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Finnick's Trident (The Hunger Games: Catching Fire)

Stormsinger says...

That's not a trident...that's a three-bladed axe.

I'm so tired of the Hollywood bullshit that more blades = better. There's a reason you never saw three-bladed swords or axes historically...because they're just not as effective as one or two blades.

Axe Throwing

Russian Darts

albrite30 says...

The addition of an axe in the GTA V dart game would have been awesome. But only when playing with Trevor. He could then say something retarded like: " I'm only gonna axe you once... ARE YOU CHEATING ME?"

Man Builds Rocking Chair Using No Power Tools

Asmo says...

Very impressive.

Side note, that axe is fucking sharp. The way it casually slides 3 odd inches in to the block he sinks it in to at the start is a good indication that a bad swing would probably cost a person a body part...

Chickens Demonstrate New Mercedes-Benz Suspension

MilkmanDan says...

I grew up on a farm, and like many/most such kids, went through the experience of having "pet" chickens, pigs, and even a cow or two that ended up on our plates. I think that the key is to explain verbally that such animals are being raised to be food, and then using your best judgement about when they are ready to see something small get slaughtered and butchered.

For me, it was when I was about 6. We had an old rooster (we mostly had chickens for eggs, this fella was a 1-off), and I was a few feet away when my dad held it down and hacked off its head with a hatchet. Got to watch it run around headless, etc. Then I had to help (a little) in the plucking and processing. If you don't regularly do those things, you don't know the little tricks and they take FOREVER. We put way more hours and dollars of toil and effort into plucking, skinning, and preparing that old chicken than it would have cost to buy 10 whole rotisseried chickens from KFC or something. And he was too old to really provide good meat. BUT - I learned something and appreciated the food more, which was the point.

Later in life I was involved with the raising of pigs and cows for meat. I helped feed them every day, and then would help get them into a trailer and deliver them to the meat locker when it was time for them to be slaughtered and butchered. I didn't witness that in person, but I was old enough to fill in the gaps between putting that animal in the trailer and then eating a steak or pork chops a few days later. I think that if my parents had wanted me to have the experience of actually seeing the slaughter, the locker would have easily obliged. Not sure if the same would be true today.

OK, I've been rambling but I'll throw one more thing out there. Now I'm living in Thailand, where a lot of food is purchased in small farmer's market kinds of places, and some is slaughtered and prepared right in front of your very eyes. I love eating fresh Tilapia fish here (the "farm"-raised and frozen fish back in the US always tasted like algae to me, but the fish here don't have that taste at all) and they are alive in tanks when you order one at a market in Thailand. Within 45 seconds, they will pull out a fish of your selection, smack it on the head with a blunt instrument to kill it, rasp off the scales, gut it, put some slices into the sides for even cooking, and hand it to you in a bag to be cooked at home. Sometimes they flop around in the bag a bit (not alive, just muscles unwinding/relaxing) like a headless chicken. I think that will be a similar growing experience for my daughter that she'd be able to witness at a much earlier age. Then maybe when she's 5-6 like I was we'll watch a chicken get the axe.

lucky760 said:

Makes me hungry.

Funny story about my oldest son: Whenever we go to our local children's museum and he sees the young chickens walking around in their small enclosure, I tell him to say "Hi chickens," but he instead always just yells "Yummy!"

I really want to instill an understanding and appreciation in my children for the origin of their food, especially the breathing kind. Growing up, I guess it always seemed to me like technology had gotten us to the point we could manufacture all our food.

I don't know what would be a good age to show my sons live animals being slaughtered and butchered.

Louis CK - On Driving

"Vivaldi Tribute" (Patrick Rondat) Tina S cover

Woman thinks all postal workers are after her

Chairman_woo says...

I feel I can say with some authority that having worked with (primarily) schizophrenic patients for the last 3 years that you don't have the slightest clue what your talking about.

"She's a tiny step away from attacking these random strangers......she needs to be committed"

Yup, there's absolutely no hint here that she's the vulnerable one most likely to actually end up hurt or taken advantage of. (it's not like only around 10% (UK) of sufferers act violently) Better watch out for that crazy lady people! She's probably got an axe at home and everything....

"If you, or anybody were to try and talk to her and "understand" her, she would repay you with accusations of stalking and wanting to do her harm"

So you know her personally then? Maybe you read her case file instead? I'm sure you'd never make such an outrageously deep personal judgement about someone based on only a few video's clearly shot only during psychotic episodes!
Naturally you must have taken the time to find out what she's like when she's calm and comfortable and how her condition has developed over her lifetime, I mean what kind of colossally judgemental anus would make a sweeping character judgement without doing that? Not you I'm sure

So tell me. Has she had any cognitive behavioural therapy? Did she respond well? How frequently has she suffered episodes in the past? Is this a recent condition? What medication is she on? What kind of family support does she have? Has she ever committed a serious violent act in the past? Does she have friends? Is there any history of self harm, eating disorders, learning difficulties? Has she ever displayed suicidal ideation? Has she been institutionalised in the past? How did she respond to that? Has she ever refused treatment? ETC. ETC. ETC!!!!

"And what is there to understand?"

Yeh what's there to try and understand about the personal complexities of another human beings anguish? Clearly she just needs to be locked up in Bedlam and drugged with all the other crazies!.........
...........Disgusted beyond words

Rawhead said:

And what is there to understand? she accusing random strangers of staking her, that is the definition of insane, and crazy. Shes a tiny step away from attacking these random strangers. she needs treatment yes, but her treatment will take years, possibly decades. If you, or anybody were to try and talk to her and "understand" her, she would repay you with accusations of stalking and wanting to do her harm. she needs to be committed.

Choggie Sings and Plays the Guitar...

chingalera says...

I was all shitfaced-hammered-that's 2 count-em 2, empty bottles of Bulliet Bourbon on the floor next to me (no excuse for prowess or the lack thereof on the instrument) and I was using the internal features of a Fuji finepix S1000 cheapo digicam for the recording...ambient light, wasn't shooting for perfection-My only goal was to make it through the verses with my voice as damaged as it is....Open tuned to D, this tune was originally recorded by James Arnold, who had a singular left-handed slide style yet unmatched after over 80 years, I can't even begin to approach his level of panachy on the axe-Thanks for the props

Buck said:

I'm begining to think I missed a line in the videosifts terms of agreement that says "must be able to play an instrument".

Good for you Ching! You do need better recording equipment though....but I'm just being a dick....good for you for doing something you love.

Alphabetical 26-Genre Song

cricket says...


oh my god!

my bleeding heart bleeds blood for you, woah, woah

traveling down this lonely road, woah

facing my hurt, hurting my face, yeah yeah yeah

i chainsaw your face off, watching your brains rotting, kid
drain your veins raw, straining your esophagus

위하여, 음악에 미친 널 [we-hah-yeo, umage michin null]
위하여, 술잔에 비친 널 [we-hah-yeo suljane bichin null]
[translation: "cheers to you who are crazy for the music! / cheers to you who are reflected on the (wine) glass!"]

finding the truth
take it back
finding the truth
it's nothing
and tesselate
as we fight to the death

il mio amore è corrisposto

we all dance to the polka
for it is so fun
still dancing to the polka
with my accordion

love is everywhere
smoke is in the air

pick it up, pick it up!
oi! oi! oi! oi!
pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up!
oi! oi! oi! oi!

a to z, z, z
a to z, z, z
a to z

as we cross the open seas
twoards the call of war
our axes we'll free
guided by the hand of thor

yeah yeah yeah
and our love will never end

List of genres:
1. Ambient
2. Baroque
3. Chiptune
4. Dubstep
5. Emo
6. Folk
7. Grunge
8. Horrorcore
9. IDM
10. Jazz
11. K-Pop
12. Latin
13. Math Metal
14. Noise
15. Opera
16. Polka
17. Quan Ho
18. Reggae
19. Ska
20. Trap
21. UK Garage
22. Viking Metal
23. Wonky
24. Xoomii
25. Yodel
26. Zouk

Source YouTube

Lymphoma and Death Instead of Red Flaky Skin? Sign Me Up!

lucky760 says...

Fatal infections, lymphoma, and other types of cancer, problems with blood, liver, and nervous system, as well as serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure all probably didn't happen to just 1 really unlucky person in 100.

I know you're just throwing numbers out there, but that's also misleading. The truth is that regardless of test results, if you take the drug you have some unknown chance of suffering any or all of a long list of severe or even fatal side effects depending solely on your personal health and biology.

If you want to take that chance, go for it, especially if the risks are worth the potential reward to you.

To me, though, it's like swinging an axe to remove a mole from your forehead.

mxxcon said:

This is a bit misleading.
Those side effects could have had happened in 0.01% of test cases, but by law they are required to list them all.
So it's not like 50/50...

What Is Your Favourite Video Game Music? (Videogames Talk Post)

ant says...

Here's mine:
01/21/2008 06:35 AM 1,126,396 Activision-Aliens C64's Drop Ship Soundtrack.mp3
02/13/2006 01:00 AM 2,836,608 Day of Defeat Source Theme.mp3
12/19/2000 04:31 AM 5,318,656 EMPEROR-BATTLE FOR DUNE -- HARKONNEN THEME.MP3
05/27/1999 06:01 AM 5,095,424 Lee Jackson - Duke Nukem Theme (Grabbag).mp3
11/01/2009 05:05 PM 3,183,221 NIGHTkilla - Tetris Remix.mp3
11/12/2005 06:34 PM 1,646,592 No One Lives Forever 2 theme.mp3
10/31/2009 02:16 PM 2,971,316 Parkerman1700 - Tetris Remix.mp3
10/21/2007 11:27 AM 4,893,946 THC Flatline - Rastan Saga (Song 2).mp3
09/24/2006 12:49 PM 2,105,472 The Maniacs of Noise - Golden Axe Level Music (C64).mp3
9 File(s) 29,177,631 bytes

10/27/2007 01:41 PM 5,012,365 Christopher Tin - Baba Yetu (Civilization 4 Opening Menu).mp3
08/16/2008 03:19 PM 12,081,866 Christopher Tin-Video Games Live - Bab Yetu-Civilization IV Medley.mp3
2 File(s) 17,094,231 bytes

Command & Conquer Series\Red Alert 1 (RA)
01/04/1998 06:55 AM 6,132,818 01 - RA Hell March.mp3
05/22/2000 05:14 PM 3,914,378 02 - RA Radio.mp3
01/04/1998 06:56 AM 3,662,510 03 - RA Crush.mp3
01/04/1998 06:55 AM 3,750,914 04 - RA Roll Out.mp3
01/04/1998 06:56 AM 4,611,184 05 - RA Mud.mp3
01/04/1998 06:56 AM 3,761,018 06 - RA Twin Cannon.mp3
01/04/1998 07:12 AM 5,368,542 07 - RA Face Enemy.mp3
01/04/1998 07:12 AM 4,996,076 08 - RA Run.mp3
05/22/2000 05:07 PM 5,031,520 09 - RA Terminate.mp3
11/04/2000 03:37 PM 6,295,552 10 - RA - FRANK KLEPACKI - BIGFOOT.MP3
05/22/2000 04:59 PM 4,537,792 11 - RA Workmen.mp3
05/22/2000 05:07 PM 1,757,236 12 - RA Militant Force.mp3
05/22/2000 05:07 PM 7,784,138 15 - RA Smash.mp3
13 File(s) 61,603,678 bytes

Command & Conquer Series\Tiberian Dawn (TD)
05/22/2000 04:55 PM 2,760,538 01 - TD Act on Instinct.mp3
05/22/2000 04:56 PM 3,214,652 02 - TD No Mercy.mp3
05/22/2000 04:56 PM 2,769,296 03 - TD Industrial 1.mp3
05/22/2000 04:56 PM 3,029,086 05 - TD We Will Stop Them.mp3
05/22/2000 05:14 PM 2,894,396 06 - TD Radio.mp3
05/22/2000 04:57 PM 2,908,990 07 - TD On the Prowl.mp3
05/22/2000 04:57 PM 4,195,436 08 - TD Re-con.mp3
04/05/2013 05:18 PM 3,714,765 10 - TD In The Line of Fire.mp3
05/22/2000 05:00 PM 2,899,334 11 - TD Prepare for Battle.mp3
05/22/2000 05:09 PM 4,070,336 12 - TD Depth Charge.mp3
05/22/2000 05:12 PM 2,465,302 13 - TD Rain In the Night.mp3
05/22/2000 05:13 PM 2,757,620 15 - TD Target.mp3
05/22/2000 05:11 PM 2,281,406 16 - TD Just Do It.mp3
05/22/2000 05:08 PM 3,079,126 17 - TD C&C Thang.mp3
05/22/2000 05:13 PM 2,646,698 18 - TD To Be Feared.mp3
05/22/2000 05:09 PM 4,265,074 19 - TD Drilled.mp3
05/22/2000 05:10 PM 2,511,458 21 - TD In Trouble.mp3
05/22/2000 05:08 PM 2,281,274 22 - TD Airstrike.mp3
18 File(s) 54,744,787 bytes

DOOM soundtracks\Bigfoot-Tunes
11/01/2009 04:32 PM 2,565,059 Bigfoot-Tunes - Doom 2 M9 - The Pit.mp3
11/01/2009 05:26 PM 1,534,372 Bigfoot-Tunes - DOOM E1M1 Remix.mp3
11/01/2009 05:26 PM 728,129 Bigfoot-Tunes - DOOM E3M1 Remix.mp3
3 File(s) 4,827,560 bytes

DOOM soundtracks\DOOM1
06/02/2000 12:14 PM 1,704,148 DOOM - At Doom's Gate.mp3
06/02/2000 12:33 PM 3,483,818 DOOM - Hiding The Secrets.mp3
06/02/2000 04:57 PM 4,609,382 DOOM - Into Sandy's City.mp3
06/02/2000 05:36 PM 3,722,055 DOOM - Kitchen Ace.mp3
06/02/2000 05:52 PM 1,534,874 DOOM - On The Hunt.mp3
06/02/2000 06:31 PM 3,992,056 DOOM - Running From Evil.mp3
06/02/2000 07:14 PM 4,850,544 DOOM - Sign Of Evil.mp3
06/02/2000 07:44 PM 2,952,174 DOOM - Sinister.mp3
06/02/2000 08:20 PM 3,352,161 DOOM - The Demon's Dead.mp3
06/02/2000 08:53 PM 2,861,477 DOOM - The End of DOOM.mp3
09/11/2002 10:43 AM 1,230,848 E1M2 - The Imp's Song.mp2
09/11/2002 10:42 AM 1,187,840 E1M7 - Demons on the Prey.mp2
09/11/2002 10:42 AM 1,198,080 E2M1 - I Sawed the Demons.mp2
09/11/2002 10:42 AM 1,202,176 E2M2 - The Demons from Adrian's Pen.mp2
09/11/2002 10:44 AM 831,616 E2M7 - Waltz of the Demons.mp2
09/11/2002 10:44 AM 764,032 E3M1 - Untitled.mp2
09/11/2002 10:45 AM 934,016 E3M2 - Donna to the Rescue.mp2
17 File(s) 40,411,297 bytes

DOOM1\Sonic Clang's Classic DOOM Soundtracks
12/18/2005 12:02 PM 3,850,240 Sonic Clang - Classic DOOM E1M2.mp3
12/18/2005 12:02 PM 3,928,064 Sonic Clang - Classic DOOM E1M5.mp3
12/18/2005 12:02 PM 2,197,504 Sonic Clang - Classic DOOM E1M6.mp3
12/18/2005 12:02 PM 3,715,072 Sonic Clang - Classic DOOM E1M7.mp3
12/18/2005 12:03 PM 5,836,800 Sonic Clang - Classic DOOM E1M8.mp3
5 File(s) 19,527,680 bytes

DOOM soundtracks\DOOM2
09/11/2002 10:48 AM 1,820,800 Map01 - Running from Evil.mp2
09/11/2002 10:52 AM 2,308,224 Map02 - The Healer Stalks.mp2
09/11/2002 10:52 AM 1,816,704 Map03 - Countdown to Death.mp2
09/11/2002 10:53 AM 2,054,272 Map05 - DOOM.mp2
09/11/2002 10:53 AM 2,039,936 Map07 - Shawn's Got the Shotgun.mp2
09/11/2002 10:54 AM 2,375,808 Map08 - The Dave D Taylor Blues.mp2
09/11/2002 10:55 AM 2,420,864 Map18 - Waiting for Romero to Play.mp2
7 File(s) 14,836,608 bytes

DOOM soundtracks\Remixes

09/09/2002 06:04 PM 1,524,884 Doom 02 - Victory Music.mp2
09/09/2002 06:08 PM 2,276,594 Doom 2 03 - Endgame.mp2
09/09/2002 04:45 PM 4,961,175 doom02.mp3
09/09/2002 04:50 PM 4,522,736 doom03.mp3
09/09/2002 05:01 PM 4,745,090 doom05.mp3
09/09/2002 05:18 PM 5,329,397 doom08.mp3
09/09/2002 05:23 PM 5,015,510 doom09.mp3
09/09/2002 05:28 PM 4,664,424 doom10.mp3
09/09/2002 05:34 PM 4,929,410 doom11-victory.mp3
09/09/2002 05:38 PM 3,540,950 doom2_06.mp3
09/09/2002 05:47 PM 4,001,123 doom2_09.mp3
09/09/2002 05:51 PM 3,520,470 doom2_10.mp3
09/09/2002 06:02 PM 2,594,272 doom2_18.mp3
13 File(s) 51,626,035 bytes

DOOM soundtracks\Steve Rot's DOOM Tribute\Hell On Earth - DOOM 2
08/14/2010 01:44 PM 6,738,831 2-05 Map02.mp3
08/14/2010 01:44 PM 5,600,937 2-06 Map03.mp3
08/14/2010 01:44 PM 6,491,713 2-12 Map09.mp3
08/14/2010 01:44 PM 6,168,840 2-13 Map10.mp3
08/14/2010 01:44 PM 7,026,701 2-14 Map18.mp3
5 File(s) 32,027,022 bytes

DOOM soundtracks\Steve Rot's DOOM Tribute\Phobos Anomaly - DOOM 1
08/14/2010 01:43 PM 2,912,778 3-02 E1M1 Hangar.mp3
08/14/2010 01:43 PM 4,202,189 3-03 E1M2 Nuclear Plant.mp3
08/14/2010 01:43 PM 2,672,463 3-07 E1M6 Central Processing.mp3
08/14/2010 01:43 PM 4,302,500 3-09 E1M8 Phobos Anomaly.mp3
08/14/2010 01:43 PM 3,731,463 3-10 E1M9 Military Base.mp3
5 File(s) 17,821,393 bytes

Duke Nukem 3D
12/27/2009 05:23 PM 1,599,197 Potorrero - Aliens, Say Your Prayers (Rock) [Duke Nukem 3D E2M7].mp3
12/22/2009 11:42 PM 2,668,975 Robert C. Prince III - Aliens, Say Your Prayers! from Duke Nukem 3D E2M7.ogg
2 File(s) 4,268,172 bytes

Duke Nukem 3D\Bobby Prince and Lee Jackson
12/27/2009 05:54 PM 1,020,895 Bobby Prince and Lee Jackson - Grabbag (Short Duke Nukem 3D Theme).wma
12/24/2009 01:56 PM 2,646,367 Bobby Prince and Lee Jackson - Stalker (Duke Nukem 3D E1M1).wma
12/24/2009 02:04 PM 5,777,791 Bobby Prince and Lee Jackson - The City Streets.wma
3 File(s) 9,445,053 bytes

Duke Nukem 3D\Mark McWane and others
12/24/2009 02:01 PM 3,039,203 Mark McWane and Lee Jackson - Stalker (Duke Nukem 3D E1M1).mp3
12/23/2009 11:09 PM 3,045,302 Mark McWane and Robert C. Prince III - Aliens, Say Your Prayers! - Episode 2, Level 7, Duke Nukem.mp3
12/24/2009 02:02 PM 5,729,412 Mark McWane and Robert C. Prince III - The City Streets - Duke Nukem 3D (E1M3).mp3
3 File(s) 11,813,917 bytes

Golden Axe Soundtracks
09/17/2011 08:04 PM 4,340,464 Aki Jrvinen - Golden Axe - Path of Fiend Metal Remix.mp3
09/17/2011 07:55 PM 4,359,400 Aki Jrvinen - Golden Axe First Level Metal Remake.mp3
09/17/2011 08:10 PM 8,840,613 daXX - Golden Axe Orchestra Remix.mp3
01/29/2001 06:20 PM 4,757,504 DJ Pretzel - Golden Axe Death Adder Trance - OC ReMix.mp3
01/29/2001 06:20 PM 3,768,320 Golden Axe - Battlefield.mp3
01/29/2001 06:21 PM 2,515,072 Golden Axe - Fiends Path.mp3
01/29/2001 06:21 PM 3,440,768 Golden Axe - Wilderness.mp3
10/14/2012 09:44 AM 3,891,182 Jeroen Tel - C64 - Golden Axe - Battle Field (Boss).mp3
10/14/2012 09:45 AM 7,150,427 Jeroen Tel - C64 - Golden Axe - Wilderness.mp3
02/20/2013 07:19 PM 7,241,856 MusicWizard - Golden Axe - Stage 1 v.2 FINAL [Remake].mp3
10/29/2006 02:38 PM 2,492,544 Sega - Golden Axe 05.mp3
10/29/2006 02:38 PM 2,328,576 Sega - Golden Axe 09.mp3
12 File(s) 55,126,726 bytes

Golden Axe Soundtracks\Playstation 2
06/08/2004 10:05 PM 4,653,056 Golden Axe (PS2) - Battle Field.mp3
06/08/2004 10:05 PM 3,792,896 Golden Axe (PS2) - Fiend's Path.mp3
06/08/2004 10:05 PM 5,234,688 Golden Axe (PS2) - Wilderness.mp3
3 File(s) 13,680,640 bytes

Jonathan Coulton - Still Alive (Portal)
01/29/2008 06:18 AM 3,990,907 Jonathan Coulton - Still Alive (J.C. Version) [Portal].mp3
01/29/2008 06:17 AM 4,131,754 Jonathan Coulton and GLaDOS - Still Alive (Portal).mp3
2 File(s) 8,122,661 bytes

Stuart Chatwood - Prince of Persia: Sand of Times
03/17/2004 11:17 PM 7,262,208 Stuart Chatwood - The Fight (Prince of Persia-SOT).mp3
03/17/2004 11:10 PM 6,262,784 StuartChatwood-TimeOnlyKnows (Prince of Persia-SOT).mp3
2 File(s) 13,524,992 bytes

Total Files Listed:
124 File(s) 459,680,083 bytes

Also, I have Turbo Graphx 16/PC Engine and Sega Genesis' soundtracks for Aero Blasters and R-Type 1 games.

Orangutan steals t-shirt off tourist and then puts it on

you have been bamboozled-hoodwinked-lied to

Skater Grinding A Rail With Chopsaw Sets Himself On Fire

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