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‫Taking your Falcon out for a spin

Jinx says...

I think your average duck can do about 70mph. Fastest on the flat is prolly something like a Swift (African or Eurasian? ).

And yes, it most certainly can do 88mph but nature did not see fit to evolve them a flux capacitor so ya, no blazing trails in the sky.

Study Dispels Concealed Carry Firearm Fantasies

gwiz665 says...

You're just being facetious. "They're demons that much be purged by fire raaah raaah".

That's nice.

It doesn't have much to do with academic achievements, it's just about being able to maintain a healthy living. Having guns freely available is outdated; it's turning the US into the wild west, and civilization has moved on from there. Get with the times.

I wouldn't want to be in society where just anyone and everyone had a gun on them. Much less a high school or college - fuck those people are all retarded, I don't want them to have a gun.

I'm all for having a weapon in your home to protect yourself from intruders; it's your home, so it's outside of everyone else's "realm of protection", but in the public space minimizing weapons is a good thing. There will still be violent muggings - you have to avoid the places where these things happen, not go in brazenly with a gun - but less people on both sides will be killed outright, because the weapons that make kills easy aren't readily available.

Denmark's muslims aren't mistreated, they're coddled. We have muslim gangs and shit, that I would love to quash, but I don't want to go in there guns blazing. If I see a big group of "suspicious people", I just turn away and go some other way. And in general I just avoid the places that they roam in.

How do you mean "average as high"? Salary? Violence? I think you accidentally a word.

chilaxe said:


Yes, sometimes knuckle-dragging animals get shot. That's particularly valuable when they're in your home beating your family.

No, nothing will fix academic achievement gaps within our lifetime, and the same applies to Denmark's achievement gaps. If the Danish system worked better than the US system, then Denmark's mistreated Muslims would average as high as US Muslims, who average even above the White average.

Study Dispels Concealed Carry Firearm Fantasies

csnel3 says...

I wasnt trying to put words in your mouth. I stated that "I got a feeling"....An overall vibe, from your comment , and then I described the gist that I got. And I dont think I was reading it wrong .
My second statement , that you say are not your words, is in quotation marks because you said
" kinda falls into the "duh" category. It's virtually everyone's fantasy to go in guns blazing" . My point was that not everyone that carrys a gun is in a fantasy land and thinks that they are John fuckin Wayne, which IS the idea that you are trying to sell.
I dont blame you for distancing yourself from your original comments.

Study Dispels Concealed Carry Firearm Fantasies

VoodooV says...

don't put words in my mouth. I never said that there is no point in being able to defend oneself. The strawman argument is that the goal is to take all weapons away. no rational person is making that argument.

the reality is that guns are romanticized in America. The reality is that this clouds our judgement.

your second statement is also putting words in my mouth. I never said the CCW went in with "blazing" guns. They were lucky that's all.They were lucky they were there, they were lucky the shooter ran, they were lucky the shooter's gun jammed. They were lucky the shooter didn't have another gun. These things are not hard to grasp.

Can a CCW make a difference...of course it *CAN* It doesn't mean you rely on it. It doesn't mean you shove more guns into peoples hands and just hope it all works out for the best.

the article could be biased/slanted whatever but it has plenty of grains of truth. The odds are in your favor if you run. The odds are in your favor if you hide. It takes a hell of a lot of persistent training to obtain that muscle memory. It takes training to fight the natural urge to freeze up or to panic.

Is it an obtainable goal? sure! What people are actually advocating is that there be increased requirements for someone to obtain and keep a weapon. Thus reducing the odds that some deranged individual is going to get one.

There is no magic way of stopping this stuff from ever happening, but the reality is that if you can reduce the number of guns in circulation, you reduce the odds of someone getting a gun and doing something harmful with it. If you increase the requirements of what it takes to obtain and keep a gain, you reduce the amount of untrained wannabe gunslingers out there and increase the odds that if someone does have a gun, they are trained to use it wisely.

Bottom line is that you have a right to bear arms, but with that right comes a responsibility. I hear a lot of people talking about rights, but precious few talking about responsibility. You might want to think about that.

csnel3 said:

I do agree with with you that RL is not a movie. I just got the feeling from your original comment that you felt that there is no point in being able to defend yourself because you will probaly just fuck it up. You did say "duh" to the idea that concealed carry is fantasy that will never pan out.
You also go on to say that the CCW was "lucky " he didnt shoot any innocent people with his "blazing" guns, when actually he stated that he didnt fire because there were people hiding in the Charlottes store behind the shooter.
You can call this story just an anecdote if you wish. The part "I dont get" is why you would put more stock in this old, staged , slanted , piece of shitty fluff study, then a recent , pertinent bit of Real Life.

Study Dispels Concealed Carry Firearm Fantasies

csnel3 says...

I do agree with with you that RL is not a movie. I just got the feeling from your original comment that you felt that there is no point in being able to defend yourself because you will probaly just fuck it up. You did say "duh" to the idea that concealed carry is fantasy that will never pan out.
You also go on to say that the CCW was "lucky " he didnt shoot any innocent people with his "blazing" guns, when actually he stated that he didnt fire because there were people hiding in the Charlottes store behind the shooter.
You can call this story just an anecdote if you wish. The part "I dont get" is why you would put more stock in this old, staged , slanted , piece of shitty fluff study, than a recent , pertinent bit of Real Life.

VoodooV said:

you do know what an anecdote is right? the CCW was lucky. right place right time and they were lucky enough to not fuck up or shoot innocents. what do you not get about this? RL is not a movie.

Study Dispels Concealed Carry Firearm Fantasies

VoodooV says...

kinda falls into the "duh" category. It's virtually everyone's fantasy to go in guns blazing, stop the bad guys and get the girl.

Wake the fuck up because you're dreaming.

Newsflash: playing a lot of Call of Duty doesn't train you.for a crisis situation. the vast majority of us would be more likely to wet ourselves in a real situation.

The reality is that you're more likely to be killed or get more innocents killed.

President Obama Addresses the Newtown, Conn., School Shootin

VoodooV says...

it's become the fashionable way to cry out for attention and go out in a blaze of, perceived, glory.

I think part of the problem is that mental health is still largely an unknown science. There is no magic detector that goes off if you're in extreme personal turmoil and about to crack.

There are some very good mental doctors out there, but there are a ton out there who do nothing but prescribe expensive pills.

Until mental health science improves, we've got to go after the guns. As someone already mentioned, we've got the most guns per capita, so obviously "more guns" isn't working. I've heard people already arguing that we've got to arm teachers...are fucking nuts?? There's got to be some sort of increase in gun control, what it is, I cannot say, but something needs to be done.

I also think a lot of this has to fall on the parents too, probably not in all cases, but I think in many you have the issue of negligent parenting. I still remember The columbine shooting and how the parents of the shooters immediately lawyered up. Then it was discovered they had a arsenal of weapons and explosives right there in the home. The parents had to know and just didn't care.

That's the problem though, how do you correct that? how do you stop a shitty parent from being a shitty parent and stop shit like this from ever happening in the first place.

America has some deep emotional issues we need to fucking address or more shootings are going to keep occurring. I agree, banning guns isn't going to solve the problem, but the problem is that tackling the REAL reason why this shit occurs is so out of our reach that banning guns is the only realistic alternative. Yes the problem is crazy people + guns. We have absolutely no idea how to address crazy people, but we sure as hell know how we can address the gun problem.

Del Toro casts Portal's Glados in "Pacific Rim" (Trailer)

When Should You Shoot a Cop?

Buck says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Buck:
Very interesting. I've pondered this question myself many times. I know 2 good cops personally and cannot imagine a firefight with them but really WHEN is enough enough? I think I would go out in a blaze if they tried to f with me but maybe that is my ego talking.
Who is supposed to be policing the police?

They keep stealing your donuts?

lol nope but last speed trap I passed I stopped and yelled to the cop, "why don't you go find some missing children or something, instead of picking on normal citizens doing 10 above the limit!"
I was given a very dirty look and continued on my way.

When Should You Shoot a Cop?

Yogi says...

>> ^Buck:

Very interesting. I've pondered this question myself many times. I know 2 good cops personally and cannot imagine a firefight with them but really WHEN is enough enough? I think I would go out in a blaze if they tried to f with me but maybe that is my ego talking.
Who is supposed to be policing the police?

They keep stealing your donuts?

When Should You Shoot a Cop?

Buck says...

Very interesting. I've pondered this question myself many times. I know 2 good cops personally and cannot imagine a firefight with them but really WHEN is enough enough? I think I would go out in a blaze if they tried to f with me but maybe that is my ego talking.

Who is supposed to be policing the police?

bioshock infinite - beast of america trailer

artician says...

>> ^Deano:

Odd that they couldn't get this released for the Xmas rush.

Publishers are slowly (thankfully) recognizing that the Christmas-rush is bullshit. More are waiting until just after Christmas when they don't have to compete with the Xmas-game hype, and gamers have already blazed through the holiday offerings and are looking for something for the new year.

I have always bought less games around Christmas simply because of the over-saturation. I'll pick one (maybe) and wait to see how the others fare and get them when they're prices drop, if at all. I get frustrated at the complete lack of new games in the summer seasons too, so I'm happy more releases are spreading out.

And this looks like it will be around the same level of quality of the original. Great atmosphere and amazing visualization, but tired and overly-scripted gameplay. The character animation, though, looks particularly horrible, which is a bummer.

Django Unchained -- Trailer #2

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

shinyblurry says...

>> ^VoodooV:

I like how @shinyblurry admits to the power of suggestion, but clearly has decided one way.
Two things I found interesting is that in @mtadd's clip:
1) the chanting occurs right AFTER Ryan just gave a long speech, AND Romney props him up for it so it would certainly be reasonable for them to chant Ryan.
2) the audio is just plain shitty, though it is odd that right before the moment of interest occurs, the volume goes up (sadly, it just amplifies the shittiness of the audio instead of making things easier to hear). I can certainly see how you might think you hear Romney, but one thing that does stand out is that despite how similar their names sound in that context, you never hear the "ney" part of Romney's name in any of that chanting. Ryan Ryan, RomNEY, RomNEY. You just never hear any of that emphasis on that last syllable, which suggests they're saying Ryan.
In the end though, it just really doesn't matter and it just proves my previous post. They're going for the sensationalism. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. It's a manufactured controversy designed to stir people up. Just like the birther phenomenon, just like whatever it was in Bush's suit when he debated with Kerry. It's just like Fox getting caught encouraging and directing the tea party protests and making it seem like there were more there than there actually was. It's manufactured outrage.
The reality is that Romney is losing because he's boring and out of touch and he hasn't presented any concrete ideas and he needs Ryan to stir people up (gasp..more sensationalism vs substance, whoduvthunkit) It wouldn't matter if you caught MSNBC red-handed doctoring the video, it doesn't change the reality.
If anything, giving this controversy air time is still a net negative for Romney. You're just playing the same blame game the right is accusing Obama of. Doesn't make Romney look any better even if MSNBC held a press conference and admitted to a coverup. "And I would have won if it weren't for that meddling press" Ut oh Scooby Do!
You're picking at nits while the house is burning down all around you.
It's not an issue of left vs right, it's an issue of low ratings, or high ratings. end of story.

I decided to believe what the crowd was reported to say, as well as the people who were actually there said happened, and also what my ears hear:

@3:35 p.m.: Ryan pauses for a moment while the crowd begins to chant, “Romney, Romney, Romney …”

@3:36 p.m.: Mitt Romney begins speaking to the crowd. Asks them to chant, “Romney, Ryan; Romney, Ryan; Romney, Ryan …”

Even the New York Times reported it accurately:

After Mr. Ryan whooped up the crowd in Vandalia on Tuesday, Mr. Romney moved to the front of the stage. As the crowd began chanting “Romney! Romney!” he cut them off.“Wait a second,” Mr. Romney said, instructing the audience to cheer for “Romney-Ryan! Romney-Ryan!” They did.

“There we go,” he said, pleased.

As far as your commentary goes, I can agree with what you're saying generally. This is all about rearranging chairs on the deck of the titanic. You are speaking of some corporate conspiracy, I am speaking to the Satanic power behind the conspiracy. I just think it's interesting that the sift got a kick out of the clip as it was falsely portrayed, and aren't actually interested in what really happened.

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

shinyblurry says...

If you watch the cnn clip, it is clearer..this is also what the press reported:

@3:35 p.m.: Ryan pauses for a moment while the crowd begins to chant, “Romney, Romney, Romney …”

@3:36 p.m.: Mitt Romney begins speaking to the crowd. Asks them to chant, “Romney, Ryan; Romney, Ryan; Romney, Ryan …”

Even the New York Times reported it accurately:

After Mr. Ryan whooped up the crowd in Vandalia on Tuesday, Mr. Romney moved to the front of the stage. As the crowd began chanting “Romney! Romney!” he cut them off.“Wait a second,” Mr. Romney said, instructing the audience to cheer for “Romney-Ryan! Romney-Ryan!” They did.

“There we go,” he said, pleased.

This is what the people who attended the rally said:

>> ^Quboid:

>> ^volumptuous:
Yes, they were shouting "Romney" which is why Mitt was trying to get them to chant "Romney" instead. Wait, what?

Uh, no. Regardless of what doctoring or whatever is going on, this is just wrong. He tried to get them to chant "Romney/Ryan".
It sounds like "Ryan" to me, at this point. The audio's not great and this just apples to this few seconds but I don't think this is doctored. If it has been doctored, that's really shitty.

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