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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

MEGA has nothing to do with it.

The economy is like it is because of too much spending too quickly. Look at the increase over last 4 years.

What the Republicans passed is fair even if Democrats dont like it.

What they should have done is pass 1.5 Trillion increase with the only exception is that both sides cut programs 5% across the board, set budget to last years tax receipts.

From Bush 42 with 12 Trillion to today 32 Trillion in about a Decade.
Government does not have a $ problem they have a spending problem.
Government steals enough $ from Americans.

Yes military and social security needs to be cut as well.. Both side need to do and not blame each other. Just get the job done.

Bank failures are due the interest rate hikes. These hikes are put in place to drive down inflation. Inflation is caused ( mostly) by dumping more $ into the supply as noted above.

Trump might have started it but Biden's $ increase is the straw that broke the camels back.

Blaming both sides doe not solve the problem. Solving the problem solves the problem.

newtboy said:

I realize the economy is slumping and likely to crash…because MAGA is playing blackmail chicken with the (mostly Republican spending) debt. Their austerity plan is economy destroying too, and puts millions more homeless on the streets and jobless.
It’s also responsible for the bank failures thanks to 2018 MAGA banking deregulation because apparently the right cannot remember how their deregulation of banks caused the global deep recession/depression in 08.

Yes, this MAGA shitshow continues to hurt America intentionally.

A Definitely True Message From George Santos

newtboy says...

McCarthy has said clearly that the ONLY thing that would get him to CONSIDER expelling him is if the Republican controlled ethics committee finds he has committed crimes as a representative….not state fraud charges or convictions, not Federal finance violations, not selling influence to Russia, not conviction and deportation internationally….only if the Republican “ethics” committee finds he IS committing crimes.

Hint, they are not investigating him.

Only one side is even close to this corrupt, bob.

Democrats kicked out representatives for taking a funny picture pointing at a woman, Republicans protect actual rapists (trump, Kavenaugh, Jordan), thieves (all), frauds (all), liars (all), unreported foreign funding (every MAGgot), actually being a paid foreign agent (all of Trump’s cabinet), or any crime imaginable.

Btw - Republicans are now trying to default on THEIR debt, which would destroy the economy. Trump added near $8 trillion to the debt, 25% of ALL debt, more than Obama and Bush combined in just 4 years….and suddenly republicans care about debt?!? Shut your lying mouths, you are so full of shit it’s leaking out your lips.

bobknight33 said:

That being said he should be kicked out. But Rep's will not do such a thing because they need him to hold the majority.

Sad to see that our government is so corrupt and standards so low. This is on both sides.

Republican Socialists

newtboy says...

The last 3 major recessions were under and 100% due to Republican “leadership”, the last 3 economic booms were under Democratic leadership. Democrats caused the last budget surplus the country will likely ever see, actually paying down the debt until Bush fucked it all up.

Who’s causing downward economic spirals again?

The idea that Republicans are better on the economy is just ignorant belief in propaganda. Consistently the economy does better under democratic leadership and spirals down under Republicans….usually directly because of their policies like in 08 and 2020. Both 100% caused by Republican policies (like banking deregulation or Covid denial), policies opposed by the left.

This has been the case for decades.

Republicans spend like drunken sailors, then cry poverty the instant democrats hold the purse strings.

bobknight33 said:

Joe and his party has accelerated the American economy on a downward spiral.

This has been decades in the making.

Trump spent a lot, but so did Obama and Biden.

The question is whats being done now to to correct the economy?

What is the answer?

Higher interest rates are not helping, not at the rate of change that has been put forth.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Just going to slink away disgraced again?
No admission that you have political history 100% backwards, accusing Gore of trying to stop the 3rd (re)count against Bush (the first two having been sabotaged by Florida officials intentionally not following election laws) which is ridiculous nonsense (and why I’m forced to ridicule your ignorant, self serving, and 100% wrong position), also accusing phantoms of trying to stop the count against Trump. Never happened, no one even tried to stop a recount, eventually they did say enough, but not before multiple recounts and investigations. Stopping the fifth recount after getting the same results 4 times is not even related to trying to never count tens of millions of valid legal votes like Trump and the Rebs.

Trump tried to stop the first count, insisting on not counting mail in votes because he knew they would be mostly for Biden because Democrats believed Covid was dangerous and not a mild cold so voted by mail and not in person by and large. Not counting votes is cheating, fool. Disenfranchising tens of millions of valid voters for no reason besides you lost the valid election is criminal.

Yes, we are at the point that if a state legislature cheats, it counts, and this bill will fix that.
It is brilliant, so brilliant that it also exposes the blatant anti democracy, anti American position the right currently holds. Dozens of right wing media personalities are actually suggesting forcibly installing Trump as president and ending elections completely. It proves that Republicans don’t care a whit about election security because they want all loopholes and lapses in security left intact for them to try to exploit again, hoping next time they’ll be successful at ending democracy in America…undeniably and indisputably. It also proves how shortsightedly idiotic you are by not considering that Trump won’t live forever.

Your guys, your team, firmly dictatorial, draconian, and anti democracy. Clearly trying to preserve their method of cheating. And you support it by reversing reality again. Brilliant.

bobknight33 said:

So if a State cheated -Its official?

Democrats tried to stop the Bush count and also the Trump count.

But when Republicans try to stop the Biden count you cry like little bitches.

So now we are at the point that IF a state cheats it counts. Brilliant.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Um….what? This stops any state from cheating and requires they send electors for the candidate that won more certified votes.
Today, without the bill, if a State legislature cheats like dozens of Republican legislatures did in 2020, there’s a good chance it’s still official….that’s what you want, the ability for dishonest Republican legislatures to pick the state winner, not voters.
This stops unsubstantiated claims of cheating from being enough to overturn an election…it stops anti democratic frauds like the ones Trumpsters tried in 2020 from being in any way legal.

Are you brain damaged? Democrats wanted the recount, Bush won because it was halted. Gore sued for recounts, Bush sued to stop them. YOU MORONIC IMBICILE.
Holy fucking sheep shit buddy. You have everything totally backwards and upside down. It’s a shock you aren’t dead from shoving steak in your asshole and trying to shit out your neck.

This time Republicans tried to stop the count, not a recount, not a second recount, but the initial count of valid certified votes….also, moron, history lesson..republicans and the conservative court stopped the recount in 2000, not Democrats….after 1/4 of Florida counties failed to complete a legally required machine recount Gore sued for hand recounts and Bush successfully blocked them, that’s why Bush “won” despite not getting more votes. Are you really so insane you think Democrats stopped the recount that had them ahead, handing unearned victory to Bush? You probably are.

Tried to stop the Trump count? What the everloving fuck are you making up now? Clinton conceded the day after the election (after she won with 3 million more votes), no one tried to stop the count, you moronic liar. WHAT!?!

Again…WHAT? What do you mean by the meaningless “if a state cheats”? That’s some meaningless nonsense speak….define this chimeric right wing term. This bill STOPS state legislatures from cheating, ignoring the vote and sending electors they choose. That STOPS cheating, it doesn’t allow it. It also still lets congress to invalidate electors if there’s corruption…but by 2/3 vote not just one.

You’re smoking too much meth again. Derp.

bobknight33 said:

So if a State cheated -Its official?

Democrats tried to stop the Bush count and also the Trump count.

But when Republicans try to stop the Biden count you cry like little bitches.

So now we are at the point that IF a state cheats it counts. Brilliant.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

So if a State cheated -Its official?

Democrats tried to stop the Bush count and also the Trump count.

But when Republicans try to stop the Biden count you cry like little bitches.

So now we are at the point that IF a state cheats it counts. Brilliant.

newtboy said:

Yesterday, 203 Republicans voted against the bill that Democrats passed in the House which would "amend the 1887 Electoral Count Act to remove any doubt that the vice president's role in counting Electoral College votes is simply ministerial. It would lift the threshold for members of Congress to force a vote on discounting presidential electors from just one member of the House and the Senate each to one-third of both chambers. And it would require governors to send electors to Congress for the candidate who won, based on state law set before Election Day, which cannot be retroactively changed."

Apparently electing the winners of elections is something that Republicans are now unambiguously publicly on the record as being against…which means a majority of your party is purely and undeniably anti democracy.

When will it be too much for you? Ever?

The New MAGA Commercial For Greg Abbot- Whose Choice

luxintenebris says...

in the U.S. 15 - 20% of all pregnancies will end in a miscarriage or stillbirth.

if that's nature, GOD lets it happen. so let's be thorough. punish all those who would 'kill' babies. burn down the churches! that'll show HIM!

it's a cruel law meant only for political gain or pseudo-moral pride. no one can say infants matter when they do little to nothing to help them AFTER they are born. that's a reality too.

want to refute that?

remember this?

likely those 'lifers' can rest peacefully ignoring the horror of some smug unjust hypocritical law - but the kid can't.

* * * *

or someone that says it better...

also some of the things that the Holy Warriors overlooked...
religious freedom:
federal land:

Biden Approval WTF

newtboy says...

And Trump, GW, Reagan, and Nixon. Only Bush SR wasn’t a disaster like the rest of Republican presidents in my lifetime, and he was no prize.

kir_mokum said:

you said he was the worst POTUS which is a ridiculous opinion considering buchanan, johnson, and harding existed.

Best fireworks finale ever

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

bobknight33 says...

Mass shootings/presidents in office
Reagan- 31
Bush- 18
Clinton- 54 *
Bush- 49
Obama- 132*
Trump- 40
Biden- 147 (so far)
...Mass shootings" comprise about 1% of all gun-related homicides in America. Just noise. Not worth targeting with legislation.
According to 0bama's own CDC study, guns are used to prevent crimes between 750K and 1.5 million times per year.
Mass sh*oting fatalities: About less than 900.
Mass k*l l ings of unarmed citizens by socialist governments in the last 100 years: Bbetween 100 million & 260 million DURING PEACE TIME.
Allowing ANY government to begin the process of UNVERSAL registering and confiscating your g u n s through monetary pressures is the beginning of total tyranny, SUBJUGATION, slavery and Mass S l a u g h t e r of the non-elite class, which is most people.
the question is, do most people care enough to protect & fight for their God given freedoms of self-defense against evil??

Biblically Accurate Angels

cloudballoon says...

Hey it's White, so you shouldn't be feared. Just like W. Bush looked into Putin's eyes and saw his pure, pure caucasian soul and tell us he shouldn't be feared, right? Right?

Dark joke aside, any Christians who'd take all the mythical/fantastical aspects of the Bible in a literal sense are pretty brain-head and gullible to begin with. Better to figure out the symbolic or allegorical meaning of those verses.

Centuries/millenniums ago people - from the West to the East - would claim they saw dragons but instead were just seeing tornadoes instead. They couldn't process what they saw with the science we now know so they wrote those fantastical stuff in the Bible. It's their "truth" not ours.

Just like the far right is living a different kind of fantastical, wholly imagined fear-mongered "reality," or like many people in Russia honestly brainwashed into believing Putin is currently liberating Ukraine.

Buttle said:

Angels approaching humans almost always say "fear not". There has to be a reason for that.

STUDY: $500 Per Month Life Changing For The Homeless

newtboy says...

Republicans seem to think bad random events only happen to corporations that deserve handouts whenever they ask, but when actual people go bankrupt and become destitute it’s always laziness, poor choices, or in the case of their favorite clown, good business.
They also seem to have trouble understanding the truth in the saying “a rising tide lifts all boats.”

Sometimes I feel like Alzheimer’s must be transmitted through political affiliation, because Republican minds have been slowly turning to mush since Reagan. When I was young, Republicans could still think, do math, and make cogent, if inhumane arguments (but not so much after Bush sr.). Now they’re just inhumane.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ruh roe.
Turns out the Trump campaign paid people to go to the coup, at least 60 of the rioters. That’s not good.
Double ruh roe, turns out they also paid for the “command center” in the Willard hotel that Giuliani and others involved in the planning and instigation of the coup attempt worked from, negating the non existent claim of executive privilege for non government work done by his campaign that is required to be public record in the first place.
Triple ruh roe, the Trump campaign “forgot” to list that expenditure, and the work done by Trump’s campaign workers planning the attack against American democracy…a blatant and unambiguous campaign finance violation.

New felonies coming to light daily as NDAs dissolve and people are finally free to say what they witnessed in the least transparent and most criminal administration in the nation’s history by far. Just look up Trump administration official convictions, you won’t be able to finish it today, it’s too long, and still growing. 11 at the absolute highest level of government convicted of nearly 100 high crimes and misdemeanors, the numbers of lower level officials convicted is likely in the hundreds if not thousands, most charged with multiple crimes.
Or just look up his pardons, every one of which is a conviction for things like stealing tens of millions from “build the wall” donors…stealing from his people….pardoned. Lying to the FBI, pardoned. Working with Russia to undermine American policy before taking office, pardoned. Millions in tax fraud by not reporting millions made working as an unreported foreign agent, pardoned.

The most positive thing Trump did was remove Bush from the “worst president ever” position.

Also, Republicans only won in Tennessee because of voter fraud. He’s not the real governor. Never will be. Tennessee has no governor. Enjoy 4 years of that.
Funny how Republicans insisted there was SO much voter fraud happening in that election…until Youngkin was declared the winner when suddenly there was no fraud at all according to them. Almost like you guys are lying worthless pieces of shit who say anything without a hint of concern as to its veracity.
Also funny how Youngkin refused to have Trump campaign for him at all, never seen together, not even in the state, but of course Trump takes 100% of the credit for his “win”….a win that’s uncertified and fraudulent. You know it’s true.

FLAT OUT WRC Rally Finland 2021

newtboy says...

Like this?

It’s surprising it doesn’t happen more often.
When I raced off-road we had to think of them as bushes with clothes, otherwise we would be too worried to go fast. Just insane standing that close.

00Scud00 said:

Great shots but a few inches in the wrong direction and you're tomato paste.

New Rule: Words Matter | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

newtboy says...

No. We cannot.

5-10% on the left are radical and fucked in the head. >50% of the right are too. Qmorons are just one main batshit crazy portion. Edit: There’s also the anti science/anti education crowd, all on the right. And the xenophobic racist coward portion, all right wing. Then you’ve got the hyper Christians apoplectic at the idea we might help the poor, feed the starving, or treat others as they expect to be treated. Talk about delusional.

25% of the left are under educated gullible people who just accept what they see on the news without questioning it, 80% of the right are under educated gullible people who accept what they are told by foreign run propaganda channels that put “news” in their name because otherwise there would be absolutely zero news there.
The remaining 20% or less on the right are either struggling in their devil’s bargain, of selling their reputations, honesty, and sanity for temporary political or financial gains…or like my entire family, they’re walking away from lifetime Republican service that included running Bush sr’s Houston election office when he ran for governor.

The Q people….are the right. Don’t 1/2 or more of you believe that nonsense…that Democrats eat babies for eternal youth and magic power, Covid is a sham, vaccines are mind control, Jewish space lasers start wildfires because climate change is a massive worldwide hoax, school shootings are all faked, dead Democrats endorse Trump for king. Yes, wow….that’s half or more of your party…including many of your representatives. Totally certifiable nut jobs.

Wayne Brady biatch!

bobknight33 said:


So can we generally agree that:

10% of the Left/Right are radical and way too fucked in the head.

45% of the Left / Right are just gullible people who except what they see on the news, etc.- The Q people waiting for JFK. wow

The remaining actually spend some time and thought into issues at hand.

Dave Chapel is 1 of the greatest comics of our time.

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