarre affinity for cardboard boxes, any time you left an open package anywhere one would jump in and snooze at the bottom. Thankfully, now they're too old so they just look at the box and reminisce.

The Mystery Of The Leaping Fish 1916

bluecliff says...

Again from imdb

Fairbanks, who was a coke addict in real life, stars in this film. It's funny simply for the fact that it's an unapologetic pro-drug comedy, though if you don't find that kind of thing funny, you won't find this movie interesting at all. In fact it seems like the movie was made on drugs, the titles go by so quickly that you'd have to be a member of Mensa just to read them without pausing. The plot is nonexistent, it's just a series of cheap drug gags, in the vein of Cheech & Chong had they lived in 1915.

Fred Thompson avoids debate with Michael Moore

choggie says...

Sad but true, that we still have only the two, pathetic, self-serving parties to choose from.....both out for them and theirs, with willful, premeditated disregard for the people of the U.S. (legal ones)

Sad that the ACLU is become involved in interrogation,(or any goddamn thing, cause they are out for no one but themselves as well, just another tool of the completely fucked legal system, and the bought-and-sold media) though the reasons for such an activity are nefarious considering the orchestrators of wars....
Torture:-Being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Period. Oh and Karma....don't forget good ol' cause and effect-

Drunks and ex-coke addicts, huh dirt??? Love to see blood drawn from every member of the house and senate, and the candidates as well....

Torture??? The prospect of a twisted, succubus like Hillary Clitless, and her million- dollar-wasting entourage in office-That's Torture.....Ghoulosi is bad enough as Tweaker of the House.....and you pep-rally members keep going, having sucked and sucked at the non-nutritive rens, flowing from the teat of the media elite....

Kill em' All.

Fred Thompson avoids debate with Michael Moore

joedirt says...

WTF!! Do any of these Republicans realize how insane they have become?? THe top candidate for the Presidential Primary (yet-to-announce) is saying Cuba is bad because mental institution used shock therapy??

Can anyone explain to him that Gitmo is IN CUBA?! He is implying Castro is a bad guy for wrongful imprisonment and torture? What the hell does that make Bush?

At least the Cuban film maker LIVED and was released after a few years. Sadly, as horrific a concept as this is.. I'd welcome shock therapy over what is done to US-held detainees. We are going from one dry-drunk, ex-coke addict.. to another.

“a 27-year-old Iraqi male died while being interrogated by Navy Seals on April 5, 2004, in Mosul, Iraq. During his confinement he was hooded, flex-cuffed, sleep deprived and subjected to hot and cold environmental conditions, including the use of cold water on his body and head. The exact cause of death was ‘undetermined’ although the autopsy stated that hypothermia may have contributed to his death.”
An overwhelming majority of the so-called “natural deaths” covered in the autopsies were attributed to “arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease” (heart attack). Persons under extreme stress and pain may have heart attacks as a result of the circumstances of their detainments.

The Department of Defense released the autopsy reports in response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by the ACLU, the Center for Constitutional Rights, Physicians for Human Rights, Veterans for Common Sense, and Veterans for Peace.

One of forty-four U.S. military autopsy reports reads as follows: “Final Autopsy Report: DOD 003164, (Detainee) Died as a result of asphyxia (lack of oxygen to the brain) due to strangulation as evidenced by the recently fractured hyoid bone in the neck and soft tissue hemorrhage extending downward to the level of the right thyroid cartilage. Autopsy revealed bone fracture, rib fractures, contusions in mid abdomen, back and buttocks extending to the left flank, abrasions, lateral buttocks. Contusions, back of legs and knees; abrasions on knees, left fingers and encircling to left wrist. Lacerations and superficial cuts, right 4th and 5th fingers. Also, blunt force injuries, predominately recent contusions (bruises) on the torso and lower extremities. Abrasions on left wrist are consistent with use of restraints. No evidence of defense injuries or natural disease. Manner of death is homicide. Whitehorse Detainment Facility, Nasiriyah, Iraq.”


American Civil Liberties Website, October 24, 2005
Title: “US Operatives Killed Detainees During Interrogations in Afghanistan and Iraq”

Tom, March 5, 2006
Title: “Tracing the Trail of Torture: Embedding Torture as Policy from Guantanamo to Iraq”
Author: Dahr Jamail

Fox News on Obama - "He is...get this....a smoker!!!!"

joedirt says...

Man.. Clear Channel / Fox / WingNut media confuses me..

Last I heard he wasn't "black" enough. I heard today he was only half-black and should be running with Michael Jackson. Now Fox says Obama is being attacked because he is ONLY black. And why is it new that you don't "see" him smoking or have a pack in his pocket. Geeez. Why does no one SEEEEE him smoke? Let's get our investigative journlist on this. Not Iran "weapons" with western numerals, or Iraqi WMDs... But we'll investigate his liberal voting record and his use of legal tobacco.

Did they spend 1/100th this time on Bush's COKE addiction or CHRONIC ALCOHOL ABUSE?

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