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Democrats Debate Dictators While Trump Acts Like One

newtboy says...

No surprise you can't recall how candidate Trump acted, like a whining spoiled brat with no class, morals, ethics, or knowledge, bickering and insulting all other republican candidates and their wives by making up nonsensical lies and accusations and generally being as unpresidential as any candidate has ever been, paying off porn stars to keep his dirty little secrets, caught on video bragging about trying to fuck his friend's wives (while he was married), or his admitting (in court) running multiple multi million dollar frauds including stealing from veteran's and children's charities to line his own pockets, and running various fraudulent businesses.

No surprise you ignore his complete lack of morals, ethics, or transparency, his dictatorial style, his constant petty and vindictive actions, and his total inability to ever be adult or put the nation above personal enrichment.

Unpresidential!?! Trump, your messiah, is the embodiment of the term. Holy shit you cultists are deluded and dumb. I can't wait until he tells you all to drink your punch.

bobknight33 said:

Trump taking control and being presidential compared to the democratic candidates fighting , bickering , jockeying for position is very un- presidential.

Adam Disabato Testifies About Jim Jordan

newtboy says...

I agree, Republicans don't have a monopoly on unethical and immoral behavior, but if it's a contest, they are not just "winning", it's a 98-2 blowout.

Democrats-comedien Al Franken voluntarily quits over distasteful but obvious comedy photos taken on a comedy tour
Republicans- line up and link arms in support of blatantly incestuous serial child harasser Trump (read what he publicly said about going backstage at his beauty pageants, and his daughter) and others like pedophile Roy Moore

Did Clinton repeatedly fly on Epstien's planes to charity events? It seems he did but has acknowledged it, saying he knew nothing about the allegations against Epstein at the time.
Did Trump repeatedly party with Epstein, including parties full of very young girls and no other male guests? It seems he did, as he once acknowledged in an interview saying “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side,” years before he started lying and claiming he didn't know him at all.

Let it all come out, then let's compare.

bobknight33 said:

Reps aren't the only filthy dirty animals.

There plenty on both sides.

King enabler Epstein was shielded.

Self interest of evil keeps this shit buried.

Let it all come out.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No Bob. That's wrong....not surprising because Russia doesn't teach American politics, but that's not how it works.

Your simple illustration from a simple mind is incorrect. Impeachment isn't the same as a bill, if it was McConnell would just refuse to act like he has on almost every bill, killing it in political limbo. He simply cannot do that, because it's not a bill, it's a constitutional duty.

Yes, at this point the articles are legitimate, and the Senate's slimy trail began long ago. The trial can't start until the legitimate articles are submitted to the Senate.

A realistic illustration for a simple mind....this is like having a grand jury indictment that has yet to be put on the courts calendar because the judge is the defendant's best friend and business partner but refuses to recuse himself. The indictment is legitimate, but the trial hasn't yet started because the only prosecutor and the jury pool has stated publicly that they're all working for the defendant and will just exonerate him without a real trial, no evidence, and no testimony.
The Senate has to have a real trial to enforce it....but has already ensured any faux trial is nothing but a politically motivated rubber stamp where jeopardy is never attached.

Funny you ignored the bit about charity fraud and other high crimes, which he undeniably committed and admitted under oath so you have to call him a perjuror to deny it, stealing from veterans and children to pay for his campaign and inauguration, lying to Mueller which you applauded, and making hundreds of millions by renting resort rooms to foreign governments at inflated rates that aren't even used (which is pure bribery). That's impeachable, cause for removal, and should end in prison, he outright stole millions through fraud and admitted it last year in court. I suppose you must agree since you didn't contradict any of that.....and you can't, because he's admitted it all.

bobknight33 said:

..... till given to Senate for the trail.

A simple illustration for a simple mind.

If the House voted for a tax cut is not a tax cut YET. I has to go to the Senate and the Senate has to pass it

The articles have not been given to the Senate. At this point the article are legitimate. and the trail can begin.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So you don't count multiple felony charity frauds, which he admitted under oath?
I know you don't count the emoluments violations to the tune of hundreds of millions in payments from foreign governments....but they're also impeachable.
Democrats failure to include various other impeachable crimes he's admitted to doesn't erase Trump's criminality. They might be saving them for impeachment #2.
3rd term?! Lol! Over 1/2 believe he should be removed now, and far more believe he's guilty of the charges. That's not exactly a winning hand for the election.

BTW, Flynn pleaded guilty to lying under oath to the FBI....hardly a witch hunt when they admit it.

bobknight33 said:

All irrelevant and not prosecutable.
PEOPLE WHO WERE CHARGED . Some are witch hunt ( Flynn) , some old pre POTOS charges (Manafort, Cohen )

This is nothing on Trump. REPEAT NOTHING. Else Dickhead Democrats would have brought better impeachment charges. They have nothing,

Your being sold a false bill of goods from the fake news.

Grow up.

Comey, Clapper McCabe, etc are going down. Sit down relay take a deep breath. Give it some time and all will be OK. America will MAGA trump and push for a 3 term but Trump will pass.

Trump Impeached

newtboy says...

They absolutely should have included charity fraud, a crime which he already admitted to under oath. I fully agree. Then he's trapped because if he claims it's not true, he committed perjury.

As for democrats being fed up, you've been claiming that since day one, but how did those red tsunamis work out for you? Hate to tell you, but there are far more Republican walkaways happening than Democratic.

Agreed, Republicans bragging that they'll shirk their constitutional duties makes our system nonfunctional, but not a waste of time any more than prosecuting the governor's son for raping children would be, even though the governor vowed to pardon him.

bobknight33 said:

It only took 3 years for Dems to find a reason for impeachment articles . The thinnest of reasons with no proof. Only a difference of ideology feeds their blood thrust to remove this man.

No running, no Putin link no nothing just a big waste of Americans time.

I, personally love it. Trump has won the battle. Democrats across the land are fed up and will switch party or just sit out the 2020 election.

All for what? This now goes to the Senate. For what? Republican control and this will no pass/ convict. Just a wast of Americans time.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Wrong on ALL counts, as usual Bobski.

Trump: pleaded guilty to fraud involving his fake school stealing from "students" before the election, found guilty of charity fraud last month and forced to pay millions back to veterans he stole from/defrauded....Also undeniably guilty of multiple finance and tax evasion charges, but being shielded by Barr until he's out of office

Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort: Sentenced to seven and a half years in prison for financial crimes and lying to Mueller

Konstantin Kilimnik: Charged with obstruction of justice during the Manafort investigation

Trump confidant Roger Stone: Convicted of lying to Congress tampering with a witness and obstructing the 2017 congressional investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn: Pleaded guilty to lying to investigators about his contacts with Russia on Trump's behalf

Former Trump campaign aide Rick Gates: Pleaded guilty to lying to investigators about Trump

Former Trump personal lawyer Michael Cohen: Pleaded guilty to tax and bank charges, campaign finance violations and lying to Congress for Trump

Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos:in January of 2017, Papadopoulos repeatedly lied about his contacts with Russian agents. He pleaded guilty

Alex van der Zwaan: Served 30 days in prison then deported for lying to investigators about Trump

Sam Patten: Pleaded guilty to failing to register as a foreign lobbyist in order to funnel foreign money to Trump's campaign

Bijan Kian and Skim Alptekin: Charged with conspiring to violate lobbying laws while working for Flynn

Those are just some convicted by Mueller for crimes after the election committed for Trump.

Please list all the convictions of research shows Republicans are convicted >91 times for every Democrat found guilty of crimes in office in the last 50 years.

Bobski, you claim to watch OAN, the fake news outlet that hires actual Kremlin agents to spread Russian propaganda that managed to out lie Fox, the inventors of fake news.


bobknight33 said:

Trump is not going anywhere for the next 5 years.

No guilty party is linked to Trump/ White House.. All were past crimes.

Quit Jizzing your shorts. You know the foul play and crimes are on the DNC side.

Adam Schiff's blunder of last 2 weeks was a pure gift to Trump.

Democrats are delusional and so you you. Watch more than the fake news.

Voting Machines: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Just a side note, Trump was fined $2 million today for his fraudulent and clearly illegal misuse of his charity, specifically for stealing about $2.8 million in donations he solicited and collected for veterans and misusing it for personal and political purposes and repeatedly, intentionally ignoring his legal oversight duties. His "charity", the Trump Foundation, has also been dissolved, with all remaining funds split between multiple actual charities.

Who's guilty of stealing from charities?
Hint, it's the same person who plead guilty to running a fraudulent school and stealing from students.

bobknight33 said:

Who really wants to steal votes?

The Animaniacs Show Trump How America Works

newtboy says...

Trump first.
He has lived in New York longer than AOC has been alive. He has the resources to effect positive change there, but did nothing in the way of public service and instead cheated on his taxes and charities, running pyramid schemes, hiring and underpaying undocumented immigrants, repeatedly taking from those who could ill afford it to line his own pockets for decades. Trump had a significant hand in making New York the shit hole city it is today, and has done nothing whatsoever to fix it, he's worked to make things worse as president too, because New York didn't vote for him, just like his multiple (failed) attempts to hurt California and our economy out of spite.

AOC, after graduating Cum Laude (Trump has gone to great lengths to hide his embarrassing transcript), had the resources of a bartender trying to save her mother from foreclosure, yet she launched Brook Avenue Press, a publishing firm for books that portray the Bronx in a positive light, and worked as lead educational strategist at GAGEis, Inc. Ocasio-Cortez also worked for the nonprofit National Hispanic Institute, serving as the Educational Director of the 2017 Northeast Collegiate World Series, a five-day-long program targeted at college-bound high school students from across the United States and other countries, where she also participated in the panel on the future of Latino leadership.

In her few years as an adult with minimal resources, AOC has done infinitely more than Trump, with all his inherited advantages, to fix their city.


bobknight33 said:


The ladies do need to go back to their shit hole cities and fix them before they think they can fix America.

Cops Cause Accident And Instantly Arrest Victim

newtboy says...

A cop not being a dick one time doesn't make him a good cop. A cop going on a speaking tour getting applauded over a minor example of humanitarianism pretty much erases the humanitarian part and it becomes a pure self serving PR ploy.

How many criminal cops has he turned in and testified against? That's the test, daily vigilance against his buddies abusing their power, not singular instances of charity he then milks for public relations points.

Pablo Escobar gave tens of millions to the poor. Was he also a good cop? According to your metric, he would be the greatest person ever.

Edit: I'll make it simple for you....any cop that allows fellow officers to get away with breaking the law or abusing their authority is a bad cop, even if they otherwise are above reproach and never abuse their own authority in any other way.

bobknight33 said:

You only post negative Cop videos. Maybe you have a chip on you shoulder towards Cops.

Cheer up little buddy there are good cops.
Here is 1 for you bud.

President Carter on Trump, Russia, and the Election

newtboy says...

Yes, considered that by partisan idiots who couldn't see past their hatred for anything left of Regan....they thought him a dumb country bumpkin too. To the rest of us, he was the last responsible president not interested in using the office for personal gain, one who kept us out of war with Iran, and was cheated out of a second term by the right wing/Regan Iran Contra scandal, which delayed the release of hostages to help Regan win the election.

Read. There's proof of 100 contacts between the campaign and Russia, and an undeniable estimation of their actions which were 100% aimed at electing Trump, because he would divide us even more than Clinton (which is a high bar, to be sure), and be weak on foreign policy.
Edit: for someone trying to deny the efficacy of Russian propaganda, you certainly repeat it a lot.

Look at him go, still building houses by hand. Trump can't walk from one hole to the next tee without getting winded, that's why he drives his cart onto the green.

Nuclear submarine designer....proof of extremely high level intelligence. Commander and tester of same, proof of high level of competence and service to the nation. President bone spurs can't compete in any way.

Wow, Bob. You can't do better? Even you say he's a pedophilic lech at best, and you can name not a single charity he's involved in you know isn't fraudulent? Sad.
That's what you come up with, a joke about his lack of character that's not even a joke because it's true, caught on tape? Sad you see him for the anti humanitarian, misogynistic, infidelity flaunting, charity fraud he is, and still stand with him and smirk. Pathetic Bob. Just pathetic.

bobknight33 said:

President Carter was considered the worst POTUS in a century .

Russians interfered, clearly in favor of Trump-- no truth / proof to this.

Carter in better physical shape than Trump. Wow pushing clearly false narrative.. U schilling for the fake news?

Nuclear submarine commander/designer. -- Admirable
and Irreverent .

Name a humanitarian project Trump has been involved in ... Female anatomy inspector. Pay attention new you should know this. Did you miss the Access Hollywood tape?

Lighten up Newt.

A List Actors Perform Dramatic Reading Of The Mueller Report

newtboy says...

Wow, Bob. Your head is deep in that hole to think that. I hope you wiped first.

We have two secret illegal payoffs for porn/playboy stars he cheated on his wife with (campaign finance abuses, and admissions that he slept with them and they might have proof, and indicators of his fidelity), "grab them by the pussy"...(and 14 people who say he did)....bragging about cheating on his wife with his friend's wives, multiple personal guilty pleas to frauds, tax evasion/fraud, charity fraud, 100 contacts with the hostile foreign power that helped defeat Clinton during the campaign (and a clear statement that he would love to collude with them again), 10+ cases of obstruction, uncountable illegal policies shot down in court (today he lost another, the census question designed to hurt Democrats and help Republicans, and now he wants to delay the census), a pattern of racism, a pattern of misogyny, a pattern of infantile whining, bullying, threatening, constant never-ending lies, denying science, ignoring legal precedents, destroying our international standing and reputation, multiple trade wars, .....and golf, never ending golf, far more than twice as often as Obama (who he called irresponsible for wasting time playing golf) at a cost to us of well over $100000000 so far (much of that paid to Trump's properties) and he still sucks so badly and cheats so blatantly that he has to hide from cameras every time....I just don't have all day to explain how much there is wrong with him beyond "grab them by the pussy"

Edit: Let's not forget the exponential rise in illegal immigration under his watch too....and his insistence he's building hundreds of miles of new wall that, in reality, is just mending existing fences he claims don't work.
Also, the increased division in America can't be ignored.

People are already swayed against him. Never reached 50% approval, losing to the top 10 Democrats in all polls, even his own. He won't get the angry Bernie Bro votes, or the undecided anti politician, or the old school republican vote, or a lot of farmer votes, or factory worker votes this round.

The country can't afford to have him win, Democrats gained power under him. Duh. Expect to lose the senate, and lose ground in the house, not to mention local governments.

Everyone not in your cult believes it's likely worse than is reported, because he's bullied news organizations so much they're terrified to make a mistake or even report the whole truth or he will label them enemies of America and your ilk will threaten their lives, and their children's lives, and actually try to kill them. Dozens if not hundreds of cases since his election....none before...or he might even directly threaten to have them arrested like he did last week.

Wages aren't rising (except for at the top), and absolutely weren't stagnant under Obama. In states where minimum wage has risen, it's despite Trump denouncing a raise in minimum wages. Massive inflation caused directly by his wars, ruined trade agreements, etc., mean purchase power is falling, not growing. No infrastructure repairs, no repeal and replace, only attempts to ruin and leave Obama care, tax cuts for himself (despite his denials before they passed) and tax raises on the middle class (despite the fact he lied and called them temporary tax cuts before they passed), the biggest growth in the debt and deficit ever......that enough for now?

Totally fucking up the China and Iran issues, both are exponentially worse thanks to him. Jebus! It's ignorant insanity to imply they were ignored, you just didn't like Obama's agreements, agreements that were working to our benefit until Trump abandoned them, now we have trade wars with one, driving them into an alliance with Russia, and nearing actual war with the other. the charges Obama had to defend in court. Derp. I can name DOZENS that Trump has, and is defending in court, and hundreds more he'll have to defend as soon as his shield of being president is gone.

Another post 100% wrong, Bob. I'm impressed, but not in a good way.

bobknight33 said:

The report is all lies? Some yes.

Mostly grossly over the top and spun to high heaven.
All you really have is the audio grab her by the pussy.. WOW no man ever said that kind of shit to another guy. WOW Got him. Good job.

Democrats are using all this smear to high heaven to fund raise and to nick trump popular vote. They are getting funds but not swaying people to turn against Trump.

Democrats can't afford to have him win again in 2020. CNN, MSNBC are right there with the smear mongering.. So much so that when there is a true Trump mistake no one really believes it to be as bas as it might be.

America is on the right track, low employment, raising wages, slight as they are . They again they been stagnate for last 20 years

Finally addressing the China/ Iran issues. May not like how he is doing it but at least a POTUS is addressing theses issue.

Obama didn't need a lawyer in 8 years -- BS

Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

deathcow says...

Or maybe a charity for sexually abused kids

newtboy said:

It's a huge architectural loss, but I wish they would consider taking the insane amount of money it will take to rebuild and spending it on the needy instead of opulent and ostentatious buildings.

Students Support Socialism. Until It's Applied To Their GPA

Nearly Nude Ninja Warrior

Lukio says...

Milo Moire is a Swiss body performance artist who often uses nudity and body interaction for her artistic stunts (often public). She participated in a celeb / charity special of Ninja Warrior in Switzerland.

StukaFox said:

am I missing some context here?

Counting Trump's False Claims Using Gumballs

newtboy says...

No Bob. That is simply not factual....except the anti Trump leaning part, but facts are anti Trump, just as Trump is anti fact.

The Obama line is also not a bit factual. Not by a factor of 1000. Obama didn't get everything right, for certain, but I'm not sure he ever outright knowingly lied to the public, which Trump does 4 times before getting out of bed daily. Need I remind you Trump founded the birther bullshit that was a total racist lie and strung you rubes along with promised mind blowing announcements that never came...need I remind you of fraudulent now defunct Trump University, or the fraudulent now defunct Trump charity? How many Obama organizations have been shuttered for fraud, or gone bankrupt from outrageous, even criminal mismanagement?

Yes, Tim Apple was nothing, until baby Trump couldn't let a nothing mistake go and fell over himself making up dumb lie after dumb lie to try to deny it...HE made it something, not CNN, not MSN....lil ole DJT all by his lonesome.

My what is no better?'s no better that all the rest do what? WHAT?!

Bob, he admitted collusion with the secret Trump tower negotiations. It doesn't have to be illegal, only secret, which that was...he's not being charged with collusion, ok? Happy? We've been over that, you need to do your homework, you're failing class and you're going to have to take summer school again.

And to be clear, like Nixon, it's the cover-up, not the crimes committed on his behalf that's coming to bite him....but also to be clear, this is a much bigger malfeasance than not clarifying "what "is" is" to a hostile lawyer. Trump sent his lawyer to lie to congress about Trump's business, which he did, and knowing that he had lied, Trump did not correct the record, indeed he worked hard to further the lies and hide them.

I know you believe that, but you believe Trump who (ghost) wrote a book about lying to rubes get what you want, so your reasoning skills are in serious question. I'll just say I hope you are wrong, but if you are right and most Americans vote for him, he's the president we deserve.

#fakemelania ;-)

bobknight33 said:


CNN mainly pushes 1/2 truths and anti Trump leaning reporting day in day out.

Biggest liar and fraud of our time was Obama not Trump. and MSM is riding along on their side.

Tim Cook Apple Big dial who cares its like call you newtbabe by accident. Who cares but liberals suck it up and think the worst. Your no better that all the rest.

Muller report will clearly take that smug ass smile of Adam Schiff and the rest of the left. Sad thing is that Adam Schiff knows and have always known there is ZERO collusion but still pushes BS lies.

I believe there will be a big turn of events and Trump will win 2020 by a historic landslide.

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