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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Close. I retired by choice, and I have a non work related injury totally unrelated to being able to retire at 30, but not a debilitating injury. I’ve been a professional driver, janitor, welder/fabricator, and editor. Good choices, good timing, good luck, and being an insanely cheap bastard affords me a very comfortable lifestyle including international vacations and (ridiculously) 5 cars with my wife in California for around $35k a year with no handouts.

Why watch? Only because people with morals and ethics want to know the facts not just biased spin…clearly not on your radar.
It’s not one sided, it’s just insurrectionist free. It only has 2 Republicans because Trump Republicans made the conscious choice to “boycott “ it. Cry me a river.
There’s no counter argument because that’s not how investigations work. Investigations are held to find evidence, not debate it. If there was any honest contradictory evidence to be had, even just sworn testimony, they have been clear that would love to listen under oath on the record, but there isn’t, no one on Trump’s side actually wants to testify at all, no matter what they say on OAN or Blaze. They just ignore subpoenas and pretend they have a legal shield…which is why Bannon and others might well go to prison for years.
You get a defense at trial, which is coming. They could try to present evidence, but they have nothing but lies whimpers and whines to offer.

It’s Trumpists who want the truth hidden, uninvestigated, forgotten, and ignored. They want to hear lies or silence because the truth is they turned on America and democracy because one election didn’t go their way.

I do know better, I know that’s not what this thorough investigation Republicans fought against and boycotted is about, it’s about holding those responsible for a deadly but failed coup responsible. Those opposed to holding traitorous terrorists who attacked America responsible should move to Iran, there’s no place for them in America.

bobknight33 said:

From what I remember you have a work related injury or such preventing you from working.

Why watch the hearings. They are 1 sided, no counter argument --- That is not allowed. That alone indicates a BS hearing.

They are not after truth only what they wan to hear.

And you should know better.

Behind The Voices - Celebrities Collection

StukaFox says...

I have a complaint to register here, gentlemen, about a CERTAIN LACK of recognition for the single greatest accomplishment of mankind since the invention of language; the very reason carbon self-assembled; the reason a tiny speck of nothing exploded into a universe simply waiting for that golden moment on March 4 2016 when the fruition of all that is good and hopeful in the human -- nay, UNIVERSAL -- race was unveiled! How soon they forget! How soon do they receive their salvation than they turn their backs on it, forgetting the hypernova of joy and laughter that burst upon the world on that Day of Days! Such woe to thee, oh Babylon, for turning your back on the 1 hour and 48 minutes that banished all doubt of man's reason for existence! DAMNATION ON TO YOU WHO HAVE FORGOTTEN THE GREATNESS YOU SHOULD FALL TO YOUR KNEES AND BLIND YOURSELF LEST TO SEEK TO BEHOLD SOMETHING GREATER! ALL HELL AND TORMENT! ALL EVIL AND VILENESS FOR THOSE HORRID, HORRID SOULS WHO HAVE LEFT THIS SO-CALLED "VIDEO" INCOMPLETE! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!

Look, I just like Zootopia a lot, alright?


Crazy Rocketman: Rocketman riding the Rocket Board!

BSR says...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Asbestos (pronounced: /æsˈbɛstɒs/ or /æsˈbɛstəs/) is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral. There are six types, all of which are composed of long and thin fibrous crystals, each fibre being composed of many microscopic "fibrils" that can be released into the atmosphere by abrasion and other processes. Inhalation of asbestos fibres can lead to various dangerous lung conditions, including mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer, so it is now notorious as a serious health and safety hazard.

You cruel bastard! That would be like rubbing your junk on a cactus!

C-note said:

I hope he's wearing asbestos undies.

Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standard

newtboy says...

CRT is not real outside of law school. It’s a big racist lie. It’s not taught in grade school.

Edit: Yes, if true, actual CRT, the law school class, was banned in grade school, nothing would change….but you want the intentional misuse and bastardization of the phrase to mean any mention of racial disparity, racist actions, slavery, Jim Crow, racist policies including those adopted by the Republican Party at the same time those racist policies were abandoned by Democrats in the late 60’s early 70’s, any mention of lynching, the KKK, the fact that non whites were not allowed to vote, the fact that non whites were not considered full human beings in the constitution, etc to all be under the name “CRT” and want it all to be removed from schools. You want to rewrite history so it resembles the false image you think you project. It’s absolutely moronic, attempted forced ignorance. The Republican plan for children because ignorance makes it easy to abuse and control the populace.

American history is real….and really racist.
By intentionally mislabeling anything about our racist history as “CRT”, a right wing buzz word they have stripped of any actual meaning to create some fantasy racial boogeyman they can point to to excuse blatant racist policy and actions, you think that allows you to pretend it doesn’t exist, to deny it, and to return to it. Removing any mention of our racist history is racist, stupid, and is a ploy to convince right wing morons that racism isn’t real, never happened, and so doesn’t need any fixing or even teaching. It erases an ENORMOUS part of American history, and all of black American history. You love that.

You bold faced liar. That’s EXACTLY what “anti CRT” is about, renaming the slave trade as “Africans immigrating”, calling slavery “job security”, pretending that Lincoln ended racism completely (but being confused because in your mind slavery is a hoax), ignoring the murderous atrocities during reconstruction, ignoring the blatant often deadly racism that was the norm through the 70’s, and the institutional racism that still exists, never mentioning and pretending attacks against blacks like Tulsa and others, mass murders, arsons, terrorism, all by law enforcement so there’s no legal remedies for the survivors….(The Tulsa race massacre took place on May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of White residents, some of whom had been deputized and given weapons by city officials, attacked Black residents and destroyed homes and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, US)…never happened. The anti CRT movement is about erasing that history so they 1)don’t feel guilty or uncomfortable for trying to defend or excuse having a murderously racist history, and 2)so it’s easier to return to that racist society with minimal effort because they won’t know where it leads.

Why? Because the senators that were complicit all switched to the Republican Party after the southern strategy, and those who believed in equality and rights for all switched to the Democratic Party. Another bit of racist history you personally love to deny despite it being the historical, undeniable record of our history. They don’t want to be asked, because they either answer truthfully and are proven to be racists, or lie and lose their racist voter base. Racists are nearly all…99%+-, right wingers. They do not belong to the party trying to eradicate racism. They belong to the party that openly accepts and fosters racism, and pretends, often insists it doesn’t exist when they’re in public….your party. The party of racists, white nationalists, insurrectionists, revisionists, anti American, pro Russian, sexist, anti democracy, anti education ignoramuses.

Quit bringing nothing but dishonest bold faced lies and rewritten history to the table. That means you leave, because dishonest bold faced lies and revisionist history are all you ever spout….because you are a dishonest liar and blatant consistent racist….and a sexist.

LBGTOW (little boys going their own way)….that describes you people well, we wish you would follow through. Go on now…shoo. Go your own way, buy your own country and go there. See for yourself just where unopposed right wing nonsense leads, just leave the US out of it. Ask Musk to forget Twitter and buy Guatemala or an island nation, invite Trump to lead for life, then GO! You have so many issues with other people having rights, so GTFO and create your own white male controlled, white right wing utopia…or move to Russia….but don’t expect to get to come back when it devolves into criminal despotism, economic collapse, and ecological disaster.

bobknight33 said:

If it is a CRT is another red herring than you have nothing to worry about. Let it be banned in schools and in you mind then nothing would be banned.

No one wants to ban the teaching of slavery or Jim Crow.

Why would any Republican want to ban the teaching this side of the Democrat party?

Quit bringing false arguments to the table.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Desi Lydic Foxsplains: Why Did Putin Invade Ukraine?

newtboy says...

Sorry if I’m being over sensitive….anything that seems to legitimize the bastardized definition of CRT, in my eyes, is buying into the intentional political ruse to paint any anti racism program, plan, or organization, even unpleasant history with the “CRT” label (and everyone knows CRT is the Devil), and I find that upsetting, even when it’s unintentional….maybe more so when it’s unintentional because that means the rebranding and improper conflation is working.

I think you know, CRT is an advanced law class taken by law students, not a racist movement to erase white people from history as the right claims, not a diabolical plan to make all white children self hating BLM activists, and it really irks me how successful the publicly admitted, intentional, blatantly racist scapegoating and misrepresentation has worked.

It seemed you were accepting the right wing definition even as you dismissed the (I assume anti) “CRT” movement by comparing it to unconstitutional anti German/foreign language laws in the past. Apologies if I misunderstood or came across as accusatory.

Desi Lydic Foxsplains: Why Did Putin Invade Ukraine?

newtboy says...

Please don’t spread the rebranding, intentional bastardization of a 40 year old well known legal analysis class to create a scapegoat, a faux boogeyman for the right to be outraged over.
CRT is not what the Right has falsely branded it, and it’s blatantly obvious they needed to create a racist scapegoat because their old buzzwords like Political Correctness weren’t being taken seriously or sparking outrage anymore.

It’s just more bullshit, don’t step in it

luxintenebris said:

off-subject slightly...but how can american history be taught w/o ratting out all the bad american history?

crt isn't much different than this...
...lead by hatred against americans w/german names

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You’re 1/2 right…we did have a leader, Obama, now we have a joke of an ex president who’s as unpresidential as possible and a whining, sniveling coward…but we do have a leader as president again. Sleepy Joe, kicking ass and taking names in his sleep! Wiped the floor with Dumb Donny.

America had an ex president that was a leader. Now we have an ex president that’s a bad joke. FTFY

This is what a leader looks like, Bob.
Not the privileged cowardly draft dodger who tried to blackmail Zelenskiy by withholding military aid during a Russian invasion and divided the nation irreparably, but the Ukrainian Jon Stewart who stayed and took up arms with his citizens uniting them against a super power.

This is a leader, Bob.

Now, look back at what the utter failure, traitorous Trump had to say about him when the blackmail attempt failed.
Or watch a leader lead….

bobknight33 said:

America had a leader. Now we have a JOKE!


The Death Couloir - Mont Blanc

StukaFox says...

No, I'm all in favor of Morons--

However, I'm not in favor of the amazing people in SAR putting their lives on the line to recover the smears lefts on rocks that used to be these people. Living in WA, we have a lot of "really wants to kill you" wilderness here, including North Cascades Nat'l Park and Olympic Nat'l Park. Every single year, someone's predated body needs to be pulled out of the middle of one of these places by either a helo crew or the poor bastards who have to hike a bazillion miles to pack out what's left of Chuckles.

The number of SAR people who've died here is sobering. Every single one of them could have just walked away, but they went into danger's way to save people too stupid to save themselves. Sometimes their reward is to be spit on, like the ranger at Yellowstone who was berated by the father of a kid who dived into a hot spring after his dog (by "kid", I mean adult kid, not Timmy). The father wanted his kid's body recovered, no matter what. The ranger had to explain that the kid completely dissolved about five minutes after he fell in. The father then refused to speak to the ranger any further.

This shit doesn't happen in a vacuum. Someone's going to have to look at these human bird droppings and see that shit in their sleep for the rest of their lives.

newtboy said:

No problem whatsoever with waivers. Are you worried that too many brain dead slugs will Darwin themselves? Why? Do you foresee some future shortage of morons?

Tucker Carlson mad about being less sexually attracted MnMs

luxintenebris jokingly says...


how is 'woke' any different than advertisements reflexing their times? ever seen the ads from the 19th century? or even through the 1900s? like 1950(?) ads promoting cigarettes as safer because x number of doctors smoke 'luckys' (think of the poor unlucky bastards who fell for that).

mercy. they've found ads scrawled on old roman city walls...even recessed footprints on pathways that lead to working girls' abodes. targeted ads for services and goods.

companies knowing their buyers.

come to think of it...what generation made the greens sexy? didn't they go away once? why was that? then they made fun of the myth and brought them back. right? so now, that's viewed as ancient thinking. so maybe mars isn't just for men anymore?

get w/the times old man.

bobknight33 said:

When candy goes woke, Woke has gone too far.

Let's talk about altering the Supreme Court....

newtboy says...

That’s called politicizing the court, packing it with obviously hyper partisan activist (drunkard rapist) judges, then bringing otherwise completely invalid lawsuits so they can improperly rule in your favor based on political affiliation, not the law. Their cases had no chance in a fair or balanced court because they have no merit. That is a bastardization of how the law works, and a recipe for the end of the union.
(And your idea that the right doesn’t bring obviously losing cases to court is hilariously ignorant, for just one glaring example, look at the 62 election cases laughed out of court, tried as political theater, never having a snowball’s chance in hell of winning without complicit, partisan judges ruling solely based on who appointed them.)

WRT “the abortion issue” (and the nation destroying ploy to end run the courts rulings),remember, states claiming they can overrule federal law (specifically contradicted in the constitution btw) is EXACTLY what caused the civil war. It’s astonishing trying to overrule federal law with a state law isn’t a felony, it’s definitely unconstitutional.

Previous rulings have been overturned, but never before just ignored with the OK from the highest court. They just ruled themselves out of power, because if their ruling can be circumvented so easily or just ignored by states outright, they might as well close shop and go home….ending the USA.

Newsom is proving that by enacting the same measures against guns in California. If you think that will stop at ghost guns and assault rifles, or that other states won’t follow suit, you’re dumber than I give you credit for.

bobknight33 said:

The fact that cases are now before the court is because some conservatives feel there is a chance to have their cases win.

Why bring these case before the supreme court if you know you would have a high likely to loose. All the cost time and effort.

WRT to the abortion issue .If overturned it just means that the decision goes back to the states.

Overturning a previous opinions has occurred and will occur in the future .

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

noims says...

I just wanted to say thanks for the updates. I hope you don't forget that there are plenty of people out here - online and off - whose lives you make better in small ways whether or not you know it, and we care about you for one reason or another.

i.e. as I'd say any of my friends face-to-face, get well soon you old bastard, we're counting on you.

Mordhaus said:

I got the MRI, which changed things for the worse. I had a large tumor which they determined to be cancer. I also had to get a CT to see if it had spread to the lungs and it showed some small nodules in my lower right lung. They can't be sure it is cancer or not yet. If they shrink during the treatment, then it is cancer.

The treatment I am undergoing is called Immunotherapy, a targeted drug which adheres to the chemical that cancers put out to trick the body into thinking they are normal tissue. Once it binds, the body sees it as foreign tissue and tries to kill it.

Obviously, all the other issues have taken a back seat. If the treatment works, I could live for some time. If it doesn't, I am looking at an estimated 4-6 mos.

I don't know when or if I will be mentally recovered enough to start posting again. No matter what, though, I appreciate all of you.

Phooz (Member Profile)

Phooz (Member Profile)

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