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How To 'Season' an Iron Skillet

kronosposeidon says...

I season mine with bacon, bacon, and more bacon. Then after that, I throw a little bacon in it, fry it up, drain off the fat, and then cook up another batch. Of bacon.

But after my cholesterol hit 900 my doctor told me I had to cut back on fatty foods. So I asked him, "Does this mean I can't put butter on my bacon?"

True story.

America's obesity epidemic from 1985-2006

Your Brain on Drugs...Apparently

shuac says...

Clearly, the white part of your brain is tasteless and bland. The yummy yellow part is loaded with cholesterol.

And if your brain is thrown in boiling water, it is said to be, what neurological research scientists call, "poached."

Any questions?

Michael Savage says Children with Autism are Faking It

blahpook says...

From his website:

The Autism Controversy

My comments about autism were meant to boldly awaken parents and children to the medical community's attempt to label too many children or adults as "autistic."

Just as some drug companies have overdiagnosed "ADD" and "ADHD" to peddle dangerous speed-like drugs to children as young as 4 years of age, this cartel of doctors and drug companies is now creating a national panic by overdiagnosing "autism, for which there is no definitive medical diagnosis!

Many children are being victimized by being diagnosed with an "illness" which may not exist, in all cases. Just a few weeks ago doctors recommended dangerous anti-cholesterol drugs for children as young as 2 years of age! Without any scientific studies on the possible dangers of such drugs on children, corrupt doctors made this controversial, unscientific recommendation.

Increasingly, our children are being used as profit centers by a greedy, corrupt medical/pharmaceutical establishment. As the brother of a severely disabled person who suffered and died in a New York "snake-pit" of a "mental hospital," I know first-hand what true disability is.

To permit greedy doctors to include children in medical categories which may not be appropriate is a crime against that child and their family. Let the truly autistic be treated. Let the falsely diagnosed be free.


Giving Thanks for the Non-religious (Blog Entry by dag)

America is disgusting. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

oileanach says...

A big part of the problem is the almost universal belief that everything should be as cheap as possible, and food the cheapest of all. My god, food keeps you alive, you are literally made of the stuff you eat, and yet you seek out the cheapest possible sources? SUVs are only getting cheap because people can't afford to fill the tanks anymore, but before that people would buy a big-ass truck (for two to three times the cost of a perfectly nice car) to haul their not coincidentally big-asses around from one drive through "restaurant" to the next, with stops in-between for the drive-through bank, and drive through pharmacy (cholesterol pills, naturally). It is amazing with all the knowledge and intelligence around that this system makes sense to anyone, much less the majority.

Hey - What's Your Favorite Sifting Snack? (Food Talk Post)

firefly says...

I don't usually snack while I'm sifting, but I do enjoy some Orville Redenbacher microwave popcorn: the movie theater butter flavor with the extra cholesterol-upping, artery-clogging meltable butter you pour over. And to go with my salties, I gotta have sweets: a pack of Twizzlers.

...and a Diet Coke.

Incredible Basketball Phenom

Randy Taylor Wants More Sausage!!!!

K0MMIE says...

Oh man! Here's some fun facts:

For every 2oz of Jimmy Dean Premium Pork Sausage there are:

Calories: 220
Calories from Fat: 190
Total Fat: 21g (32%)
Saturated Fat: 7g (35%)
Cholesterol: 40mg (13%)
Sodium: 280mg (12%)

Now according to his math to feed 5 people you need 16oz of meat. That means that each person needs at least 3.2oz of meat to be satisfied. Lets not forget to mention the other Southern things your supposed to eat with it (fried eggs, and T-Bone steaks).

That means that each of these people are eating 352 calories, 64mg of Cholesterol, and 33.6g of fat. Holy Shit. HOLY SHIT.

I guess eating that much fat from ground up animal parts would make you irritable. Maybe if they ate the smaller package they would be happier people.

Oh and another fun fact... Jimmy Dean still makes the 16oz, hell they even make a 48oz roll... but it's probably best if this guy doesn't know.

Nutritional info from:

Egg and Bacon Ice Cream - Heston Blumenthal

A Gay Brigadier General Asks a question

Doc_M says...

First, I'm arguing based on the assumption that it is a genetic condition. I am ignoring all homosexuals that are the result of environment. I don't contradict myself in my statements above for this reason. Homosexuality, if it is genetic, is a complex, multi-gene condition. You're miss-understanding what that means in terms of genetic inheritance. You can have two hetero parents with little bits and pieces of what can sometimes add up to a homosexual child when the genes mix right. The same occurs for height, hair color, skin pigmentation and skin conditions, cancer susceptibility, mental illness susceptibility, bone density, muscular development, cholesterol maintenance, glucose maintenance, ... I could go on all day here. In MANY of those cases, you get two parents that have offspring with very different characteristics... Still, those characteristics are based on what polymorphisms are present in what genes (or gene duplications/mutations/etc.), so in evolutionary time, if tendencies toward homosexuality lead to fewer homosexuals producing progeny, then those polymorphisms will slowly be lost from the gene-pool.

Since at least as I see it, sexuality isn't purely genetic (as I was assuming in my arguments for the sake of discussion), extinction is the wrong word, but at some point far in the future, the genetic component will be lost unless we intervene, which we almost certainly will by then anyway.

8546 (Member Profile)

MycroftHomlz says...


In reply to this comment by thechrisproject:
From the Anti-Gym website, which is nearly NSFW:

Anti-Gym is Denver’s only health and vanity lifestyle boutique, a revolutionary alternative to ineffective and obsolete health clubs, personal trainers, and crash diets.

We change your habits and attitude so you can sculpt a seductive body, while still enjoying the food, alcohol, and other vices that seduce you. Stick with the old school to lower cholesterol a few points, come see us to raise your libido and wow-factor through the roof.

Anti-Gym: The Most Offensive Gym Add Ever

8546 says...

From the Anti-Gym website, which is nearly NSFW:

Anti-Gym is Denver’s only health and vanity lifestyle boutique, a revolutionary alternative to ineffective and obsolete health clubs, personal trainers, and crash diets.

We change your habits and attitude so you can sculpt a seductive body, while still enjoying the food, alcohol, and other vices that seduce you. Stick with the old school to lower cholesterol a few points, come see us to raise your libido and wow-factor through the roof.

Top 10 Worst Foods

jwray says...

commentary and corrections:
nitrite-cancer link: Still controversial. The American Cancer Society recommends reducing consumption of nitrite-preserved foods.

10. Catfish --
average 0.049 ppm of mercury according to the FDA - not the worst, but not as good as salmon or almost any other freshwater fish.

9. Canned Soups typically have about 50% of the RDA of sodium per 120 calories, and that RDA is based on a 2000 calorie diet. I.E., to meet the sodium RDA, canned soup would have to be a tiny percentage of your overall caloric intake. MSG serves a dual function as a flavor enhancer and preservative, but it's not really bad for you in moderate quantities

8. Bacon: There's a little bit of protein and cholesterol with the fat and salt. Of course it's still bad for you.

7. Fast food burgers...

6. Twinkies have almost no vitamins, minerals, or protein... They're mostly fat, starch, and sugar.

5. Chips ... she exaggerates.


Japanese Goldfish Living In A Deep-Fat Fryer

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