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College Humor: Engagement Rings Are A Bullshit Scam

ChaosEngine says...

Absolutely. When I asked my wife to marry me, I had a local jeweller make a custom designed ring. No diamond, but it was guaranteed to be the only one of its kind.

A while later, I asked her if she was was disappointed she didn't "get a big rock". She told me she'd have a) hated it, b) never worn anything that cost that much for fear of losing it and c) slapped me silly for wasting money

eric3579 said:

Ive been under the impression for quite some time that the diamond ring thing is a dinosaur from the past. Seems like most (in my life) think it's just a silly waste of money better spent on travel or saving for a down payment on a home.

Track N Go

hermannthegerman says...

I wonder if they paid license fees for the music they used, since they are really into the intellectual property protection and all

and having hit a big rock under deep snow with a snowboard, I am really certain I would not want to do that with that truck...

Sheep gets its revenge!

shagen454 says...

That actually brings back memories. I think I was about twelve hiking in the moors when a bull charged us and kept us at bay on a pile of big rocks for about fifteen agonizing minutes.

This also reminds me of a time when I was maybe seven or eight in one of the Carolinas and I pissed off a goose in the sort of fashion this little one is and as we were going up some stairs it chased after us up the stairs; my mom had no idea what was going on and it ended up biting her on her ass. And I laughed and laughed and laughed....

The High Level Bridge

Kids in the Hall - Everybody's got a job to do...

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'drunk, dad, birthday, big rock, youre a man now' to 'drunk, dad, birthday, big rock, youre a man now, peruse your report card' - edited by calvados

Palestinian boy throws rock at car and gets hit

Meanwhile - After the SiftUp...

Big Rock Beer Commercial

Meanwhile - After the SiftUp...

Meanwhile - After the SiftUp...

Neil Young and Devo "Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)"

Big Rock Beer Commercial

Hallelujah! I'm a Bum

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