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Father Arrested for Picking Up His Children on Foot

chingalera says...

@bmacs27: GOD I fucking hate when people use the word "CLEARLY!" CLEARLY this blah blah blah and CLEARLY...Stop it...makes you sound like a pretentious idiot.

Look-All this ineffectual spit-poppin' on this thread:

Guy goes to school to pick up his kids and is harassed by bullshit rules and bullshit police. SIMPLE


The incident is complete bullshit, and a symptom of the insanity of shit like homeland security that relentlessly inept citizenry (insert blog-bitcher here) have let complete agenda-oriented cabals of politicians and their keepers, hustle you for.

Didn't Ben Fucking Franklin warn that anyone who sacrifices freedom for security deserve neither??

Ya buncha fucking idiots...

Game Dev Calls Copyright Claim on Negative Reviews of Game

Dumdeedum says...

Blah blah terrible, agreed, but I can never listen properly to TotalBiscuit because he insists on talking in that cheesy radio DJ voice that even DJs don't use anymore.

This Dancer is a Wonderful Insult to Gravity

Lann says...

Blah blah blah. The only reason I replied was because I didn't agree with the comment. As usual, everything isn't about you.

This is why ignore you. You always pull in some personal shit that you THINK you know about someone even though it has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

Edit: Someone who makes dance clothes is still a costume/clothing designer. The dance part doesn't change that.

chingalera said:

Ok-Does not fit the conventional MO of dancing dude, or he's got the cover-but his wifes' a, HELLO?? Exotic dancer (or formerly)!??
Exotic dancer=/=costume designer??

You miss Lann, simply have a problem with convenient stereotypes relative to appearances and have never entertained the veracity of the adage, "If it looks and quacks like a duck", riding a personal grudge against me tinctured with an incapacity or unwillingness to kill your own ego.

I could give a damn about the guy's sexuality, he tears up the "stripper pole" with aplomb, and his exotic dancer wife makes stellar costumes. What's yer beef if not well-done-to-charred?

Antonin Scalia And Michele Bachmann Are The Exact Same Idiot

poolcleaner says...

So the devil's antics are based in human years? I don't understand how the greatest of ALL angels gets "willier" over the course of 2000 some years when his existence is outside the restraints of time and space.

Same thing with God and His evolution of ideals. The law and then forgiveness and blah blah blah; slaves, no slaves; anathema, no anathema; burn shit to the ground for sins, don't stone the "prostitute". It doesn't make sense. None. At all.

Unless God ISN'T omnipotent, omnipresent, and/or benevolent. He can't be all of those things and yet so ignorantly rule creation within the context of human civilization pre-information age. Sorry, but if you don't see this pattern, you're living in denial. Either that or the idea of these beings is true and the Bible is the Devil's work.

Oh SNAP, didn't think about that in all of your squabbling, did you? The arguments over what to canonize; burning of Biblical apocrypha; human courts judging anathema over naysayers who were believers in God themselves; King James' toying with the text; and the list goes on and on. Lies! If God be love, Jesus saves and by faith be known, these historical truths makes your "holy" text anathema!

My bet is that the Devil knows the Bible because the Devil orchestrated it. If I believed in that sort of thing, that's what would make the most sense to me. But I suppose reason plays no part in the smoke and mirrors of gods and monsters.

Wild Belle performs Keep You live

chingalera says...

You really did it with this one deathcow, some of the most irritating hipster shit ever heard, complete with squeaky, no-talent frontfluff and hipster-don with an $8000 baritone sax he barely has the lungs for.....WITH a fucking reggae beat??!

How did you find this, whitest of the whitest white music evah!!??

*edit:... recently signed by Columbia, indie siblings, musical family, blah blah's the end of the goddamn world.

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - Official Main Trailer

Snohw says...

Might see thise purely for the scinography (?) just looks stunning.

And for the star wars was to blah blah, those movies all suck.

Tipping Servers $200

shatterdrose says...

I take it you're not familiar with the whole liking a comment to show support, or agreement. So by definition, if you say "I hate blah blah" then by liking that comment, you are showing support for said person's hatred, or that you also hate that person as well. So yes, by liking Lucky's comment, it reflects that those people are not aware that servers have a different minimum wage. Otherwise, why in the world would you like it? So yes, simple deduction.

And I never said they stiffed servers, just that when servers get stiffed, they don't really make anything.

Does that answer what I'm "blathering" about?

enoch said:

what are you blathering about man?

somebody already pointed that out to lucky.
so whats with the acid tone?
and how did you deduce that liking his comment somehow translated to "gratuity ignorance" and must translate to stiffing servers?

Hummingbird Hawk Moth

A10anis says...

Dear me... Blah, Blah, Blah. If you have nothing to say, resist the temptation to BLAH.

shinyblurry said:

Whether you accept it as an explanation or not, it's an undeniable fact that a common design indicates a common designer. When you see something like this in nature you don't make the inference because of your belief in evolution from universal common descent, but it is a valid inference to make. You explain it with convergent evolution, but it can also indicate a common designer.

Man and Chihuahua do Yoga Together

Jon Stewart's 19 Tough Questions for Libertarians!

blankfist says...

@JiggaJonson, man, you're harboring such personal resentment. It's all so petty and cringeworthy at this point. But, again, your premise is completely ridiculous. And for so many reasons it's hard to list them all here. I also don't believe in the heavy gun restrictions here in Los Angeles, but I'm not about to walk out onto the streets in front of LAPD with an AK-47 slung over my shoulder. By your backwards logic, that means I'm supporting gun control.

Not to mention, Thoreau lived at a different time when it was probably safer to be a tax resister. The fewer interactions with our police state that I can make for myself is probably for the best. Also the Internal Revenue System (a self-proclaimed tax law enforcement agency) wasn't formed until the exact year Thoreau died. Fact. Look it up.

I'm fairly certain Thoreau didn't have to submit a W9 to work as an author. I, on the other hand, do. And the 16th Amendment, the one responsible for Congress's ability to levy income tax, wasn't even ratified until over forty years after his death. And so forth and so on, etc. etc. boring conversation and blah blah.

Plus my personal life is none of your business. So you're just really talking out your ass and comparing apples to oranges here. I really hope you can find happiness in your life and move past being so bitter.

11-Year-Old Girl Speaks Out About Forced Marriage

chingalera says...

For the 1st country in the Arabian peninsula to afford women the right to vote, member of the United Nations, blah blah blah, 2013 and these Shia-stone-age cunts fuck their own children-....Throwbacks kept in the dark and fed shit instead of knowledge. Thank you, Islam.

Forget the uncle, this girl should go and live with Pat Condell!

Hannity Then and Now on NSA Surveillance

A10anis says...

Blah, Blah, Blah. You're a mong. Be quiet, and know your place. Sitting at your computer and punching out rubbish, does not mean you have a, remotely, valid opinion. I'm done. In fact, I have to thank you, you have succinctly validated what many have said; Mongs with no intelligence are taking over the net.

Yogi said:

Does it speak volumes? Does it up there on your High Superior Horse.

I was pointing out that he's good at Entertainment, Numbers don't lie he's successful in Radio, TV, and Books. I wasn't talking about his analysis because there really is none, this is just pointing out his hypocrisy and it was quite easy and accurate.

You want to bring up that these are serious issues, and that our liberty is at stake. Fine, we're having that conversation in other places, I wasn't here because I've already made my points. Which you would know if you actually paid them any attention. So if you're going to ignore them elsewhere why not just ignore them here.

I sure am going to be ignoring you from now on.

She Says, Can't You Just Listen?! - It's Not About the Nail

New Edgar Wright Movie 'The World's End' - Trailer

poolcleaner says...

Right, so unoriginal, just like MIKE PATTON and DOOM.

Oh look at me I can sing like a weirdo and we have horns and metal guitars. Blah blah blah.

Oh look we are on Mars and there's a guy's face looking around on my user interface and it WON'T RUN ON MY 286. Oooooooooooohhhhhhh buuurrrrrnnnnn.

Barf all over your anus.

Fantomas said:

This just looks like Shawn of the Dead with aliens. They even have the same 'running into fence gag' from Hot fuzz for Christ's sake!

I think I'll just torrent rent this one.

This might motivate a person to go to the gym...

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