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BSR (Member Profile)

notarobot (Member Profile)

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Congratulations! Your comment on This Cyclist Took Back the Bike Lane on the Brooklyn Bridge has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

This Cyclist Took Back the Bike Lane on the Brooklyn Bridge

eoe says...

Anyone who bikes in NY should know that you're just as likely to get over the Brooklyn Bridge as through the bike lane in Times Square. Basically, you're an idiot if you do it.

Go over the Manhattan Bridge just down the way a bit, and it's got an entirely dedicated bike lane. Granted, people coming/going from Chinatown oftentimes incorrectly take it, but they're few and far between.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Michael Jackson - Black Or White Tribute

eric3579 says...

That was amazing! *doublepromote

Locations in order of appearance:

1:15 Pont de Bir-Hakeim, Paris, France
1:30 Berlin Wall Memorial, Berlin, Germany
1:43 La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain
1:56 Hoxton Alley, London, UK
2:11 Regents Park, London, UK
2:33 Calle Traghetto Vecchio, Venice, Italy
2:49 St. Pauls Cathedral, London, UK
3:08 Rooftop Terrace, Copenhagen, Denmark
3:25 Sand Dunes, Dubai, UAE
3:33 Red Square, Moscow, Russia
3:45 Gulfoss and Gljúfurárfoss Waterfalls, Iceland
4:01 Mrs. Macqauries Point, Sydney, Australia
4:19 Shibuya Crossing, Tokyo, Japan
4:36 Brooklyn Bridge, New York City, United States of America

Blue Man Group in ...

Look mom, no hands!

Robert Reich Defines Free Speech (hint: it's not money)

MaxWilder says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

All too easy, Slapnuts.

Now deny it cause the stats don't come from

>> ^ChaosEngine:
>> ^quantumushroom:
Drug use, rapes, murders and random deaths are in every camp, all the attendant chaos one would expect when socialists, anarchists, code pink commies and feed-the-flames libmedia descend anywhere. These protestors are not even 1% of the 99%.

Citation needed, motherfucker.

Idiots put all their links in an image, so you can't click on them and read the reports for yourself... hmm, I wonder why?? Oh, it's because there were no reported murders in the links! And no reported rapes in the links! Lesser events? Yes, a few. Completely unrelated events? Why, yes, several!

Here, for your reading pleasure, are all the links the right-wing crypto-fascist zombie airheads can come up with to marginalize the "dirty hippies" on the lawn:

Links originally from Pundit Press:

From Oregon Live: Primarily about a man who showed up at Occupy Portland, dismissed it as "an eyesore" and criticized its "lack of cohesion", and was arrested within days for starting fires. Also includes a few other accounts of minor drug posession, disorderly conduct, a weapons charge, and arrests of people for charges unrelated to the Occupy camp. Occupy Portland had a problem from near the beginning with homeless people joining the camp, and there were no services from the city or state to help them.

From Denver Post: A man who made an impassioned speech in favor of the Occupy Fort Collins camp was arrested as a suspect in an ENTIRELY UNRELATED arson charge.

From Gawker: A military veteran died of a self-inflicted gunshot, and the city used it as an excuse to halt all camping.

From Fox News: A "rash" of reports that consists of 1 accusation of sexual abuse and 1 accusation of sexual assault in Zuccotti park, 1 accusation of sex with a minor in Dallas, and 1 alleged sexual assault in Cleveland. Fox inflates this to "nearly a half-dozen" reports. The article also includes a number of unsubstantiated rumors of destructive behavior by Occupy protestors in various locations around the country.

From Komo News: A man accused of indecent exposure (completely unrelated to the Occupy movement) is arrested when spotted taking part in an Occupy Seattle protest.

From Redstate: Blantaly right-wing opinion piece which includes a number of links purportedly supporting the premise that the Occupy movement is full of criminals. The very first link is about the police entrapment on the Brooklyn Bridge. One of the links is the above piece from Komo News about an unrelated exposure charge. And another is about how Iran supports the Occupy movement (fear the boogeyman!).

From Reuters: This article is about the man shot by Berkeley police in a computer lab at UC Berkeley. No ties to the Occupy movement at all. But the Occupy protest was nearby, so it must be related, right???

From ABC News: A man is arrested for firing an assault rifle at the White House. He "may have spent time with Occupy D.C. protesters."

From The Daily Cardinal: Link broken; defaults to University of Wisconsin's Daily Cardinal homepage.

From New York Post: Article is about theives preying on the lack of security at the Occupy camp. Apparently all that police overtime is really helping...

So! All these articles, and they amount to... a few isolated issues that don't nearly account for all the numbers posted, and a couple of them are for unrelated charges where the person might have been caught in or near an Occupy event.

My overall analysis: Aside from QM being full of shit as usual, it's time to let the camps go. They made a splash, but now they are just being used as fodder for the right wing lie-machines. There are just too many unrelated crazies that come to the camps and interfere with the message. It's time to Occupy the polls, and put the energy into publicly supported legislation.

700 Protesters On The Brooklyn Bridge

Yogi says...

>> ^dannym3141:

I tell you what, this sort of shit is exactly what these protesters need. If the police start manipulating people's trust in the police before handing out arrests, more people are gonna get pissed off. I'd be more happy to get pissed off at corrupt fucking police than wall street, because corrupt fucking police are given their orders by corrupt fucking government and that's where my hatred lies.
If i were the government right now, i'd be very fucking careful with what the police are doing, because oppression is one way to make this REALLY kick off and give every little group a common enemy to support each other against.
Reminds me of what michael moore said in that other video - the police are used to having power through cooperation, they're used to people doing as their told. They forget that there's fewer of them than there are of the people they're trying to control - that could get real ugly real fast; this does actually worry me a bit.
I bet the net result of this is an INCREASE in the number of protesters.

Bam. Exactly. They're using logic that came about in the past 10 years that if you make things "uncomfortable" for protesters at say G8 or something they will be marginalized and nobody will care what they're protesting. The problem is this world is more viral...more video and photos and contact than EVER before. This is us though and these are problems that concern us so a lot more people are watching this with interest and they see how the cops are treating these protesters.

NYPD Arresting Little Girl @ Occupy Wallstreet Protest

"Why Bank Of America Fired Me"

enoch says...

i think we can agree that we have differing philosophies.
that being said,understand that what i say here is in no way an attempt not to change your viewpoint but rather to give historical context. the 1800's a corporation was a temporary venture between different companies to achieve a common goal,the charter was only allowed if it was for the "common good".when the goal was achieved the corporation was dissolved i.e:the brooklyn bridge.
2.after the civil war a few creative lawyers used the newly written 14th amendment,installed to protect newly freed slaves rights,to create limited liability corporations that would not have to dissolve but rather flourish and have rights as a person.even though a corporation is not an actual person. the the 1960's (if i recall correctly) lawyers once again got creative and lobbied to have the "for the common good" removed from the corporate charter.which in essence took any morality out of the corporate charter leaving profit as it's sole impetus.
4.a governments role concerning business should be fraud protection.why?because the government is for the people and by the people (in theory at least) and with corporation no longer bound by law to do "common good" it is the last line of defense.
a.the reason i state this is because many people echo the "free market" line.what we have now is nothing close to a "free market".when a corporation can buy legislators to enact laws that benefit their own bottom line in the form of lobbyists we move closer to a plutocracy rather than a people run government.
b.i use adam smith and milton friedman as examples to make my point.for both of these men were huge proponents of the free market but for both of these economists plans to work there needed to be an equal playing can we have a free market when international conglomerates own our political leaders?they own the media so they control the message.

we are a republic.what makes us a democratic republic is our right to vote but if the message is controlled the vote will be slanted by that propaganda.the last thing our government,corporations and financial institutions want is an informed citizenry.

there are two more points i would like to make. state that you are immune to such manipulations and indoctrinations.
ok.if this is true then why do you constantly use terms like "lib" or "leftie"?
you my friend have been snookered into buying into a polemic paradigm that does not, in reality, exist.the message has permeated your views on people who may think or feel different than yourself.humanity is a far more diverse grouping than TWO ways of thinking,feeling,being.
2.i also saw that you put the responsibilty on the borrower.that in itself is not an entirely incorrect statement BUT according to the GOA it was only 20% "stupid borrowing" while 80% fraudulent,predatory and deceitful lending practices.i could go into further details but there is plenty of information out there to back this statement up.

in summary:
corporations can,and do,much good but they can also do incredible amounts of damage.the way the system is set up it comes down to cost/ benefit every time and maybe that needs to be changed,but when the government and our representatives are in bed with the very same companies that can create/destroy on such a huge scale we should all sit up and take notice.

on a personal note.winston,you sound like a pretty stand up guy but do not project your integrity onto a corporation.they would eliminate you in a heart beat if it profited them.also...dont be so quick to judge those who you do not know,understand or walked one inch in their happens and sometimes it aint pretty.
i enjoy our conversations winston.
till next time...peace.

Newest Transformer : Revenge of the Fallen Trailer

Peter Schiff's Response to Obama's State of the Union Speech

volumptuous says...

Everyone likes the concept of "spending cuts". Just like everyone likes the idea of "fun".

Where most disagree with Peter and Paul is what they want to cut. That's where they enter the fringe of our society; by praying for the elimination of NASA, CDC, EPA, NIH, etc. If it were up to these guys we'd never have the internet or the Brooklyn bridge.

T-Shirts are in! (Sift Talk Post)

maatc says...

Won´t be able to check my mailbox until the 27th.
If it is there already I will take it to NYC and take a midnight shot wearing it in Times Square or on the Brooklyn bridge or wherever the heck I will be at 12am.

As a matter of fact I think we should all wear it for new years eve and share the pics!

pictures of the proposed "Freedom Tower" in N.Y.C

daphne says...

"...but from a limited exsternal view piont it dose seem that a large number of americans suport what there goverment is doing..."

So that means those people who died "deserved" it?

And for the record, only the sheep and the wolves believed what this President did was right. A very good friend of mine lives there. She made the long, silent walk home over the Brooklyn Bridge after the tragedy...she lost friends and co-workers...she saw the pain and heart-break from such a heinous act up close and personal.... And neither she nor many of the other New Yorkers, wanted to hit back. New York City as a whole never supported what this administration did as revenge.

As for the video, thanks for posting it. I don't know if I like the name...I wish they would keep the name "World Trade Center"...because that building was a symbol of the world, not USA.

From the original architect, Minoru Yamasaki:

"The World Trade Center should, because of its importance, become a living representation of man's belief in humanity, his need for individual dignity, his belief in the cooperation of men, and through this cooperation his ability to find greatness."

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