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Last Week in the Republican Party

newtboy says...

I don’t think you’ve been paying attention. 😉
Democrats have failed at some decent legislation because Republicans think “just say no” works for drugs and Legislating, it’s the Republican platform….and it’s a losing one.
There is no actual platform, they have no plans, no accomplishments. Only sedition, comforting our enemies, obstruction of legislation and justice, insanity and lies, praising Putin, and attacking each other for not cowtowing to Trump enough.

The Republican Party is too busy calling each other RINOs and crazy morons to campaign, and Republican voters are disillusioned again and will likely not vote. Those that do will be split between feculent and dishonest but sane old school candidates and the Trump/“freedom caucus” bat shit crazy nonsense candidates. They have no issues to campaign on thanks to Trump who made them the party of spend and spend. Economic superiority is now a Democratic trait, as is standing up to our enemies instead of cuddling up to them. What, besides “we aren’t liberals” do Republicans have left?

Not to mention the growing number of sitting representatives who are being made incapable of or disqualified from holding office by being convicted of felonies and/or giving aid and comfort to enemies of America…. Republican Congressman Jeff Fortenberry for instance, found guilty Thursday of 3 felonies and facing 15 years in prison. He’s still in office…an incumbent that’s going to have a hard time keeping his seat. Green too, being seriously challenged on being fit for office under the 14th amendment thanks to her support for sedition along with 6 others. Suddenly Republicans hate the constitution and want much of it abolished.

Also, Republican support by independents, the group that let Trump only lose the popular vote by 3million, no longer supports Republicans. Mid terms will be interesting, but a Trump in the whitehouse? Keep dreaming the national nightmare…ain’t gonna happen. It’s likely to be another Red tsunami like 2018, but never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter, anything could happen.

eoe said:

I don't think you've been paying attention. Democrats have been failing at all attempts at decent legislation. A lot of the progressive democrats are disillusioned (again) and will likely not vote. I'm guessing there's gunna be a Republican sweep and possibly even Trump in office in 2024.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaaaahahahaha! …….Aaaaaaa…..Aaaaaaa…..Aaaaaaahahahahaha!!!
Stop, I can’t breath. You are so hilariously funny.

And Russia didn’t invade Ukraine during Trump’s tenure. Derp!

Sorry that polling and reality disagree with your ignorant, uneducated opinion so thoroughly….but it’s a fact. Multiple polls after the state of the union (not on Fox or Pravda Social) were 71%-80% positive. So much better than little Don John did on his best poll ever on anything.

Clearly you only listened to high school dropout Boebert, not the speech…or you are incapable of recognizing solutions (after Trump, not surprising, he loved to call creating problems “solutions”). Going after the assets of the oligarchs is just one of many solutions that’s having major effects already you utter moron. Unifying NATO and the UN is another.

Yeah, 80% failure among ignorant idiotic cultists who think Boebert and Green’s inability to be professional, civil, or have any manners or self control whatsoever was a shining example of proper behavior and support their public outburst over not supporting our troops then went on to vote against supporting those very same injured troops the next day (look it up), but among the thinking public, up to 80% positive. ROTFLMFAHS! Coward Cadet Bone Spurs never offered solutions, only division and wastefulness, complete capitulation to despotic dictators, and self aggrandizement.
Talk about gullible, you believed Trump…you still do. You believed Covid wasn’t dangerous, lockdowns weren’t useful, Trump is a good businessman, the right isn’t blatantly racist, trickledown works, Trump’s tax breaks were for everyone, the wall is a good idea and Mexico will pay for it, the election was stolen, ….the list of bat shit crazy insanity you believe could fill three long books.

Cranial Rectosis is curable, Bob. You just need to push and pull at the same time.

You’ve been wrong on every point you’ve made politically for over a decade Bob, don’t you ever want to be correct instead of just extremely Right? Don’t you hate being the party of feelings rather than facts, a cult of personality? That used to be a complaint FROM the right, now it’s 100% descriptive of them.

BTW, the clip you posted of CNN discussing his lower poll numbers, the “slip”, are talking about a slip in their polls from 78%-71%, lower than you might expect from just Democrats (but then, that’s not who they polled) about 25% higher than Trump ever reached on his best day. LMFAHS you deluded ijit!!!

Remember how you love to ignore history and claim Democrats are the party of racism? How many Democrats are members of extremist racist organizations, because the entire Freedom Caucus is and the Republican Party has no problems with that. No censure for holding white supremacist rallies, only for investigating an attack on the capitol by racist terrorists….that gets a censure. But sure, Republicans aren’t racists…they just really love racist imagery, speech, and actions. 🤦‍♂️

Jesus, you’re dumb Bob. Always spouting off about things you know nothing about but feel certain ways about, and you’re always wrong. Try looking up what you think is true before posting, you’ll find that 90+% of what you believe intentionally runs contrary to reality and fact…the other 9.9% is honest mistake or misunderstanding.

bobknight33 said:

Damn you are gullible.
Biden's Sate of the Union speech was a 80% failure. Biden offered no solutions to current issues

To state there was a 78% favorably rating is is foolish.

New Rule: First Lady Barack Obama | Real Time (HBO)

newtboy says...

Lol. Triggered much bob!?

Impossible to enlighten you, you live in the dark by choice.

No matter how often or how clearly I explain my feelings on Biden, 20 minutes later you will post “newt, you good think time Biden you boy good!? Explain why you love him. This is you choice?”

There’s no point explaining for a fifteenth time to a moron that can’t read my reply and can’t remember an answer for 3 minutes.


On the other hand, Trump IS 100% you(r) choice, despite all the lies, despite the massive failures on every front, despite adding 50%+ to the debt, despite the worst economy in history, despite being responsible for 750000 American deaths, despite the racist race baiting and scapegoating politics, dispite the most nepotistic administration ever, despite the dissolution of the union, despite letting Russia invade Crimea and murder their political enemies internationally without a word, despite dozens of failed attempts to subvert democracy, defraud an election, outright steal the presidency, use the military to seize voting machines and install fake electors to “elect” him, sell pardons, and despite his being best friends and a long time party partner with Epstein, filmed lecherously leering and gawking at children at multiple events including Maralago parties with just him, Jeff, and dozens of under age girls in attendance and no one else.

Yes, Bob. Biden is incredibly better than Trump, no comparison, it’s a mid level AAA ball player vs a cheater and loser at T-ball. It’s an old fashioned grandpa vs Charles Manson. He doesn’t have to be Hank Arron to be a massive improvement over a cheater who bats 000 and has 4217 errors in 4 seasons and no plays (but claims to be the best player ever).

Could you explain what positive traits you see in Trump? What success he had (without ignoring 2020)? In what way specifically was the nation better off Jan 19 2021 than it was in late 2016?

How are you going to answer with OAN going away? No more canned insane fact free answers for you to cut and paste.

bobknight33 said:

If you best idea is Obama marrying Biden clearly Dems are screwed.

OK @newtboy show me yet another of your pointless pedantic response on why Biden is so great. Enlighten me.


newtboy says...

Why are you such a dishonest idiot, @bobknight33? Seriously. Why? You aren’t good at it, you never convince anyone with your lies, you just get called out for lying over and over and over and over and over and over…….

How many videos have you had discarded for negative votes? I’ve never had one I can recall, I think most here can say the same. (Edit: 59, bob. You’ve had 59 videos discarded by the community. I’m certain you hold the embarrassing record.)

If we had Facebook rules about spreading idiotic blatant lies, you would have been banned before Obama was elected.
Such mushbrained sour grapes from the resident whining baby. Nobody here has one second for your bat shit crazy, highly edited and photoshopped, as usual falsified Qanon propaganda. Take it to Trump’s “truth social” where lies are acceptable but facts about the platform or Trump are not allowed.

(Funny how you guys like to name your corporations words 100% contrary to the company mission, like truth social where no fact checking is allowed but any crazed dishonest propaganda is, or Fox News where they have no news, only opinion, and only opinion they successfully argued in court is so outrageous and insanely hyperbolic no reasonable person could possibly believe it…the same is true but worse for Newsmax, and worse agin for OAN.)

Jordan Klepper vs. Anti-Vaxxers in SoCal | The Daily Show

newtboy says...

Funny they want to imply these are far left liberal anti vaxers because they’re Californians, but they all spouted far right wing talking points verbatim. I wish, when they bring up body autonomy, he would ask “so you’re pro choice, right?” I think their answers would clear up who many of these people really are.

FYI, Jordan, there are tons of bat shit crazy right wingers in California , especially in the LA area.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I verify through multiple sources and post those dumbed down enough that you COULD understand them….if only you had the balls to not just dismiss them because they aren’t right wing propaganda, which is 99.9% lies you believe. Derp.
One source was his Wiki page, where the quote and his political affiliations by year are listed…dumb ass….but it has fact and citation, so it’s not for you, must be leftist… much it doesn’t even register. Also, if you Google it, every page that comes up says the same thing.

Cranial rectosis is curable, bob. You just gotta pull out.

The quotes are real, you are afraid to admit it because you’re a sniveling baby, you don’t remember them because you have the brain of a drunken gnat. Look them up, idiot. (I know you won’t, you don’t have the testicular fortitude for such endeavors.) hilariously, you probably won’t find it on any of your Trumpist propaganda sites, but if you use something like wayback machine you could find it on every right wing site in 2015, before he took over the right wing for profit. Now the right has rewritten it’s history and gone to great lengths to erase such inconvenient facts, because you guys care so much about truth and fact.

Hilarious you can’t ever discuss the claims, you have to just dismiss any evidence that didn’t come from another far right internet troll, and call anything that isn’t bat shit crazy hyper partisan right wing propaganda “leftist” and dismiss it, that’s why you’re a fact free moron. You prefer Trump’s blatant lies to fact or reason. You believe long dead Venezuelans interfered in our election and that the thousands of verified Trump coup warriors were really Democrats trying to steal an election for their enemy from their choice despite the long term history of every single terrorist being a hard core Republican activist.

Sorry, buddy. Trump is really a RINO by his own admission, and has repeatedly said publicly that only Republicans are dumb enough to ignore his past and elect him….he was right. Gullible know nothing idiots like you are his only true believers.

You simply deny reality, and trust the least trustworthy people you can find because they tell you pleasant but obvious lies. That’s called being infantile, bob….like a little baby.

bobknight33 said:

Good thing you get you news sources from Slate.
Leftest slant news.
YEt you trust it.


newtboy says...

YOU are the #1 problem in America…you and gullible fact free morons like you.

You post this fact free hyper partisan nonsense and bemoan a lack of unbiased truth!?! Holy fucking sheep shit, buddy. You need professional mental help immediately. You have lost your bat shit crazy mind. He’s as hyper biased and untrustworthy as possible. The fact that internet trolls like him are the best you’ve got against fact and reality is both hilarious and sad.

Just fucking wow, bob. Moronic even for you….and that’s saying a lot.

bobknight33 said:

Media is the #1 problem in America.

IF they did their job and report unbiased truth, America would be a lot better.

Taiwan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

What Was the FBI's Involvement in Jan. 6

newtboy says...

More liars spreading every single thing right wingers have ever said about the insurrection, the failed but attempted coup for Trump of Jan 6.

Come on @bobknight33, you know it was a horrible deadly attack against the United States when you're claiming it was Antifa or BLM who attacked, but now that every single person charged is a right wing nutjob like yourself, delusional, ignorant, and apoplectic over the bat shit crazy conspiracy theories you believe, suddenly you claim it was a peaceful picnic with families peacefully touring the capitol in orderly legal fashion, not the violent deadly hate filled anti American terroristic attack on democracy we all know it was.

The capitol police's minimal presence and preparedness was explained early on...the leadership refused to prepare, refused to deploy, and issued orders to retreat, all allegedly at the direct orders from Trump, that's why all his, and his families communications on Jan 6 are's been widely reported that he routinely used Melania's phone to avoid presidential scrutiny and recording of his someone with a lot to hide. Multiple sources have confirmed this.

I won't insult your lack of intelligence by saying you believe this dishonest twaddle, but I will insult your lack of honesty for posting it, you dishonest idiot.

McKayla Maroney blasts FBI over handling of Nassar case

newtboy says...

Well he's gone even more bat shit crazy, and now claims Biden is going to put vaccines in salad dressing to trick anti vaxers into eating it.
To hit the target group, they should really put it in string cheese, Doritos, and Mtn Dew. Those guys don't eat many salads.

bobknight33 said:

Remember Flynn,

Gavin Newsom Wins Recall Election In Landslide

newtboy says...

Aaaaahahaha!!!!! You're really "bragging" about Trump getting Newsom's old sloppy seconds!? Aaaaaahahahahaha!!!
If he's like pops, there's no bigly or yuge, just a funky mushroom that's all cap, no stem.

Maybe Newsom prefers poised, intelligent, beautiful, caring, and sane over bat shit crazy, screaming, vitriolic stupidity from a distant shrieking harpy. (Her wiki photo looks like Caitlyn Jenner)

He traded up....WAY up, married two years later and ever since....she definitely traded down....eventually, after a decade plus she's finally got a "rich" boyfriend. See what happens if he goes to prison! She doesn't like him, she likes his money and political clout.

She's a power whore, her biggest claim to fame is the powerful public figures she's slept with.

Ms Newsom has a long and quite successful career away from her husband, and a long marriage with him.

ROTFLMFAHS!!!! Please, oh please. More MAGA tears. We're in a drought in California and you whiners are keeping the rivers flowing.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Rescued Bat Enjoys Banana, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 574 Badge!

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

DOPESICK Official Trailer (2021)

newtboy jokingly says...

But you could compile a biography of Bat Boy!

luxintenebris said:

very good!

'tho imagine getting that spitoon to spill?

like being willed part of your late auntie's estate. find she's left you her 40-year collection of Nat'l Enquirers.

all that information and nothing close to the truth.

Republicans Refuse to Move On from Donald Trump

newtboy says...

There is no ongoing audit, only an ongoing political stunt by partisan liars.

Two other audit teams with experience and no ties to the big lie found no such thing….it’s not possible, every ballot has a serial number that must match before votes are accepted. If there was no record of the ballots being sent out, the voting machines automatically reject them. There is a physical paper record.

Doug Logan, conspiracy theorist featured in (producer of?) a current movie claiming the fbi and cia rigged the 2020 election, (directed by another conspiracy theorist who claims 9/11 was a space alien attack) much of which was filmed at his fake “audit” with access no other cameras or reporters had, making the unofficial and unprofessional “audit” a clear and obvious prop for his movie that began filming before cyberninjas started “auditing”?!
Doug Logan who had previously been speculated to be the voice behind “QAnon,” and in the film “The Deep Rig,” if you believe what it claims about him, that was confirmed at the Saturday premiere of the film when he was revealed to be the voice of the anonymous person mid-way through the movie. “The Deep Rig” seeks to prove that the 2020 presidential election was rigged against Donald Trump, a claim that the former president and many of his supporters have echoed despite a total lack of evidence and every claim being tossed out of court….and many lawyers being reprimanded for even trying to sell their lies in court.
Doug Logan who started the election fraud claims in 2018 but no one would listen to his bullshit back then?!
Doug Logan who’s entire professional persona is based on bat shit crazy baseless conspiracy theories, and who’s company and personal wealth rely on selling the lies!?
Doug Logan who just claimed to be Q, also selling the fantasies that magic Democrats eat babies to become younger and live forever, Jewish space lasers cause most forest fires, Italian vote changing satellites exist, and of Trump being reinstalled as president for life on half a dozen or more dates so far?!
Er mer gerd.
Oh…so I gather from the url that this “report” came from Trump claiming it’s true!? Bwaaaahahaha, And you believe it!? Aaaaaahahahahaha….ahh….ahhh…..aaaahahahaha!

They found no such thing….just one more in a long long line of false accusations and claims that have ALL turned out to be utter bullshit….like bamboo fibers proving Chinese vote fraud, the databases being erased, now the impossible 74000 untraceable mystery votes with no record….he’s probably just too inept to find them.

Lol…not on the proper paper?! Yep, I’m so sure you’re right and that proves the cowardly liar won…not in the proper printing alignment…do YOU even know what that’s supposed to mean or indicate?

Too bad Cyber Ninja, a dishonest and bat shit crazy political propaganda company run by a guy who claims to be “Q” and who is the architect of the vote fraud fraud got involved and whether by design or ineptitude contaminated everything they examined through nonexistent safeguards and oversight, I guess….it means these nonsense claims can never be verified by anyone professional or who might be trusted. No chance that was the plan all along. Nope. Who would do that?

bobknight33 said:

On Thursday &7/15/21) the Arizona Senate held a hearing on the ongoing Maricopa County forensic audit.

The audit team announced there were 74,000 ballots that were received and included in the 2020 Election in Maricopa County than were mailed out.

The Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan reported this along with other issues already identified from their investigation

They found 74,243 mail-in ballots with NO clear record of them ever being sent!

The audit team also announced that ballots were counted that WERE NOT on the proper paper stock and WERE NOT in proper printing alignment.

Other ballots were marked with Sharpie pens that bled through the paper.

According to elections expert Jovan Pulitzer what was presented today was just the appetizer before the main course to come!

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