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Joe Biden's lies are legendary.

newtboy says...

Gotta go back over 36 years…for THAT? (88-24 is 36 not 33 bob…you can’t even do basic math) You tried this same nonsense 4 years ago…nothing has changed except the economy is no longer in freefall, it’s growing fast thanks to adult leadership.

Grasping at straws again, friendo…old rotten straws. Give me today’s footage of Trump after court, guaranteed it’s chock full of nonsensical lies, intentional lies, consequential self serving lies, destructive and damaging lies. His administration was the most dishonest in history by a factor of 100 which damaged America beyond belief, every single time he speaks dumb Donald lies. Any time Trump goes off the prepared teleprompter he sounds like a manic schizophrenic….incapable of staying on topic for a single sentence and taking credit for things he not only didn’t do but opposed when Obama (or others) did them. (Like the Veterans' Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014 that Trump repeatedly took credit for, infrastructure investments, a functioning economy, and dozens more)

Compared to the alternative Joe is the truth incarnate and has never said a questionable word in his life.
Also, he’s not a rapist, traitor, tax fraud, sad golf cheater, traitor, election fraudster, bank fraud perpetrator, traitor, racist, Epstein partner in crime, pill popper, sleepy angry old man, narcissist, or traitor, and doesn’t owe his freedom to sex trafficking Russian oligarchs who help keep him out of prison.
What was disgraced Dumb Donald doing back then? Racist redlining in New York (refusing to rent to black people), raping underage girls with Epstein, defrauding his partners, going bankrupt repeatedly, and calling for the lynching death of the innocent Central Park 5.

Trump to be arrested

newtboy says...

Not getting more powerful, not getting more popular, and his desperate fascist cohorts in congress are doing anything to cling to power including illegally weaponizing the federal government and defunding the police. Go ahead, dumbshit, lash yourself to the sinking Trump ship and see how it turns out.

How many more secret love children, secret foreign bank accounts in hostile enemy countries, secret payoffs by those countries paid into those secret accounts, sale of classified information for personal gains, tax evasion, threats against public servants AND THEIR FAMILIES, acts of terrorism, defunding police by Republicans, blatant America harming lies about the election, etc would it take for you to admit your messiah is evil?
It’s rhetorical, there is no amount of criminality, absolutely nothing that would wake you to reality. If you walked in on Trump raping a 6 year old boy you would blame the boy, it’s parents, and Biden, but never poor Trump.

You always prefer the comfortable lie to the harsh uncomfortable truth. The weak often do.


*quoted from Trump’s ad calling for the execution of the exonerated Central Park 5

bobknight33 said:

If they arrest Trump they will make him more powerful and more popular than ever, showing up the Biden regime as desperate fascists willing to do anything to cling to power. Go ahead dickheads, arrest Trump and see how it turns out.

Chauvin Guilty of Murder as Calls for Police Reform Grow

newtboy says...

Lol. You don't know which jurist or alternate, or which they were, biased or afraid, but you know someone was something so toss his multiple murder convictions....and execute the Central Park Five. LMFAHS!!

The biggest charge, second degree murder, was unanimous on the first vote in under two hours of deliberation. In interviews, jurists have said there were technical questions about applying third degree murder too, that's what took them a day, getting technical answers about the law, not questions about culpability, not fear. Sorry, wrong again.

Bobski, your hammer and sickle are showing.
Juries don't declare people innocent in America.....and Americans don't speak/write like a Russian first year English-as-a-second-language student or a Nigerian Prince with amazing financial deal bank for you money wealth.

bobknight33 said:

There will be a new trial.
Jurors ( at least 1) were biased or feared of saying innocent.

Vote Out Racism

newtboy says...

Nice try Bobski. Good luck convincing anyone that Trump isn't a racist despite all evidence but Biden is racist because he made a joke with a black person he was being interviewed by. It's like the insanity of pretending Trump is more healthy and fit even though he can't walk down a wheelchair ramp and Biden goes bicycling regularly.

Besides, that's not even what he actually said. He joked "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
Now, let's see Trump's words and actions....his real, not joking, racist history....

Not to mention the racist fake birther movement, which Trump championed, his racist attempt to delegitimize Obama's presidency by claiming he wasn't American, culminating with his fake press conference finally exposing the astonishing information his investigators found about Obama's birth certificate (nothing) that turned out to be bait and switch topics for a cheesy commercial for his shit hole hotels.

Shit hole countries, shit hole people.

Nazis and white supremacists rioting and murdering innocent people are good people.

Blacks demanding equality under the law are thugs and criminals.

And according to almost every ex employee.....
"Fucking Ni**ers."
~Donald J Trump (blatant long term actual fucking racist)


TangledThorns said:

If you don't vote for me then you ain't black!

~Joe Biden (f'ing racist!)


newtboy says...

Nice editing there. Tons of audio missing and multiple skips....what did they edit out? Discussions of how to frame them? Bribes?

We've seen multiple instances of stops exactly like this that ended in police gunfire....just as cordial and friendly until the citizen tells police they have a gun, or a camera, then the police lose their shit and start shooting.
The Press at protest marches were all 100% friendly, cordial, had open dialog asking politely where police wanted them to move to, totally legal, and complied with every request FROM officers, and still got shot point blank in the eyes with rubber bullets, tear gas canisters fired so close they can kill, pepper sprayed, were beaten, and arrested. Multiple times, on camera, over and over and over and over and over and over.
You claim 'look, it worked once, that means it will work every time, just put your life and freedom on the line and check, and don't consider the hundreds of times it ended in prison or death.'

He didn't actually comply legally, legally if you have a concealed firearm in your glove compartment, you MUST inform officers IMMEDIATELY....They didn't, and tried to hide it by bringing up his registration on his phone instead of retrieving the paper copy from his glove compartment. Many MANY cases just like this end in tragedy. This one just ended in a full vehicle search without a warrant.

Comply with officers requests, eh? So let them violate your rights and you'll be fine....except when you aren't. So American, comrade. Perhaps, since you likely live where you have no rights, you don't understand them. If you don't exercise your rights, you don't have any.

This isn't the narrative because it's not the norm, and even if it was, that's besides the point. The daily violations and murders of unarmed, mostly black men, is the point you wish to ignore. Pablo Escobar was a nice guy if you did what he said, were polite and compliant, and never hinted at crossing him. He's not a good guy or good apple, he was a violent criminal thug...just like police.

When Trump called for the death penalty for the innocent Central Park 5, were all those times they didn't rape women (including the time they were falsely accused) the point, or was the singular, false accusation about the one time they did rape someone his only point? Hint-it's the second one.

Edit : Now, are you ever going to produce these "known instances" of massive democratic voter fraud, or can you admit that was just one more thing you made up? It's not going away, I plan on asking until you have the testicular fortitude to answer.

bobknight33 said:


Sorry NEWT no brother was harmed. Nothing to see here. I realize ALL you post is bad cop vids because of your derange mind is to intolerant to accept that not all cops are bad.

Take solace newt, you will find something to bitch about this.

This is the example of the social compact between society and its law enforcement.

Funny when one is cordial, open dialog, legal, and complies with request form officers things go pretty well.

However this is NOT the narrative that FAKE news pushes day in day out, sowing the seeds of discontent just for the up coming election. If Dems win then race issue pushed to the back burner again.

Joe Biden's Crime Bill In his own words.

newtboy says...

The way it's presented here, yes, his own words are edited and selected with other words/statements omitted to create right wing propaganda. Where are the parts where he admits he was wrong and apologized over and over?

How about Trump's own words, and Trump's own position then. He said the Clinton/Biden crime bill was way too soft and lenient. Here's a taste from Trump's book....

"The perpetrator is never a victim. He’s nothing more than a predator. (pages 93-94).

A life is a life, and if you criminally take an innocent life, you’d better be prepared to forfeit your own. My only complaint is that lethal injection is too comfortable a way to go. (pages 102-103).

Criminals are often returned to society because of forgiving judges. This has to stop. We need to hold judges more accountable… The rest of us need to rethink prisons and punishment. The next time you hear someone saying there are too many people in prison, ask them how many thugs they’re willing to relocate to their neighborhood. The answer: None. (pages 106-107)."

If that doesn’t sound like support for mass incarceration and the death penalty with little chance for criminal justice reform in sentencing, I’m not sure what does.

How about the Central Park 5? Trump paid for adds calling for the death penalty for these wrongly accused boys. Despite DNA evidence and a confession by the real rapist and restitution from the state in the $40000000 range Trump STILL insists they're guilty of something (he doesn't know what they did, but they're definitely guilty) and deserve the death penalty.....clearly forgetting he's bragged about doing what they were wrongly accused of....sexual assault.

Biden has admitted his position was wrong, and repeatedly apologized. Trump has NEVER done that, even about calling for the death penalty for the proven innocent.

*facepalm. You still don't understand that some people have a longer memory than a gnat, and we can recall that no matter the topic, Trump's position was worse than Democrats at the time, and his current position is worse than their current position.

bobknight33 said:

Blind Tools like you I don't car about.

These are his own words, not mine.

So Joe words are right wring propaganda? Well isn't that a MF switch. Joe gone full right wing. So Trump can dump Pence and pick up Finger banging Joe as VP?

Newt - give it up you a troll for the hardest of the leftest. Radical Anti cop, ANTIFA friend. Take that chip off you shoulder and you might just see America IS great.

It's Time to Quit the Catholic Church!

C-note says...

He would have more success trying to catch a unicorn in Central Park. The church has deep pockets and plays a long game that span far beyond any individual's lifetime.

Central Park Bootcamp NYC 212-865-9290

insane camera zoom

deathcow says...

> 2000mm focal length?!

One of my telescopes is 1800mm f/9 native focal length with an 8" front lens, talk about resolution and light gathering. It would be an honor to try it from a central park apartment in New York

Bill Nye's Answer to the Fermi Paradox

gorillaman says...

"Imagine yourself taking a stroll through Manhattan, somewhere north of 68th street, deep inside Central Park, late at night. It would be nice to meet someone friendly, but you know that the park is dangerous at night. That's when the monsters come out. There's always a strong undercurrent of drug dealings, muggings, and occasional homicides.

It is not easy to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys. They dress alike, and the weapons are concealed. The only difference is intent, and you can't read minds.

Stay in the dark long enough and you may hear an occasional distant shriek or blunder across a body.

How do you survive the night? The last thing you want to do is shout, "I'm here!" The next to last thing you want to do is reply to someone who shouts, "I'm a friend!"

What you would like to do is find a policeman, or get out of the park. But you don't want to make noise or move towards a light where you might be spotted, and it is difficult to find either a policeman or your way out without making yourself known. Your safest option is to hunker down and wait for daylight, then safely walk out.

There are, of course, a few obvious differences between Central Park and the universe.

There is no policeman.

There is no way out.

And the night never ends."

Stormsinger said:

But we still have not the slightest idea what the average lifespan of a technological civilization might be. It's also possible that there are predators out there, and the survivors only survive by keeping mum.

Inner-City Wizard School - Key & Peele

ugh says...

Aha! I thought Vincent Clortho sounded familiar. It's from one of my all time favorite movies - Ghostbusters. Louis, played by Rick Moranis, was possessed by the Keymaster Vinz Clortho. Here's a bit of the script from IMDB.

Louis: [Louis, as the possessed Keymaster Vinz Clortho, runs out of Central Park, scaring a married couple] I am the Keymaster! The Destructor is coming. Gozer the Traveler, the Destroyer.
[Louis pants and sniffs, then notices a horse carriage; horse neighs]
Louis: Gatekeeper.
[Walk over towards the horse]
Louis: I am Vinz, Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer. Volguus Zildrohar, Lord of the Sebouillia. Are you the Gatekeeper?
Coachman: Hey, he pulls the wagon, I made the deals. You want a ride?
[the possessed Louis growls at the coachman with his red-glowing eyes]
Louis: [to the horse] Wait for the sign. Then our prisoners will be released.
[Runs amok, scaring bystanders; yelling]
Louis: You will perish in flame, you and all your kind! Gatekeeper!
Coachman: What an asshole.

Time-Lapse of Central Park in NYC Shows the Seasons Changing

Black Range Rover Runs Over Bikers in NYC

newtboy says...

I guess that blows Chairman_Woo's theory that the driver MUST have instigated the bikers behavior out of the water.
Reports are that this same group does this ride yearly, and then goes to central park (I think) and causes major trouble...fights, bike tricking, riding on foot paths, intimidating any non-bikers...I'm just sad more bikes weren't destroyed and more fags hurt. (Good on you littledragon_79)

Drax said:

The current report is the driver called 911 due to the eradic behaviour of the bikers. When they realized he was calling the police (I'm guessing that moment is the guy looking into the window which I commented on earlier) they went after him.

A Nice Response to Gay Marriage Being Called Unnatural

messenger says...

He missed the argument in a few ways. The same people who say gay marriage is unnatural also say that humans were created specially by God, so those same people can claim that humans were created to have straight and non-incestuous sex only.

A better argument for gay marriage (remember now that gay marriage isn't equal to butt sex) is that there are long-term gay couples in nature, including a famous threesome (of geese? ducks?) in the Central Park Zoo. They are a better example for gay marriage in nature.

But those same people can also claim that God made humans to be higher than any animal, and part of "higher" means that animals can do what they do, but it's only natural for humans to marry people of the opposite sex.

The argument against this is that marriage itself is a human-made social convention. In the beginning, there wasn't any marriage. It simply became socially easier if a particular woman was officially claimed and recognized as claimed by the rest of the society to prevent costly infighting between the men who were then unavailable to hunt and defend the tribe.

But those same people can also claim that God created the institution of marriage at the moment he created Eve, so there never was a lack of marriage in society.

And there is no argument against dogma. So don't bother.

"I Just Had Sex" - The Lonely Island ft. Akon

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