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Detroit's Abandoned Skyscrapers

oritteropo says...

The docos I have seen on excavations of suddenly abandoned cities generally feature some discussion of whether there is evidence of political collapse (fire, looting) or natural catastrophe (climate records of drought, or evidence of earthquake etc.).

In some cases it is possible to determine, but sometimes we'll just never know.

Of course, it's always possible that a city happened to suffer a GFC style bank blow-up exactly as a natural catastrophe arrived, there's no rule that droughts can't happen in years of political or financial ineptitude.

TheFreak said:

When they excavate ancient cities and discover they were suddenly abandoned, there's always an assumption of some great natural catastrophe that caused it. I wonder how often it was collapsing economies or political hubris that were the real cause.

Detroit's Abandoned Skyscrapers

TheFreak says...

When they excavate ancient cities and discover they were suddenly abandoned, there's always an assumption of some great natural catastrophe that caused it. I wonder how often it was collapsing economies or political hubris that were the real cause.

nanrod (Member Profile)

Fail mother leads her kids into oncoming traffic

VoodooV says...

I think it's equal blame personally. No excuse for driving the wrong way down a one way. I have to admit though, this is one of my biggest pet peeves. for some reason, it has become acceptable for pedestrians to walk right into the street without looking both ways.

I see it all the time, I'm in my car, wanting to turn, only to see some pedestrian nearing the intersection and just walk right into it without turning their heads or batting an eye.

It makes absolutely no sense. This is one case where I think might does make right. cars take a long time to come to a stop, whereas a human can stop almost instantly. A car hitting a human can be catastrophic as shown in the video...a human hitting a car? when does that happen?

Cars should be given the right of way

but yeah, when they're going the wrong way down a one way, it's harder to be forgiving.

The future of cycling is here

AeroMechanical says...

Seems like he kind of missed the boat by a few years. There was a lot of talk about using flywheels in regenerative braking (and even as the primary power source for things like busses) and such several years ago, but it seems like none of it really panned out. They have to be so massive as to be impractical that way, or spin at such ridiculous speeds that makes manufacturing tolerances so tight as to be impractical. They can also be very dangerous if they fail catastrophically.

Of course, that doesn't mean they should stop pursuing the concept. It's a very interesting idea.

BIrds Against Wind Power

robbersdog49 says...

The camera zooms out.

On a more general note: These sort of videos are what they are; one side of the argument. Nothing more. Nothing less. This shows a very direct incident. The problem with other methods of energy creation (mainly burning fossil fuels) is that the majority of the casualties are from indirect incidents. Pollution causing a loss of fertility in the breeding population would be a good example of where a population could be massively affected, but it wouldn't be obvious what was happening and there wouldn't be the opportunity for such an attention grabbing video.

No-one is saying these wind turbines are perfect, but despite what we see in this video we'd need data from both sides of the equation to make an informed decision. What might ave been catastrophic for that bird may actually be the saviour of the species.

In the same way there are people who have been permanently deafened by airbags or injured or even killed by tem going off accidentally in cars. But I'm pretty sure no sane person would argue that they are a harmful addition to a car as they have demonstrably saved many, many thousands of lives. What we're seeing in this video is the equivalent of watching an airbag go off when it shouldn't a causing a crash. It's a terrible thing for sure, but without the overall figures you can't say it means airbags are bad (or good).

Fantomas said:

Something very odd happens at the 9 second mark where the bird seems to 'jump' towards the rotors.

I'm really not sure what to make of this video.

Irish Politician Calls Obama "War Criminal" & "Hypocrite"

chingalera says...

The "silent" war has been a huge success already-

Distracting and dumbing-down an entire nation while toxifying them with food, advertising, punditry, sports diversion, terrorist paranoia, mindless, vapid dialogue of current events designed to disrupt critical thinking and instill a systemic helplessness to recoil or rebel....It's going to take meta-programming on a global scale to correct this fuck-up, or perhaps simply worldwide natural catastrophe or alien invasion. We could start by executing politicians on national television, that'd be the fastest quick-fix...after a speedy series of mock trials of course-

SevenFingers said:

SO I'm assuming (this is one big ASS. mind you) that if Snowden get's droned to death, and it is confirmed an american military drone killed him, that war will break out inside the USA within 20 years.

Or maybe USA will fill so full of shit it eventually has diarrhea all over the rest of the planet and everyone will be covered.

Saudi Instructional Video - How wives should be disciplined

chingalera says...

Damn Buck, that just about covers it-I'm Pat Condell, and I'd like to buy you a few pints and some virgins!

Srsly, what you hate about Islam and Muslims-at-large lies in the root developmental-disability: Something so hard-wired into a culture it would take several generations to correct or, as I have mentioned before, a collective world-wide experience that flips the paradigm on it's head.

An alien invasion or worldwide catastrophe would go a long way towards sobering us monkeys the fuck, RIGHT up! (world shakes fist at sky with one tongue, "Fuuuuck yewwwwwww, Gaaaaawd!")

Besides Buck and myself, I wonder how many people's first reaction when they heard what this guy had to spew was to want to take one of those sticks to his mealy, little mouth???

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

chingalera says...

Whoa. Is this finality? Time to join Morganth for a 2-peep wolf-pack of Blitzer!!
THIS JUST IN: Catastrophe News Network Sends Choad-For- Ratings To Disaster Zone

Motorcycle Crashes into Bicycles

dhdigital says...

well this wasn't the video to watch before I go for a bike ride today... =\

looking at the yt info there were no broken bones and the person was discharged from the hospital. Looking at the damage to the bikes is pretty catastrophic. I was also wondering if they could find a bigger tow truck for the motorcycle.

Cargo Plane Falls Out Of The Sky

chingalera says...

This one must also and obviously recognize, given the audio unedited, the calm doggy, etc, that certain folks don't lose their shit when explosions or other such mahem erupts or arises from catastrophic FUBAR, given they're used to such a display in the regular day-to-day more than the most of us, fucking-off on the internet in our cushy podz....

CelebrateApathy said:

Obviously, there is sound with the video. How did the driver of that car avoid a "HOLY FUCK!" moment as this was happening? That guy must have really seen some shit over there if a cargo plane exploding in front of him barely elicits any emotion.

Red Hot Nickel Ball in Honey

mindbrain says...

First thought: Ghostbusters II toaster dance.

Second thought: That's a lot of trouble to create science lab sound effect ambience.

Third thought: What the what?!

This guy is accidentally going to create the catastrophe that starts the zombie plague or worse. Molten nickel ball will be to blame.

Transgender at 11 yrs. Old

jmd says...

Its clear when she was born, her brain was in the female gender position while her body was not. There are simply so many things that can go different in the body that I am in no way surprised we see a case like this. IMO however they need to act fast (I'm sure they prolly know this too) to supress testosterone levels before she hits puberty, or her world will quickly come crashing down.

Sex change is inevitable, but personally I think it is a far better route then to try drugs or even surgery to alter how the brain works. It is far less catastrophic to change the body to accomidate then it is to change the mind after so many years of working like a girl.

This film should be seen by everyone

Yogi says...

It's another example of how we're destroying the planet. You realize that because of our choices we will most likely not last another hundred years. Because of environmental changes or nuclear catastrophe. We have the power to change our course but instead people like you say "Eh not so bad."

Thanks for your input, see you in hell.

visionep said:

Looks like a thriving population. There probably isn't enough food so they eat stuff that they wouldn't naturally be interested in, like plastic and metal chips.

Evolution in process. The birds that learn not to eat the plastic will procreate and thrive. Natural selection is not pretty, but with a big population and enough generations these birds aren't likely to face extinction from the great garbage fields that currently exist out in the oceans.

Of course, you should still teach your kids to not to litter and to try and respect the environment. But picking out some birds dying because of man-made changes to their environment and not pointing out that nature itself kills huge populations of animals all of the time with poisons and invasive species is just over emphasizing a minor side affect of the growth of human civilization.

This film should be seen by everyone

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