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Trader on BBC News says Eurozone Market will crash

Porksandwich says...

So in this case it's an individual saying what the big businesses are doing, using the recession/depression to increase earnings AND attempting to influence laws and legislation to continue to do so.

Despite what many of the corporations claim the market is doing to them, their profits have been increasing. And we still have companies cutting benefits, laying off people, and many other things.

In fact some of this doublespeak is going to cause them a lot of headaches in the future, especially in production/manufacturing where many of the companies laid off massive amounts of people and despite needing the majority of them back they tried to hire cheaper labor.

But they are finding, at least in my area, that there is virtually no training programs available for manufacturing because they had problems recruiting people in these dismal times with all the BS the companies spouted, so people went into medical and stuff where they were told there were shortages.

Now they have their previous work forces that they laid off, looking to retire instead of putting up with more of the rollercoaster they created. No trained young people to replace the guys looking to retire, and a whole lot of pissed off people who were laid off and never recalled because the company is trying to make more money using unskilled labor where it can.

One company in particular went on the news and spoke about how they couldn't find any "qualified" workers, despite having laid off the majority of their work force just a year prior and admitting they over-reacted in doing so.

It's backwards of the way it should be, these companies should be telling people what they want on your qualifications. Finding a school or training program that can provide it and giving them a rough estimate of what they would be able to hire locally and possibly globally.

Instead we hear repeatedly about how the colleges/universities are putting out graduates that don't fulfill the needs of companies, but they keep requiring a degree to work at said company.

There's just too much BS to wade through in the job market to get anywhere without contacts, and the companies themselves are to blame for the conditions they've created. They've made it more costly for people to get their foot in the door, and they still aren't even clear about what they actually want from employees. Except for maybe drug rep companies, they want ex-cheerleaders to flirt the doctors into prescribing....of course their job ad will never say anything close to this.

Nirvana--Smells Like Teen Spirit

Krupo says...

>> ^videosiftbannedme:

The moves that cheerleader makes at 2:05....mmmm-mmmm. Can't get enough.

Funny that you mention them:

8. The cheerleaders in the "Teen Spirit" video were recruited from an LA strip joint. Nirvana really wanted their friend in the band L7 for the part. They were overruled. (Bonus fact: Dave was dating L7's Jennifer Finch at the time.)

9. The janitor was the actual janitor from director Sam Bayer's apartment complex in Venice Beach.

10. Kurt was worried "Teen Spirit" sounded too much like a Pixies song. He was also worried it had too much of the same feeling as Boston's "More Than a Feeling."

11. Nevermind's original recording budget was $65,000. They ended up spending twice that.

Human Giant - Montana Meth

Liberal and Conservative Brains are Physically Different

Jamie Kilstein on Gay Marriage

Libyan Rebels take control of Tripoli's Green Square

bcglorf says...

>> ^marbles:

>> ^bcglorf:
>> ^marbles:
>> ^bcglorf:
Snide comments have their place, but in this context your just sympathizing with a deposed tyrannical dictator.

Says the cheerleader for Western colonialism and imperialism.

You say that like Gaddafi's fall is a bad thing...
Oh right, you believe that. In case you haven't noticed, the world is wising up and rejecting your kind en mass. Tunisia, Egypt and Libya have already thrown your ilk out, and with any luck the Syrian and Iranian people will manage similar gains in the future.

You say that like NATO actually gives a damn about helping the Libyan people. You're a fool if you think that's the case.
Oil and Gold. Notice how they never targeted any of the oil infrastructure with the bombings? No, they targeted residential areas and civilian infrastructure. Lol, and you think they're there to help the people. They're there to help themselves! Bomb and pillage.

What's wrong with you?

I said Gaddafi's defeat is good for the Libyan people. Do you agree with that or not? It's a simple question.

Libyan Rebels take control of Tripoli's Green Square

marbles says...

>> ^bcglorf:

>> ^marbles:
>> ^bcglorf:
Snide comments have their place, but in this context your just sympathizing with a deposed tyrannical dictator.

Says the cheerleader for Western colonialism and imperialism.

You say that like Gaddafi's fall is a bad thing...
Oh right, you believe that. In case you haven't noticed, the world is wising up and rejecting your kind en mass. Tunisia, Egypt and Libya have already thrown your ilk out, and with any luck the Syrian and Iranian people will manage similar gains in the future.

You say that like NATO actually gives a damn about helping the Libyan people. You're a fool if you think that's the case.

Oil and Gold. Notice how they never targeted any of the oil infrastructure with the bombings? No, they targeted residential areas and civilian infrastructure. Lol, and you think they're there to help the people. They're there to help themselves! Bomb and pillage.

Libyan Rebels take control of Tripoli's Green Square

bcglorf says...

>> ^marbles:

>> ^bcglorf:
Snide comments have their place, but in this context your just sympathizing with a deposed tyrannical dictator.

Says the cheerleader for Western colonialism and imperialism.

You say that like Gaddafi's fall is a bad thing...

Oh right, you believe that. In case you haven't noticed, the world is wising up and rejecting your kind en mass. Tunisia, Egypt and Libya have already thrown your ilk out, and with any luck the Syrian and Iranian people will manage similar gains in the future.

RT - Tripolis may or may not be about to fall to the Rebels

bcglorf says...

>> ^marbles:

@cheerleaders for Western colonialism and imperialism
This is what you support:
Get ready for the occupation force in Libya, the advance on Syria, and maybe even a confrontation with Iran.
This has been planned out for at least 10 years.
Gareth Porter: General Wesley Clark, who commanded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization bombing campaign in the Kosovo war, recalls in his 2003 book Winning Modern Wars being told by a friend in the Pentagon in November 2001 that the list of states that Rumsfeld and deputy secretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz wanted to take down included Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

And meanwhile you lament the loss of monsters like Saddam, Gaddafi and Assad. Well done.

RT - Tripolis may or may not be about to fall to the Rebels

marbles says...

@cheerleaders for Western colonialism and imperialism

This is what you support:

Get ready for the occupation force in Libya, the advance on Syria, and maybe even a confrontation with Iran.

This has been planned out for at least 10 years.
Gareth Porter: General Wesley Clark, who commanded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization bombing campaign in the Kosovo war, recalls in his 2003 book Winning Modern Wars being told by a friend in the Pentagon in November 2001 that the list of states that Rumsfeld and deputy secretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz wanted to take down included Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

Libyan Rebels take control of Tripoli's Green Square

Lollipop Chainsaw: Over-the-top Cheerleader v Zombie Action!

Lollipop Chainsaw: Over-the-top Cheerleader v Zombie Action!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Lollipop Chainsaw, cheerleader, slasher, sexploitation, highschool, rainbow gore' to 'Lollipop Chainsaw, cheerleader, slasher, sexploitation, highschool, suda51' - edited by dystopianfuturetoday

Do You Know Who You're Talking To? (Sift Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

Does she live in Canada? Did you meet her at Niagara falls? I <3 breakfast club!>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^enoch:
here are a few rules i live by:
1.i never let anyone dictate how i should feel about myself.
2.assuming someones intentions is the most arrogant of all human proclivities and is something i attempt my best to avoid.sometimes i succeed,other times i fail but in any of those cases if i am unsure.... i ask directly.
3.when dealing with people on the internet i deal with them as human beings and not just a name or avatar.i may be at times harsh or irreverent but i ALWAYS temper my words with that in mind.they are an actual person.
i make no bones if i am angered or irritated or even touched or humbled because i am always sincere.
all of this i can do because i know who i weaknesses and even my odd quirks and to ask people on the internet to change their behavior due to my own oddness is a task that is not only unfair but damn near impossible.
that being said,i shall add something here that i tend to keep to myself but for boise's sake (who i find a decent sort),let me add this which may (or may not) add weight to my words:
i am bi-polar.
not your everyday,"im feeling down" kind of bi-polar but the rip-snorting,high-octane,we-are-going-for-a-ride kind of bi-polar.
oh....the stories i could tell you all...but i digress,
i suffer from severe and debilitating depression at times and is a reason some of you may notice that at one point or another i seem to just vanish from the sift.
so for those of you on the sift that suffer from are not alone but (and this is big) NEVER..EVER..let anyone dictate how you should feel about yourself.
that is your job to work out.
to give someone else that authority is to become a slave to someone elses imperfect and subjective understanding of you.
reserve that for the people who truly love you,for it is through the eyes of those who truly love you who can remind you who you are when you have forgotten.
man,i hope not a lot of people see this.
i feel like my fly is open.
anyways.this one is for you boise.
open fly and all.

I should have just listened to my girlfriend and taken a Xanax instead of posting this.
(Yes, I do have a girlfriend--she's a cheerleader in another state--you wouldn't know her.)
Thank You, enoch.

Do You Know Who You're Talking To? (Sift Talk Post)

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^enoch:

here are a few rules i live by:
1.i never let anyone dictate how i should feel about myself.
2.assuming someones intentions is the most arrogant of all human proclivities and is something i attempt my best to avoid.sometimes i succeed,other times i fail but in any of those cases if i am unsure.... i ask directly.
3.when dealing with people on the internet i deal with them as human beings and not just a name or avatar.i may be at times harsh or irreverent but i ALWAYS temper my words with that in mind.they are an actual person.
i make no bones if i am angered or irritated or even touched or humbled because i am always sincere.
all of this i can do because i know who i weaknesses and even my odd quirks and to ask people on the internet to change their behavior due to my own oddness is a task that is not only unfair but damn near impossible.
that being said,i shall add something here that i tend to keep to myself but for boise's sake (who i find a decent sort),let me add this which may (or may not) add weight to my words:
i am bi-polar.
not your everyday,"im feeling down" kind of bi-polar but the rip-snorting,high-octane,we-are-going-for-a-ride kind of bi-polar.
oh....the stories i could tell you all...but i digress,
i suffer from severe and debilitating depression at times and is a reason some of you may notice that at one point or another i seem to just vanish from the sift.
so for those of you on the sift that suffer from are not alone but (and this is big) NEVER..EVER..let anyone dictate how you should feel about yourself.
that is your job to work out.
to give someone else that authority is to become a slave to someone elses imperfect and subjective understanding of you.
reserve that for the people who truly love you,for it is through the eyes of those who truly love you who can remind you who you are when you have forgotten.
man,i hope not a lot of people see this.
i feel like my fly is open.
anyways.this one is for you boise.
open fly and all.

I should have just listened to my girlfriend and taken a Xanax instead of posting this.
(Yes, I do have a girlfriend--she's a cheerleader in another state--you wouldn't know her.)
Thank You, enoch.

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