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Expelled, No Intelligence Allowed - Trailer

spoco2 says...

I'm going to vote this up not because I agree with the video at all, but because it deserves a place here on the sift for discussion by rational individuals who can see the fear/scare/hatred mongering that this film really is.

Any film that tries to paint Dawkins in a bad light is in my big book o' bad.

The scary thing is that Christians all around the world will use this pile of drivel as support and 'fact' for their fight. Even though this will be using incorrect assumptions and bald faced lies, they will use it as a tool to push their agenda.

It's just another way of crying 'Religious persecution'.

Scientists are not ridiculed for suggesting things outside of the norm... that's how discoveries are made. What they are ridiculed and cast out for is BAD SCIENCE. Those that suggest there is intelligent design in us are using BAD SCIENCE. That's why they can't get tenure, that's why they lose that jobs. They are BAD SCIENTISTS... not shunned for daring to question, shunned for being shit at the job they are pretending to be good at.

There are bad scientists just like there are bad... well, anything, every profession has people in it who are good and others who are bad at it. Those who believe in intelligent design are displaying a terrible lack of being able to apply scientific process to things. "Gee, that's pretty darn complicated.... must have been made by some Omnipotent being, who in and of themselves must be infinitely MORE complicated... but that doesn't matter they just kind of... exist, I don't have to explain them"


Eklek (Member Profile)

Ron Paul: Let's Make it America Again

conan says...

Maybe his arguments are just too intelligent? I think so. He might not stand a chance just because of that. And no, this is not your typical america bashing. In fact i believe that the vast majority of all people of all countries just want to hear simple, stupid things from their politicians. It's just the same all around the world. If someone explains to voters what could and should be done to fight poverty, to provide better education and so on and so forth after a few seconds they are ignored. Either because their talk is "boring" or because most people can't follow their arguments. What really wins votes are stupid, basic statements. Black and white thinking: "x is good, y is bad". Or my favourite of stupidity in politics "either you're with us or you are against us". That's easy to digest, easy to follow and best of all: You don't have to think for yourself.

That's the reason why politics always is made for the dumb majority and why the real issues are so often left out. Most people vote for stuff they understand, and because they don't think for themselves they just understand what is served to them in prepared, bite-sized pieces.

It's not all the fault of stupid politicians because stupid politics always needs enough stupid people to vote for it. I guess that's one of the downsides of modern democracy.

New Army Technology

Irishman says...

I was honestly waiting for one of Ridley Scott's aliens to leap out any second, and a dropship to come plummeting down from orbit loaded with tactical nukes.

Bush has made enough enemies around the world to keep all this stuff in business for many generations to come - which in fact I think is half the point of the Iraq war.

Sorry, I meant to say Iraq *invasion*.

You do all realise I hope that this war-tech stuff will be sold to nations all around the world, just as it always has been?

That damn viral tag again! (Sift Talk Post)

MINK says...


a) something that an ordinary person made for fun or personal use and didn't expect would go all around the world, e.g. star wars kid.

b) something that bastard marketeers made in the desperate HOPE that youtube would pay for the distribution of their vile message via clueless users who don't care where something's from as long as it's lol, omg or wtf. e.g. Will It Blend? this is ALWAYS commercial too.

i think maybe you should just put everything in commercial if it is selling something, and put starwars kid in comedy,wtf

DELETE the viral category. it's the only sensible thing to do. dag's point is covered by the commercial tag. noncommercialvirals don't need a viral tag. in a way, anything on VS has already gone viral. will it be hard to find drama king without a viral tag? no.

if you have a problem, the delete key is your friend. otherwise this will come up again and again and again and again.

Heather Schmid - "Hillary Is In" (embarrassingly god-awful)

Kerry says...

Heather Schmid is an amazingly talented singer, performer and artist! I love her music and she is a kind generous soal. She is giving all her proceeds to charities all around the world. I dont see you haters doing that. F U bitches. I love Heather Schmid and Hillary!

Crazy American Fundamentalist Christian

peretz says...

Don't tar and feather all of Christianity over a loud lunatic. The Phelps' church only has about 90 members, and most of them are family members. I'm not a Christian, but I know many fine people that are Christians and I think it is over the top to castigate all Christians because of this fringe group.

SnakePlissken, the so-called 10 commandments don't say "don't kill." What they say is "don't murder." There is a clear distinction between those two terms in English, and an even greater distinction between those two terms in Hebrew, the language in which it was written. Criticize any and all the religions that you want, but at least make sure that your criticism is legitimate.

farhad2000, either you are an apologist for jihad or you have just been hoodwinked. Yes, jihad literally means strive or struggle, and when defending the faith from critics, Muslims will tell you that this is all that it means (with a straight face even). But violent jihad is the most prevalent meaning of the term, both today, and through Islamic history. No major Muslim group has ever repudiated the doctrines of armed jihad and global conquest through jihad and subjegation, and rarely is the word ever used except as a call to arms.

As hysterical as people get over "right-wing Christian zealots," I still have never heard of a global movement of modern-day Christians calling for worldwide subjegation through the sword. Yet, all around the world, in 19 active conflicts on this planet, Islamists are waging jihad and calling for a global caliphate. Madman Achmedinejad is pursuing nuclear arms and publically states his desire to bring about the apocolypse and the revealing of the "12th Imam." Yet, even the slightest criticism of Islam is met with the quite retarded argument that Islam is the "religion of peace," and that the extremists are just a fringe group. More like the religion of "piece by piece by piece," and it is the "moderates" that are indeed the fringe.

The Pope, who I have no love for whatsoever, gives just a glancing criticism that Islam is violent, and in protest, Muslims the world over burn down churches, riot, and even murder a nun. Guess they showed the Pope just how wrong he was.

In summation, if you're gonna be bigoted, at least direct your bigotry towards Islam and Muslims. Christians are not nearly as much of a threat to the free world as are the jihadists.

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